]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/doc/releases/nautilus.rst
update sources to ceph Nautilus 14.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / doc / releases / nautilus.rst
1v14.1.0 Nautilus (release candidate 1)
4.. note: We expect to make a msgr2 protocol revision after this first
5 release candidate. If you upgrade to v14.1.0 *and* enable msgr2,
6 you will need to restart all daemons after upgrading to v14.1.1 or
7 any other later nautilus release.
9.. note: These are draft notes for the first Nautilus release.
11Major Changes from Mimic
14- *Dashboard*:
16 The Ceph Dashboard has gained a lot of new functionality:
18 * Support for multiple users / roles
19 * SSO (SAMLv2) for user authentication
20 * Auditing support
21 * New landing page, showing more metrics and health info
22 * I18N support
23 * REST API documentation with Swagger API
25 New Ceph management features include:
27 * OSD management (mark as down/out, change OSD settings, recovery profiles)
28 * Cluster config settings editor
29 * Ceph Pool management (create/modify/delete)
30 * ECP management
31 * RBD mirroring configuration
32 * Embedded Grafana Dashboards (derived from Ceph Metrics)
33 * CRUSH map viewer
34 * NFS Ganesha management
35 * iSCSI target management (via ceph-iscsi)
36 * RBD QoS configuration
37 * Ceph Manager (ceph-mgr) module management
38 * Prometheus alert Management
40 Also, the Ceph Dashboard is now split into its own package named
41 ``ceph-mgr-dashboard``. So, you might want to install it separately,
42 if your package management software fails to do so when it installs
43 ``ceph-mgr``.
45- *RADOS*:
47 * The number of placement groups (PGs) per pool can now be decreased
48 at any time, and the cluster can automatically tune the PG count
49 based on cluster utilization or administrator hints.
50 * The new :ref:`v2 wire protocol <msgr2>` brings support for encryption on the wire.
51 * Physical storage devices consumed by OSD and Monitor daemons are
52 now tracked by the cluster along with health metrics (i.e.,
53 SMART), and the cluster can apply a pre-trained prediction model
54 or a cloud-based prediction service to warn about expected
55 HDD or SSD failures.
56 * The NUMA node for OSD daemons can easily be monitored via the
57 ``ceph osd numa-status`` command, and configured via the
58 ``osd_numa_node`` config option.
59 * When BlueStore OSDs are used, space utilization is now broken down
60 by object data, omap data, and internal metadata, by pool, and by
61 pre- and post- compression sizes.
62 * OSDs more effectively prioritize the most important PGs and
63 objects when performing recovery and backfill.
64 * Progress for long-running background processes--like recovery
65 after a device failure--is now reported as part of ``ceph
66 status``.
67 * An experimental `Coupled-Layer "Clay" erasure code
68 <https://www.usenix.org/conference/fast18/presentation/vajha>`_
69 plugin has been added that reduces network bandwidth and IO needed
70 for most recovery operations.
72- *RGW*:
74 * S3 lifecycle transition for tiering between storage classes.
75 * A new web frontend (Beast) has replaced civetweb as the default,
76 improving overall performance.
77 * A new publish/subscribe infrastructure allows RGW to feed events
78 to serverless frameworks like knative or data pipelies like Kafka.
79 * A range of authentication features, including STS federation using
80 OAuth2 and OpenID::connect and an OPA (Open Policy Agent)
81 authentication delegation prototype.
82 * The new archive zone federation feature enables full preservation
83 of all objects (including history) in a separate zone.
85- *CephFS*:
87 * MDS stability has been greatly improved for large caches and
88 long-running clients with a lot of RAM. Cache trimming and client
89 capability recall is now throttled to prevent overloading the MDS.
90 * CephFS may now be exported via NFS-Ganesha clusters in environments managed
91 by Rook. Ceph manages the clusters and ensures high-availability and
92 scalability. An `introductory demo
93 <https://ceph.com/community/deploying-a-cephnfs-server-cluster-with-rook/>`_
94 is available. More automation of this feature is expected to be forthcoming
95 in future minor releases of Nautilus.
96 * The MDS ``mds_standby_for_*``, ``mon_force_standby_active``, and
97 ``mds_standby_replay`` configuration options have been obsoleted. Instead,
98 the operator :ref:`may now set <mds-standby-replay>` the new
99 ``allow_standby_replay`` flag on the CephFS file system. This setting
100 causes standbys to become standby-replay for any available rank in the file
101 system.
102 * MDS now supports dropping its cache which concurrently asks clients
103 to trim their caches. This is done using MDS admin socket ``cache drop``
104 command.
105 * It is now possible to check the progress of an on-going scrub in the MDS.
106 Additionally, a scrub may be paused or aborted. See :ref:`the scrub
107 documentation <mds-scrub>` for more information.
108 * A new interface for creating volumes is provided via the ``ceph volume``
109 command-line-interface.
110 * A new cephfs-shell tool is available for manipulating a CephFS file
111 system without mounting.
112 * CephFS-related output from ``ceph status`` has been reformatted for brevity,
113 clarity, and usefulness.
114 * Lazy IO has been revamped. It can be turned on by the client using the new
115 CEPH_O_LAZY flag to the ``ceph_open`` C/C++ API or via the config option
116 ``client_force_lazyio``.
117 * CephFS file system can now be brought down rapidly via the ``ceph fs fail``
118 command. See :ref:`the administration page <cephfs-administration>` for
119 more information.
121- *RBD*:
123 * Images can be live-migrated with minimal downtime to assist with moving
124 images between pools or to new layouts.
125 * New ``rbd perf image iotop`` and ``rbd perf image iostat`` commands provide
126 an iotop- and iostat-like IO monitor for all RBD images.
127 * The *ceph-mgr* Prometheus exporter now optionally includes an IO monitor
128 for all RBD images.
129 * Support for separate image namespaces within a pool for tenant isolation.
131- *Misc*:
133 * Ceph has a new set of :ref:`orchestrator modules
134 <orchestrator-cli-module>` to directly interact with external
135 orchestrators like ceph-ansible, DeepSea, Rook, or simply ssh via
136 a consistent CLI (and, eventually, Dashboard) interface.
139Upgrading from Mimic or Luminous
145* During the upgrade from Luminous to nautilus, it will not be
146 possible to create a new OSD using a Luminous ceph-osd daemon after
147 the monitors have been upgraded to Nautilus. We recommend you avoid adding
148 or replacing any OSDs while the upgrade is in process.
150* We recommend you avoid creating any RADOS pools while the upgrade is
151 in process.
153* You can monitor the progress of your upgrade at each stage with the
154 ``ceph versions`` command, which will tell you what ceph version(s) are
155 running for each type of daemon.
160#. If your cluster was originally installed with a version prior to
161 Luminous, ensure that it has completed at least one full scrub of
162 all PGs while running Luminous. Failure to do so will cause your
163 monitor daemons to refuse to join the quorum on start, leaving them
164 non-functional.
166 If you are unsure whether or not your Luminous cluster has
167 completed a full scrub of all PGs, you can check your cluster's
168 state by running::
170 # ceph osd dump | grep ^flags
172 In order to be able to proceed to Nautilus, your OSD map must include
173 the ``recovery_deletes`` and ``purged_snapdirs`` flags.
175 If your OSD map does not contain both these flags, you can simply
176 wait for approximately 24-48 hours, which in a standard cluster
177 configuration should be ample time for all your placement groups to
178 be scrubbed at least once, and then repeat the above process to
179 recheck.
181 However, if you have just completed an upgrade to Luminous and want
182 to proceed to Mimic in short order, you can force a scrub on all
183 placement groups with a one-line shell command, like::
185 # ceph pg dump pgs_brief | cut -d " " -f 1 | xargs -n1 ceph pg scrub
187 You should take into consideration that this forced scrub may
188 possibly have a negative impact on your Ceph clients' performance.
190#. Make sure your cluster is stable and healthy (no down or
191 recovering OSDs). (Optional, but recommended.)
193#. Set the ``noout`` flag for the duration of the upgrade. (Optional,
194 but recommended.)::
196 # ceph osd set noout
198#. Upgrade monitors by installing the new packages and restarting the
199 monitor daemons. For example,::
201 # systemctl restart ceph-mon.target
203 Once all monitors are up, verify that the monitor upgrade is
204 complete by looking for the ``nautilus`` string in the mon
205 map. For example::
207 # ceph mon dump | grep min_mon_release
209 should report::
211 min_mon_release 14 (nautilus)
213 If it doesn't, that implies that one or more monitors hasn't been
214 upgraded and restarted and the quorum is not complete.
216#. Upgrade ``ceph-mgr`` daemons by installing the new packages and
217 restarting all manager daemons. For example,::
219 # systemctl restart ceph-mgr.target
221 Please note, if you are using Ceph Dashboard, you will probably need to
222 install ``ceph-mgr-dashboard`` separately after upgrading ``ceph-mgr``
223 package. The install script of ``ceph-mgr-dashboard`` will restart the
224 manager daemons automatically for you. So in this case, you can just skip
225 the step to restart the daemons.
227 Verify the ``ceph-mgr`` daemons are running by checking ``ceph
228 -s``::
230 # ceph -s
232 ...
233 services:
234 mon: 3 daemons, quorum foo,bar,baz
235 mgr: foo(active), standbys: bar, baz
236 ...
238#. Upgrade all OSDs by installing the new packages and restarting the
239 ceph-osd daemons on all hosts::
241 # systemctl restart ceph-osd.target
243 You can monitor the progress of the OSD upgrades with the
244 ``ceph versions`` or ``ceph osd versions`` command::
246 # ceph osd versions
247 {
248 "ceph version 13.2.5 (...) mimic (stable)": 12,
249 "ceph version 14.2.0 (...) nautilus (stable)": 22,
250 }
252#. If there are any OSDs in the cluster deployed with ceph-disk (e.g.,
253 almost any OSDs that were created before the Mimic release), you
254 need to tell ceph-volume to adopt responsibility for starting the
255 daemons. On each host containing OSDs, ensure the OSDs are
256 currently running, and then::
258 # ceph-volume simple scan
259 # ceph-volume simple activate --all
261 We recommend that each OSD host be rebooted following this step to
262 verify that the OSDs start up automatically.
264 Note that ceph-volume doesn't have the same hot-plug capability
265 that ceph-disk did, where a newly attached disk is automatically
266 detected via udev events. If the OSD isn't currently running when the
267 above ``scan`` command is run, or a ceph-disk-based OSD is moved to
268 a new host, or the host OSD is reinstalled, or the
269 ``/etc/ceph/osd`` directory is lost, you will need to scan the main
270 data partition for each ceph-disk OSD explicitly. For example,::
272 # ceph-volume simple scan /dev/sdb1
274 The output will include the appopriate ``ceph-volume simple
275 activate`` command to enable the OSD.
277#. Upgrade all CephFS MDS daemons. For each CephFS file system,
279 #. Reduce the number of ranks to 1. (Make note of the original
280 number of MDS daemons first if you plan to restore it later.)::
282 # ceph status
283 # ceph fs set <fs_name> max_mds 1
285 #. Wait for the cluster to deactivate any non-zero ranks by
286 periodically checking the status::
288 # ceph status
290 #. Take all standby MDS daemons offline on the appropriate hosts with::
292 # systemctl stop ceph-mds@<daemon_name>
294 #. Confirm that only one MDS is online and is rank 0 for your FS::
296 # ceph status
298 #. Upgrade the last remaining MDS daemon by installing the new
299 packages and restarting the daemon::
301 # systemctl restart ceph-mds.target
303 #. Restart all standby MDS daemons that were taken offline::
305 # systemctl start ceph-mds.target
307 #. Restore the original value of ``max_mds`` for the volume::
309 # ceph fs set <fs_name> max_mds <original_max_mds>
311#. Upgrade all radosgw daemons by upgrading packages and restarting
312 daemons on all hosts::
314 # systemctl restart radosgw.target
316#. Complete the upgrade by disallowing pre-Nautilus OSDs and enabling
317 all new Nautilus-only functionality::
319 # ceph osd require-osd-release nautilus
321#. If you set ``noout`` at the beginning, be sure to clear it with::
323 # ceph osd unset noout
325#. Verify the cluster is healthy with ``ceph health``.
327#. To enable the new :ref:`v2 network protocol <msgr2>`, issue the
328 following command::
330 ceph mon enable-msgr2
332 This will instruct all monitors that bind to the old default port
333 6789 for the legacy v1 protocol to also bind to the new 3300 v2
334 protocol port. To see if all monitors have been updated,::
336 ceph mon dump
338 and verify that each monitor has both a ``v2:`` and ``v1:`` address
339 listed.
341#. For each host that has been upgrade, you should update your
342 ``ceph.conf`` file so that it references both the v2 and v1
343 addresses. Things will still work if only the v1 IP and port are
344 listed, but each CLI instantiation or daemon will need to reconnect
345 after learning the monitors real IPs, slowing things down a bit and
346 preventing a full transition to the v2 protocol.
348 This is also a good time to fully transition any config options in
349 ceph.conf into the cluster's configuration database. On each host,
350 you can use the following command to import any option into the
351 monitors with::
353 ceph config assimilate-conf -i /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
355 To create a minimal but sufficient ceph.conf for each host,::
357 ceph config generate-minimal-conf > /etc/ceph/ceph.conf.new
358 mv /etc/ceph/ceph.conf.new /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
360 Be sure to use this new config--and, specifically, the new syntax
361 for the ``mon_host`` option that lists both ``v2:`` and ``v1:``
362 addresses in brackets--on hosts that have been upgraded to
363 Nautilus, since pre-nautilus versions of Ceph to not understand the
364 syntax.
366#. Consider enabling the :ref:`telemetry module <telemetry>` to send
367 anonymized usage statistics and crash information to the Ceph
368 upstream developers. To see what would be reported (without actually
369 sending any information to anyone),::
371 ceph mgr module enable telemetry
372 ceph telemetry show
374 If you are comfortable with the data that is reported, you can opt-in to
375 automatically report the high-level cluster metadata with::
377 ceph telemetry on
379Upgrading from pre-Luminous releases (like Jewel)
382You *must* first upgrade to Luminous (12.2.z) before attempting an
383upgrade to Nautilus. In addition, your cluster must have completed at
384least one scrub of all PGs while running Luminous, setting the
385``recovery_deletes`` and ``purged_snapdirs`` flags in the OSD map.
388Upgrade compatibility notes
391These changes occurred between the Mimic and Nautilus releases.
393* ``ceph pg stat`` output has been modified in json
394 format to match ``ceph df`` output:
396 - "raw_bytes" field renamed to "total_bytes"
397 - "raw_bytes_avail" field renamed to "total_bytes_avail"
398 - "raw_bytes_avail" field renamed to "total_bytes_avail"
399 - "raw_bytes_used" field renamed to "total_bytes_raw_used"
400 - "total_bytes_used" field added to represent the space (accumulated over
401 all OSDs) allocated purely for data objects kept at block(slow) device
403* ``ceph df [detail]`` output (GLOBAL section) has been modified in plain
404 format:
406 - new 'USED' column shows the space (accumulated over all OSDs) allocated
407 purely for data objects kept at block(slow) device.
408 - 'RAW USED' is now a sum of 'USED' space and space allocated/reserved at
409 block device for Ceph purposes, e.g. BlueFS part for BlueStore.
411* ``ceph df [detail]`` output (GLOBAL section) has been modified in json
412 format:
414 - 'total_used_bytes' column now shows the space (accumulated over all OSDs)
415 allocated purely for data objects kept at block(slow) device
416 - new 'total_used_raw_bytes' column shows a sum of 'USED' space and space
417 allocated/reserved at block device for Ceph purposes, e.g. BlueFS part for
418 BlueStore.
420* ``ceph df [detail]`` output (POOLS section) has been modified in plain
421 format:
423 - 'BYTES USED' column renamed to 'STORED'. Represents amount of data
424 stored by the user.
425 - 'USED' column now represent amount of space allocated purely for data
426 by all OSD nodes in KB.
427 - 'QUOTA BYTES', 'QUOTA OBJECTS' aren't showed anymore in non-detailed mode.
428 - new column 'USED COMPR' - amount of space allocated for compressed
429 data. i.e., compressed data plus all the allocation, replication and erasure
430 coding overhead.
431 - new column 'UNDER COMPR' - amount of data passed through compression
432 (summed over all replicas) and beneficial enough to be stored in a
433 compressed form.
434 - Some columns reordering
436* ``ceph df [detail]`` output (POOLS section) has been modified in json
437 format:
439 - 'bytes used' column renamed to 'stored'. Represents amount of data
440 stored by the user.
441 - 'raw bytes used' column renamed to "stored_raw". Totals of user data
442 over all OSD excluding degraded.
443 - new 'bytes_used' column now represent amount of space allocated by
444 all OSD nodes.
445 - 'kb_used' column - the same as 'bytes_used' but in KB.
446 - new column 'compress_bytes_used' - amount of space allocated for compressed
447 data. i.e., compressed data plus all the allocation, replication and erasure
448 coding overhead.
449 - new column 'compress_under_bytes' amount of data passed through compression
450 (summed over all replicas) and beneficial enough to be stored in a
451 compressed form.
453* ``rados df [detail]`` output (POOLS section) has been modified in plain
454 format:
456 - 'USED' column now shows the space (accumulated over all OSDs) allocated
457 purely for data objects kept at block(slow) device.
458 - new column 'USED COMPR' - amount of space allocated for compressed
459 data. i.e., compressed data plus all the allocation, replication and erasure
460 coding overhead.
461 - new column 'UNDER COMPR' - amount of data passed through compression
462 (summed over all replicas) and beneficial enough to be stored in a
463 compressed form.
465* ``rados df [detail]`` output (POOLS section) has been modified in json
466 format:
468 - 'size_bytes' and 'size_kb' columns now show the space (accumulated
469 over all OSDs) allocated purely for data objects kept at block
470 device.
471 - new column 'compress_bytes_used' - amount of space allocated for compressed
472 data. i.e., compressed data plus all the allocation, replication and erasure
473 coding overhead.
474 - new column 'compress_under_bytes' amount of data passed through compression
475 (summed over all replicas) and beneficial enough to be stored in a
476 compressed form.
478* ``ceph pg dump`` output (totals section) has been modified in json
479 format:
481 - new 'USED' column shows the space (accumulated over all OSDs) allocated
482 purely for data objects kept at block(slow) device.
483 - 'USED_RAW' is now a sum of 'USED' space and space allocated/reserved at
484 block device for Ceph purposes, e.g. BlueFS part for BlueStore.
486* The ``ceph osd rm`` command has been deprecated. Users should use
487 ``ceph osd destroy`` or ``ceph osd purge`` (but after first confirming it is
488 safe to do so via the ``ceph osd safe-to-destroy`` command).
490* The MDS now supports dropping its cache for the purposes of benchmarking.::
492 ceph tell mds.* cache drop <timeout>
494 Note that the MDS cache is cooperatively managed by the clients. It is
495 necessary for clients to give up capabilities in order for the MDS to fully
496 drop its cache. This is accomplished by asking all clients to trim as many
497 caps as possible. The timeout argument to the ``cache drop`` command controls
498 how long the MDS waits for clients to complete trimming caps. This is optional
499 and is 0 by default (no timeout). Keep in mind that clients may still retain
500 caps to open files which will prevent the metadata for those files from being
501 dropped by both the client and the MDS. (This is an equivalent scenario to
502 dropping the Linux page/buffer/inode/dentry caches with some processes pinning
503 some inodes/dentries/pages in cache.)
505* The ``mon_health_preluminous_compat`` and
506 ``mon_health_preluminous_compat_warning`` config options are
507 removed, as the related functionality is more than two versions old.
508 Any legacy monitoring system expecting Jewel-style health output
509 will need to be updated to work with Nautilus.
511* Nautilus is not supported on any distros still running upstart so upstart
512 specific files and references have been removed.
514* The ``ceph pg <pgid> list_missing`` command has been renamed to
515 ``ceph pg <pgid> list_unfound`` to better match its behaviour.
517* The *rbd-mirror* daemon can now retrieve remote peer cluster configuration
518 secrets from the monitor. To use this feature, the rbd-mirror daemon
519 CephX user for the local cluster must use the ``profile rbd-mirror`` mon cap.
520 The secrets can be set using the ``rbd mirror pool peer add`` and
521 ``rbd mirror pool peer set`` actions.
523* The 'rbd-mirror' daemon will now run in active/active mode by default, where
524 mirrored images are evenly distributed between all active 'rbd-mirror'
525 daemons. To revert to active/passive mode, override the
526 'rbd_mirror_image_policy_type' config key to 'none'.
528* The ``ceph mds deactivate`` is fully obsolete and references to it in the docs
529 have been removed or clarified.
531* The libcephfs bindings added the ``ceph_select_filesystem`` function
532 for use with multiple filesystems.
534* The cephfs python bindings now include ``mount_root`` and ``filesystem_name``
535 options in the mount() function.
537* erasure-code: add experimental *Coupled LAYer (CLAY)* erasure codes
538 support. It features less network traffic and disk I/O when performing
539 recovery.
541* The ``cache drop`` OSD command has been added to drop an OSD's caches:
543 - ``ceph tell osd.x cache drop``
545* The ``cache status`` OSD command has been added to get the cache stats of an
546 OSD:
548 - ``ceph tell osd.x cache status``
550* The libcephfs added several functions that allow restarted client to destroy
551 or reclaim state held by a previous incarnation. These functions are for NFS
552 servers.
554* The ``ceph`` command line tool now accepts keyword arguments in
555 the format ``--arg=value`` or ``--arg value``.
557* ``librados::IoCtx::nobjects_begin()`` and
558 ``librados::NObjectIterator`` now communicate errors by throwing a
559 ``std::system_error`` exception instead of ``std::runtime_error``.
561* The callback function passed to ``LibRGWFS.readdir()`` now accepts a ``flags``
562 parameter. it will be the last parameter passed to ``readdir()`` method.
564* The ``cephfs-data-scan scan_links`` now automatically repair inotables and
565 snaptable.
567* Configuration values ``mon_warn_not_scrubbed`` and
568 ``mon_warn_not_deep_scrubbed`` have been renamed. They are now
569 ``mon_warn_pg_not_scrubbed_ratio`` and ``mon_warn_pg_not_deep_scrubbed_ratio``
570 respectively. This is to clarify that these warnings are related to
571 pg scrubbing and are a ratio of the related interval. These options
572 are now enabled by default.
574* The MDS cache trimming is now throttled. Dropping the MDS cache
575 via the ``ceph tell mds.<foo> cache drop`` command or large reductions in the
576 cache size will no longer cause service unavailability.
578* The CephFS MDS behavior with recalling caps has been significantly improved
579 to not attempt recalling too many caps at once, leading to instability.
580 MDS with a large cache (64GB+) should be more stable.
582* MDS now provides a config option ``mds_max_caps_per_client`` (default: 1M) to
583 limit the number of caps a client session may hold. Long running client
584 sessions with a large number of caps have been a source of instability in the
585 MDS when all of these caps need to be processed during certain session
586 events. It is recommended to not unnecessarily increase this value.
588* The MDS config ``mds_recall_state_timeout`` has been removed. Late
589 client recall warnings are now generated based on the number of caps
590 the MDS has recalled which have not been released. The new configs
591 ``mds_recall_warning_threshold`` (default: 32K) and
592 ``mds_recall_warning_decay_rate`` (default: 60s) sets the threshold
593 for this warning.
595* The Telegraf module for the Manager allows for sending statistics to
596 an Telegraf Agent over TCP, UDP or a UNIX Socket. Telegraf can then
597 send the statistics to databases like InfluxDB, ElasticSearch, Graphite
598 and many more.
600* The graylog fields naming the originator of a log event have
601 changed: the string-form name is now included (e.g., ``"name":
602 "mgr.foo"``), and the rank-form name is now in a nested section
603 (e.g., ``"rank": {"type": "mgr", "num": 43243}``).
605* If the cluster log is directed at syslog, the entries are now
606 prefixed by both the string-form name and the rank-form name (e.g.,
607 ``mgr.x mgr.12345 ...`` instead of just ``mgr.12345 ...``).
609* The JSON output of the ``ceph osd find`` command has replaced the ``ip``
610 field with an ``addrs`` section to reflect that OSDs may bind to
611 multiple addresses.
613* CephFS clients without the 's' flag in their authentication capability
614 string will no longer be able to create/delete snapshots. To allow
615 ``client.foo`` to create/delete snapshots in the ``bar`` directory of
616 filesystem ``cephfs_a``, use command:
618 - ``ceph auth caps client.foo mon 'allow r' osd 'allow rw tag cephfs data=cephfs_a' mds 'allow rw, allow rws path=/bar'``
620* The ``osd_heartbeat_addr`` option has been removed as it served no
621 (good) purpose: the OSD should always check heartbeats on both the
622 public and cluster networks.
624* The ``rados`` tool's ``mkpool`` and ``rmpool`` commands have been
625 removed because they are redundant; please use the ``ceph osd pool
626 create`` and ``ceph osd pool rm`` commands instead.
628* The ``auid`` property for cephx users and RADOS pools has been
629 removed. This was an undocumented and partially implemented
630 capability that allowed cephx users to map capabilities to RADOS
631 pools that they "owned". Because there are no users we have removed
632 this support. If any cephx capabilities exist in the cluster that
633 restrict based on auid then they will no longer parse, and the
634 cluster will report a health warning like::
636 AUTH_BAD_CAPS 1 auth entities have invalid capabilities
637 client.bad osd capability parse failed, stopped at 'allow rwx auid 123' of 'allow rwx auid 123'
639 The capability can be adjusted with the ``ceph auth caps``
640 command. For example,::
642 ceph auth caps client.bad osd 'allow rwx pool foo'
644* The ``ceph-kvstore-tool`` ``repair`` command has been renamed
645 ``destructive-repair`` since we have discovered it can corrupt an
646 otherwise healthy rocksdb database. It should be used only as a last-ditch
647 attempt to recover data from an otherwise corrupted store.
650* The default memory utilization for the mons has been increased
651 somewhat. Rocksdb now uses 512 MB of RAM by default, which should
652 be sufficient for small to medium-sized clusters; large clusters
653 should tune this up. Also, the ``mon_osd_cache_size`` has been
654 increase from 10 OSDMaps to 500, which will translate to an
655 additional 500 MB to 1 GB of RAM for large clusters, and much less
656 for small clusters.
658* The ``mgr/balancer/max_misplaced`` option has been replaced by a new
659 global ``target_max_misplaced_ratio`` option that throttles both
660 balancer activity and automated adjustments to ``pgp_num`` (normally as a
661 result of ``pg_num`` changes). If you have customized the balancer module
662 option, you will need to adjust your config to set the new global option
663 or revert to the default of .05 (5%).
665* By default, Ceph no longer issues a health warning when there are
666 misplaced objects (objects that are fully replicated but not stored
667 on the intended OSDs). You can reenable the old warning by setting
668 ``mon_warn_on_misplaced`` to ``true``.
670* The ``ceph-create-keys`` tool is now obsolete. The monitors
671 automatically create these keys on their own. For now the script
672 prints a warning message and exits, but it will be removed in the
673 next release. Note that ``ceph-create-keys`` would also write the
674 admin and bootstrap keys to /etc/ceph and /var/lib/ceph, but this
675 script no longer does that. Any deployment tools that relied on
676 this behavior should instead make use of the ``ceph auth export
677 <entity-name>`` command for whichever key(s) they need.
679* The ``mon_osd_pool_ec_fast_read`` option has been renamed
680 ``osd_pool_default_ec_fast_read`` to be more consistent with other
681 ``osd_pool_default_*`` options that affect default values for newly
682 created RADOS pools.
684* The ``mon addr`` configuration option is now deprecated. It can
685 still be used to specify an address for each monitor in the
686 ``ceph.conf`` file, but it only affects cluster creation and
687 bootstrapping, and it does not support listing multiple addresses
688 (e.g., both a v2 and v1 protocol address). We strongly recommend
689 the option be removed and instead a single ``mon host`` option be
690 specified in the ``[global]`` section to allow daemons and clients
691 to discover the monitors.
693* New command ``ceph fs fail`` has been added to quickly bring down a file
694 system. This is a single command that unsets the joinable flag on the file
695 system and brings down all of its ranks.
697* The ``cache drop`` admin socket command has been removed. The ``ceph
698 tell mds.X cache drop`` remains.
701Detailed Changelog