]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/qa/tasks/util/rgw.py
bump version to 12.0.3-pve3
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / util / rgw.py
1from cStringIO import StringIO
2import logging
3import json
4import requests
5from requests.packages.urllib3.util import Retry
6from urlparse import urlparse
8from teuthology.orchestra.connection import split_user
9from teuthology import misc as teuthology
11log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
13def multi_region_enabled(ctx):
14 # this is populated by the radosgw-agent task, seems reasonable to
15 # use that as an indicator that we're testing multi-region sync
16 return 'radosgw_agent' in ctx
18def rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd, stdin=StringIO(), check_status=False,
19 format='json'):
20 log.info('rgwadmin: {client} : {cmd}'.format(client=client,cmd=cmd))
21 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
22 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
23 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
24 pre = [
25 'adjust-ulimits',
26 'ceph-coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
27 '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
28 'radosgw-admin'.format(tdir=testdir),
29 '--log-to-stderr',
30 '--format', format,
31 '-n', client_with_id,
32 '--cluster', cluster_name,
33 ]
34 pre.extend(cmd)
35 log.info('rgwadmin: cmd=%s' % pre)
36 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys()
37 proc = remote.run(
38 args=pre,
39 check_status=check_status,
40 stdout=StringIO(),
41 stderr=StringIO(),
42 stdin=stdin,
43 )
44 r = proc.exitstatus
45 out = proc.stdout.getvalue()
46 j = None
47 if not r and out != '':
48 try:
49 j = json.loads(out)
50 log.info(' json result: %s' % j)
51 except ValueError:
52 j = out
53 log.info(' raw result: %s' % j)
54 return (r, j)
56def get_user_summary(out, user):
57 """Extract the summary for a given user"""
58 user_summary = None
59 for summary in out['summary']:
60 if summary.get('user') == user:
61 user_summary = summary
63 if not user_summary:
64 raise AssertionError('No summary info found for user: %s' % user)
66 return user_summary
68def get_user_successful_ops(out, user):
69 summary = out['summary']
70 if len(summary) == 0:
71 return 0
72 return get_user_summary(out, user)['total']['successful_ops']
74def get_zone_host_and_port(ctx, client, zone):
75 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
76 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
77 _, period = rgwadmin(ctx, client, check_status=True,
78 cmd=['period', 'get'])
79 period_map = period['period_map']
80 zonegroups = period_map['zonegroups']
81 for zonegroup in zonegroups:
82 for zone_info in zonegroup['zones']:
83 if zone_info['name'] == zone:
84 endpoint = urlparse(zone_info['endpoints'][0])
85 host, port = endpoint.hostname, endpoint.port
86 if port is None:
87 port = 80
88 return host, port
89 assert False, 'no endpoint for zone {zone} found'.format(zone=zone)
91def get_master_zone(ctx, client):
92 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
93 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
94 _, period = rgwadmin(ctx, client, check_status=True,
95 cmd=['period', 'get'])
96 period_map = period['period_map']
97 zonegroups = period_map['zonegroups']
98 for zonegroup in zonegroups:
99 is_master = (zonegroup['is_master'] == "true")
100 log.info('zonegroup={z} is_master={ism}'.format(z=zonegroup, ism=is_master))
101 if not is_master:
102 continue
103 master_zone = zonegroup['master_zone']
104 log.info('master_zone=%s' % master_zone)
105 for zone_info in zonegroup['zones']:
106 if zone_info['name'] == master_zone:
107 return master_zone
108 log.info('couldn\'t find master zone')
109 return None
111def get_master_client(ctx, clients):
112 master_zone = get_master_zone(ctx, clients[0]) # can use any client for this as long as system configured correctly
113 if not master_zone:
114 return None
116 for client in clients:
117 zone = zone_for_client(ctx, client)
118 if zone == master_zone:
119 return client
121 return None
123def get_zone_system_keys(ctx, client, zone):
124 _, zone_info = rgwadmin(ctx, client, check_status=True,
125 cmd=['zone', 'get', '--rgw-zone', zone])
126 system_key = zone_info['system_key']
127 return system_key['access_key'], system_key['secret_key']
129def zone_for_client(ctx, client):
130 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
131 ceph_config = ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('global', {})
132 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('client', {}))
133 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get(client, {}))
134 return ceph_config.get('rgw zone')
136def region_for_client(ctx, client):
137 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
138 ceph_config = ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('global', {})
139 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('client', {}))
140 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get(client, {}))
141 return ceph_config.get('rgw region')
143def radosgw_data_log_window(ctx, client):
144 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
145 ceph_config = ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('global', {})
146 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('client', {}))
147 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get(client, {}))
148 return ceph_config.get('rgw data log window', 30)
150def radosgw_agent_sync_data(ctx, agent_host, agent_port, full=False):
151 log.info('sync agent {h}:{p}'.format(h=agent_host, p=agent_port))
152 # use retry with backoff to tolerate slow startup of radosgw-agent
153 s = requests.Session()
154 s.mount('http://{addr}:{port}/'.format(addr = agent_host, port = agent_port),
155 requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=1)))
156 method = "full" if full else "incremental"
157 return s.post('http://{addr}:{port}/data/{method}'.format(addr = agent_host, port = agent_port, method = method))
159def radosgw_agent_sync_metadata(ctx, agent_host, agent_port, full=False):
160 log.info('sync agent {h}:{p}'.format(h=agent_host, p=agent_port))
161 # use retry with backoff to tolerate slow startup of radosgw-agent
162 s = requests.Session()
163 s.mount('http://{addr}:{port}/'.format(addr = agent_host, port = agent_port),
164 requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=1)))
165 method = "full" if full else "incremental"
166 return s.post('http://{addr}:{port}/metadata/{method}'.format(addr = agent_host, port = agent_port, method = method))
168def radosgw_agent_sync_all(ctx, full=False, data=False):
169 if ctx.radosgw_agent.procs:
170 for agent_client, c_config in ctx.radosgw_agent.config.iteritems():
171 zone_for_client(ctx, agent_client)
172 sync_host, sync_port = get_sync_agent(ctx, agent_client)
173 log.debug('doing a sync via {host1}'.format(host1=sync_host))
174 radosgw_agent_sync_metadata(ctx, sync_host, sync_port, full)
175 if (data):
176 radosgw_agent_sync_data(ctx, sync_host, sync_port, full)
178def host_for_role(ctx, role):
179 for target, roles in zip(ctx.config['targets'].iterkeys(), ctx.config['roles']):
180 if role in roles:
181 _, host = split_user(target)
182 return host
184def get_sync_agent(ctx, source):
185 for task in ctx.config['tasks']:
186 if 'radosgw-agent' not in task:
187 continue
188 for client, conf in task['radosgw-agent'].iteritems():
189 if conf['src'] == source:
190 return host_for_role(ctx, source), conf.get('port', 8000)
191 return None, None
193def extract_zone_info(ctx, client, client_config):
194 """
195 Get zone information.
196 :param client: dictionary of client information
197 :param client_config: dictionary of client configuration information
198 :returns: zone extracted from client and client_config information
199 """
200 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
201 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
202 ceph_config = ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('global', {})
203 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get('client', {}))
204 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf.get(client_with_id, {}))
205 for key in ['rgw zone', 'rgw region', 'rgw zone root pool']:
206 assert key in ceph_config, \
207 'ceph conf must contain {key} for {client}'.format(key=key,
208 client=client)
209 region = ceph_config['rgw region']
210 zone = ceph_config['rgw zone']
211 zone_info = dict()
212 for key in ['rgw control pool', 'rgw gc pool', 'rgw log pool',
213 'rgw intent log pool', 'rgw usage log pool',
214 'rgw user keys pool', 'rgw user email pool',
215 'rgw user swift pool', 'rgw user uid pool',
216 'rgw domain root']:
217 new_key = key.split(' ', 1)[1]
218 new_key = new_key.replace(' ', '_')
220 if key in ceph_config:
221 value = ceph_config[key]
222 log.debug('{key} specified in ceph_config ({val})'.format(
223 key=key, val=value))
224 zone_info[new_key] = value
225 else:
226 zone_info[new_key] = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + new_key
228 index_pool = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + 'index_pool'
229 data_pool = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + 'data_pool'
230 data_extra_pool = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + 'data_extra_pool'
231 compression_type = ceph_config.get('rgw compression type', '')
233 zone_info['placement_pools'] = [{'key': 'default_placement',
234 'val': {'index_pool': index_pool,
235 'data_pool': data_pool,
236 'data_extra_pool': data_extra_pool,
237 'compression': compression_type}
238 }]
240 # these keys are meant for the zones argument in the region info. We
241 # insert them into zone_info with a different format and then remove them
242 # in the fill_in_endpoints() method
243 for key in ['rgw log meta', 'rgw log data']:
244 if key in ceph_config:
245 zone_info[key] = ceph_config[key]
247 # these keys are meant for the zones argument in the region info. We
248 # insert them into zone_info with a different format and then remove them
249 # in the fill_in_endpoints() method
250 for key in ['rgw log meta', 'rgw log data']:
251 if key in ceph_config:
252 zone_info[key] = ceph_config[key]
254 return region, zone, zone_info
256def extract_region_info(region, region_info):
257 """
258 Extract region information from the region_info parameter, using get
259 to set default values.
261 :param region: name of the region
262 :param region_info: region information (in dictionary form).
263 :returns: dictionary of region information set from region_info, using
264 default values for missing fields.
265 """
266 assert isinstance(region_info['zones'], list) and region_info['zones'], \
267 'zones must be a non-empty list'
268 return dict(
269 name=region,
270 api_name=region_info.get('api name', region),
271 is_master=region_info.get('is master', False),
272 log_meta=region_info.get('log meta', False),
273 log_data=region_info.get('log data', False),
274 master_zone=region_info.get('master zone', region_info['zones'][0]),
275 placement_targets=region_info.get('placement targets',
276 [{'name': 'default_placement',
277 'tags': []}]),
278 default_placement=region_info.get('default placement',
279 'default_placement'),
280 )
282def get_config_master_client(ctx, config, regions):
284 role_zones = dict([(client, extract_zone_info(ctx, client, c_config))
285 for client, c_config in config.iteritems()])
286 log.debug('roles_zones = %r', role_zones)
287 region_info = dict([
288 (region_name, extract_region_info(region_name, r_config))
289 for region_name, r_config in regions.iteritems()])
291 # read master zonegroup and master_zone
292 for zonegroup, zg_info in region_info.iteritems():
293 if zg_info['is_master']:
294 master_zonegroup = zonegroup
295 master_zone = zg_info['master_zone']
296 break
298 for client in config.iterkeys():
299 (zonegroup, zone, zone_info) = role_zones[client]
300 if zonegroup == master_zonegroup and zone == master_zone:
301 return client
303 return None