]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/arrow/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/arrow-cpp/meta.yaml
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / arrow / dev / tasks / conda-recipes / arrow-cpp / meta.yaml
1# NOTE: In constrast to the conda-forge recipe, ARROW_VERSION is a templated variable here.
2{% set version = ARROW_VERSION %}
3{% set cuda_enabled = cuda_compiler_version != "None" %}
4{% set build_ext_version = ARROW_VERSION %}
5{% set build_ext = "cuda" if cuda_enabled else "cpu" %}
6{% set proc_build_number = "0" %}
9 name: arrow-cpp-ext
10 version: {{ version }}
13 path: ../../../../
16 number: 0
17 # for cuda on win/linux, building with 9.2 is enough to be compatible with all later versions,
18 # since arrow is only using libcuda, and not libcudart.
19 skip: true # [(win or linux) and cuda_compiler_version not in ("None", "10.2")]
20 skip: true # [osx and cuda_compiler_version != "None"]
21 run_exports:
22 - {{ pin_subpackage("arrow-cpp", max_pin="x.x.x") }}
25 - name: arrow-cpp-proc
26 version: {{ build_ext_version }}
27 build:
28 number: {{ proc_build_number }}
29 string: "{{ build_ext }}"
30 test:
31 commands:
32 - exit 0
33 about:
34 home: http://github.com/apache/arrow
35 license: Apache-2.0
36 license_file:
37 - LICENSE.txt
38 summary: 'A meta-package to select Arrow build variant'
40 - name: arrow-cpp
41 script: build-arrow.sh # [not win]
42 script: bld-arrow.bat # [win]
43 version: {{ version }}
44 build:
45 string: py{{ CONDA_PY }}h{{ PKG_HASH }}_{{ PKG_BUILDNUM }}_{{ build_ext }}
46 run_exports:
47 - {{ pin_subpackage("arrow-cpp", max_pin="x.x.x") }}
48 ignore_run_exports:
49 - cudatoolkit
50 track_features:
51 {{ "- arrow-cuda" if cuda_enabled else "" }}
52 requirements:
53 build:
54 - python # [build_platform != target_platform]
55 - cross-python_{{ target_platform }} # [build_platform != target_platform]
56 - cython # [build_platform != target_platform]
57 - numpy # [build_platform != target_platform]
58 - gnuconfig # [osx and arm64]
59 - libprotobuf
60 - grpc-cpp
61 - cmake
62 - autoconf # [unix]
63 - ninja
64 - make # [unix]
65 - {{ compiler('c') }}
66 - {{ compiler('cxx') }}
67 - {{ compiler("cuda") }} # [cuda_compiler_version != "None"]
68 host:
69 - aws-sdk-cpp
70 - boost-cpp >=1.70
71 - brotli
72 - bzip2
73 - c-ares
74 - gflags
75 - glog
76 - grpc-cpp
77 - libprotobuf
78 - clangdev 10 # [not (osx and arm64)]
79 - llvmdev 10 # [not (osx and arm64)]
80 - libutf8proc
81 - lz4-c
82 - numpy
83 - orc # [unix]
84 - python
85 - rapidjson
86 - re2
87 - snappy
88 - thrift-cpp
89 - zlib
90 - zstd
91 run:
92 - {{ pin_compatible('numpy', lower_bound='1.16') }}
93 - python
94 run_constrained:
95 - arrow-cpp-proc * {{ build_ext }}
96 - cudatoolkit >=9.2 # [cuda_compiler_version != "None"]
98 about:
99 home: http://github.com/apache/arrow
100 license: Apache-2.0
101 license_file:
102 - LICENSE.txt
103 summary: C++ libraries for Apache Arrow
105 test:
106 commands:
107 # headers
108 - test -f $PREFIX/include/arrow/api.h # [unix]
109 - test -f $PREFIX/include/arrow/flight/types.h # [unix]
110 - test -f $PREFIX/include/plasma/client.h # [unix]
111 - test -f $PREFIX/include/gandiva/engine.h # [unix and not (osx and arm64)]
112 - test -f $PREFIX/include/parquet/api/reader.h # [unix]
113 - if not exist %LIBRARY_INC%\\arrow\\api.h exit 1 # [win]
114 - if not exist %LIBRARY_INC%\\gandiva\\engine.h exit 1 # [win]
115 - if not exist %LIBRARY_INC%\\parquet\\api\\reader.h exit 1 # [win]
117 # shared
118 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow.so # [linux]
119 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow_dataset.so # [linux]
120 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow_flight.so # [linux]
121 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow_python.so # [linux]
122 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libparquet.so # [linux]
123 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libgandiva.so # [linux]
124 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libplasma.so # [linux]
125 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow_cuda${SHLIB_EXT} # [(cuda_compiler_version != "None") and unix]
126 - test ! -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow_cuda${SHLIB_EXT} # [(cuda_compiler_version == "None") and unix]
127 - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\bin\\arrow_cuda.dll exit 1 # [(cuda_compiler_version != "None") and win]
128 - if exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\bin\\arrow_cuda.dll exit 1 # [(cuda_compiler_version == "None") and win]
129 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow.dylib # [osx]
130 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow_dataset.dylib # [osx]
131 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow_python.dylib # [osx]
132 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libgandiva.dylib # [osx and not arm64]
133 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libparquet.dylib # [osx]
134 - test -f $PREFIX/lib/libplasma.dylib # [osx]
135 - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\bin\\arrow.dll exit 1 # [win]
136 - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\bin\\arrow_dataset.dll exit 1 # [win]
137 - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\bin\\arrow_flight.dll exit 1 # [win]
138 - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\bin\\arrow_python.dll exit 1 # [win]
139 - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\bin\\parquet.dll exit 1 # [win]
140 - if not exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\bin\\gandiva.dll exit 1 # [win]
142 # absence of static libraries
143 - test ! -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow.a # [unix]
144 - test ! -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow_dataset.a # [unix]
145 - test ! -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow_flight.a # [unix]
146 - test ! -f $PREFIX/lib/libarrow_python.a # [unix]
147 - test ! -f $PREFIX/lib/libplasma.a # [unix]
148 - test ! -f $PREFIX/lib/libparquet.a # [unix]
149 - test ! -f $PREFIX/lib/libgandiva.a # [unix]
150 - if exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\lib\\arrow_static.lib exit 1 # [win]
151 - if exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\lib\\arrow_dataset_static.lib exit 1 # [win]
152 - if exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\lib\\arrow_flight_static.lib exit 1 # [win]
153 - if exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\lib\\arrow_python_static.lib exit 1 # [win]
154 - if exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\lib\\parquet_static.lib exit 1 # [win]
155 - if exist %PREFIX%\\Library\\lib\\gandiva_static.lib exit 1 # [win]
157 - name: pyarrow
158 script: build-pyarrow.sh # [not win]
159 script: bld-pyarrow.bat # [win]
160 version: {{ version }}
161 build:
162 string: py{{ CONDA_PY }}h{{ PKG_HASH }}_{{ PKG_BUILDNUM }}_{{ build_ext }}
163 ignore_run_exports:
164 - cudatoolkit
165 track_features:
166 {{ "- arrow-cuda" if cuda_enabled else "" }}
167 requirements:
168 build:
169 - python # [build_platform != target_platform]
170 - cross-python_{{ target_platform }} # [build_platform != target_platform]
171 - cython # [build_platform != target_platform]
172 - numpy # [build_platform != target_platform]
173 - cmake
174 - ninja
175 - make # [unix]
176 - {{ compiler('c') }}
177 - {{ compiler('cxx') }}
178 # pyarrow does not require nvcc but it needs to link against libraries in arrow-cpp=*=*cuda
179 - {{ compiler("cuda") }} # [cuda_compiler_version != "None"]
180 host:
181 - {{ pin_subpackage('arrow-cpp', exact=True) }}
182 - cython
183 - numpy
184 - python
185 - setuptools
186 - setuptools_scm
187 - six
188 run:
189 - {{ pin_subpackage('arrow-cpp', exact=True) }}
190 - {{ pin_compatible('numpy', lower_bound='1.16') }}
191 # empty parquet-cpp metapackage, force old versions to be uninstalled
192 - parquet-cpp 1.5.1.*
193 - python
194 run_constrained:
195 - arrow-cpp-proc * {{ build_ext }}
196 - cudatoolkit >=9.2 # [cuda_compiler_version != "None"]
198 about:
199 home: http://github.com/apache/arrow
200 license: Apache-2.0
201 license_file:
202 - LICENSE.txt
203 summary: Python libraries for Apache Arrow
205 test:
206 imports:
207 - pyarrow
208 - pyarrow.dataset
209 - pyarrow.flight
210 - pyarrow.gandiva # [not (osx and arm64)]
211 - pyarrow.orc # [unix]
212 - pyarrow.parquet
213 - pyarrow.plasma # [unix]
214 - pyarrow.fs
215 - pyarrow._s3fs
216 - pyarrow._hdfs
217 # We can only test importing cuda package but cannot run when a
218 # CUDA device is not available, for instance, when building from CI.
219 # On Windows, we cannot even do that due to `nvcuda.dll` not being found, see
220 # https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/knowledge_base.html#nvcuda-dll-cannot-be-found-on-windows
221 # However, we check below for (at least) the presence of a correctly-compiled module
222 - pyarrow.cuda # [cuda_compiler_version != "None" and not win]
223 commands:
224 - test ! -f ${SP_DIR}/pyarrow/tests/test_array.py # [unix]
225 - if exist %SP_DIR%/pyarrow/tests/test_array.py exit 1 # [win]
226 # Need to remove dot from PY_VER; %MYVAR:x=y% replaces "x" in %MYVAR% with "y"
227 - if not exist %SP_DIR%/pyarrow/_cuda.cp%PY_VER:.=%-win_amd64.pyd exit 1 # [win and cuda_compiler_version != "None"]
229 - name: pyarrow-tests
230 script: build-pyarrow.sh # [not win]
231 script: bld-pyarrow.bat # [win]
232 version: {{ version }}
233 build:
234 string: py{{ CONDA_PY }}h{{ PKG_HASH }}_{{ PKG_BUILDNUM }}_{{ build_ext }}
235 ignore_run_exports:
236 - cudatoolkit
237 track_features:
238 {{ "- arrow-cuda" if cuda_enabled else "" }}
239 requirements:
240 build:
241 - python # [build_platform != target_platform]
242 - cross-python_{{ target_platform }} # [build_platform != target_platform]
243 - cython # [build_platform != target_platform]
244 - numpy # [build_platform != target_platform]
245 - cmake
246 - ninja
247 - make # [unix]
248 - {{ compiler('c') }}
249 - {{ compiler('cxx') }}
250 # pyarrow does not require nvcc but it needs to link against libraries in arrow-cpp=*=*cuda
251 - {{ compiler("cuda") }} # [cuda_compiler_version != "None"]
252 host:
253 - {{ pin_subpackage('arrow-cpp', exact=True) }}
254 - {{ pin_subpackage('pyarrow', exact=True) }}
255 - cython
256 - numpy
257 - python
258 - setuptools
259 - setuptools_scm
260 - six
261 run:
262 - {{ pin_subpackage('pyarrow', exact=True) }}
263 - python
264 run_constrained:
265 - arrow-cpp-proc * {{ build_ext }}
266 - cudatoolkit >=9.2 # [cuda_compiler_version != "None"]
268 about:
269 home: http://github.com/apache/arrow
270 license: Apache-2.0
271 license_file:
272 - LICENSE.txt
273 summary: Python test files for Apache Arrow
275 test:
276 commands:
277 - test -f ${SP_DIR}/pyarrow/tests/test_array.py # [unix]
278 - if not exist %SP_DIR%/pyarrow/tests/test_array.py exit 1 # [win]
281 home: http://github.com/apache/arrow
282 license: Apache-2.0
283 license_file:
284 - LICENSE.txt
285 summary: C++ and Python libraries for Apache Arrow
288 recipe-maintainers:
289 - wesm
290 - xhochy
291 - leifwalsh
292 - jreback
293 - cpcloud
294 - pcmoritz
295 - robertnishihara
296 - siddharthteotia
297 - kou
298 - kszucs
299 - pitrou
300 - pearu
301 - nealrichardson
302 - jakirkham