]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/arrow/js/src/visitor/jsonvectorassembler.ts
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / arrow / js / src / visitor / jsonvectorassembler.ts
1// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
3// distributed with this work for additional information
4// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
5// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
15// specific language governing permissions and limitations
16// under the License.
18import { BN } from '../util/bn';
19import { Column } from '../column';
20import { Vector } from '../vector';
21import { Visitor } from '../visitor';
22import { BufferType } from '../enum';
23import { RecordBatch } from '../recordbatch';
24import { VectorType as V } from '../interfaces';
25import { UnionMode, DateUnit, TimeUnit } from '../enum';
26import { BitIterator, getBit, getBool } from '../util/bit';
27import { selectColumnChildrenArgs } from '../util/args';
28import {
29 DataType,
30 Float, Int, Date_, Interval, Time, Timestamp, Union,
31 Bool, Null, Utf8, Binary, Decimal, FixedSizeBinary, List, FixedSizeList, Map_, Struct,
32} from '../type';
34/** @ignore */
35export interface JSONVectorAssembler extends Visitor {
37 visit <T extends Column> (node: T ): Record<string, unknown>;
38 visitMany <T extends Column> (cols: T[]): Record<string, unknown>[];
39 getVisitFn<T extends DataType>(node: Column<T>): (column: Column<T>) => { name: string; count: number; VALIDITY: (0 | 1)[]; DATA?: any[]; OFFSET?: number[]; TYPE?: number[]; children?: any[] };
41 visitNull <T extends Null> (vector: V<T>): Record<string, never>;
42 visitBool <T extends Bool> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: boolean[] };
43 visitInt <T extends Int> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: (number | string)[] };
44 visitFloat <T extends Float> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: number[] };
45 visitUtf8 <T extends Utf8> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: string[]; OFFSET: number[] };
46 visitBinary <T extends Binary> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: string[]; OFFSET: number[] };
47 visitFixedSizeBinary <T extends FixedSizeBinary> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: string[] };
48 visitDate <T extends Date_> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: number[] };
49 visitTimestamp <T extends Timestamp> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: string[] };
50 visitTime <T extends Time> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: number[] };
51 visitDecimal <T extends Decimal> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: string[] };
52 visitList <T extends List> (vector: V<T>): { children: any[]; OFFSET: number[] };
53 visitStruct <T extends Struct> (vector: V<T>): { children: any[] };
54 visitUnion <T extends Union> (vector: V<T>): { children: any[]; TYPE: number[] };
55 visitInterval <T extends Interval> (vector: V<T>): { DATA: number[] };
56 visitFixedSizeList <T extends FixedSizeList> (vector: V<T>): { children: any[] };
57 visitMap <T extends Map_> (vector: V<T>): { children: any[] };
60/** @ignore */
61export class JSONVectorAssembler extends Visitor {
63 /** @nocollapse */
64 public static assemble<T extends Column | RecordBatch>(...args: (T | T[])[]) {
65 return new JSONVectorAssembler().visitMany(selectColumnChildrenArgs(RecordBatch, args));
66 }
68 public visit<T extends Column>(column: T) {
69 const { data, name, length } = column;
70 const { offset, nullCount, nullBitmap } = data;
71 const type = DataType.isDictionary(column.type) ? column.type.indices : column.type;
72 const buffers = Object.assign([], data.buffers, { [BufferType.VALIDITY]: undefined });
73 return {
74 'name': name,
75 'count': length,
76 'VALIDITY': DataType.isNull(type) ? undefined
77 : nullCount <= 0 ? Array.from({ length }, () => 1)
78 : [...new BitIterator(nullBitmap, offset, length, null, getBit)],
79 ...super.visit(Vector.new(data.clone(type, offset, length, 0, buffers)))
80 };
81 }
82 public visitNull() { return {}; }
83 public visitBool<T extends Bool>({ values, offset, length }: V<T>) {
84 return { 'DATA': [...new BitIterator(values, offset, length, null, getBool)] };
85 }
86 public visitInt<T extends Int>(vector: V<T>) {
87 return {
88 'DATA': vector.type.bitWidth < 64
89 ? [...vector.values]
90 : [...bigNumsToStrings(vector.values as (Int32Array | Uint32Array), 2)]
91 };
92 }
93 public visitFloat<T extends Float>(vector: V<T>) {
94 return { 'DATA': [...vector.values] };
95 }
96 public visitUtf8<T extends Utf8>(vector: V<T>) {
97 return { 'DATA': [...vector], 'OFFSET': [...vector.valueOffsets] };
98 }
99 public visitBinary<T extends Binary>(vector: V<T>) {
100 return { 'DATA': [...binaryToString(vector)], OFFSET: [...vector.valueOffsets] };
101 }
102 public visitFixedSizeBinary<T extends FixedSizeBinary>(vector: V<T>) {
103 return { 'DATA': [...binaryToString(vector)] };
104 }
105 public visitDate<T extends Date_>(vector: V<T>) {
106 return {
107 'DATA': vector.type.unit === DateUnit.DAY
108 ? [...vector.values]
109 : [...bigNumsToStrings(vector.values, 2)]
110 };
111 }
112 public visitTimestamp<T extends Timestamp>(vector: V<T>) {
113 return { 'DATA': [...bigNumsToStrings(vector.values, 2)] };
114 }
115 public visitTime<T extends Time>(vector: V<T>) {
116 return {
117 'DATA': vector.type.unit < TimeUnit.MICROSECOND
118 ? [...vector.values]
119 : [...bigNumsToStrings(vector.values, 2)]
120 };
121 }
122 public visitDecimal<T extends Decimal>(vector: V<T>) {
123 return { 'DATA': [...bigNumsToStrings(vector.values, 4)] };
124 }
125 public visitList<T extends List>(vector: V<T>) {
126 return {
127 'OFFSET': [...vector.valueOffsets],
128 'children': vector.type.children.map((f, i) =>
129 this.visit(new Column(f, [vector.getChildAt(i)!])))
130 };
131 }
132 public visitStruct<T extends Struct>(vector: V<T>) {
133 return {
134 'children': vector.type.children.map((f, i) =>
135 this.visit(new Column(f, [vector.getChildAt(i)!])))
136 };
137 }
138 public visitUnion<T extends Union>(vector: V<T>) {
139 return {
140 'TYPE': [...vector.typeIds],
141 'OFFSET': vector.type.mode === UnionMode.Dense ? [...vector.valueOffsets] : undefined,
142 'children': vector.type.children.map((f, i) => this.visit(new Column(f, [vector.getChildAt(i)!])))
143 };
144 }
145 public visitInterval<T extends Interval>(vector: V<T>) {
146 return { 'DATA': [...vector.values] };
147 }
148 public visitFixedSizeList<T extends FixedSizeList>(vector: V<T>) {
149 return {
150 'children': vector.type.children.map((f, i) =>
151 this.visit(new Column(f, [vector.getChildAt(i)!])))
152 };
153 }
154 public visitMap<T extends Map_>(vector: V<T>) {
155 return {
156 'OFFSET': [...vector.valueOffsets],
157 'children': vector.type.children.map((f, i) =>
158 this.visit(new Column(f, [vector.getChildAt(i)!])))
159 };
160 }
163/** @ignore */
164function* binaryToString(vector: Vector<Binary> | Vector<FixedSizeBinary>) {
165 for (const octets of vector as Iterable<Uint8Array>) {
166 yield octets.reduce((str, byte) => {
167 return `${str}${('0' + (byte & 0xFF).toString(16)).slice(-2)}`;
168 }, '').toUpperCase();
169 }
172/** @ignore */
173function* bigNumsToStrings(values: Uint32Array | Int32Array, stride: number) {
174 for (let i = -1, n = values.length / stride; ++i < n;) {
175 yield `${BN.new(values.subarray((i + 0) * stride, (i + 1) * stride), false)}`;
176 }