]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/arrow/js/src/visitor.ts
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / arrow / js / src / visitor.ts
1// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
3// distributed with this work for additional information
4// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
5// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
15// specific language governing permissions and limitations
16// under the License.
18import { Data } from './data';
19import { Vector } from './vector';
20import { Type, Precision, DateUnit, TimeUnit, IntervalUnit, UnionMode } from './enum';
21import { DataType, Float, Int, Date_, Interval, Time, Timestamp, Union, } from './type';
23export abstract class Visitor {
24 public visitMany(nodes: any[], ...args: any[][]) {
25 return nodes.map((node, i) => this.visit(node, ...args.map((x) => x[i])));
26 }
27 public visit(...args: any[]) {
28 return this.getVisitFn(args[0], false).apply(this, args);
29 }
30 public getVisitFn(node: any, throwIfNotFound = true) {
31 return getVisitFn(this, node, throwIfNotFound);
32 }
33 public visitNull (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
34 public visitBool (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
35 public visitInt (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
36 public visitFloat (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
37 public visitUtf8 (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
38 public visitBinary (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
39 public visitFixedSizeBinary (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
40 public visitDate (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
41 public visitTimestamp (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
42 public visitTime (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
43 public visitDecimal (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
44 public visitList (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
45 public visitStruct (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
46 public visitUnion (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
47 public visitDictionary (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
48 public visitInterval (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
49 public visitFixedSizeList (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
50 public visitMap (_node: any, ..._args: any[]): any { return null; }
53/** @ignore */
54function getVisitFn<T extends DataType>(visitor: Visitor, node: any, throwIfNotFound = true) {
55 let fn: any = null;
56 let dtype: T['TType'] = Type.NONE;
57 if (node instanceof Data ) dtype = inferDType(node.type as T);
58 else if (node instanceof Vector ) dtype = inferDType(node.type as T);
59 else if (node instanceof DataType) dtype = inferDType(node as T);
60 else if (typeof (dtype = node) !== 'number') dtype = Type[node] as any as T['TType'];
62 switch (dtype) {
63 case Type.Null: fn = visitor.visitNull; break;
64 case Type.Bool: fn = visitor.visitBool; break;
65 case Type.Int: fn = visitor.visitInt; break;
66 case Type.Int8: fn = visitor.visitInt8 || visitor.visitInt; break;
67 case Type.Int16: fn = visitor.visitInt16 || visitor.visitInt; break;
68 case Type.Int32: fn = visitor.visitInt32 || visitor.visitInt; break;
69 case Type.Int64: fn = visitor.visitInt64 || visitor.visitInt; break;
70 case Type.Uint8: fn = visitor.visitUint8 || visitor.visitInt; break;
71 case Type.Uint16: fn = visitor.visitUint16 || visitor.visitInt; break;
72 case Type.Uint32: fn = visitor.visitUint32 || visitor.visitInt; break;
73 case Type.Uint64: fn = visitor.visitUint64 || visitor.visitInt; break;
74 case Type.Float: fn = visitor.visitFloat; break;
75 case Type.Float16: fn = visitor.visitFloat16 || visitor.visitFloat; break;
76 case Type.Float32: fn = visitor.visitFloat32 || visitor.visitFloat; break;
77 case Type.Float64: fn = visitor.visitFloat64 || visitor.visitFloat; break;
78 case Type.Utf8: fn = visitor.visitUtf8; break;
79 case Type.Binary: fn = visitor.visitBinary; break;
80 case Type.FixedSizeBinary: fn = visitor.visitFixedSizeBinary; break;
81 case Type.Date: fn = visitor.visitDate; break;
82 case Type.DateDay: fn = visitor.visitDateDay || visitor.visitDate; break;
83 case Type.DateMillisecond: fn = visitor.visitDateMillisecond || visitor.visitDate; break;
84 case Type.Timestamp: fn = visitor.visitTimestamp; break;
85 case Type.TimestampSecond: fn = visitor.visitTimestampSecond || visitor.visitTimestamp; break;
86 case Type.TimestampMillisecond: fn = visitor.visitTimestampMillisecond || visitor.visitTimestamp; break;
87 case Type.TimestampMicrosecond: fn = visitor.visitTimestampMicrosecond || visitor.visitTimestamp; break;
88 case Type.TimestampNanosecond: fn = visitor.visitTimestampNanosecond || visitor.visitTimestamp; break;
89 case Type.Time: fn = visitor.visitTime; break;
90 case Type.TimeSecond: fn = visitor.visitTimeSecond || visitor.visitTime; break;
91 case Type.TimeMillisecond: fn = visitor.visitTimeMillisecond || visitor.visitTime; break;
92 case Type.TimeMicrosecond: fn = visitor.visitTimeMicrosecond || visitor.visitTime; break;
93 case Type.TimeNanosecond: fn = visitor.visitTimeNanosecond || visitor.visitTime; break;
94 case Type.Decimal: fn = visitor.visitDecimal; break;
95 case Type.List: fn = visitor.visitList; break;
96 case Type.Struct: fn = visitor.visitStruct; break;
97 case Type.Union: fn = visitor.visitUnion; break;
98 case Type.DenseUnion: fn = visitor.visitDenseUnion || visitor.visitUnion; break;
99 case Type.SparseUnion: fn = visitor.visitSparseUnion || visitor.visitUnion; break;
100 case Type.Dictionary: fn = visitor.visitDictionary; break;
101 case Type.Interval: fn = visitor.visitInterval; break;
102 case Type.IntervalDayTime: fn = visitor.visitIntervalDayTime || visitor.visitInterval; break;
103 case Type.IntervalYearMonth: fn = visitor.visitIntervalYearMonth || visitor.visitInterval; break;
104 case Type.FixedSizeList: fn = visitor.visitFixedSizeList; break;
105 case Type.Map: fn = visitor.visitMap; break;
106 }
107 if (typeof fn === 'function') return fn;
108 if (!throwIfNotFound) return () => null;
109 throw new Error(`Unrecognized type '${Type[dtype]}'`);
112/** @ignore */
113function inferDType<T extends DataType>(type: T): Type {
114 switch (type.typeId) {
115 case Type.Null: return Type.Null;
116 case Type.Int: {
117 const { bitWidth, isSigned } = (type as any as Int);
118 switch (bitWidth) {
119 case 8: return isSigned ? Type.Int8 : Type.Uint8 ;
120 case 16: return isSigned ? Type.Int16 : Type.Uint16;
121 case 32: return isSigned ? Type.Int32 : Type.Uint32;
122 case 64: return isSigned ? Type.Int64 : Type.Uint64;
123 }
124 // @ts-ignore
125 return Type.Int;
126 }
127 case Type.Float:
128 switch((type as any as Float).precision) {
129 case Precision.HALF: return Type.Float16;
130 case Precision.SINGLE: return Type.Float32;
131 case Precision.DOUBLE: return Type.Float64;
132 }
133 // @ts-ignore
134 return Type.Float;
135 case Type.Binary: return Type.Binary;
136 case Type.Utf8: return Type.Utf8;
137 case Type.Bool: return Type.Bool;
138 case Type.Decimal: return Type.Decimal;
139 case Type.Time:
140 switch ((type as any as Time).unit) {
141 case TimeUnit.SECOND: return Type.TimeSecond;
142 case TimeUnit.MILLISECOND: return Type.TimeMillisecond;
143 case TimeUnit.MICROSECOND: return Type.TimeMicrosecond;
144 case TimeUnit.NANOSECOND: return Type.TimeNanosecond;
145 }
146 // @ts-ignore
147 return Type.Time;
148 case Type.Timestamp:
149 switch ((type as any as Timestamp).unit) {
150 case TimeUnit.SECOND: return Type.TimestampSecond;
151 case TimeUnit.MILLISECOND: return Type.TimestampMillisecond;
152 case TimeUnit.MICROSECOND: return Type.TimestampMicrosecond;
153 case TimeUnit.NANOSECOND: return Type.TimestampNanosecond;
154 }
155 // @ts-ignore
156 return Type.Timestamp;
157 case Type.Date:
158 switch ((type as any as Date_).unit) {
159 case DateUnit.DAY: return Type.DateDay;
160 case DateUnit.MILLISECOND: return Type.DateMillisecond;
161 }
162 // @ts-ignore
163 return Type.Date;
164 case Type.Interval:
165 switch ((type as any as Interval).unit) {
166 case IntervalUnit.DAY_TIME: return Type.IntervalDayTime;
167 case IntervalUnit.YEAR_MONTH: return Type.IntervalYearMonth;
168 }
169 // @ts-ignore
170 return Type.Interval;
171 case Type.Map: return Type.Map;
172 case Type.List: return Type.List;
173 case Type.Struct: return Type.Struct;
174 case Type.Union:
175 switch ((type as any as Union).mode) {
176 case UnionMode.Dense: return Type.DenseUnion;
177 case UnionMode.Sparse: return Type.SparseUnion;
178 }
179 // @ts-ignore
180 return Type.Union;
181 case Type.FixedSizeBinary: return Type.FixedSizeBinary;
182 case Type.FixedSizeList: return Type.FixedSizeList;
183 case Type.Dictionary: return Type.Dictionary;
184 }
185 throw new Error(`Unrecognized type '${Type[type.typeId]}'`);
188export interface Visitor {
189 visitNull (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
190 visitBool (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
191 visitInt (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
192 visitInt8? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
193 visitInt16? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
194 visitInt32? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
195 visitInt64? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
196 visitUint8? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
197 visitUint16? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
198 visitUint32? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
199 visitUint64? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
200 visitFloat (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
201 visitFloat16? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
202 visitFloat32? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
203 visitFloat64? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
204 visitUtf8 (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
205 visitBinary (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
206 visitFixedSizeBinary (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
207 visitDate (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
208 visitDateDay? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
209 visitDateMillisecond? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
210 visitTimestamp (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
211 visitTimestampSecond? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
212 visitTimestampMillisecond? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
213 visitTimestampMicrosecond? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
214 visitTimestampNanosecond? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
215 visitTime (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
216 visitTimeSecond? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
217 visitTimeMillisecond? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
218 visitTimeMicrosecond? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
219 visitTimeNanosecond? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
220 visitDecimal (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
221 visitList (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
222 visitStruct (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
223 visitUnion (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
224 visitDenseUnion? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
225 visitSparseUnion? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
226 visitDictionary (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
227 visitInterval (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
228 visitIntervalDayTime? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
229 visitIntervalYearMonth? (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
230 visitFixedSizeList (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
231 visitMap (node: any, ...args: any[]): any;
234// Add these here so they're picked up by the externs creator
235// in the build, and closure-compiler doesn't minify them away
236(Visitor.prototype as any).visitInt8 = null;
237(Visitor.prototype as any).visitInt16 = null;
238(Visitor.prototype as any).visitInt32 = null;
239(Visitor.prototype as any).visitInt64 = null;
240(Visitor.prototype as any).visitUint8 = null;
241(Visitor.prototype as any).visitUint16 = null;
242(Visitor.prototype as any).visitUint32 = null;
243(Visitor.prototype as any).visitUint64 = null;
244(Visitor.prototype as any).visitFloat16 = null;
245(Visitor.prototype as any).visitFloat32 = null;
246(Visitor.prototype as any).visitFloat64 = null;
247(Visitor.prototype as any).visitDateDay = null;
248(Visitor.prototype as any).visitDateMillisecond = null;
249(Visitor.prototype as any).visitTimestampSecond = null;
250(Visitor.prototype as any).visitTimestampMillisecond = null;
251(Visitor.prototype as any).visitTimestampMicrosecond = null;
252(Visitor.prototype as any).visitTimestampNanosecond = null;
253(Visitor.prototype as any).visitTimeSecond = null;
254(Visitor.prototype as any).visitTimeMillisecond = null;
255(Visitor.prototype as any).visitTimeMicrosecond = null;
256(Visitor.prototype as any).visitTimeNanosecond = null;
257(Visitor.prototype as any).visitDenseUnion = null;
258(Visitor.prototype as any).visitSparseUnion = null;
259(Visitor.prototype as any).visitIntervalDayTime = null;
260(Visitor.prototype as any).visitIntervalYearMonth = null;