]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/arrow/js/test/unit/table/serialize-tests.ts
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / arrow / js / test / unit / table / serialize-tests.ts
1// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
3// distributed with this work for additional information
4// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
5// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
15// specific language governing permissions and limitations
16// under the License.
18import '../../jest-extensions';
19import * as generate from '../../generate-test-data';
20import {
21 Table, Schema, Field, DataType, Dictionary, Int32, Float32, Utf8, Null, Int32Vector
22} from 'apache-arrow';
24const toSchema = (...xs: [string, DataType][]) => new Schema(xs.map((x) => new Field(...x)));
25const schema1 = toSchema(['a', new Int32()], ['b', new Float32()], ['c', new Dictionary(new Utf8(), new Int32())]);
26const schema2 = toSchema(['d', new Int32()], ['e', new Float32()], ['f', new Utf8()]);
27const nullSchema = new Schema([new Field('null', new Null())]);
29schema1.metadata.set('foo', 'bar');
31function createTable<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(schema: Schema<T>, chunkLengths: number[]) {
32 return generate.table(chunkLengths, schema).table;
35describe('Table#serialize()', () => {
37 test(`doesn't swap the order of buffers that share the same underlying ArrayBuffer but are in a different order`, () => {
38 const values = new Int32Array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
39 const expected = values.slice();
40 const x = Int32Vector.from(values.subarray(4, 8)); // back
41 const y = Int32Vector.from(values.subarray(0, 4)); // front
42 const source = Table.new([x, y], ['x', 'y']);
43 const table = Table.from(source.serialize());
44 expect(table.getColumn('x').toArray()).toEqual(expected.subarray(4, 8));
45 expect(table.getColumn('y').toArray()).toEqual(expected.subarray(0, 4));
46 });
48 test(`Table#empty round-trips through serialization`, () => {
49 const source = Table.empty();
50 source.schema.metadata.set('foo', 'bar');
51 expect(source).toHaveLength(0);
52 expect(source.numCols).toBe(0);
53 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
54 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
55 expect(result.schema.metadata.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
56 });
58 test(`Schema metadata round-trips through serialization`, () => {
59 const source = createTable(schema1, [20]);
60 expect(source).toHaveLength(20);
61 expect(source.numCols).toBe(3);
62 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
63 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
64 expect(result.schema.metadata.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
65 });
67 test(`Table#assign an empty Table to a Table with a zero-length Null column round-trips through serialization`, () => {
68 const table1 = new Table(nullSchema);
69 const table2 = Table.empty();
70 const source = table1.assign(table2);
71 expect(source).toHaveLength(0);
72 expect(source.numCols).toBe(1);
73 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
74 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
75 });
77 const chunkLengths = [] as number[];
78 for (let i = -1; ++i < 3;) {
79 chunkLengths[i * 2] = (Math.random() * 100) | 0;
80 chunkLengths[i * 2 + 1] = 0;
81 const table = <T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(schema: Schema<T>) => createTable(schema, chunkLengths);
82 test(`Table#select round-trips through serialization`, () => {
83 const source = table(schema1).select('a', 'c');
84 expect(source.numCols).toBe(2);
85 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
86 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
87 });
88 test(`Table#selectAt round-trips through serialization`, () => {
89 const source = table(schema1).selectAt(0, 2);
90 expect(source.numCols).toBe(2);
91 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
92 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
93 });
94 test(`Table#assign round-trips through serialization`, () => {
95 const source = table(schema1).assign(table(schema2));
96 expect(source.numCols).toBe(6);
97 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
98 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
99 expect(result.schema.metadata.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
100 });
101 test(`Table#assign with an empty table round-trips through serialization`, () => {
102 const table1 = table(schema1);
103 const source = table1.assign(Table.empty());
104 expect(source.numCols).toBe(table1.numCols);
105 expect(source).toHaveLength(table1.length);
106 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
107 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
108 expect(result.schema.metadata.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
109 });
110 test(`Table#assign with a zero-length Null column round-trips through serialization`, () => {
111 const table1 = new Table(nullSchema);
112 const table2 = table(schema1);
113 const source = table1.assign(table2);
114 expect(source).toHaveLength(table2.length);
115 expect(source.numCols).toBe(4);
116 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
117 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
118 expect(result.schema.metadata.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
119 });
120 test(`Table#assign with different lengths and number of chunks round-trips through serialization`, () => {
121 const table1 = table(schema1);
122 const table2 = createTable(schema2, [102, 4, 10, 97, 10, 2, 4]);
123 const source = table1.assign(table2);
124 expect(source.numCols).toBe(6);
125 expect(source).toHaveLength(Math.max(table1.length, table2.length));
126 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
127 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
128 expect(result.schema.metadata.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
129 });
130 test(`Table#select with Table#assign the result of Table#selectAt round-trips through serialization`, () => {
131 const table1 = table(schema1);
132 const table2 = table(schema2);
133 const source = table1.select('a', 'c').assign(table2.selectAt(2));
134 expect(source.numCols).toBe(3);
135 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
136 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
137 expect(result.schema.metadata.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
138 });
139 test(`Table#slice round-trips through serialization`, () => {
140 const table1 = table(schema1);
141 const length = table1.length;
142 const [begin, end] = [length * .25, length * .75].map((x) => x | 0);
143 const source = table1.slice(begin, end);
144 expect(source.numCols).toBe(3);
145 expect(source).toHaveLength(end - begin);
146 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
147 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
148 expect(result.schema.metadata.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
149 });
150 test(`Table#concat of two slices round-trips through serialization`, () => {
151 const table1 = table(schema1);
152 const length = table1.length;
153 const [begin1, end1] = [length * .10, length * .20].map((x) => x | 0);
154 const [begin2, end2] = [length * .80, length * .90].map((x) => x | 0);
155 const slice1 = table1.slice(begin1, end1);
156 const slice2 = table1.slice(begin2, end2);
157 const source = slice1.concat(slice2);
158 expect(slice1).toHaveLength(end1 - begin1);
159 expect(slice2).toHaveLength(end2 - begin2);
160 expect(source).toHaveLength((end1 - begin1) + (end2 - begin2));
161 [slice1, slice2, source].forEach((x) => expect(x.numCols).toBe(3));
162 const result = Table.from(source.serialize());
163 expect(result).toEqualTable(source);
164 expect(result.schema.metadata.get('foo')).toEqual('bar');
165 });
166 }