]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/arrow/julia/Arrow/src/arraytypes/dictencoding.jl
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / arrow / julia / Arrow / src / arraytypes / dictencoding.jl
1# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
3# distributed with this work for additional information
4# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
5# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18 Arrow.DictEncoding
20Represents the "pool" of possible values for a [`DictEncoded`](@ref)
21array type. Whether the order of values is significant can be checked
22by looking at the `isOrdered` boolean field.
24mutable struct DictEncoding{T, A} <: ArrowVector{T}
25 id::Int64
26 data::A
27 isOrdered::Bool
28 metadata::Union{Nothing, Dict{String, String}}
31Base.size(d::DictEncoding) = size(d.data)
33@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(d::DictEncoding{T}, i::Integer) where {T}
34 @boundscheck checkbounds(d, i)
35 return @inbounds ArrowTypes.arrowconvert(T, d.data[i])
38# convenience wrapper to signal that an input column should be
39# dict encoded when written to the arrow format
40struct DictEncodeType{T} end
41getT(::Type{DictEncodeType{T}}) where {T} = T
44 Arrow.DictEncode(::AbstractVector, id::Integer=nothing)
46Signals that a column/array should be dictionary encoded when serialized
47to the arrow streaming/file format. An optional `id` number may be provided
48to signal that multiple columns should use the same pool when being
49dictionary encoded.
51struct DictEncode{T, A} <: AbstractVector{DictEncodeType{T}}
52 id::Int64
53 data::A
56DictEncode(x::A, id=-1) where {A} = DictEncode{eltype(A), A}(id, x)
57Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:DictEncode}) = Base.IndexLinear()
58Base.size(x::DictEncode) = (length(x.data),)
59Base.iterate(x::DictEncode, st...) = iterate(x.data, st...)
60Base.getindex(x::DictEncode, i::Int) = getindex(x.data, i)
61ArrowTypes.ArrowType(::Type{<:DictEncodeType}) = DictEncodedType()
64 Arrow.DictEncoded
66A dictionary encoded array type (similar to a `PooledArray`). Behaves just
67like a normal array in most respects; internally, possible values are stored
68in the `encoding::DictEncoding` field, while the `indices::Vector{<:Integer}`
69field holds the "codes" of each element for indexing into the encoding pool.
70Any column/array can be dict encoding when serializing to the arrow format
71either by passing the `dictencode=true` keyword argument to [`Arrow.write`](@ref)
72(which causes _all_ columns to be dict encoded), or wrapping individual columns/
73arrays in [`Arrow.DictEncode(x)`](@ref).
75struct DictEncoded{T, S, A} <: ArrowVector{T}
76 arrow::Vector{UInt8} # need to hold a reference to arrow memory blob
77 validity::ValidityBitmap
78 indices::Vector{S}
79 encoding::DictEncoding{T, A}
80 metadata::Union{Nothing, Dict{String, String}}
83DictEncoded(b::Vector{UInt8}, v::ValidityBitmap, inds::Vector{S}, encoding::DictEncoding{T, A}, meta) where {S, T, A} =
84 DictEncoded{T, S, A}(b, v, inds, encoding, meta)
86Base.size(d::DictEncoded) = size(d.indices)
88isdictencoded(d::DictEncoded) = true
89isdictencoded(x) = false
90isdictencoded(c::Compressed{Z, A}) where {Z, A <: DictEncoded} = true
92signedtype(::Type{UInt8}) = Int8
93signedtype(::Type{UInt16}) = Int16
94signedtype(::Type{UInt32}) = Int32
95signedtype(::Type{UInt64}) = Int64
97indtype(d::DictEncoded{T, S, A}) where {T, S, A} = S
98indtype(c::Compressed{Z, A}) where {Z, A <: DictEncoded} = indtype(c.data)
100dictencodeid(colidx, nestedlevel, fieldid) = (Int64(nestedlevel) << 48) | (Int64(fieldid) << 32) | Int64(colidx)
102getid(d::DictEncoded) = d.encoding.id
103getid(c::Compressed{Z, A}) where {Z, A <: DictEncoded} = c.data.encoding.id
105arrowvector(::DictEncodedType, x::DictEncoded, i, nl, fi, de, ded, meta; kw...) = x
107function arrowvector(::DictEncodedType, x, i, nl, fi, de, ded, meta; dictencode::Bool=false, dictencodenested::Bool=false, kw...)
108 @assert x isa DictEncode
109 id = x.id == -1 ? dictencodeid(i, nl, fi) : x.id
110 x = x.data
111 len = length(x)
112 validity = ValidityBitmap(x)
113 if !haskey(de, id)
114 # dict encoding doesn't exist yet, so create for 1st time
115 if DataAPI.refarray(x) === x
116 # need to encode ourselves
117 x = PooledArray(x, encodingtype(length(x)))
118 inds = DataAPI.refarray(x)
119 else
120 inds = copy(DataAPI.refarray(x))
121 end
122 # adjust to "offset" instead of index
123 for i = 1:length(inds)
124 @inbounds inds[i] -= 1
125 end
126 pool = DataAPI.refpool(x)
127 # horrible hack? yes. better than taking CategoricalArrays dependency? also yes.
128 if typeof(pool).name.name == :CategoricalRefPool
129 pool = [get(pool[i]) for i = 1:length(pool)]
130 end
131 data = arrowvector(pool, i, nl, fi, de, ded, nothing; dictencode=dictencodenested, dictencodenested=dictencodenested, dictencoding=true, kw...)
132 encoding = DictEncoding{eltype(data), typeof(data)}(id, data, false, getmetadata(data))
133 de[id] = Lockable(encoding)
134 else
135 # encoding already exists
136 # compute inds based on it
137 # if value doesn't exist in encoding, push! it
138 # also add to deltas updates
139 encodinglockable = de[id]
140 @lock encodinglockable begin
141 encoding = encodinglockable.x
142 len = length(x)
143 ET = encodingtype(len)
144 pool = Dict{Union{eltype(encoding), eltype(x)}, ET}(a => (b - 1) for (b, a) in enumerate(encoding))
145 deltas = eltype(x)[]
146 inds = Vector{ET}(undef, len)
147 categorical = typeof(x).name.name == :CategoricalArray
148 for (j, val) in enumerate(x)
149 if categorical
150 val = get(val)
151 end
152 @inbounds inds[j] = get!(pool, val) do
153 push!(deltas, val)
154 length(pool)
155 end
156 end
157 if !isempty(deltas)
158 data = arrowvector(deltas, i, nl, fi, de, ded, nothing; dictencode=dictencodenested, dictencodenested=dictencodenested, dictencoding=true, kw...)
159 push!(ded, DictEncoding{eltype(data), typeof(data)}(id, data, false, getmetadata(data)))
160 if typeof(encoding.data) <: ChainedVector
161 append!(encoding.data, data)
162 else
163 data2 = ChainedVector([encoding.data, data])
164 encoding = DictEncoding{eltype(data2), typeof(data2)}(id, data2, false, getmetadata(encoding))
165 de[id] = Lockable(encoding)
166 end
167 end
168 end
169 end
170 if meta !== nothing && getmetadata(encoding) !== nothing
171 merge!(meta, getmetadata(encoding))
172 elseif getmetadata(encoding) !== nothing
173 meta = getmetadata(encoding)
174 end
175 return DictEncoded(UInt8[], validity, inds, encoding, meta)
178@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(d::DictEncoded, i::Integer)
179 @boundscheck checkbounds(d, i)
180 @inbounds valid = d.validity[i]
181 !valid && return missing
182 @inbounds idx = d.indices[i]
183 return @inbounds d.encoding[idx + 1]
186@propagate_inbounds function Base.setindex!(d::DictEncoded{T}, v, i::Integer) where {T}
187 @boundscheck checkbounds(d, i)
188 if v === missing
189 @inbounds d.validity[i] = false
190 else
191 ix = findfirst(d.encoding.data, v)
192 if ix === nothing
193 push!(d.encoding.data, v)
194 @inbounds d.indices[i] = length(d.encoding.data) - 1
195 else
196 @inbounds d.indices[i] = ix - 1
197 end
198 end
199 return v
202function Base.copy(x::DictEncoded{T, S}) where {T, S}
203 pool = copy(x.encoding.data)
204 valid = x.validity
205 inds = x.indices
206 refs = copy(inds)
207 @inbounds for i = 1:length(inds)
208 refs[i] = refs[i] + one(S)
209 end
210 return PooledArray(PooledArrays.RefArray(refs), Dict{T, S}(val => i for (i, val) in enumerate(pool)), pool)
213function compress(Z::Meta.CompressionType, comp, x::A) where {A <: DictEncoded}
214 len = length(x)
215 nc = nullcount(x)
216 validity = compress(Z, comp, x.validity)
217 inds = compress(Z, comp, x.indices)
218 return Compressed{Z, A}(x, [validity, inds], len, nc, Compressed[])
221function makenodesbuffers!(col::DictEncoded{T, S}, fieldnodes, fieldbuffers, bufferoffset, alignment) where {T, S}
222 len = length(col)
223 nc = nullcount(col)
224 push!(fieldnodes, FieldNode(len, nc))
225 @debug 1 "made field node: nodeidx = $(length(fieldnodes)), col = $(typeof(col)), len = $(fieldnodes[end].length), nc = $(fieldnodes[end].null_count)"
226 # validity bitmap
227 blen = nc == 0 ? 0 : bitpackedbytes(len, alignment)
228 push!(fieldbuffers, Buffer(bufferoffset, blen))
229 @debug 1 "made field buffer: bufferidx = $(length(fieldbuffers)), offset = $(fieldbuffers[end].offset), len = $(fieldbuffers[end].length), padded = $(padding(fieldbuffers[end].length, alignment))"
230 bufferoffset += blen
231 # indices
232 blen = sizeof(S) * len
233 push!(fieldbuffers, Buffer(bufferoffset, blen))
234 @debug 1 "made field buffer: bufferidx = $(length(fieldbuffers)), offset = $(fieldbuffers[end].offset), len = $(fieldbuffers[end].length), padded = $(padding(fieldbuffers[end].length, alignment))"
235 bufferoffset += padding(blen, alignment)
236 return bufferoffset
239function writebuffer(io, col::DictEncoded, alignment)
240 @debug 1 "writebuffer: col = $(typeof(col))"
241 @debug 2 col
242 writebitmap(io, col, alignment)
243 # write indices
244 n = writearray(io, col.indices)
245 @debug 1 "writing array: col = $(typeof(col.indices)), n = $n, padded = $(padding(n, alignment))"
246 writezeros(io, paddinglength(n, alignment))
247 return