]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/arrow/python/asv.conf.json
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / arrow / python / asv.conf.json
1// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
3// distributed with this work for additional information
4// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
5// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
15// specific language governing permissions and limitations
16// under the License.
19 // The version of the config file format. Do not change, unless
20 // you know what you are doing.
21 "version": 1,
23 // The name of the project being benchmarked
24 "project": "pyarrow",
26 // The project's homepage
27 "project_url": "https://arrow.apache.org/",
29 // The URL or local path of the source code repository for the
30 // project being benchmarked
31 "repo": "..",
33 // The Python project's subdirectory in your repo. If missing or
34 // the empty string, the project is assumed to be located at the root
35 // of the repository.
36 "repo_subdir": "python",
38 // Custom build commands for Arrow.
39 "build_command": ["/bin/bash {build_dir}/asv-build.sh"],
40 "install_command": ["/bin/bash {build_dir}/asv-install.sh"],
41 "uninstall_command": ["/bin/bash {build_dir}/asv-uninstall.sh"],
43 // List of branches to benchmark. If not provided, defaults to "master"
44 // (for git) or "default" (for mercurial).
45 // "branches": ["master"], // for git
46 // "branches": ["default"], // for mercurial
48 // The DVCS being used. If not set, it will be automatically
49 // determined from "repo" by looking at the protocol in the URL
50 // (if remote), or by looking for special directories, such as
51 // ".git" (if local).
52 "dvcs": "git",
54 // The tool to use to create environments. May be "conda",
55 // "virtualenv" or other value depending on the plugins in use.
56 // If missing or the empty string, the tool will be automatically
57 // determined by looking for tools on the PATH environment
58 // variable.
59 "environment_type": "conda",
60 // Avoid conda-forge to avoid C++ ABI issues
61 "conda_channels": ["defaults"],
63 // the base URL to show a commit for the project.
64 "show_commit_url": "https://github.com/apache/arrow/commit/",
66 // The Pythons you'd like to test against. If not provided, defaults
67 // to the current version of Python used to run `asv`.
68 "pythons": ["3.7"],
70 // The matrix of dependencies to test. Each key is the name of a
71 // package (in PyPI) and the values are version numbers. An empty
72 // list or empty string indicates to just test against the default
73 // (latest) version. null indicates that the package is to not be
74 // installed. If the package to be tested is only available from
75 // PyPi, and the 'environment_type' is conda, then you can preface
76 // the package name by 'pip+', and the package will be installed via
77 // pip (with all the conda available packages installed first,
78 // followed by the pip installed packages).
79 //
80 // "matrix": {
81 // "numpy": ["1.6", "1.7"],
82 // "six": ["", null], // test with and without six installed
83 // "pip+emcee": [""], // emcee is only available for install with pip.
84 // },
85 "matrix": {
86 // Use older boost since it works on more editions of the project
87 "aws-sdk-cpp": [],
88 "boost-cpp": ["1.68.0"],
89 "brotli": [],
90 "cmake": [],
91 "cython": [],
92 "flatbuffers": [],
93 "grpc-cpp": [],
94 "libprotobuf": [],
95 "lz4-c": [],
96 "ninja": [],
97 "numpy": [],
98 "pandas": ["0.25.1"],
99 "pip+setuptools_scm": [],
100 "rapidjson": [],
101 "re2": [],
102 "snappy": [],
103 "thrift-cpp": [],
104 "zstd": [],
105 },
107 // Combinations of libraries/python versions can be excluded/included
108 // from the set to test. Each entry is a dictionary containing additional
109 // key-value pairs to include/exclude.
110 //
111 // An exclude entry excludes entries where all values match. The
112 // values are regexps that should match the whole string.
113 //
114 // An include entry adds an environment. Only the packages listed
115 // are installed. The 'python' key is required. The exclude rules
116 // do not apply to includes.
117 //
118 // In addition to package names, the following keys are available:
119 //
120 // - python
121 // Python version, as in the *pythons* variable above.
122 // - environment_type
123 // Environment type, as above.
124 // - sys_platform
125 // Platform, as in sys.platform. Possible values for the common
126 // cases: 'linux2', 'win32', 'cygwin', 'darwin'.
127 //
128 // "exclude": [
129 // {"python": "3.2", "sys_platform": "win32"}, // skip py3.2 on windows
130 // {"environment_type": "conda", "six": null}, // don't run without six on conda
131 // ],
132 //
133 // "include": [
134 // // additional env for python2.7
135 // {"python": "2.7", "numpy": "1.8"},
136 // // additional env if run on windows+conda
137 // {"platform": "win32", "environment_type": "conda", "python": "2.7", "libpython": ""},
138 // ],
140 // The directory (relative to the current directory) that benchmarks are
141 // stored in. If not provided, defaults to "benchmarks"
142 "benchmark_dir": "benchmarks",
144 // The directory (relative to the current directory) to cache the Python
145 // environments in. If not provided, defaults to "env"
146 "env_dir": ".asv/env",
148 // The directory (relative to the current directory) that raw benchmark
149 // results are stored in. If not provided, defaults to "results".
150 "results_dir": ".asv/results",
152 // The directory (relative to the current directory) that the html tree
153 // should be written to. If not provided, defaults to "html".
154 "html_dir": "build/benchmarks/html",
156 // The number of characters to retain in the commit hashes.
157 // "hash_length": 8,
159 // `asv` will cache wheels of the recent builds in each
160 // environment, making them faster to install next time. This is
161 // number of builds to keep, per environment.
162 // "wheel_cache_size": 0,
164 // The commits after which the regression search in `asv publish`
165 // should start looking for regressions. Dictionary whose keys are
166 // regexps matching to benchmark names, and values corresponding to
167 // the commit (exclusive) after which to start looking for
168 // regressions. The default is to start from the first commit
169 // with results. If the commit is `null`, regression detection is
170 // skipped for the matching benchmark.
171 //
172 // "regressions_first_commits": {
173 // "some_benchmark": "352cdf", // Consider regressions only after this commit
174 // "another_benchmark": null, // Skip regression detection altogether
175 // }
177 // The thresholds for relative change in results, after which `asv
178 // publish` starts reporting regressions. Dictionary of the same
179 // form as in ``regressions_first_commits``, with values
180 // indicating the thresholds. If multiple entries match, the
181 // maximum is taken. If no entry matches, the default is 5%.
182 //
183 // "regressions_thresholds": {
184 // "some_benchmark": 0.01, // Threshold of 1%
185 // "another_benchmark": 0.5, // Threshold of 50%
186 // }