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8 <title>Type-safe 'printf-like' format class</title>
11<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
12 <h1><img align="middle" alt="boost.png (6897 bytes)" height="86" src=
13 "../../../boost.png" width="277">Type-safe 'printf-like' <b>format
14 class</b></h1>
16 <h2>Choices made</h2>
18 <p>"Le pourquoi du comment" ( - "the why of the how")</p>
19 <hr>
21 <h3>The syntax of the format-string</h3>
23 <p>Format is a new library. One of its goal is to provide a replacement for
24 printf, that means format can parse a format-string designed for printf,
25 apply it to the given arguments, and produce the same result as printf
26 would have.<br>
27 With this constraint, there were roughly 3 possible choices for the syntax
28 of the format-string :</p>
30 <ol>
31 <li>Use the exact same syntax of printf. It's well known by many
32 experienced users, and fits almost all needs. But with C++ streams, the
33 type-conversion character, crucial to determine the end of a directive,
34 is only useful to set some associated formatting options, in a C++
35 streams context (%x for setting hexa, etc..) It would be better to make
36 this obligatory type-conversion character, with modified meaning,
37 optional.</li>
39 <li>extend printf syntax while maintaining compatibility, by using
40 characters and constructs not yet valid as printf syntax. e.g. : "%1%",
41 "%[1]", "%|1$d|", .. Using begin / end marks, all sort of extension can
42 be considered.</li>
44 <li>Provide a non-legacy mode, in parallel of the printf-compatible one,
45 that can be designed to fit other objectives without constraints of
46 compatibilty with the existing printf syntax.<br>
47 But Designing a replacement to printf's syntax, that would be clearly
48 better, and as much powerful, is yet another task than building a format
49 class. When such a syntax is designed, we should consider splitting
50 Boost.format into 2 separate libraries : one working hand in hand with
51 this new syntax, and another supporting the legacy syntax (possibly a
52 fast version, built with safety improvement above snprintf or the
53 like).</li>
54 </ol>In the absence of a full, clever, new syntax clearly better adapted to
55 C++ streams than printf, the second approach was chosen. Boost.format uses
56 printf's syntax, with extensions (tabulations, centered alignements) that
57 can be expressed using extensions to this syntax.<br>
58 And alternate compatible notations are provided to address the weaknesses
59 of printf's :
61 <ul>
62 <li><i>"%<b>N</b>%"</i> as a simpler positional, typeless and optionless
63 notation.</li>
65 <li><i>%|spec|</i> as a way to encapsulate printf directive in movre
66 visually evident structures, at the same time making printf's
67 'type-conversion character' optional.</li>
68 </ul>
69 <hr>
71 <h3>Why are arguments passed through an operator rather than a function
72 call ?</h3><br>
73 The inconvenience of the operator approach (for some people) is that it
74 might be confusing. It's a usual warning that too much of overloading
75 operators gets people real confused.<br>
76 Since the use of format objects will be in specific contexts ( most often
77 right after a "cout &lt;&lt; ") and look like a formatting string followed
78 by arguments indeed :
80 <blockquote>
81 <pre>
82format(" %s at %s with %s\n") % x % y % z;
84 </blockquote>we can hope it wont confuse people that much.
86 <p>An other fear about operators, is precedence problems. What if I someday
87 write <b>format("%s") % x+y</b><br>
88 instead of <i>format("%s") % (x+y)</i> ??<br>
89 It will make a mistake at compile-time, so the error will be immediately
90 detected.<br>
91 indeed, this line calls <i>tmp = operator%( format("%s"), x)</i><br>
92 and then <i>operator+(tmp, y)</i><br>
93 tmp will be a format object, for which no implicit conversion is defined,
94 and thus the call to operator+ will fail. (except if you define such an
95 operator, of course). So you can safely assume precedence mistakes will be
96 noticed at compilation.</p>
98 <p><br>
99 On the other hand, the function approach has a true inconvenience. It needs
100 to define lots of template function like :</p>
102 <blockquote>
103 <pre>
104template &lt;class T1, class T2, .., class TN&gt;
105string format(string s, const T1&amp; x1, .... , const T1&amp; xN);
108 </blockquote>and even if we define those for N up to 500, that is still a
109 limitation, that C's printf does not have.<br>
110 Also, since format somehow emulates printf in some cases, but is far from
111 being fully equivalent to printf, it's best to use a radically different
112 appearance, and using operator calls succeeds very well in that !
114 <p><br>
115 Anyhow, if we actually chose the formal function call templates system, it
116 would only be able to print Classes T for which there is an</p>
118 <blockquote>
119 <pre>
120operator&lt;&lt; ( stream, const T&amp;)
122 </blockquote>Because allowing both const and non const produces a
123 combinatorics explosion - if we go up to 10 arguments, we need 2^10
124 functions.<br>
125 (providing overloads on T&amp; / const T&amp; is at the frontier of defects
126 of the C++ standard, and thus is far from guaranteed to be supported. But
127 right now several compilers support those overloads)<br>
128 There is a lot of chances that a class which only provides the non-const
129 equivalent is badly designed, but yet it is another unjustified restriction
130 to the user.<br>
131 Also, some manipulators are functions, and can not be passed as const
132 references. The function call approach thus does not support manipulators
133 well.
135 <p>In conclusion, using a dedicated binary operator is the simplest, most
136 robust, and least restrictive mechanism to pass arguments when you can't
137 know the number of arguments at compile-time.</p>
138 <hr>
140 <h3>Why operator% rather than a member function 'with(..)'
141 ??</h3>technically,
143 <blockquote>
144 <pre>
145format(fstr) % x1 % x2 % x3;
147 </blockquote>has the same structure as
149 <blockquote>
150 <pre>
151format(fstr).with( x1 ).with( x2 ).with( x3 );
153 </blockquote>which does not have any precedence problem. The only drawback,
154 is it's harder for the eye to catch what is done in this line, than when we
155 are using operators. calling .with(..), it looks just like any other line
156 of code. So it may be a better solution, depending on tastes. The extra
157 characters, and overall cluttered aspect of the line of code using
158 'with(..)' were enough for me to opt for a true operator.
159 <hr>
161 <h3>Why operator% rather than usual formatting operator&lt;&lt; ??</h3>
163 <ul>
164 <li>because passing arguments to a format object is *not* the same as
165 sending variables, sequentially, into a stream, and because a format
166 object is not a stream, nor a manipulator.<br>
167 We use an operator to pass arguments. format will use them as a
168 function would, it simply takes arguments one by one.<br>
169 format objects can not provide stream-like behaviour. When you try to
170 implement a format object that acts like a manipulator, returning a
171 stream, you make the user beleive it is completely like a
172 stream-manipulator. And sooner or later, the user is deceived by this
173 point of view.<br>
174 The most obvious example of that difference in behaviour is
176 <blockquote>
177 <pre>
178cout &lt;&lt; format("%s %s ") &lt;&lt; x;
179cout &lt;&lt; y ; // uh-oh, format is not really a stream manipulator
181 </blockquote>
182 </li>
184 <li>precedence of % is higher than that of &lt;&lt;. It can be viewd as a
185 problem, because + and - thus needs to be grouped inside parentheses,
186 while it is not necessary with '&lt;&lt;'. But if the user forgets, the
187 mistake is catched at compilation, and hopefully he won't forget
188 again.<br>
189 On the other hand, the higher precedence makes format's behaviour very
190 straight-forward.
192 <blockquote>
193 <pre>
194cout &lt;&lt; format("%s %s ") % x % y &lt;&lt; endl;
196 </blockquote>is treated exaclt like :
198 <blockquote>
199 <pre>
200cout &lt;&lt; ( format("%s %s ") % x % y ) &lt;&lt; endl;
202 </blockquote>So using %, the life of a format object does not interfere
203 with the surrounding stream context. This is the simplest possible
204 behaviour, and thus the user is able to continue using the stream after
205 the format object.<br>
206 <br>
207 With operator&lt;&lt;, things are much more problematic in this
208 situation. This line :
210 <blockquote>
211 <pre>
212cout &lt;&lt; format("%s %s ") &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; y &lt;&lt; endl;
214 </blockquote>is understood as :
216 <blockquote>
217 <pre>
218( ( ( cout &lt;&lt; format("%s %s ") ) &lt;&lt; x ) &lt;&lt; y ) &lt;&lt; endl;
220 </blockquote>Several alternative implementations chose
221 operator&lt;&lt;, and there is only one way to make it work :<br>
222 the first call to
224 <blockquote>
225 <pre>
226operator&lt;&lt;( ostream&amp;, format const&amp;)
228 </blockquote>returns a proxy, encapsulating both the final destination
229 (cout) and the format-string information<br>
230 Passing arguments to format, or to the final destination after
231 completion of the format are indistinguishable. This is a problem.
233 <p>I examined several possible implementations, and none is completely
234 satsifying.<br>
235 E.g. : In order to catch users mistake, it makes sense to raise
236 exceptions when the user passes too many arguments. But in this
237 context, supplementary arguments are most certainly aimed at the final
238 destination. There are several choices here :</p>
240 <ul>
241 <li>You can give-up detection of arity excess, and have the proxy's
242 template member operator&lt;&lt;( const T&amp;) simply forward all
243 supplementary arguments to cout.</li>
245 <li>Require the user to close the format arguments with a special
246 manipulator, 'endf', in this way :
248 <blockquote>
249 <pre>
250cout &lt;&lt; format("%s %s ") &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; y &lt;&lt; endf &lt;&lt; endl;
252 </blockquote>You can define endf to be a function that returns the
253 final destination stored inside the proxy. Then it's okay, after
254 endf the user is calling &lt;&lt; on cout again.
255 </li>
257 <li>An intermediate solution, is to adress the most frequent use,
258 where the user simply wants to output one more manipulator item to
259 cout (a std::flush, or endl, ..)
261 <blockquote>
262 <pre>
263cout &lt;&lt; format("%s %s \n") &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; y &lt;&lt; flush ;
265 </blockquote>Then, the solution is to overload the operator&lt;&lt;
266 for manipulators. This way You don't need endf, but outputting a
267 non-manipulator item right after the format arguments is a mistake.
268 </li>
269 </ul><br>
270 The most complete solution is the one with the endf manipualtor. With
271 operator%, there is no need for this end-format function, plus you
272 instantly see which arguments are going into the format object, and
273 which are going to the stream.
274 </li>
276 <li>Esthetically : '%' is the same letter as used inside the
277 format-string. That is quite nice to have the same letter used for
278 passing each argument. '&lt;&lt;' is 2 letters, '%' is one. '%' is also
279 smaller in size. It overall improves visualisation (we see what goes with
280 what) :
282 <blockquote>
283 <pre>
284cout &lt;&lt; format("%s %s %s") %x %y %z &lt;&lt; "And avg is" &lt;&lt; format("%s\n") %avg;
286 </blockquote>compared to :
288 <blockquote>
289 <pre>
290cout &lt;&lt; format("%s %s %s") &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; y &lt;&lt; z &lt;&lt; endf &lt;&lt;"And avg is" &lt;&lt; format("%s\n") &lt;&lt; avg;
292 </blockquote>"&lt;&lt;" misleadingly puts the arguments at the same
293 level as any object passed to the stream.
294 </li>
296 <li>python also uses % for formatting, so you see it's not so "unheard
297 of" ;-)</li>
298 </ul>
299 <hr>
301 <h3>Why operator% rather than operator(), or operator[] ??</h3>
303 <p>operator() has the merit of being the natural way to send an argument
304 into a function. And some think that operator[] 's meaning apply well to
305 the usage in format.<br>
306 They're as good as operator% technically, but quite ugly. (that's a matter
307 of taste)<br>
308 And deepd down, using operator% for passing arguments that were referred to
309 by "%" in the format string seems much more natural to me than using those
310 operators.</p>
311 <hr>
313 <p><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img border="0" src=
314 "../../../doc/images/valid-html401.png" alt="Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional"
315 height="31" width="88"></a></p>
317 <p>Revised
318 <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" s-type="EDITED" s-format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->02 December, 2006<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="38510" --></p>
320 <p><i>Copyright &copy; 2001 Samuel Krempp</i></p>
322 <p><i>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
323 accompanying file <a href="../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</a> or
324 copy at <a href=
325 "http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a>)</i></p>