]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/boost/libs/hana/include/boost/hana/fwd/concept/iterable.hpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / hana / include / boost / hana / fwd / concept / iterable.hpp
3Forward declares `boost::hana::Iterable`.
5@copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2016
6Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
7(See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8 */
13#include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
17 //! @ingroup group-concepts
18 //! @defgroup group-Iterable Iterable
19 //! The `Iterable` concept represents data structures supporting external
20 //! iteration.
21 //!
22 //! Intuitively, an `Iterable` can be seen as a kind of container whose
23 //! elements can be pulled out one at a time. An `Iterable` also provides
24 //! a way to know when the _container_ is empty, i.e. when there are no
25 //! more elements to pull out.
26 //!
27 //! Whereas `Foldable` represents data structures supporting internal
28 //! iteration with the ability to accumulate a result, the `Iterable`
29 //! concept allows inverting the control of the iteration. This is more
30 //! flexible than `Foldable`, since it allows iterating over only some
31 //! part of the structure. This, in turn, allows `Iterable` to work on
32 //! infinite structures, while trying to fold such a structure would
33 //! never finish.
34 //!
35 //!
36 //! Minimal complete definition
37 //! ---------------------------
38 //! `at`, `drop_front` and `is_empty`
39 //!
40 //!
41 //! @anchor Iterable-lin
42 //! The linearization of an `Iterable`
43 //! ----------------------------------
44 //! Intuitively, for an `Iterable` structure `xs`, the _linearization_ of
45 //! `xs` is the sequence of all the elements in `xs` as if they had been
46 //! put in a (possibly infinite) list:
47 //! @code
48 //! linearization(xs) = [x1, x2, x3, ...]
49 //! @endcode
50 //!
51 //! The `n`th element of the linearization of an `Iterable` can be
52 //! accessed with the `at` function. In other words, `at(xs, n) == xn`.
53 //!
54 //! Note that this notion is precisely the extension of the [linearization]
55 //! (@ref Foldable-lin) notion of `Foldable`s to the infinite case. This
56 //! notion is useful for expressing various properties of `Iterable`s,
57 //! and is used for that elsewhere in the documentation.
58 //!
59 //!
60 //! Compile-time `Iterable`s
61 //! ------------------------
62 //! A _compile-time_ `Iterable` is an `Iterable` for which `is_empty`
63 //! returns a compile-time `Logical`. These structures allow iteration
64 //! to be done at compile-time, in the sense that the "loop" doing the
65 //! iteration can be unrolled because the total length of the structure
66 //! is kown at compile-time.
67 //!
68 //! In particular, note that being a compile-time `Iterable` has nothing
69 //! to do with being finite or infinite. For example, it would be possible
70 //! to create a sequence representing the Pythagorean triples as
71 //! `integral_constant`s. Such a sequence would be infinite, but iteration
72 //! on the sequence would still be done at compile-time. However, if one
73 //! tried to iterate over _all_ the elements of the sequence, the compiler
74 //! would loop indefinitely, in contrast to your program looping
75 //! indefinitely if the sequence was a runtime one.
76 //!
77 //! __In the current version of the library, only compile-time `Iterable`s
78 //! are supported.__ While it would be possible in theory to support
79 //! runtime `Iterable`s, doing it efficiently is the subject of some
80 //! research. In particular, follow [this issue][1] for the current
81 //! status of runtime `Iterable`s.
82 //!
83 //!
84 //! Laws
85 //! ----
86 //! First, we require the equality of two `Iterable`s to be related to the
87 //! equality of the elements in their linearizations. More specifically,
88 //! if `xs` and `ys` are two `Iterable`s of data type `It`, then
89 //! @code
90 //! xs == ys => at(xs, i) == at(ys, i) for all i
91 //! @endcode
92 //!
93 //! This conveys that two `Iterable`s must have the same linearization
94 //! in order to be considered equal.
95 //!
96 //! Secondly, since every `Iterable` is also a `Searchable`, we require
97 //! the models of `Iterable` and `Searchable` to be consistent. This is
98 //! made precise by the following laws. For any `Iterable` `xs` with a
99 //! linearization of `[x1, x2, x3, ...]`,
100 //! @code
101 //! any_of(xs, equal.to(z)) <=> xi == z
102 //! @endcode
103 //! for some _finite_ index `i`. Furthermore,
104 //! @code
105 //! find_if(xs, pred) == just(the first xi such that pred(xi) is satisfied)
106 //! @endcode
107 //! or `nothing` if no such `xi` exists.
108 //!
109 //!
110 //! Refined concepts
111 //! ----------------
112 //! 1. `Searchable` (free model)\n
113 //! Any `Iterable` gives rise to a model of `Searchable`, where the keys
114 //! and the values are both the elements in the structure. Searching for
115 //! a key is just doing a linear search through the elements of the
116 //! structure.
117 //! @include example/iterable/searchable.cpp
118 //!
119 //! 2. `Foldable` for finite `Iterable`s\n
120 //! Every finite `Iterable` gives rise to a model of `Foldable`. For
121 //! these models to be consistent, we require the models of both `Foldable`
122 //! and `Iterable` to have the same linearization.
123 //!
124 //! @note
125 //! As explained above, `Iterable`s are also `Searchable`s and their
126 //! models have to be consistent. By the laws presented here, it also
127 //! means that the `Foldable` model for finite `Iterable`s has to be
128 //! consistent with the `Searchable` model.
129 //!
130 //! For convenience, finite `Iterable`s must only provide a definition of
131 //! `length` to model the `Foldable` concept; defining the more powerful
132 //! `unpack` or `fold_left` is not necessary (but still possible). The
133 //! default implementation of `unpack` derived from `Iterable` + `length`
134 //! uses the fact that `at(xs, i)` denotes the `i`th element of `xs`'s
135 //! linearization, and that the linearization of a finite `Iterable` must
136 //! be the same as its linearization as a `Foldable`.
137 //!
138 //!
139 //! Concrete models
140 //! ---------------
141 //! `hana::tuple`, `hana::string`, `hana::range`
142 //!
143 //!
144 //! [1]: https://github.com/boostorg/hana/issues/40
145 template <typename It>
146 struct Iterable;