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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / math / doc / overview / error_handling.qbk
1[section:error_handling Error Handling]
3[def __format [@../../../format/index.html Boost.Format]]
5[heading Quick Reference]
7Handling of errors by this library is split into two orthogonal parts:
9* What kind of error has been raised?
10* What should be done when the error is raised?
12[warning The default error actions are to throw an exception with an informative error message.
13If you do not try to catch the exception, you will not see the message!]
15The kinds of errors that can be raised are:
18[[Domain Error][Occurs when one or more arguments to a function
19 are out of range.]]
20[[Pole Error][Occurs when the particular arguments cause the function to be
21 evaluated at a pole with no well defined residual value. For example if
22 __tgamma is evaluated at exactly -2, the function approaches different limiting
23 values depending upon whether you approach from just above or just below
24 -2. Hence the function has no well defined value at this point and a
25 Pole Error will be raised.]]
26[[Overflow Error][Occurs when the result is either infinite, or too large
27 to represent in the numeric type being returned by the function.]]
28[[Underflow Error][Occurs when the result is not zero, but is too small
29 to be represented by any other value in the type being returned by
30 the function.]]
31[[Denormalisation Error][Occurs when the returned result would be a denormalised value.]]
32[[Rounding Error][Occurs when the argument to one of the rounding functions __trunc,
33 __round and __modf can not be represented as an integer type, is
34 outside the range of the result type.]]
35[[Evaluation Error][Occurs if no method of evaluation is known,
36 or when an internal error occurred that prevented the
37 result from being evaluated: this should never occur, but if it does, then
38 it's likely to be due to an iterative method not converging fast enough.]]
39[[Indeterminate Result Error][Occurs when the result of a function is not
40 defined for the values that were passed to it.]]
43The action undertaken by each error condition is determined by the current
44__Policy in effect. This can be changed program-wide by setting some
45configuration macros, or at namespace scope, or at the call site (by
46specifying a specific policy in the function call).
48The available actions are:
51[[throw_on_error][Throws the exception most appropriate to the error condition.]]
52[[errno_on_error][Sets ::errno to an appropriate value, and then returns the most
53appropriate result]]
54[[ignore_error][Ignores the error and simply the returns the most appropriate result.]]
55[[user_error][Calls a
56 [link math_toolkit.pol_tutorial.user_def_err_pol user-supplied error handler].]]
59The following tables show all the permutations of errors and actions,
60with the *default action for each error shown in bold*:
62[table Possible Actions for Domain Errors
63[[Action] [Behaviour]]
64[[throw_on_error][[*Throws `std::domain_error`]]]
65[[errno_on_error][Sets `::errno` to `EDOM` and returns `std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()`]]
66[[ignore_error][Returns `std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()`]]
67[[user_error][Returns the result of `boost::math::policies::user_domain_error`:
68 [link math_toolkit.pol_tutorial.user_def_err_pol
69 this function must be defined by the user].]]
72[table Possible Actions for Pole Errors
73[[Action] [Behaviour]]
74[[throw_on_error] [[*Throws `std::domain_error`]]]
75[[errno_on_error][Sets `::errno` to `EDOM` and returns `std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()`]]
76[[ignore_error][Returns `std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()`]]
77[[user_error][Returns the result of `boost::math::policies::user_pole_error`:
78 [link math_toolkit.pol_tutorial.user_def_err_pol
79 this function must be defined by the user].]]
82[table Possible Actions for Overflow Errors
83[[Action] [Behaviour]]
84[[throw_on_error][[*Throws `std::overflow_error`]]]
85[[errno_on_error][Sets `::errno` to `ERANGE` and returns `std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()`]]
86[[ignore_error][Returns `std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()`]]
87[[user_error][Returns the result of `boost::math::policies::user_overflow_error`:
88 [link math_toolkit.pol_tutorial.user_def_err_pol
89 this function must be defined by the user].]]
92[table Possible Actions for Underflow Errors
93[[Action] [Behaviour]]
94[[throw_on_error][Throws `std::underflow_error`]]
95[[errno_on_error][Sets `::errno` to `ERANGE` and returns 0.]]
96[[ignore_error][[*Returns 0]]]
97[[user_error][Returns the result of `boost::math::policies::user_underflow_error`:
98 [link math_toolkit.pol_tutorial.user_def_err_pol
99 this function must be defined by the user].]]
102[table Possible Actions for Denorm Errors
103[[Action] [Behaviour]]
104[[throw_on_error][Throws `std::underflow_error`]]
105[[errno_on_error][Sets `::errno` to `ERANGE` and returns the denormalised value.]]
106[[ignore_error][[*Returns the denormalised value.]]]
107[[user_error][Returns the result of `boost::math::policies::user_denorm_error`:
108 [link math_toolkit.pol_tutorial.user_def_err_pol
109 this function must be defined by the user].]]
112[table Possible Actions for Rounding Errors
113[[Action] [Behaviour]]
114[[throw_on_error][Throws `boost::math::rounding_error`]]
115[[errno_on_error][Sets `::errno` to `ERANGE` and returns the largest representable value of the target integer type
116(or the most negative value if the argument to the function was less than zero).]]
117[[ignore_error][[*Returns the largest representable value of the target integer type
118(or the most negative value if the argument to the function was less than zero).]]]
119[[user_error][Returns the result of `boost::math::policies::user_rounding_error`:
120 [link math_toolkit.pol_tutorial.user_def_err_pol
121 this function must be defined by the user].]]
124[table Possible Actions for Internal Evaluation Errors
125[[Action] [Behaviour]]
126[[throw_on_error][[*Throws `boost::math::evaluation_error`]]]
127[[errno_on_error][Sets `::errno` to `EDOM` and returns the closest approximation found.]]
128[[ignore_error][Returns the closest approximation found.]]
129[[user_error][Returns the result of `boost::math::policies::user_evaluation_error`:
130 [link math_toolkit.pol_tutorial.user_def_err_pol
131 this function must be defined by the user].]]
134[table Possible Actions for Indeterminate Result Errors
135[[Action] [Behaviour]]
136[[throw_on_error][Throws `std::domain_error`]]
137[[errno_on_error][Sets `::errno` to `EDOM` and returns the same value as `ignore_error`.]]
138[[ignore_error][[*Returns a default result that depends on the function where the error occurred.]]]
139[[user_error][Returns the result of `boost::math::policies::user_indeterminate_result_error`:
140 [link math_toolkit.pol_tutorial.user_def_err_pol
141 this function must be defined by the user].]]
144All these error conditions are in namespace boost::math::policies,
145made available, for example, a by namespace declaration
146using `namespace boost::math::policies;` or individual using declarations
147`using boost::math::policies::overflow_error;`.
149[heading Rationale]
151The flexibility of the current implementation should be reasonably obvious: the
152default behaviours were chosen based on feedback during the formal review of
153this library. It was felt that:
155* Genuine errors should be flagged with exceptions
156rather than following C-compatible behaviour and setting `::errno`.
157* Numeric underflow and denormalised results were not considered to be
158fatal errors in most cases, so it was felt that these should be ignored.
159* If there is more than one error,
160only the first detected will be reported in the throw message.
162[heading Finding More Information]
164There are some pre-processor macro defines that can be used to
165[link math_toolkit.pol_ref.policy_defaults
166change the policy defaults]. See also the [link policy
167policy section].
169An example is at the Policy tutorial in
170[link math_toolkit.pol_tutorial.changing_policy_defaults
171Changing the Policy Defaults].
173Full source code of this typical example of passing a 'bad' argument
174(negative degrees of freedom) to Student's t distribution
175is [link math_toolkit.stat_tut.weg.error_eg in the error handling example].
177The various kind of errors are described in more detail below.
179[heading:domain_error Domain Errors]
181When a special function is passed an argument that is outside the range
182of values for which that function is defined, then the function returns
183the result of:
185 boost::math::policies::raise_domain_error<T>(FunctionName, Message, Val, __Policy);
188`T` is the floating-point type passed to the function, `FunctionName` is the
189name of the function, `Message` is an error message describing the problem,
190Val is the value that was out of range, and __Policy is the current policy
191in use for the function that was called.
193The default policy behaviour of this function is to throw a
194std::domain_error C++ exception. But if the __Policy is to ignore
195the error, or set global `::errno`, then a NaN will be returned.
197This behaviour is chosen to assist compatibility with the behaviour of
198['ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Programming languages - C]
199and with the
200[@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2005/n1836.pdf Draft Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions, 2005-06-24, section 5.2.1, paragraph 6]:
202[:['"Each of the functions declared above shall return a NaN (Not a Number)
203if any argument value is a NaN, but it shall not report a domain error.
204Otherwise, each of the functions declared above shall report a domain error
205for just those argument values for which:]]
207[:['"the function description's Returns clause explicitly specifies a domain, and those arguments fall outside the specified domain; or]
209['"the corresponding mathematical function value has a non-zero imaginary component; or]
211['"the corresponding mathematical function is not mathematically defined.]]
213[:['"Note 2: A mathematical function is mathematically defined
214for a given set of argument values if it is explicitly defined
215for that set of argument values or
216if its limiting value exists and does not depend on the direction of approach."]]
218Note that in order to support information-rich error messages when throwing
219exceptions, `Message` must contain
220a __format recognised format specifier: the argument `Val` is inserted into
221the error message according to the specifier used.
223For example if `Message` contains a "%1%" then it is replaced by the value of
224`Val` to the full precision of T, where as "%.3g" would contain the value of
225`Val` to 3 digits. See the __format documentation for more details.
227[heading:pole_error Evaluation at a pole]
229When a special function is passed an argument that is at a pole
230without a well defined residual value, then the function returns
231the result of:
233 boost::math::policies::raise_pole_error<T>(FunctionName, Message, Val, __Policy);
236`T` is the floating point type passed to the function, `FunctionName` is the
237name of the function, `Message` is an error message describing the problem,
238`Val` is the value of the argument that is at a pole, and __Policy is the
239current policy in use for the function that was called.
241The default behaviour of this function is to throw a std::domain_error exception.
242But __error_policy can be used to change this, for example to `ignore_error`
243and return NaN.
245Note that in order to support information-rich error messages when throwing
246exceptions, `Message` must contain
247a __format recognised format specifier: the argument `val` is inserted into
248the error message according to the specifier used.
250For example if `Message` contains a "%1%" then it is replaced by the value of
251`val` to the full precision of T, where as "%.3g" would contain the value of
252`val` to 3 digits. See the __format documentation for more details.
254[heading:overflow_error Numeric Overflow]
256When the result of a special function is too large to fit in the argument
257floating-point type, then the function returns the result of:
259 boost::math::policies::raise_overflow_error<T>(FunctionName, Message, __Policy);
262`T` is the floating-point type passed to the function, `FunctionName` is the
263name of the function, `Message` is an error message describing the problem,
264and __Policy is the current policy
265in use for the function that was called.
267The default policy for this function is that `std::overflow_error`
268C++ exception is thrown. But if, for example, an `ignore_error` policy
269is used, then returns `std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()`.
270In this situation if the type `T` doesn't support infinities,
271the maximum value for the type is returned.
273[heading:underflow_error Numeric Underflow]
275If the result of a special function is known to be non-zero, but the
276calculated result underflows to zero, then the function returns the result of:
278 boost::math::policies::raise_underflow_error<T>(FunctionName, Message, __Policy);
281`T` is the floating point type passed to the function, `FunctionName` is the
282name of the function, `Message` is an error message describing the problem,
283and __Policy is the current policy
284in use for the called function.
286The default version of this function returns zero.
287But with another policy, like `throw_on_error`,
288throws an `std::underflow_error` C++ exception.
290[heading:denorm_error Denormalisation Errors]
292If the result of a special function is a denormalised value /z/ then the function
293returns the result of:
295 boost::math::policies::raise_denorm_error<T>(z, FunctionName, Message, __Policy);
298`T` is the floating point type passed to the function, `FunctionName` is the
299name of the function, `Message` is an error message describing the problem,
300and __Policy is the current policy
301in use for the called function.
303The default version of this function returns /z/.
304But with another policy, like `throw_on_error`
305throws an `std::underflow_error` C++ exception.
307[heading:evaluation_error Evaluation Errors]
309When a special function calculates a result that is known to be erroneous,
310or where the result is incalculable then it calls:
312 boost::math::policies::raise_evaluation_error<T>(FunctionName, Message, Val, __Policy);
315`T` is the floating point type passed to the function, `FunctionName` is the
316name of the function, `Message` is an error message describing the problem,
317`Val` is the erroneous value,
318and __Policy is the current policy
319in use for the called function.
321The default behaviour of this function is to throw a `boost::math::evaluation_error`.
323Note that in order to support information rich error messages when throwing
324exceptions, `Message` must contain
325a __format recognised format specifier: the argument `val` is inserted into
326the error message according to the specifier used.
328For example if `Message` contains a "%1%" then it is replaced by the value of
329`val` to the full precision of T, where as "%.3g" would contain the value of
330`val` to 3 digits. See the __format documentation for more details.
332[heading:indeterminate_result_error Indeterminate Result Errors]
334When the result of a special function is indeterminate for the value that was
335passed to it, then the function returns the result of:
337 boost::math::policies::raise_overflow_error<T>(FunctionName, Message, Val, Default, __Policy);
340`T` is the floating-point type passed to the function, `FunctionName` is the
341name of the function, `Message` is an error message describing the problem,
342Val is the value for which the result is indeterminate, Default is an
343alternative default result that must be returned for `ignore_error` and
344`errno_on_erro` policies, and __Policy is the current policy in use for the
345function that was called.
347The default policy for this function is `ignore_error`: note that this error
348type is reserved for situations where the result is mathematically
349undefined or indeterminate, but there is none the less a convention for what
350the result should be: for example the C99 standard specifies that the result
351of 0[super 0] is 1, even though the result is actually mathematically indeterminate.
353[heading:rounding_error Rounding Errors]
355When one of the rounding functions __round, __trunc or __modf is
356called with an argument that has no integer representation, or
357is too large to be represented in the result type then the
358value returned is the result of a call to:
360 boost::math::policies::raise_rounding_error<T>(FunctionName, Message, Val, __Policy);
363`T` is the floating point type passed to the function, `FunctionName` is the
364name of the function, `Message` is an error message describing the problem,
365`Val` is the erroneous argument,
366and __Policy is the current policy in use for the called function.
368The default behaviour of this function is to throw a `boost::math::rounding_error`.
370Note that in order to support information rich error messages when throwing
371exceptions, `Message` must contain
372a __format recognised format specifier: the argument `val` is inserted into
373the error message according to the specifier used.
375For example if `Message` contains a "%1%" then it is replaced by the value of
376`val` to the full precision of T, where as "%.3g" would contain the value of
377`val` to 3 digits. See the __format documentation for more details.
379[heading:checked_narrowing_cast Errors from typecasts]
381Many special functions evaluate their results at a higher precision
382than their arguments in order to ensure full machine precision in
383the result: for example, a function passed a float argument may evaluate
384its result using double precision internally. Many of the errors listed
385above may therefore occur not during evaluation, but when converting
386the result to the narrower result type. The function:
388 template <class T, class __Policy, class U>
389 T checked_narrowing_cast(U const& val, const char* function);
391Is used to perform these conversions, and will call the error handlers
392listed above on [link math_toolkit.error_handling.overflow_error overflow],
393[link math_toolkit.error_handling.underflow_error underflow] or [link math_toolkit.error_handling.denorm_error denormalisation].
395[endsect][/section:error_handling Error Handling]
398 Copyright 2006 - 2012 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow.
399 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
400 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
401 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).