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17<div class="section" id="incomplete-support-for">
18<h1><a class="toc-backref" href="./portability.html#id75" name="incomplete-support-for">Incomplete Support for Lambda Expressions</a></h1>
19<p>Seasoned MPL users will agree with us that if there is
20anything in the MPL that is seemingly magical both in power and
21its nature, then it's MPL lambda expressions. In reality, the
22mechanism that bring this to life is very straightforward and
23probably can be explained to anyone generally familiar with C++
24templates in less than 10 minutes.</p>
25<!-- People are going to hate you for saying so and not actually -->
26<!-- explaining it. -->
27<p>Unfortunately, this mechanism also happens to rely on support for
28partial template specialization and template template parameters.
29Among the so-called deficient compilers — basically, most of the
30compilers released before the year 2000 — the chances are poor
31that you'll find <em>complete</em> support for <em>both</em> of these features.
32Please see our <a class="reference" href="./portability.html#compatibility-table">compatibility table</a> for the list of the products
33which fall into this category.</p>
34<p>Although it's not possible to implement <em>fully transparent</em> lambda
35expressions without these two features, a slightly more limited
36implementation that requires some manual assistance from the
37metafunction author is possible. This section describes the manual
38work required and the limitations of the result.</p>
39<div class="section" id="incomplete-the-problem">
40<h2><a name="incomplete-the-problem">The Problem</a></h2>
41<p>If your compiler falls into the &quot;deficient&quot; category, the following
42valid MPL metaprogram will fail to compile for you:</p>
43<pre class="literal-block">
44#include &lt;boost/mpl/apply.hpp&gt;
46using namespace boost::mpl;
48template&lt; typename T &gt; struct add_const
50 typedef T const type;
53typedef apply1&lt; add_const&lt;_1&gt;,int &gt;::type t; // t == int const
55<p>Worse yet, chances are it wil fail with a diagnostic backtrace
56leading you into the inside of the library and possibly creating an
57impression that there's something's wrong there. The fact is, both
58the program and the library are defect free (for the
59purpose of this particular demonstraction), and it's your compiler
60that is to blame.</p>
62<div class="section" id="incomplete-the-solution">
63<h2><a name="incomplete-the-solution">The Solution</a></h2>
64<p>As previously mentioned, the solution requires some work from
65metafunction authors, but for the users of those metafunctions, the
66result is relatively transparent. Here's what we have to do to our
67earlier example:</p>
68<pre class="literal-block">
69#include &lt;boost/mpl/apply.hpp&gt;
70<strong>#include &lt;boost/mpl/aux_/lambda_support.hpp&gt;</strong>
72using namespace boost::mpl;
74template&lt; typename T &gt; struct add_const
76 typedef T const type;
77 <strong>BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_SUPPORT(1, add_const, (T))</strong>
80typedef apply1&lt; add_const&lt;_1&gt;,int &gt;::type t; // t == int const
82<p>With these two modifications, now the compiler that has been barking at us now
83happily accepts it. &quot;Hey, that's not that bad at all!&quot; you might say. Just put a
84little macro inside and be happy again.</p>
86<div class="section" id="limitations">
87<h2><a name="limitations">Limitations</a></h2>
88<p>Unfortunately, that's not quite the end of the story. There are
89still cases where the above approach will fail and we will have to
90resort to writing out-of-line metafunction class. Here are the
93<p>To make the lambda expression work without partial template
94specialization and
95template template parameters, the MPL has to implement some other way of
96pulling apart the template instantiations' expression tree, and the only way
97to do it is through an intrusive metafunction introspection
98mechanism. That's what hidden behind the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_SUPPORT</span></tt> macro
99we've seen above.</p>
100<p>But then, after we've got the information we need (the metafunction's arity
101and its exact template arguments) stored inside the metafunction itself,
102the only way for the library to access it is to look inside the metafunction.
103The latter, in its turn, means instantiating the metafunction, prematurely,
104before the actuall call, <em>with one or more placeholder arguments</em>. This last
105part is a potential problem.</p>
107<p>In other words, the mechanism works as long as your metafunction is
108&quot;placeholder-safe&quot; (can be safely instantiated on placeholder
109arguments), which comes down to the follwing two criteria:</p>
110<ol class="arabic simple">
111<li>The metafunction doesn't access its arguments' nested members, or</li>
112<li>The only accessed members are types named <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">::tag</span></tt> or <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">::type</span></tt> (the
113placeholders do contain these).</li>
115<p>If these two hold, you can safely put <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_SUPPORT</span></tt> inside
116your metafunction and forget about the issue. If not, you are out of luck and
117probably have to write a metafunction class instead.</p>
118<p>The good news are that most of the MPL's own metafunctions and <a class="reference" href="../../../type_traits/index.html" target="_top">Boost.Type Traits</a>
119templates are &quot;placeholder-safe&quot; and have the workaround applied to them, so
120even on broken compilers things &quot;just work&quot; in about 90% of use cases.</p>
121<p>Please refer to the MPL <a class="reference" href="./reference-manual.html">reference manual</a> for the details on the
122<tt class="literal"><span class="pre">BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_SUPPORT</span></tt> macro.</p>
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