]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/boost/libs/predef/tools/ci/build_log.py
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / predef / tools / ci / build_log.py
1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright 2008 Rene Rivera
4# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
5# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
7import re
8import optparse
9import time
10import xml.dom.minidom
11import xml.dom.pulldom
12from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape, escape
13import os.path
14from pprint import pprint
15from __builtin__ import exit
17class BuildOutputXMLParsing(object):
18 '''
19 XML parsing utilities for dealing with the Boost Build output
20 XML format.
21 '''
23 def get_child_data( self, root, tag = None, id = None, name = None, strip = False, default = None ):
24 return self.get_data(self.get_child(root,tag=tag,id=id,name=name),strip=strip,default=default)
26 def get_data( self, node, strip = False, default = None ):
27 data = None
28 if node:
29 data_node = None
30 if not data_node:
31 data_node = self.get_child(node,tag='#text')
32 if not data_node:
33 data_node = self.get_child(node,tag='#cdata-section')
34 data = ""
35 while data_node:
36 data += data_node.data
37 data_node = data_node.nextSibling
38 if data_node:
39 if data_node.nodeName != '#text' \
40 and data_node.nodeName != '#cdata-section':
41 data_node = None
42 if not data:
43 data = default
44 else:
45 if strip:
46 data = data.strip()
47 return data
49 def get_child( self, root, tag = None, id = None, name = None, type = None ):
50 return self.get_sibling(root.firstChild,tag=tag,id=id,name=name,type=type)
52 def get_sibling( self, sibling, tag = None, id = None, name = None, type = None ):
53 n = sibling
54 while n:
55 found = True
56 if type and found:
57 found = found and type == n.nodeType
58 if tag and found:
59 found = found and tag == n.nodeName
60 if (id or name) and found:
61 found = found and n.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE
62 if id and found:
63 if n.hasAttribute('id'):
64 found = found and n.getAttribute('id') == id
65 else:
66 found = found and n.hasAttribute('id') and n.getAttribute('id') == id
67 if name and found:
68 found = found and n.hasAttribute('name') and n.getAttribute('name') == name
69 if found:
70 return n
71 n = n.nextSibling
72 return None
74class BuildOutputProcessor(BuildOutputXMLParsing):
76 def __init__(self, inputs):
77 self.test = {}
78 self.target_to_test = {}
79 self.target = {}
80 self.parent = {}
81 self.timestamps = []
82 for input in inputs:
83 self.add_input(input)
85 def add_input(self, input):
86 '''
87 Add a single build XML output file to our data.
88 '''
89 events = xml.dom.pulldom.parse(input)
90 context = []
91 for (event,node) in events:
92 if event == xml.dom.pulldom.START_ELEMENT:
93 context.append(node)
94 if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
95 x_f = self.x_name_(*context)
96 if x_f:
97 events.expandNode(node)
98 # expanding eats the end element, hence walking us out one level
99 context.pop()
100 # call handler
101 (x_f[1])(node)
102 elif event == xml.dom.pulldom.END_ELEMENT:
103 context.pop()
105 def x_name_(self, *context, **kwargs):
106 node = None
107 names = [ ]
108 for c in context:
109 if c:
110 if not isinstance(c,xml.dom.Node):
111 suffix = '_'+c.replace('-','_').replace('#','_')
112 else:
113 suffix = '_'+c.nodeName.replace('-','_').replace('#','_')
114 node = c
115 names.append('x')
116 names = map(lambda x: x+suffix,names)
117 if node:
118 for name in names:
119 if hasattr(self,name):
120 return (name,getattr(self,name))
121 return None
123 def x_build_test(self, node):
124 '''
125 Records the initial test information that will eventually
126 get expanded as we process the rest of the results.
127 '''
128 test_node = node
129 test_name = test_node.getAttribute('name')
130 test_target = self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='target',strip=True)
131 ## print ">>> %s %s" %(test_name,test_target)
132 self.test[test_name] = {
133 'library' : "/".join(test_name.split('/')[0:-1]),
134 'test-name' : test_name.split('/')[-1],
135 'test-type' : test_node.getAttribute('type').lower(),
136 'test-program' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='source',strip=True),
137 'target' : test_target,
138 'info' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='info',strip=True),
139 'dependencies' : [],
140 'actions' : [],
141 }
142 # Add a lookup for the test given the test target.
143 self.target_to_test[self.test[test_name]['target']] = test_name
144 return None
146 def x_build_targets_target( self, node ):
147 '''
148 Process the target dependency DAG into an ancestry tree so we can look up
149 which top-level library and test targets specific build actions correspond to.
150 '''
151 target_node = node
152 name = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='name',strip=True)
153 path = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='path',strip=True)
154 jam_target = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='jam-target',strip=True)
155 #~ Map for jam targets to virtual targets.
156 self.target[jam_target] = {
157 'name' : name,
158 'path' : path
159 }
160 #~ Create the ancestry.
161 dep_node = self.get_child(self.get_child(target_node,tag='dependencies'),tag='dependency')
162 while dep_node:
163 child = self.get_data(dep_node,strip=True)
164 child_jam_target = '<p%s>%s' % (path,child.split('//',1)[1])
165 self.parent[child_jam_target] = jam_target
166 dep_node = self.get_sibling(dep_node.nextSibling,tag='dependency')
167 return None
169 def x_build_action( self, node ):
170 '''
171 Given a build action log, process into the corresponding test log and
172 specific test log sub-part.
173 '''
174 action_node = node
175 name = self.get_child(action_node,tag='name')
176 if name:
177 name = self.get_data(name)
178 #~ Based on the action, we decide what sub-section the log
179 #~ should go into.
180 action_type = None
181 if re.match('[^%]+%[^.]+[.](compile)',name):
182 action_type = 'compile'
183 elif re.match('[^%]+%[^.]+[.](link|archive)',name):
184 action_type = 'link'
185 elif re.match('[^%]+%testing[.](capture-output)',name):
186 action_type = 'run'
187 elif re.match('[^%]+%testing[.](expect-failure|expect-success)',name):
188 action_type = 'result'
189 else:
190 # TODO: Enable to see what other actions can be included in the test results.
191 # action_type = None
192 action_type = 'other'
193 #~ print "+ [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,'','')
194 if action_type:
195 #~ Get the corresponding test.
196 (target,test) = self.get_test(action_node,type=action_type)
197 #~ Skip action that have no corresponding test as they are
198 #~ regular build actions and don't need to show up in the
199 #~ regression results.
200 if not test:
201 ##print "??? [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,target,test)
202 return None
203 ##print "+++ [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,target,test)
204 #~ Collect some basic info about the action.
205 action = {
206 'command' : self.get_action_command(action_node,action_type),
207 'output' : self.get_action_output(action_node,action_type),
208 'info' : self.get_action_info(action_node,action_type)
209 }
210 #~ For the test result status we find the appropriate node
211 #~ based on the type of test. Then adjust the result status
212 #~ accordingly. This makes the result status reflect the
213 #~ expectation as the result pages post processing does not
214 #~ account for this inversion.
215 action['type'] = action_type
216 if action_type == 'result':
217 if re.match(r'^compile',test['test-type']):
218 action['type'] = 'compile'
219 elif re.match(r'^link',test['test-type']):
220 action['type'] = 'link'
221 elif re.match(r'^run',test['test-type']):
222 action['type'] = 'run'
223 #~ The result sub-part we will add this result to.
224 if action_node.getAttribute('status') == '0':
225 action['result'] = 'succeed'
226 else:
227 action['result'] = 'fail'
228 # Add the action to the test.
229 test['actions'].append(action)
230 # Set the test result if this is the result action for the test.
231 if action_type == 'result':
232 test['result'] = action['result']
233 return None
235 def x_build_timestamp( self, node ):
236 '''
237 The time-stamp goes to the corresponding attribute in the result.
238 '''
239 self.timestamps.append(self.get_data(node).strip())
240 return None
242 def get_test( self, node, type = None ):
243 '''
244 Find the test corresponding to an action. For testing targets these
245 are the ones pre-declared in the --dump-test option. For libraries
246 we create a dummy test as needed.
247 '''
248 jam_target = self.get_child_data(node,tag='jam-target')
249 base = self.target[jam_target]['name']
250 target = jam_target
251 while target in self.parent:
252 target = self.parent[target]
253 #~ print "--- TEST: %s ==> %s" %(jam_target,target)
254 #~ main-target-type is a precise indicator of what the build target is
255 #~ originally meant to be.
256 #main_type = self.get_child_data(self.get_child(node,tag='properties'),
257 # name='main-target-type',strip=True)
258 main_type = None
259 if main_type == 'LIB' and type:
260 lib = self.target[target]['name']
261 if not lib in self.test:
262 self.test[lib] = {
263 'library' : re.search(r'libs/([^/]+)',lib).group(1),
264 'test-name' : os.path.basename(lib),
265 'test-type' : 'lib',
266 'test-program' : os.path.basename(lib),
267 'target' : lib
268 }
269 test = self.test[lib]
270 else:
271 target_name_ = self.target[target]['name']
272 if self.target_to_test.has_key(target_name_):
273 test = self.test[self.target_to_test[target_name_]]
274 else:
275 test = None
276 return (base,test)
278 #~ The command executed for the action. For run actions we omit the command
279 #~ as it's just noise.
280 def get_action_command( self, action_node, action_type ):
281 if action_type != 'run':
282 return self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='command')
283 else:
284 return ''
286 #~ The command output.
287 def get_action_output( self, action_node, action_type ):
288 return self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='output',default='')
290 #~ Some basic info about the action.
291 def get_action_info( self, action_node, action_type ):
292 info = {}
293 #~ The jam action and target.
294 info['name'] = self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='name')
295 info['path'] = self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='path')
296 #~ The timing of the action.
297 info['time-start'] = action_node.getAttribute('start')
298 info['time-end'] = action_node.getAttribute('end')
299 info['time-user'] = action_node.getAttribute('user')
300 info['time-system'] = action_node.getAttribute('system')
301 #~ Testing properties.
302 test_info_prop = self.get_child_data(self.get_child(action_node,tag='properties'),name='test-info')
303 info['always_show_run_output'] = test_info_prop == 'always_show_run_output'
304 #~ And for compiles some context that may be hidden if using response files.
305 if action_type == 'compile':
306 info['define'] = []
307 define = self.get_child(self.get_child(action_node,tag='properties'),name='define')
308 while define:
309 info['define'].append(self.get_data(define,strip=True))
310 define = self.get_sibling(define.nextSibling,name='define')
311 return info
313class BuildConsoleSummaryReport(object):
315 HEADER = '\033[35m\033[1m'
316 INFO = '\033[34m'
317 OK = '\033[32m'
318 WARNING = '\033[33m'
319 FAIL = '\033[31m'
320 ENDC = '\033[0m'
322 def __init__(self, bop, opt):
323 self.bop = bop
325 def generate(self):
326 self.summary_info = {
327 'total' : 0,
328 'success' : 0,
329 'failed' : [],
330 }
331 self.header_print("======================================================================")
332 self.print_test_log()
333 self.print_summary()
334 self.header_print("======================================================================")
336 @property
337 def failed(self):
338 return len(self.summary_info['failed']) > 0
340 def print_test_log(self):
341 self.header_print("Tests run..")
342 self.header_print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
343 for k in sorted(self.bop.test.keys()):
344 test = self.bop.test[k]
345 if len(test['actions']) > 0:
346 self.summary_info['total'] += 1
347 ##print ">>>> {0}".format(test['test-name'])
348 if 'result' in test:
349 succeed = test['result'] == 'succeed'
350 else:
351 succeed = test['actions'][-1]['result'] == 'succeed'
352 if succeed:
353 self.summary_info['success'] += 1
354 else:
355 self.summary_info['failed'].append(test)
356 if succeed:
357 self.ok_print("[PASS] {0}",k)
358 else:
359 self.fail_print("[FAIL] {0}",k)
360 for action in test['actions']:
361 self.print_action(succeed, action)
363 def print_action(self, test_succeed, action):
364 '''
365 Print the detailed info of failed or always print tests.
366 '''
367 #self.info_print(">>> {0}",action.keys())
368 if not test_succeed or action['info']['always_show_run_output']:
369 output = action['output'].strip()
370 if output != "":
371 p = self.fail_print if action['result'] == 'fail' else self.p_print
372 self.info_print("")
373 self.info_print("({0}) {1}",action['info']['name'],action['info']['path'])
374 p("")
375 p("{0}",action['command'].strip())
376 p("")
377 for line in output.splitlines():
378 p("{0}",line.encode('utf-8'))
380 def print_summary(self):
381 self.header_print("")
382 self.header_print("Testing summary..")
383 self.header_print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
384 self.p_print("Total: {0}",self.summary_info['total'])
385 self.p_print("Success: {0}",self.summary_info['success'])
386 if self.failed:
387 self.fail_print("Failed: {0}",len(self.summary_info['failed']))
388 for test in self.summary_info['failed']:
389 self.fail_print(" {0}/{1}",test['library'],test['test-name'])
391 def p_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
392 print format.format(*args,**kargs)
394 def info_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
395 print self.INFO+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
397 def header_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
398 print self.HEADER+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
400 def ok_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
401 print self.OK+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
403 def warn_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
404 print self.WARNING+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
406 def fail_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
407 print self.FAIL+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
409class Main(object):
411 def __init__(self,args=None):
412 op = optparse.OptionParser(
413 usage="%prog [options] input+")
414 op.add_option( '--output',
415 help="type of output to generate" )
416 ( opt, inputs ) = op.parse_args(args)
417 bop = BuildOutputProcessor(inputs)
418 output = None
419 if opt.output == 'console':
420 output = BuildConsoleSummaryReport(bop, opt)
421 if output:
422 output.generate()
423 self.failed = output.failed
425if __name__ == '__main__':
426 m = Main()
427 if m.failed:
428 exit(-1)