]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/boost/libs/proto/doc/reference/eval.xml
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / proto / doc / reference / eval.xml
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 Copyright 2012 Eric Niebler
5 Distributed under the Boost
6 Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
7 file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8 -->
9<header name="boost/proto/eval.hpp">
10 <para>
11 Contains the
12 <computeroutput>
13 <functionname alt="boost::proto::eval">proto::eval()</functionname>
14 </computeroutput> expression evaluator.
15 </para>
16 <namespace name="boost">
17 <namespace name="proto">
18 <namespace name="functional">
19 <!-- proto::functional::eval-->
20 <struct name="eval">
21 <purpose>A <conceptname>PolymorphicFunctionObject</conceptname> type for evaluating a given Proto
22 expression with a given context.</purpose>
23 <inherit>
24 <type><classname>proto::callable</classname></type>
25 </inherit>
26 <struct-specialization name="result">
27 <template>
28 <template-type-parameter name="This"/>
29 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
30 <template-type-parameter name="Context"/>
31 </template>
32 <specialization>
33 <template-arg>This(Expr, Context)</template-arg>
34 </specialization>
35 <inherit>
36 <type>
37 <classname>proto::result_of::eval</classname>&lt;
38 typename boost::remove_reference&lt; Expr &gt;::type,
39 typename boost::remove_reference&lt; Context &gt;::type
40 &gt;</type>
41 </inherit>
42 </struct-specialization>
43 <method-group name="public member functions">
44 <method name="operator()" cv="const">
45 <type>typename <classname>proto::result_of::eval</classname>&lt; Expr, Context &gt;::type</type>
46 <template>
47 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
48 <template-type-parameter name="Context"/>
49 </template>
50 <parameter name="expr">
51 <paramtype>Expr &amp;</paramtype>
52 <description>
53 <para>The Proto expression to evaluate.</para>
54 </description>
55 </parameter>
56 <parameter name="context">
57 <paramtype>Context &amp;</paramtype>
58 <description>
59 <para>The context in which the expression should be evaluated. </para>
60 </description>
61 </parameter>
62 <purpose>Evaluate a given Proto expression with a given context. </purpose>
63 <returns>
64 <para>
65 <computeroutput>typename Context::template eval&lt;Expr&gt;()(expr, context)</computeroutput>
66 </para>
67 </returns>
68 </method>
69 <method name="operator()" cv="const">
70 <type>typename <classname>proto::result_of::eval</classname>&lt; Expr, Context &gt;::type</type>
71 <template>
72 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
73 <template-type-parameter name="Context"/>
74 </template>
75 <parameter name="expr">
76 <paramtype>Expr &amp;</paramtype>
77 </parameter>
78 <parameter name="context">
79 <paramtype>Context const &amp;</paramtype>
80 </parameter>
81 <description>
82 <para>
83 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above
84 function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
85 </para>
86 </description>
87 </method>
88 </method-group>
89 </struct>
90 </namespace>
91 <namespace name="result_of">
92 <!-- proto::result_of::eval -->
93 <struct name="eval">
94 <template>
95 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
96 <template-type-parameter name="Context"/>
97 </template>
98 <purpose>A metafunction for calculating the return type of <computeroutput>
99 <functionname alt="proto::eval">proto::eval()</functionname></computeroutput> given a
100 certain <computeroutput>Expr</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>Context</computeroutput> types.</purpose>
101 <typedef name="type">
102 <type>typename Context::template eval&lt; Expr &gt;::result_type</type>
103 </typedef>
104 </struct>
105 </namespace>
106 <!-- proto::eval() -->
107 <overloaded-function name="eval">
108 <signature>
109 <type>typename <classname>proto::result_of::eval</classname>&lt; Expr, Context &gt;::type</type>
110 <template>
111 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
112 <template-type-parameter name="Context"/>
113 </template>
114 <parameter name="expr">
115 <paramtype>Expr &amp;</paramtype>
116 <description>
117 <para>The Proto expression to evaluate.</para>
118 </description>
119 </parameter>
120 <parameter name="context">
121 <paramtype>Context &amp;</paramtype>
122 <description>
123 <para>The context in which the expression should be evaluated.</para>
124 </description>
125 </parameter>
126 </signature>
127 <signature>
128 <type>typename <classname>proto::result_of::eval</classname>&lt; Expr, Context &gt;::type</type>
129 <template>
130 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
131 <template-type-parameter name="Context"/>
132 </template>
133 <parameter name="expr">
134 <paramtype>Expr &amp;</paramtype>
135 </parameter>
136 <parameter name="context">
137 <paramtype>Context const &amp;</paramtype>
138 </parameter>
139 </signature>
140 <purpose>Evaluate a given Proto expression with a given context. </purpose>
141 <returns>
142 <para>
143 <computeroutput>typename Context::template eval&lt;Expr&gt;()(expr, context)</computeroutput>
144 </para>
145 </returns>
146 </overloaded-function>
147 </namespace>
148 </namespace>