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4 <title>intrusive_ref_counter</title>
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8 <h1><img height="86" alt="boost.png (6897 bytes)" src="../../boost.png"
9 width="277" align="middle" border="0">basic_intrusive_ref_counter class template</h1>
10 <p>
11 <A href="#Introduction">Introduction</A><br>
12 <A href="#Synopsis">Synopsis</A><br>
13 <A href="#Members">Members</A><br>
14 </p>
15 <h2><a name="Introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
16 <p>The <STRONG>intrusive_ref_counter</STRONG> class template implements a reference counter for a derived
17 user's class that is intended to be used with <STRONG><a href="intrusive_ptr.html">intrusive_ptr</a></STRONG>.
18 The base class has associated <STRONG>intrusive_ptr_add_ref</STRONG> and <STRONG>intrusive_ptr_release</STRONG> functions
19 which modify the reference counter as needed and destroy the user's object when the counter drops to zero.</p>
20 <p>The class template is parameterized on <STRONG>DerivedT</STRONG> and <STRONG>CounterPolicyT</STRONG> parameters.
21 The first parameter is the user's class that derives from <STRONG>intrusive_ref_counter</STRONG>. This type
22 is needed in order to destroy the object correctly when there are no references to it left.</p>
23 <p>The second parameter is a policy that defines the nature of the reference counter.
24 Boost.SmartPtr provides two such policies: <STRONG>thread_unsafe_counter</STRONG> and <STRONG>thread_safe_counter</STRONG>. The former
25 instructs the <STRONG>intrusive_ref_counter</STRONG> base class to use a counter only suitable for a single-threaded use.
26 Pointers to a single object that uses this kind of reference counter must not be used in different threads. The latter policy
27 makes the reference counter thread-safe, unless the target platform doesn't support threading. Since in modern systems support for
28 threading is common, the default counter policy is <STRONG>thread_safe_counter</STRONG>.</p>
29 <h2><a name="Synopsis">Synopsis</a></h2>
30 <pre>namespace boost {
32 struct thread_unsafe_counter;
33 struct thread_safe_counter;
35 template&lt;class DerivedT, class CounterPolicyT = thread_safe_counter&gt;
36 class intrusive_ref_counter
37 {
38 public:
39 <A href="#constructors" >intrusive_ref_counter</A>() = noexcept;
40 <A href="#constructors" >intrusive_ref_counter</A>(intrusive_ref_counter const &amp; r) = noexcept;
42 intrusive_ref_counter &amp; <A href="#assignment" >operator=</A>(intrusive_ref_counter const &amp; r) noexcept;
44 unsigned int <a href="#use_count" >use_count</a>() const noexcept;
46 protected:
47 <A href="#destructor" >~intrusive_ref_counter</A>() = default;
48 };
51 <h2><a name="Members">Members</a></h2>
52 <h3><a name="constructors">constructors</a></h3>
53 <pre>intrusive_ref_counter();</pre>
54 <blockquote>
55 <p><b>Postconditions:</b> <code>use_count() == 0</code>.</p>
56 <p><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</p>
57 <P><B>Notes:</B> The pointer to the constructed object is expected to be passed to <STRONG>intrusive_ptr</STRONG>
58 constructor, assignment operator or <STRONG>reset()</STRONG> method, which would increment the reference counter.</P>
59 </blockquote>
60 <pre>intrusive_ref_counter(intrusive_ref_counter const &amp;);</pre>
61 <blockquote>
62 <p><b>Postconditions:</b> <code>use_count() == 0</code>.</p>
63 <p><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</p>
64 <P><B>Notes:</B> The pointer to the constructed object is expected to be passed to <STRONG>intrusive_ptr</STRONG>
65 constructor, assignment operator or <STRONG>reset()</STRONG> method, which would increment the reference counter.</P>
66 </blockquote>
67 <h3><a name="destructor">destructor</a></h3>
68 <pre>~intrusive_ref_counter();</pre>
70 <p><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</p>
71 <P><B>Effects:</B> Destroys the counter object.</P>
72 <P><B>Notes:</B> The destructor is protected so that the object can only be destroyed through the <STRONG>DerivedT</STRONG> class.</P>
74 <H3><a name="assignment">assignment</a></H3>
75 <pre>intrusive_ref_counter &amp; operator=(intrusive_ref_counter const &amp; r) noexcept;</pre>
77 <P><B>Effects:</B> Does nothing, reference counter is not modified.</P>
78 <P><B>Returns:</B> <code>*this</code>.</P>
80 <H3><a name="use_count">use_count</a></H3>
81 <pre>unsigned int use_count() const noexcept;</pre>
83 <p><b>Returns:</b> The current value of the reference counter.</p>
84 <p><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</p>
85 <P><B>Notes:</B> The returned value may not be actual in multi-threaded applications.</P>
87 <hr>
88 <p>$Date$</p>
89 <p>
90 <small>Copyright &copy; 2013 Andrey Semashev. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version
91 1.0. See accompanying file <A href="../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</A> or
92 copy at <A href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</A>.</small></p>
93 </body>