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8 <h1><img height="86" alt="boost.png (6897 bytes)" src="../../boost.png"
9 width="277" align="middle" border="0">scoped_array class template</h1>
10 <p>The <b>scoped_array</b> class template stores a pointer to a dynamically
11 allocated array. (Dynamically allocated arrays are allocated with the C++ <b>new[]</b>
12 expression.) The array pointed to is guaranteed to be deleted, either on
13 destruction of the <b>scoped_array</b>, or via an explicit <b>reset</b>.</p>
14 <p>The <b>scoped_array</b> template is a simple solution for simple needs. It
15 supplies a basic "resource acquisition is initialization" facility, without
16 shared-ownership or transfer-of-ownership semantics. Both its name and
17 enforcement of semantics (by being <a href="../utility/utility.htm#Class_noncopyable">
18 noncopyable</a>) signal its intent to retain ownership solely within the
19 current scope. Because it is <a href="../utility/utility.htm#Class_noncopyable">noncopyable</a>,
20 it is safer than <b>shared_array</b> for pointers which should not be copied.</p>
21 <p>Because <b>scoped_array</b> is so simple, in its usual implementation every
22 operation is as fast as a built-in array pointer and it has no more space
23 overhead that a built-in array pointer.</p>
24 <p>It cannot be used in C++ standard library containers. See <a href="shared_array.htm">
25 <b>shared_array</b></a> if <b>scoped_array</b> does not meet your needs.</p>
26 <p>It cannot correctly hold a pointer to a single object. See <a href="scoped_ptr.htm"><b>scoped_ptr</b></a>
27 for that usage.</p>
28 <p>A <b>std::vector</b> is an alternative to a <b>scoped_array</b> that is a bit
29 heavier duty but far more flexible. A <b>boost::array</b> is an alternative
30 that does not use dynamic allocation.</p>
31 <p>The class template is parameterized on <b>T</b>, the type of the object pointed
32 to. <b>T</b> must meet the smart pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">
33 common requirements</a>.</p>
34 <h2>Synopsis</h2>
35 <pre>namespace boost {
37 template&lt;class T&gt; class scoped_array : <a href="../utility/utility.htm#Class_noncopyable">noncopyable</a> {
39 public:
40 typedef T <a href="#element_type">element_type</a>;
42 explicit <a href="#ctor">scoped_array</a>(T * p = 0); // never throws
43 <a href="#destructor">~scoped_array</a>(); // never throws
45 void <a href="#reset">reset</a>(T * p = 0); // never throws
47 T &amp; <a href="#operator[]">operator[]</a>(std::ptrdiff_t i) const; // never throws
48 T * <a href="#get">get</a>() const; // never throws
50 operator <A href="#conversions" ><i>unspecified-bool-type</i></A>() const; // never throws
52 void <a href="#swap">swap</a>(scoped_array &amp; b); // never throws
53 };
55 template&lt;class T&gt; void <a href="#free-swap">swap</a>(scoped_array&lt;T&gt; &amp; a, scoped_array&lt;T&gt; &amp; b); // never throws
58 <h2>Members</h2>
59 <h3>
60 <a name="element_type">element_type</a></h3>
61 <pre>typedef T element_type;</pre>
62 <p>Provides the type of the stored pointer.</p>
63 <h3><a name="ctor">constructors</a></h3>
64 <pre>explicit scoped_array(T * p = 0); // never throws</pre>
65 <p>Constructs a <b>scoped_array</b>, storing a copy of <b>p</b>, which must have
66 been allocated via a C++ <b>new</b>[] expression or be 0. <b>T</b> is not
67 required be a complete type. See the smart pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">
68 common requirements</a>.</p>
69 <h3><a name="destructor">destructor</a></h3>
70 <pre>~scoped_array(); // never throws</pre>
71 <p>Deletes the array pointed to by the stored pointer. Note that <b>delete[]</b> on
72 a pointer with a value of 0 is harmless. The guarantee that this does not throw
73 exceptions depends on the requirement that the deleted array's objects'
74 destructors do not throw exceptions. See the smart pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">
75 common requirements</a>.</p>
76 <h3><a name="reset">reset</a></h3>
77 <pre>void reset(T * p = 0); // never throws</pre>
78 <p>
79 Deletes the array pointed to by the stored pointer and then stores a copy of p,
80 which must have been allocated via a C++ <b>new[]</b> expression or be 0. The
81 guarantee that this does not throw exceptions depends on the requirement that
82 the deleted array's objects' destructors do not throw exceptions. See the smart
83 pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">common requirements</a>.</p>
84 <h3><a name="operator[]">subscripting</a></h3>
85 <pre>T &amp; operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i) const; // never throws</pre>
86 <p>Returns a reference to element <b>i</b> of the array pointed to by the stored
87 pointer. Behavior is undefined and almost certainly undesirable if the stored
88 pointer is 0, or if <b>i</b> is less than 0 or is greater than or equal to the
89 number of elements in the array.</p>
90 <h3><a name="get">get</a></h3>
91 <pre>T * get() const; // never throws</pre>
92 <p>Returns the stored pointer. <b>T</b> need not be a complete type. See the smart
93 pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">common requirements</a>.</p>
94 <h3><a name="conversions">conversions</a></h3>
95 <pre>operator <i>unspecified-bool-type</i> () const; // never throws</pre>
96 <p>Returns an unspecified value that, when used in boolean contexts, is equivalent
97 to <code>get() != 0</code>.</p>
98 <h3><a name="swap">swap</a></h3>
99 <pre>void swap(scoped_array &amp; b); // never throws</pre>
100 <p>Exchanges the contents of the two smart pointers. <b>T</b> need not be a
101 complete type. See the smart pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">common
102 requirements</a>.</p>
103 <h2><a name="functions">Free Functions</a></h2>
104 <h3><a name="free-swap">swap</a></h3>
105 <pre>template&lt;class T&gt; void swap(scoped_array&lt;T&gt; &amp; a, scoped_array&lt;T&gt; &amp; b); // never throws</pre>
106 <p>Equivalent to <b>a.swap(b)</b>. Matches the interface of <b>std::swap</b>.
107 Provided as an aid to generic programming.</p>
108 <hr>
109 <p>$Date$</p>
110 <p><small>Copyright 1999 Greg Colvin and Beman Dawes. Copyright 2002 Darin Adler.
111 Copyright 2002-2005 Peter Dimov. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version
112 1.0. See accompanying file <A href="../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</A> or
113 copy at <A href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</A>.</small></p>
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