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3<title>The Select Parser</title>
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19 <td width="85%"> <font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>The Select Parser </b></font></td>
20 <td width="112"><a href="http://spirit.sf.net"><img src="theme/spirit.gif" width="112" height="48" align="right" border="0"></a></td>
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32<p>Select parsers may be used to identify a single parser from a given list
33 of parsers, which successfully recognizes the current input sequence. Example:</p>
34<pre> rule<span class="special">&lt;&gt;</span> rule_select <span class="special">=</span>
35 select_p<span class="special">
36 (</span>
37 parser_a<span class="special">
38 ,</span> parser_b<span class="special">
39 <span class="comment">/* ... */</span>
40 ,</span> parser_n
41 <span class="special">)</span><span class="special">;</span></pre>
42<p>The parsers (parser_a, parser_b etc.) are tried sequentially from left to right until a parser matches the current input sequence.
43 If there is a matching parser found, the <tt>select_p</tt> parser returns
44 the parser's position (zero based index). For instance, in the example above, <tt>1</tt> is returned if parser_b
45 matches.</p>
46<p>There are two predefined parsers of the select parser family: <tt>select_p</tt>
47 and <tt>select_fail_p</tt>. These parsers differ in the way the no match
48 case is handled (when none of the parsers match the current input sequence).
49 While the <tt>select_p</tt> parser will return <tt>-1</tt>
50 if no matching parser is found, the <tt>select_fail_p</tt> parser will not match
51 at all.</p>
52<p>The following sample shows how the select parser may be used very conveniently
53 in conjunction with a <a href="switch_parser.html">switch parser</a>:</p>
54<pre> <span class="keyword">int</span> choice <span class="special">=</span> <span class="literal">-1</span><span class="special">;</span>
55 rule<span class="special">&lt;&gt;</span> rule_select <span class="special">=</span>
56 select_fail_p<span class="special">(</span><span class="literal">'a'</span><span class="special">,</span> <span class="literal">'b'</span><span class="special">,</span> <span class="literal">'c'</span><span class="special">,</span> <span class="literal">'d'</span><span class="special">)[</span>assign_a<span class="special">(</span>choice<span class="special">)]</span>
57 &gt;&gt; switch_p(var<span class="special">(</span>choice)) <span class="special">
58 [</span><br> case_p<span class="special">&lt;</span><span class="literal">0</span><span class="special">&gt;(</span>int_p<span class="special">),</span><br> case_p<span class="special">&lt;</span><span class="literal">1</span><span class="special">&gt;(</span>ch_p<span class="special">(</span><span class="literal">','</span><span class="special">)),</span><br> case_p<span class="special">&lt;</span><span class="literal">2</span><span class="special">&gt;(</span>str_p<span class="special">(</span><span class="string">&quot;bcd&quot;</span><span class="special">)),</span><br> default_p<br> <span class="special">]</span><br><span class="special"> ;</span></pre>
59<p>This example shows a rule, which matches:</p>
61 <li><span class="literal"> 'a' </span>followed
62 by an integer</li>
63 <li><span class="literal">'b' </span>followed by a<span class="literal">
64 ','</span></li>
65 <li><span class="literal">'c'</span> followed by <span class="string">&quot;bcd&quot;</span></li>
66 <li>a single <span class="literal">'d'</span>. </li>
68<p>For other input sequences the
69 give rule does not match at all.</p>
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72 <td class="note_box"><p><img src="theme/alert.gif" width="16" height="16"> <tt>BOOST_SPIRIT_SELECT_LIMIT</tt><br>
73 <br>
74 The number of possible entries inside the <tt>select_p</tt> parser is limited by the Spirit compile time constant <tt>BOOST_SPIRIT_SELECT_LIMIT</tt>, which defaults to 3. This value should not be greater than the compile time constant given by <tt>PHOENIX_LIMIT</tt> (see <a href="../phoenix/index.html">phoenix</a>). Example:</p>
75 <p class="style1"><span class="comment">// Define these before including anything else <br>
76 </span><span class="style3">#define</span> PHOENIX_LIMIT 10<br>
77 <span class="preprocessor">#define</span> BOOST_SPIRIT_SELECT_LIMIT 10 </p></td>
78 </tr>
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86 <td width="30"><a href="switch_parser.html"><img src="theme/r_arr.gif" border="0"></a></td>
87 </tr>
90<hr size="1">
91<p class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2003-2004 Hartmut Kaiser <br>
92 <br>
93 <font size="2">Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) </font> </p>