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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / jaeger-client-cpp / idl / swagger / zipkin2-api.yaml
1swagger: "2.0"
3 version: "1.0.0"
4 title: Zipkin API
5 description: |
6 Zipkin's v2 api currently includes a POST endpoint that can receive spans.
7host: localhost:9411
8basePath: /api/v2
10 - http
11 - https
13 - application/json
15 /services:
16 get:
17 description: |
18 Returns a list of all service names associated with span endpoints.
19 responses:
20 200:
21 description: Succes
22 schema:
23 type: array
24 items:
25 type: string
26 400:
27 description: Bad Request Error
28 /spans:
29 get:
30 description: Get all the span names recorded by a particular service
31 parameters:
32 - name: serviceName
33 in: query
34 required: true
35 description: |
36 Ex favstar (required) - Lower-case label of a node in the service
37 graph. The /services endpoint enumerates possible input values.
38 type: string
39 responses:
40 200:
41 description: OK
42 schema:
43 type: array
44 items:
45 type: string
46 400:
47 description: Bad Request Error
48 post:
49 description: |
50 Uploads a list of spans encoded per content-type, for example json.
51 consumes:
52 - application/json
53 produces: []
54 parameters:
55 - name: spans
56 in: body
57 description: A list of spans that belong to any trace.
58 required: true
59 schema:
60 $ref: "#/definitions/ListOfSpans"
61 responses:
62 202:
63 description: Accepted
64 /traces:
65 get:
66 description: |
67 Invoking this request retrieves traces matching the below filters.
69 Results should be filtered against endTs, subject to limit and
70 lookback. For example, if endTs is 10:20 today, limit is 10, and
71 lookback is 7 days, traces returned should be those nearest to 10:20
72 today, not 10:20 a week ago.
74 Time units of endTs and lookback are milliseconds as opposed to
75 microseconds, the grain of Span.timestamp. Milliseconds is a more
76 familiar and supported granularity for query, index and windowing
77 functions
78 parameters:
79 - name: serviceName
80 in: query
81 required: false
82 description: |
83 Ex favstar (required) - Lower-case label of a node in the service
84 graph. The /services endpoint enumerates possible input values.
85 type: string
86 - name: spanName
87 in: query
88 required: false
89 description: |
90 Ex get - name of a span in a trace.
91 Only return traces that contains spans with this name.
92 type: string
93 - name: annotationQuery
94 in: query
95 type: string
96 required: false
97 description: |
98 Ex. `http.uri=/foo and retried` - If key/value (has an `=`),
99 constrains against Span.tags entres. If just a word, constrains
100 against Span.annotations[].value or Span.tags[].key. Any values are
101 AND against eachother. This means a span in the trace must match
102 all of these.
103 - name: minDuration
104 in: query
105 type: integer
106 description: |
107 Ex. 100000 (for 100ms). Only return traces whose `Span.duration` is
108 greater than or equal to minDuration microseconds.
109 - name: maxDuration
110 in: query
111 type: integer
112 description: |
113 Only return traces whose Span.duration is less than or equal to
114 `maxDuration` microseconds. Only valid with minDuration.
115 - name: endTs
116 in: query
117 type: integer
118 format: int64
119 description: |
120 Only return traces where all Span.timestamp are at or before this
121 time in epoch milliseconds. Defaults to current time.
122 - name: lookback
123 type: integer
124 format: int64
125 in: query
126 description: |
127 Only return traces where all Span.timestamp are at or after (endTs
128 - * lookback) in milliseconds. Defaults to endTs, limited to a
129 system parameter QUERY_LOOKBACK
130 - name: limit
131 in: query
132 default: 10
133 type: integer
134 description: |
135 Maximum number of traces to return. Defaults to 10
136 responses:
137 200:
138 description: OK
139 schema:
140 $ref: "#/definitions/ListOfTraces"
141 /trace/{traceId}:
142 get:
143 parameters:
144 - name: traceId
145 in: path
146 required: true
147 type: string
148 maxLength: 32
149 minLength: 16
150 pattern: "[a-z0-9]{16,32}"
151 description: |
152 Trace identifier, set on all spans within it.
154 Encoded as 16 or 32 lowercase hex characters corresponding to 64 or 128 bits.
155 For example, a 128bit trace ID looks like 4e441824ec2b6a44ffdc9bb9a6453df3
156 responses:
157 200:
158 description: OK
159 schema:
160 $ref: "#/definitions/Trace"
161 404:
162 description: "`traceId` not found"
163 /dependencies:
164 get:
165 description: |
166 Returns service links derived from spans.
167 parameters:
168 - name: endTs
169 in: query
170 description: |
171 only return links from spans where `Span.timestamp` are at or before
172 this time in epoch milliseconds.
173 required: true
174 type: integer
175 format: int64
176 - name: lookback
177 in: query
178 description: |
179 only return links where all Span.timestamp are at or after
180 (`endTs - * lookback`) in milliseconds. Defaults to `endTs`, limited
181 to a system parameter `QUERY_LOOKBACK`
182 type: integer
183 format: int64
184 responses:
185 200:
186 description: OK
187 schema:
188 type: array
189 title: ListOfDependencyLinks
190 items:
191 $ref: "#/definitions/DependencyLink"
193 Endpoint:
194 type: object
195 title: Endpoint
196 description: The network context of a node in the service graph
197 properties:
198 serviceName:
199 type: string
200 description: |
201 Lower-case label of this node in the service graph, such as "favstar". Leave
202 absent if unknown.
204 This is a primary label for trace lookup and aggregation, so it should be
205 intuitive and consistent. Many use a name from service discovery.
206 ipv4:
207 type: string
208 format: ipv4
209 description: |
210 The text representation of the primary IPv4 address associated with this
211 a connection. Ex. Absent if unknown.
212 ipv6:
213 type: string
214 format: ipv6
215 description: |
216 The text representation of the primary IPv6 address associated with this
217 a connection. Ex. 2001:db8::c001 Absent if unknown.
219 Prefer using the ipv4 field for mapped addresses.
220 port:
221 type: integer
222 description: |
223 Depending on context, this could be a listen port or the client-side of a
224 socket. Absent if unknown
225 Annotation:
226 title: Annotation
227 type: object
228 description: |
229 Associates an event that explains latency with a timestamp.
230 Unlike log statements, annotations are often codes. Ex. "ws" for WireSend
232 Zipkin v1 core annotations such as "cs" and "sr" have been replaced with
233 Span.Kind, which interprets timestamp and duration.
234 properties:
235 timestamp:
236 type: integer
237 description: |
238 Epoch **microseconds** of this event.
240 For example, 1502787600000000 corresponds to 2017-08-15 09:00 UTC
242 This value should be set directly by instrumentation, using the most precise
243 value possible. For example, gettimeofday or multiplying epoch millis by 1000.
244 value:
245 type: string
246 description: |
247 Usually a short tag indicating an event, like "error"
249 While possible to add larger data, such as garbage collection details, low
250 cardinality event names both keep the size of spans down and also are easy
251 to search against.
252 Tags:
253 type: object
254 title: Tags
255 description: |
256 Adds context to a span, for search, viewing and analysis.
258 For example, a key "your_app.version" would let you lookup traces by version.
259 A tag "sql.query" isn't searchable, but it can help in debugging when viewing
260 a trace.
261 additionalProperties:
262 type: string
263 ListOfSpans:
264 title: ListOfSpans
265 description: 'A list of spans with possibly different trace ids, in no particular order'
266 type: array
267 items:
268 $ref: "#/definitions/Span"
269 Trace:
270 title: Trace
271 type: array
272 description: 'List of spans who have the same trace ID.'
273 items:
274 $ref: "#/definitions/Span"
275 ListOfTraces:
276 title: ListOfTraces
277 type: array
278 items:
279 $ref: "#/definitions/Trace"
280 Span:
281 title: Span
282 type: object
283 required:
284 - traceId
285 - id
286 properties:
287 traceId:
288 type: string
289 maxLength: 32
290 minLength: 16
291 pattern: "[a-z0-9]{16,32}"
292 description: |
293 Randomly generated, unique identifier for a trace, set on all spans within it.
295 Encoded as 16 or 32 lowercase hex characters corresponding to 64 or 128 bits.
296 For example, a 128bit trace ID looks like 4e441824ec2b6a44ffdc9bb9a6453df3
297 name:
298 type: string
299 description: |
300 The logical operation this span represents in lowercase (e.g. rpc method).
301 Leave absent if unknown.
303 As these are lookup labels, take care to ensure names are low cardinality.
304 For example, do not embed variables into the name.
305 parentId:
306 type: string
307 pattern: "[a-z0-9]{16}"
308 maxLength: 16
309 minLength: 16
310 description: 'The parent span ID or absent if this the root span in a trace.'
311 id:
312 type: string
313 pattern: "[a-z0-9]{16}"
314 maxLength: 16
315 minLength: 16
316 description: |
317 Unique 64bit identifier for this operation within the trace.
319 Encoded as 16 lowercase hex characters. For example ffdc9bb9a6453df3
320 kind:
321 type: string
322 enum:
323 - CLIENT
324 - SERVER
327 description: |
328 When present, clarifies timestamp, duration and remoteEndpoint. When
329 absent, the span is local or incomplete. Unlike client and server,
330 there is no direct critical path latency relationship between producer
331 and consumer spans.
333 * `CLIENT`
334 * timestamp - The moment a request was sent (formerly "cs")
335 * duration - When present indicates when a response was received (formerly "cr")
336 * remoteEndpoint - Represents the server. Leave serviceName absent if unknown.
337 * `SERVER`
338 * timestamp - The moment a request was received (formerly "sr")
339 * duration - When present indicates when a response was sent (formerly "ss")
340 * remoteEndpoint - Represents the client. Leave serviceName absent if unknown.
341 * `PRODUCER`
342 * timestamp - The moment a message was sent to a destination (formerly "ms")
343 * duration - When present represents delay sending the message, such as batching.
344 * remoteEndpoint - Represents the broker. Leave serviceName absent if unknown.
345 * `CONSUMER`
346 * timestamp - The moment a message was received from an origin (formerly "mr")
347 * duration - When present represents delay consuming the message, such as from backlog.
348 * remoteEndpoint - Represents the broker. Leave serviceName absent if unknown.
349 timestamp:
350 type: integer
351 format: int64
352 description: |
353 Epoch **microseconds** of the start of this span, possibly absent if incomplete.
355 For example, 1502787600000000 corresponds to 2017-08-15 09:00 UTC
357 This value should be set directly by instrumentation, using the most precise
358 value possible. For example, gettimeofday or multiplying epoch millis by 1000.
360 There are three known edge-cases where this could be reported absent.
361 * A span was allocated but never started (ex not yet received a timestamp)
362 * The span's start event was lost
363 * Data about a completed span (ex tags) were sent after the fact
364 duration:
365 type: integer
366 format: int64
367 minimum: 1
368 description: |
369 Duration in **microseconds** of the critical path, if known. Durations of less
370 than one are rounded up. Duration of children can be longer than their parents
371 due to asynchronous operations.
373 For example 150 milliseconds is 150000 microseconds.
374 debug:
375 type: boolean
376 description: |
377 True is a request to store this span even if it overrides sampling policy.
379 This is true when the `X-B3-Flags` header has a value of 1.
380 shared:
381 type: boolean
382 description: 'True if we are contributing to a span started by another tracer (ex on a different host).'
383 localEndpoint:
384 $ref: "#/definitions/Endpoint"
385 description: |
386 The host that recorded this span, primarily for query by service name.
388 Instrumentation should always record this. Usually, absent implies late data.
389 The IP address corresponding to this is usually the site local or advertised
390 service address. When present, the port indicates the listen port.
391 remoteEndpoint:
392 $ref: "#/definitions/Endpoint"
393 description: |
394 When an RPC (or messaging) span, indicates the other side of the connection.
395 annotations:
396 type: array
397 uniqueItems: true
398 items:
399 $ref: '#/definitions/Annotation'
400 description: 'Associates events that explain latency with the time they happened.'
401 tags:
402 $ref: '#/definitions/Tags'
403 description: 'Tags give your span context for search, viewing and analysis.'
404 DependencyLink:
405 title: DependencyLink
406 type: object
407 properties:
408 parent:
409 type: string
410 child:
411 type: string
412 callCount:
413 type: integer
414 errorCount:
415 type: integer