]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_server.erl
update source to Ceph Pacific 16.2.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / thrift / lib / erl / src / thrift_socket_server.erl
2%% Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3%% or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4%% distributed with this work for additional information
5%% regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6%% to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7%% "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8%% with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
10%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
17%% under the License.
24-include ("thrift_constants.hrl").
27 -compile(export_all).
28 -export_records([thrift_socket_server]).
30 -export([start/1, stop/1]).
32 -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, terminate/2, code_change/3,
33 handle_info/2]).
35 -export([acceptor_loop/1]).
39 {port,
40 service,
41 handler,
42 name,
43 max=2048,
44 ip=any,
45 listen=null,
46 acceptor=null,
47 socket_opts=[{recv_timeout, 500}],
48 protocol=binary,
49 framed=false,
50 ssltransport=false,
51 ssloptions=[]
52 }).
54start(State=#thrift_socket_server{}) ->
55 start_server(State);
56start(Options) ->
57 start(parse_options(Options)).
59stop(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
60 gen_server:cast(Name, stop);
61stop(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
62 gen_server:cast(Pid, stop);
63stop({local, Name}) ->
64 stop(Name);
65stop({global, Name}) ->
66 stop(Name);
67stop(Options) ->
68 State = parse_options(Options),
69 stop(State#thrift_socket_server.name).
71%% Internal API
73parse_options(Options) ->
74 parse_options(Options, #thrift_socket_server{}).
76parse_options([], State) ->
77 State;
78parse_options([{name, L} | Rest], State) when is_list(L) ->
79 Name = {local, list_to_atom(L)},
80 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{name=Name});
81parse_options([{name, A} | Rest], State) when is_atom(A) ->
82 Name = {local, A},
83 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{name=Name});
84parse_options([{name, Name} | Rest], State) ->
85 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{name=Name});
86parse_options([{port, L} | Rest], State) when is_list(L) ->
87 Port = list_to_integer(L),
88 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{port=Port});
89parse_options([{port, Port} | Rest], State) ->
90 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{port=Port});
91parse_options([{ip, Ip} | Rest], State) ->
92 ParsedIp = case Ip of
93 any ->
94 any;
95 Ip when is_tuple(Ip) ->
96 Ip;
97 Ip when is_list(Ip) ->
98 {ok, IpTuple} = inet_parse:address(Ip),
99 IpTuple
100 end,
101 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{ip=ParsedIp});
102parse_options([{socket_opts, L} | Rest], State) when is_list(L), length(L) > 0 ->
103 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{socket_opts=L});
105parse_options([{handler, []} | _Rest], _State) ->
106 throw("At least an error handler must be defined.");
107parse_options([{handler, ServiceHandlerPropertyList} | Rest], State) when is_list(ServiceHandlerPropertyList) ->
108 ServiceHandlerMap =
109 case State#thrift_socket_server.handler of
110 undefined ->
111 lists:foldl(
112 fun ({ServiceName, ServiceHandler}, Acc) when is_list(ServiceName), is_atom(ServiceHandler) ->
113 thrift_multiplexed_map_wrapper:store(ServiceName, ServiceHandler, Acc);
114 (_, _Acc) ->
115 throw("The handler option is not properly configured for multiplexed services. It should be a kind of [{\"error_handler\", Module::atom()}, {SericeName::list(), Module::atom()}, ...]")
116 end, thrift_multiplexed_map_wrapper:new(), ServiceHandlerPropertyList);
117 _ -> throw("Error while parsing the handler option.")
118 end,
119 case thrift_multiplexed_map_wrapper:find(?MULTIPLEXED_ERROR_HANDLER_KEY, ServiceHandlerMap) of
120 {ok, _ErrorHandler} -> parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{handler=ServiceHandlerMap});
121 error -> throw("The handler option is not properly configured for multiplexed services. It should be a kind of [{\"error_handler\", Module::atom()}, {SericeName::list(), Module::atom()}, ...]")
122 end;
123parse_options([{handler, Handler} | Rest], State) when State#thrift_socket_server.handler == undefined, is_atom(Handler) ->
124 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{handler=Handler});
126parse_options([{service, []} | _Rest], _State) ->
127 throw("At least one service module must be defined.");
128parse_options([{service, ServiceModulePropertyList} | Rest], State) when is_list(ServiceModulePropertyList) ->
129 ServiceModuleMap =
130 case State#thrift_socket_server.service of
131 undefined ->
132 lists:foldl(
133 fun ({ServiceName, ServiceModule}, Acc) when is_list(ServiceName), is_atom(ServiceModule) ->
134 thrift_multiplexed_map_wrapper:store(ServiceName, ServiceModule, Acc);
135 (_, _Acc) ->
136 throw("The service option is not properly configured for multiplexed services. It should be a kind of [{SericeName::list(), ServiceModule::atom()}, ...]")
137 end, thrift_multiplexed_map_wrapper:new(), ServiceModulePropertyList);
138 _ -> throw("Error while parsing the service option.")
139 end,
140 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{service=ServiceModuleMap});
141parse_options([{service, Service} | Rest], State) when State#thrift_socket_server.service == undefined, is_atom(Service) ->
142 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{service=Service});
144parse_options([{max, Max} | Rest], State) ->
145 MaxInt = case Max of
146 Max when is_list(Max) ->
147 list_to_integer(Max);
148 Max when is_integer(Max) ->
149 Max
150 end,
151 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{max=MaxInt});
153parse_options([{protocol, Proto} | Rest], State) when is_atom(Proto) ->
154 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{protocol=Proto});
156parse_options([{framed, Framed} | Rest], State) when is_boolean(Framed) ->
157 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{framed=Framed});
159parse_options([{ssltransport, SSLTransport} | Rest], State) when is_boolean(SSLTransport) ->
160 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{ssltransport=SSLTransport});
161parse_options([{ssloptions, SSLOptions} | Rest], State) when is_list(SSLOptions) ->
162 parse_options(Rest, State#thrift_socket_server{ssloptions=SSLOptions}).
164start_server(State=#thrift_socket_server{name=Name}) ->
165 case Name of
166 undefined ->
167 gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, State, []);
168 _ ->
169 gen_server:start_link(Name, ?MODULE, State, [])
170 end.
172init(State=#thrift_socket_server{ip=Ip, port=Port}) ->
173 process_flag(trap_exit, true),
174 BaseOpts = [binary,
175 {reuseaddr, true},
176 {packet, 0},
177 {backlog, 4096},
178 {recbuf, 8192},
179 {active, false}],
180 Opts = case Ip of
181 any ->
182 BaseOpts;
183 Ip ->
184 [{ip, Ip} | BaseOpts]
185 end,
186 case gen_tcp_listen(Port, Opts, State) of
187 {stop, eacces} ->
188 %% fdsrv module allows another shot to bind
189 %% ports which require root access
190 case Port < 1024 of
191 true ->
192 case fdsrv:start() of
193 {ok, _} ->
194 case fdsrv:bind_socket(tcp, Port) of
195 {ok, Fd} ->
196 gen_tcp_listen(Port, [{fd, Fd} | Opts], State);
197 _ ->
198 {stop, fdsrv_bind_failed}
199 end;
200 _ ->
201 {stop, fdsrv_start_failed}
202 end;
203 false ->
204 {stop, eacces}
205 end;
206 Other ->
207 error_logger:info_msg("thrift service listening on port ~p", [Port]),
208 Other
209 end.
211gen_tcp_listen(Port, Opts, State) ->
212 case gen_tcp:listen(Port, Opts) of
213 {ok, Listen} ->
214 {ok, ListenPort} = inet:port(Listen),
215 {ok, new_acceptor(State#thrift_socket_server{listen=Listen,
216 port=ListenPort})};
217 {error, Reason} ->
218 {stop, Reason}
219 end.
221new_acceptor(State=#thrift_socket_server{max=0}) ->
222 error_logger:error_msg("Not accepting new connections"),
223 State#thrift_socket_server{acceptor=null};
225 service=Service, handler=Handler,
226 socket_opts=Opts, framed=Framed, protocol=Proto,
227 ssltransport=SslTransport, ssloptions=SslOptions
228 }) ->
229 Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, acceptor_loop,
230 [{self(), Listen, Service, Handler, Opts, Framed, SslTransport, SslOptions, Proto}]),
231 State#thrift_socket_server{acceptor=Pid}.
233acceptor_loop({Server, Listen, Service, Handler, SocketOpts, Framed, SslTransport, SslOptions, Proto})
234 when is_pid(Server), is_list(SocketOpts) ->
235 case catch gen_tcp:accept(Listen) of % infinite timeout
236 {ok, Socket} ->
237 gen_server:cast(Server, {accepted, self()}),
238 ProtoGen = fun() ->
239 {ok, SocketTransport} = case SslTransport of
240 true -> thrift_sslsocket_transport:new(Socket, SocketOpts, SslOptions);
241 false -> thrift_socket_transport:new(Socket, SocketOpts)
242 end,
243 {ok, Transport} = case Framed of
244 true -> thrift_framed_transport:new(SocketTransport);
245 false -> thrift_buffered_transport:new(SocketTransport)
246 end,
247 {ok, Protocol} = case Proto of
248 compact -> thrift_compact_protocol:new(Transport);
249 json -> thrift_json_protocol:new(Transport);
250 _ -> thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport)
251 end,
252 {ok, Protocol}
253 end,
254 thrift_processor:init({Server, ProtoGen, Service, Handler});
255 {error, closed} ->
256 exit({error, closed});
257 Other ->
258 error_logger:error_report(
259 [{application, thrift},
260 "Accept failed error",
261 lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Other]))]),
262 exit({error, accept_failed})
263 end.
265handle_call({get, port}, _From, State=#thrift_socket_server{port=Port}) ->
266 {reply, Port, State};
267handle_call(_Message, _From, State) ->
268 Res = error,
269 {reply, Res, State}.
271handle_cast({accepted, Pid},
272 State=#thrift_socket_server{acceptor=Pid, max=Max}) ->
273 % io:format("accepted ~p~n", [Pid]),
274 State1 = State#thrift_socket_server{max=Max - 1},
275 {noreply, new_acceptor(State1)};
276handle_cast(stop, State) ->
277 {stop, normal, State}.
279terminate(Reason, #thrift_socket_server{listen=Listen, port=Port}) ->
280 gen_tcp:close(Listen),
281 case Reason of
282 normal -> ok;
283 shutdown -> ok;
284 _ -> {backtrace, Bt} = erlang:process_info(self(), backtrace),
285 error_logger:error_report({?MODULE, ?LINE,
286 {child_error, Reason, Bt}})
287 end,
288 case Port < 1024 of
289 true ->
290 catch fdsrv:stop(),
291 ok;
292 false ->
293 ok
294 end.
296code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
297 State.
299handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal},
300 State=#thrift_socket_server{acceptor=Pid}) ->
301 {noreply, new_acceptor(State)};
302handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason},
303 State=#thrift_socket_server{acceptor=Pid}) ->
304 error_logger:error_report({?MODULE, ?LINE,
305 {acceptor_error, Reason}}),
306 timer:sleep(100),
307 {noreply, new_acceptor(State)};
308handle_info({'EXIT', _LoopPid, Reason},
309 State=#thrift_socket_server{acceptor=Pid, max=Max}) ->
310 case Reason of
311 normal -> ok;
312 shutdown -> ok;
313 _ -> error_logger:error_report({?MODULE, ?LINE,
314 {child_error, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()}})
315 end,
316 State1 = State#thrift_socket_server{max=Max + 1},
317 State2 = case Pid of
318 null -> new_acceptor(State1);
319 _ -> State1
320 end,
321 {noreply, State2};
322handle_info(Info, State) ->
323 error_logger:info_report([{'INFO', Info}, {'State', State}]),
324 {noreply, State}.