]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/haxe/src/org/apache/thrift/helper/BitConverter.hx
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / thrift / lib / haxe / src / org / apache / thrift / helper / BitConverter.hx
2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 * distributed with this work for additional information
5 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 * under the License.
18 */
20package org.apache.thrift.helper;
22import haxe.Int64;
23import haxe.io.Bytes;
24import haxe.io.BytesBuffer;
26class BitConverter {
28 public static function DoubleToInt64Bits( db : Float) : Int64 {
29 var buf = new BytesBuffer();
30 buf.addDouble( db);
31 return bytesToLong( buf.getBytes());
32 }
35 public static function Int64BitsToDouble( i64 : Int64) : Float {
36 var buf = new BytesBuffer();
37 buf.add( fixedLongToBytes( i64));
38 return buf.getBytes().getDouble(0);
39 }
43 /**
44 * Convert a long into little-endian bytes in buf starting at off and going
45 * until off+7.
46 */
47 public static function fixedLongToBytes( n : Int64) : Bytes {
48 var buf = Bytes.alloc(8);
49 #if( haxe_ver < 3.2)
50 buf.set( 0, Int64.getLow( Int64.and( n, Int64.make(0, 0xff))));
51 buf.set( 1, Int64.getLow( Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 8), Int64.make(0, 0xff))));
52 buf.set( 2, Int64.getLow( Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 16), Int64.make(0, 0xff))));
53 buf.set( 3, Int64.getLow( Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 24), Int64.make(0, 0xff))));
54 buf.set( 4, Int64.getLow( Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 32), Int64.make(0, 0xff))));
55 buf.set( 5, Int64.getLow( Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 40), Int64.make(0, 0xff))));
56 buf.set( 6, Int64.getLow( Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 48), Int64.make(0, 0xff))));
57 buf.set( 7, Int64.getLow( Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 56), Int64.make(0, 0xff))));
58 #else
59 buf.set( 0, Int64.and( n, Int64.make(0, 0xff)).low);
60 buf.set( 1, Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 8), Int64.make(0, 0xff)).low);
61 buf.set( 2, Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 16), Int64.make(0, 0xff)).low);
62 buf.set( 3, Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 24), Int64.make(0, 0xff)).low);
63 buf.set( 4, Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 32), Int64.make(0, 0xff)).low);
64 buf.set( 5, Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 40), Int64.make(0, 0xff)).low);
65 buf.set( 6, Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 48), Int64.make(0, 0xff)).low);
66 buf.set( 7, Int64.and( Int64.shr( n, 56), Int64.make(0, 0xff)).low);
67 #end
68 return buf;
69 }
71 /**
72 * Note that it's important that the mask bytes are long literals,
73 * otherwise they'll default to ints, and when you shift an int left 56 bits,
74 * you just get a messed up int.
75 */
76 public static function bytesToLong( bytes : Bytes) : Int64 {
77 var result : Int64 = Int64.make(0, 0);
78 result = Int64.or( Int64.shl( result, 8), Int64.make( 0, bytes.get(7)));
79 result = Int64.or( Int64.shl( result, 8), Int64.make( 0, bytes.get(6)));
80 result = Int64.or( Int64.shl( result, 8), Int64.make( 0, bytes.get(5)));
81 result = Int64.or( Int64.shl( result, 8), Int64.make( 0, bytes.get(4)));
82 result = Int64.or( Int64.shl( result, 8), Int64.make( 0, bytes.get(3)));
83 result = Int64.or( Int64.shl( result, 8), Int64.make( 0, bytes.get(2)));
84 result = Int64.or( Int64.shl( result, 8), Int64.make( 0, bytes.get(1)));
85 result = Int64.or( Int64.shl( result, 8), Int64.make( 0, bytes.get(0)));
86 return result;
87 }
90 #if debug
91 private static function TestBTL( test : Int64) : Void {
92 var buf : Bytes = fixedLongToBytes( test);
93 var erg = bytesToLong(buf);
94 if ( Int64.compare( erg, test) != 0)
95 throw 'BitConverter.bytesToLongTest($test) failed: $erg';
96 }
97 #end
100 #if debug
101 private static function TestPair( a : Float, b : Int64) : Void {
102 var bx = DoubleToInt64Bits(a);
103 if ( Int64.compare( bx, b) != 0)
104 throw 'BitConverter.TestPair: DoubleToInt64Bits($a): expected $b, got $bx';
105 var ax = Int64BitsToDouble(b);
106 if( ax != a)
107 throw 'BitConverter.TestPair: Int64BitsToDouble($b: expected $a, got $ax';
108 }
109 #end
112 #if debug
113 public static function UnitTest() : Void {
115 // bytesToLong()
116 var i : Int;
117 TestBTL( Int64.make(0,0));
118 for ( i in 0 ... 62) {
119 TestBTL( Int64.shl( Int64.make(0,1), i));
120 TestBTL( Int64.sub( Int64.make(0,0), Int64.shl( Int64.make(0,1), i)));
121 }
122 TestBTL( Int64.make(0x7FFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF));
123 TestBTL( Int64.make(cast(0x80000000,Int),0x00000000));
125 // DoubleToInt64Bits;
126 TestPair( 1.0000000000000000E+000, Int64.make(cast(0x3FF00000,Int),cast(0x00000000,Int)));
127 TestPair( 1.5000000000000000E+001, Int64.make(cast(0x402E0000,Int),cast(0x00000000,Int)));
128 TestPair( 2.5500000000000000E+002, Int64.make(cast(0x406FE000,Int),cast(0x00000000,Int)));
129 TestPair( 4.2949672950000000E+009, Int64.make(cast(0x41EFFFFF,Int),cast(0xFFE00000,Int)));
130 TestPair( 3.9062500000000000E-003, Int64.make(cast(0x3F700000,Int),cast(0x00000000,Int)));
131 TestPair( 2.3283064365386963E-010, Int64.make(cast(0x3DF00000,Int),cast(0x00000000,Int)));
132 TestPair( 1.2345678901230000E-300, Int64.make(cast(0x01AA74FE,Int),cast(0x1C1E7E45,Int)));
133 TestPair( 1.2345678901234500E-150, Int64.make(cast(0x20D02A36,Int),cast(0x586DB4BB,Int)));
134 TestPair( 1.2345678901234565E+000, Int64.make(cast(0x3FF3C0CA,Int),cast(0x428C59FA,Int)));
135 TestPair( 1.2345678901234567E+000, Int64.make(cast(0x3FF3C0CA,Int),cast(0x428C59FB,Int)));
136 TestPair( 1.2345678901234569E+000, Int64.make(cast(0x3FF3C0CA,Int),cast(0x428C59FC,Int)));
137 TestPair( 1.2345678901234569E+150, Int64.make(cast(0x5F182344,Int),cast(0xCD3CDF9F,Int)));
138 TestPair( 1.2345678901234569E+300, Int64.make(cast(0x7E3D7EE8,Int),cast(0xBCBBD352,Int)));
139 TestPair( -1.7976931348623157E+308, Int64.make(cast(0xFFEFFFFF,Int),cast(0xFFFFFFFF,Int)));
140 TestPair( 1.7976931348623157E+308, Int64.make(cast(0x7FEFFFFF,Int),cast(0xFFFFFFFF,Int)));
141 TestPair( 4.9406564584124654E-324, Int64.make(cast(0x00000000,Int),cast(0x00000001,Int)));
142 TestPair( 0.0000000000000000E+000, Int64.make(cast(0x00000000,Int),cast(0x00000000,Int)));
143 TestPair( 4.94065645841247E-324, Int64.make(cast(0x00000000,Int),cast(0x00000001,Int)));
144 TestPair( 3.2378592100206092E-319, Int64.make(cast(0x00000000,Int),cast(0x0000FFFF,Int)));
145 TestPair( 1.3906711615669959E-309, Int64.make(cast(0x0000FFFF,Int),cast(0xFFFFFFFF,Int)));
146 TestPair( Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Int64.make(cast(0xFFF00000,Int),cast(0x00000000,Int)));
147 TestPair( Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Int64.make(cast(0x7FF00000,Int),cast(0x00000000,Int)));
149 // NaN is special
150 var i64nan = DoubleToInt64Bits( Math.NaN);
151 var i64cmp = Int64.make(cast(0xFFF80000, Int), cast(0x00000000, Int));
152 if ( ! Math.isNaN( Int64BitsToDouble( i64cmp)))
153 throw 'BitConverter NaN-Test #1: expected NaN';
155 // For doubles, a quiet NaN is a bit pattern
156 // between 7FF8000000000000 and 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
157 // or FFF8000000000000 and FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
158 var min1 = Int64.make( cast(0x7FF80000, Int), cast(0x00000000, Int));
159 var max1 = Int64.make( cast(0x7FFFFFFF, Int), cast(0xFFFFFFFF, Int));
160 var min2 = Int64.make( cast(0xFFF80000, Int), cast(0x00000000, Int));
161 var max2 = Int64.make( cast(0xFFFFFFFF, Int), cast(0xFFFFFFFF, Int));
162 var ok1 = (Int64.compare( min1, i64nan) <= 0) && (Int64.compare( i64nan, max1) <= 0);
163 var ok2 = (Int64.compare( min2, i64nan) <= 0) && (Int64.compare( i64nan, max2) <= 0);
164 if( ! (ok1 || ok2))
165 throw 'BitConverter NaN-Test #2: failed';
166 }
167 #end