]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/py/src/transport/TSSLSocket.py
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / thrift / lib / py / src / transport / TSSLSocket.py
2# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4# distributed with this work for additional information
5# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
10# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16# specific language governing permissions and limitations
17# under the License.
20import logging
21import os
22import socket
23import ssl
24import sys
25import warnings
27from .sslcompat import _match_hostname, _match_has_ipaddress
28from thrift.transport import TSocket
29from thrift.transport.TTransport import TTransportException
31logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
33 'default', category=DeprecationWarning, module=__name__)
36class TSSLBase(object):
37 # SSLContext is not available for Python < 2.7.9
38 _has_ssl_context = sys.hexversion >= 0x020709F0
40 # ciphers argument is not available for Python < 2.7.0
41 _has_ciphers = sys.hexversion >= 0x020700F0
43 # For python >= 2.7.9, use latest TLS that both client and server
44 # supports.
45 # SSL 2.0 and 3.0 are disabled via ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 and ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3.
46 # For python < 2.7.9, use TLS 1.0 since TLSv1_X nor OP_NO_SSLvX is
47 # unavailable.
48 _default_protocol = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 if _has_ssl_context else \
51 def _init_context(self, ssl_version):
52 if self._has_ssl_context:
53 self._context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl_version)
54 if self._context.protocol == ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23:
55 self._context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
56 self._context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
57 else:
58 self._context = None
59 self._ssl_version = ssl_version
61 @property
62 def _should_verify(self):
63 if self._has_ssl_context:
64 return self._context.verify_mode != ssl.CERT_NONE
65 else:
66 return self.cert_reqs != ssl.CERT_NONE
68 @property
69 def ssl_version(self):
70 if self._has_ssl_context:
71 return self.ssl_context.protocol
72 else:
73 return self._ssl_version
75 @property
76 def ssl_context(self):
77 return self._context
79 SSL_VERSION = _default_protocol
80 """
81 Default SSL version.
82 For backwards compatibility, it can be modified.
83 Use __init__ keyword argument "ssl_version" instead.
84 """
86 def _deprecated_arg(self, args, kwargs, pos, key):
87 if len(args) <= pos:
88 return
89 real_pos = pos + 3
90 warnings.warn(
91 '%dth positional argument is deprecated.'
92 'please use keyword argument instead.'
93 % real_pos, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
95 if key in kwargs:
96 raise TypeError(
97 'Duplicate argument: %dth argument and %s keyword argument.'
98 % (real_pos, key))
99 kwargs[key] = args[pos]
101 def _unix_socket_arg(self, host, port, args, kwargs):
102 key = 'unix_socket'
103 if host is None and port is None and len(args) == 1 and key not in kwargs:
104 kwargs[key] = args[0]
105 return True
106 return False
108 def __getattr__(self, key):
109 if key == 'SSL_VERSION':
110 warnings.warn(
111 'SSL_VERSION is deprecated.'
112 'please use ssl_version attribute instead.',
113 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
114 return self.ssl_version
116 def __init__(self, server_side, host, ssl_opts):
117 self._server_side = server_side
118 if TSSLBase.SSL_VERSION != self._default_protocol:
119 warnings.warn(
120 'SSL_VERSION is deprecated.'
121 'please use ssl_version keyword argument instead.',
122 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
123 self._context = ssl_opts.pop('ssl_context', None)
124 self._server_hostname = None
125 if not self._server_side:
126 self._server_hostname = ssl_opts.pop('server_hostname', host)
127 if self._context:
128 self._custom_context = True
129 if ssl_opts:
130 raise ValueError(
131 'Incompatible arguments: ssl_context and %s'
132 % ' '.join(ssl_opts.keys()))
133 if not self._has_ssl_context:
134 raise ValueError(
135 'ssl_context is not available for this version of Python')
136 else:
137 self._custom_context = False
138 ssl_version = ssl_opts.pop('ssl_version', TSSLBase.SSL_VERSION)
139 self._init_context(ssl_version)
140 self.cert_reqs = ssl_opts.pop('cert_reqs', ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)
141 self.ca_certs = ssl_opts.pop('ca_certs', None)
142 self.keyfile = ssl_opts.pop('keyfile', None)
143 self.certfile = ssl_opts.pop('certfile', None)
144 self.ciphers = ssl_opts.pop('ciphers', None)
146 if ssl_opts:
147 raise ValueError(
148 'Unknown keyword arguments: ', ' '.join(ssl_opts.keys()))
150 if self._should_verify:
151 if not self.ca_certs:
152 raise ValueError(
153 'ca_certs is needed when cert_reqs is not ssl.CERT_NONE')
154 if not os.access(self.ca_certs, os.R_OK):
155 raise IOError('Certificate Authority ca_certs file "%s" '
156 'is not readable, cannot validate SSL '
157 'certificates.' % (self.ca_certs))
159 @property
160 def certfile(self):
161 return self._certfile
163 @certfile.setter
164 def certfile(self, certfile):
165 if self._server_side and not certfile:
166 raise ValueError('certfile is needed for server-side')
167 if certfile and not os.access(certfile, os.R_OK):
168 raise IOError('No such certfile found: %s' % (certfile))
169 self._certfile = certfile
171 def _wrap_socket(self, sock):
172 if self._has_ssl_context:
173 if not self._custom_context:
174 self.ssl_context.verify_mode = self.cert_reqs
175 if self.certfile:
176 self.ssl_context.load_cert_chain(self.certfile,
177 self.keyfile)
178 if self.ciphers:
179 self.ssl_context.set_ciphers(self.ciphers)
180 if self.ca_certs:
181 self.ssl_context.load_verify_locations(self.ca_certs)
182 return self.ssl_context.wrap_socket(
183 sock, server_side=self._server_side,
184 server_hostname=self._server_hostname)
185 else:
186 ssl_opts = {
187 'ssl_version': self._ssl_version,
188 'server_side': self._server_side,
189 'ca_certs': self.ca_certs,
190 'keyfile': self.keyfile,
191 'certfile': self.certfile,
192 'cert_reqs': self.cert_reqs,
193 }
194 if self.ciphers:
195 if self._has_ciphers:
196 ssl_opts['ciphers'] = self.ciphers
197 else:
198 logger.warning(
199 'ciphers is specified but ignored due to old Python version')
200 return ssl.wrap_socket(sock, **ssl_opts)
203class TSSLSocket(TSocket.TSocket, TSSLBase):
204 """
205 SSL implementation of TSocket
207 This class creates outbound sockets wrapped using the
208 python standard ssl module for encrypted connections.
209 """
211 # New signature
212 # def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=9090, unix_socket=None,
213 # **ssl_args):
214 # Deprecated signature
215 # def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=9090, validate=True,
216 # ca_certs=None, keyfile=None, certfile=None,
217 # unix_socket=None, ciphers=None):
218 def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=9090, *args, **kwargs):
219 """Positional arguments: ``host``, ``port``, ``unix_socket``
221 Keyword arguments: ``keyfile``, ``certfile``, ``cert_reqs``,
222 ``ssl_version``, ``ca_certs``,
223 ``ciphers`` (Python 2.7.0 or later),
224 ``server_hostname`` (Python 2.7.9 or later)
225 Passed to ssl.wrap_socket. See ssl.wrap_socket documentation.
227 Alternative keyword arguments: (Python 2.7.9 or later)
228 ``ssl_context``: ssl.SSLContext to be used for SSLContext.wrap_socket
229 ``server_hostname``: Passed to SSLContext.wrap_socket
231 Common keyword argument:
232 ``validate_callback`` (cert, hostname) -> None:
233 Called after SSL handshake. Can raise when hostname does not
234 match the cert.
235 ``socket_keepalive`` enable TCP keepalive, default off.
236 """
237 self.is_valid = False
238 self.peercert = None
240 if args:
241 if len(args) > 6:
242 raise TypeError('Too many positional argument')
243 if not self._unix_socket_arg(host, port, args, kwargs):
244 self._deprecated_arg(args, kwargs, 0, 'validate')
245 self._deprecated_arg(args, kwargs, 1, 'ca_certs')
246 self._deprecated_arg(args, kwargs, 2, 'keyfile')
247 self._deprecated_arg(args, kwargs, 3, 'certfile')
248 self._deprecated_arg(args, kwargs, 4, 'unix_socket')
249 self._deprecated_arg(args, kwargs, 5, 'ciphers')
251 validate = kwargs.pop('validate', None)
252 if validate is not None:
253 cert_reqs_name = 'CERT_REQUIRED' if validate else 'CERT_NONE'
254 warnings.warn(
255 'validate is deprecated. please use cert_reqs=ssl.%s instead'
256 % cert_reqs_name,
257 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
258 if 'cert_reqs' in kwargs:
259 raise TypeError('Cannot specify both validate and cert_reqs')
260 kwargs['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if validate else ssl.CERT_NONE
262 unix_socket = kwargs.pop('unix_socket', None)
263 socket_keepalive = kwargs.pop('socket_keepalive', False)
264 self._validate_callback = kwargs.pop('validate_callback', _match_hostname)
265 TSSLBase.__init__(self, False, host, kwargs)
266 TSocket.TSocket.__init__(self, host, port, unix_socket,
267 socket_keepalive=socket_keepalive)
269 def close(self):
270 try:
271 self.handle.settimeout(0.001)
272 self.handle = self.handle.unwrap()
273 except (ssl.SSLError, socket.error, OSError):
274 # could not complete shutdown in a reasonable amount of time. bail.
275 pass
276 TSocket.TSocket.close(self)
278 @property
279 def validate(self):
280 warnings.warn('validate is deprecated. please use cert_reqs instead',
281 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
282 return self.cert_reqs != ssl.CERT_NONE
284 @validate.setter
285 def validate(self, value):
286 warnings.warn('validate is deprecated. please use cert_reqs instead',
287 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
288 self.cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if value else ssl.CERT_NONE
290 def _do_open(self, family, socktype):
291 plain_sock = socket.socket(family, socktype)
292 try:
293 return self._wrap_socket(plain_sock)
294 except Exception as ex:
295 plain_sock.close()
296 msg = 'failed to initialize SSL'
297 logger.exception(msg)
298 raise TTransportException(type=TTransportException.NOT_OPEN, message=msg, inner=ex)
300 def open(self):
301 super(TSSLSocket, self).open()
302 if self._should_verify:
303 self.peercert = self.handle.getpeercert()
304 try:
305 self._validate_callback(self.peercert, self._server_hostname)
306 self.is_valid = True
307 except TTransportException:
308 raise
309 except Exception as ex:
310 raise TTransportException(message=str(ex), inner=ex)
313class TSSLServerSocket(TSocket.TServerSocket, TSSLBase):
314 """SSL implementation of TServerSocket
316 This uses the ssl module's wrap_socket() method to provide SSL
317 negotiated encryption.
318 """
320 # New signature
321 # def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=9090, unix_socket=None, **ssl_args):
322 # Deprecated signature
323 # def __init__(self, host=None, port=9090, certfile='cert.pem', unix_socket=None, ciphers=None):
324 def __init__(self, host=None, port=9090, *args, **kwargs):
325 """Positional arguments: ``host``, ``port``, ``unix_socket``
327 Keyword arguments: ``keyfile``, ``certfile``, ``cert_reqs``, ``ssl_version``,
328 ``ca_certs``, ``ciphers`` (Python 2.7.0 or later)
329 See ssl.wrap_socket documentation.
331 Alternative keyword arguments: (Python 2.7.9 or later)
332 ``ssl_context``: ssl.SSLContext to be used for SSLContext.wrap_socket
333 ``server_hostname``: Passed to SSLContext.wrap_socket
335 Common keyword argument:
336 ``validate_callback`` (cert, hostname) -> None:
337 Called after SSL handshake. Can raise when hostname does not
338 match the cert.
339 """
340 if args:
341 if len(args) > 3:
342 raise TypeError('Too many positional argument')
343 if not self._unix_socket_arg(host, port, args, kwargs):
344 self._deprecated_arg(args, kwargs, 0, 'certfile')
345 self._deprecated_arg(args, kwargs, 1, 'unix_socket')
346 self._deprecated_arg(args, kwargs, 2, 'ciphers')
348 if 'ssl_context' not in kwargs:
349 # Preserve existing behaviors for default values
350 if 'cert_reqs' not in kwargs:
351 kwargs['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_NONE
352 if'certfile' not in kwargs:
353 kwargs['certfile'] = 'cert.pem'
355 unix_socket = kwargs.pop('unix_socket', None)
356 self._validate_callback = \
357 kwargs.pop('validate_callback', _match_hostname)
358 TSSLBase.__init__(self, True, None, kwargs)
359 TSocket.TServerSocket.__init__(self, host, port, unix_socket)
360 if self._should_verify and not _match_has_ipaddress:
361 raise ValueError('Need ipaddress and backports.ssl_match_hostname '
362 'module to verify client certificate')
364 def setCertfile(self, certfile):
365 """Set or change the server certificate file used to wrap new
366 connections.
368 @param certfile: The filename of the server certificate,
369 i.e. '/etc/certs/server.pem'
370 @type certfile: str
372 Raises an IOError exception if the certfile is not present or unreadable.
373 """
374 warnings.warn(
375 'setCertfile is deprecated. please use certfile property instead.',
376 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
377 self.certfile = certfile
379 def accept(self):
380 plain_client, addr = self.handle.accept()
381 try:
382 client = self._wrap_socket(plain_client)
383 except (ssl.SSLError, socket.error, OSError):
384 logger.exception('Error while accepting from %s', addr)
385 # failed handshake/ssl wrap, close socket to client
386 plain_client.close()
387 # raise
388 # We can't raise the exception, because it kills most TServer derived
389 # serve() methods.
390 # Instead, return None, and let the TServer instance deal with it in
391 # other exception handling. (but TSimpleServer dies anyway)
392 return None
394 if self._should_verify:
395 client.peercert = client.getpeercert()
396 try:
397 self._validate_callback(client.peercert, addr[0])
398 client.is_valid = True
399 except Exception:
400 logger.warn('Failed to validate client certificate address: %s',
401 addr[0], exc_info=True)
402 client.close()
403 plain_client.close()
404 return None
406 result = TSocket.TSocket()
407 result.handle = client
408 return result