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1<!DOCTYPE html>
4 <meta charset="utf-8">
5 <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href="http://www.datatables.net/favicon.ico">
6 <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=2.0">
8 <title>KeyTable example - Events</title>
9 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../media/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
10 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/dataTables.keyTable.css">
11 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../examples/resources/syntax/shCore.css">
12 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../examples/resources/demo.css">
13 <style type="text/css" class="init">
15 </style>
16 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../../../media/js/jquery.js"></script>
17 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../../../media/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
18 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../js/dataTables.keyTable.js"></script>
19 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../../../examples/resources/syntax/shCore.js"></script>
20 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../../../examples/resources/demo.js"></script>
21 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" class="init">
24function eventMsg ( msg ) {
25 var n = document.getElementById('info');
26 n.innerHTML += msg+"<br>";
27 n.scrollTop = n.scrollHeight;
30$(document).ready(function() {
31 var table = $('#example').DataTable();
32 var keys = new $.fn.dataTable.KeyTable( table );
34 /* Focus handler for all cells in last column */
35 keys.event.focus( 4, null, function( node, x, y ) {
36 eventMsg( "Cell "+x+","+y+" focused ('live' event - column)" );
37 } );
39 /* Focus handler for all cells in 8th row */
40 keys.event.focus( null, 7, function( node, x, y ) {
41 eventMsg( "Cell "+x+","+y+" focused ('live' event - row)" );
42 } );
44 /* Focus using coords. */
45 keys.event.focus( 1, 0, function( node ) {
46 keys.event.remove.focus( node );
47 eventMsg( "Cell 1,0 focus - this event has now been removed" );
48 } );
50 keys.event.focus( 1, 3, function() {
51 eventMsg( "Cell 1,3 focus" );
52 } );
54 /* focus with a node */
55 keys.event.focus( $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(0)')[0], function() {
56 eventMsg( "Cell 0,2 focus" );
57 } );
59 /* Blur using a node */
60 keys.event.blur( $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(2)')[0], function() {
61 eventMsg( "Cell 1,2 blur" );
62 } );
64 /* Blur using coords */
65 keys.event.blur( 2, 4, function() {
66 eventMsg( "Cell 2,4 blur" );
67 } );
69 /* Action */
70 keys.event.action( 2, 2, function( node ) {
71 eventMsg( "Cell 2,2 action" );
72 if ( node.style.fontWeight == "" || node.style.fontWeight == "normal" ) {
73 node.style.fontWeight = "bold";
74 }
75 else {
76 node.style.fontWeight = "normal";
77 }
78 } );
80 keys.event.action( 2, 5, function( node ) {
81 eventMsg( "Cell 2,5 action" );
82 if ( node.style.fontStyle == "" ) {
83 node.style.fontStyle = "italic";
84 }
85 else {
86 node.style.fontStyle = "";
87 }
88 } );
89} );
92 </script>
95<body class="dt-example">
96 <div class="container">
97 <section>
98 <h1>KeyTable example <span>Events</span></h1>
100 <div class="info">
101 <p>KeyTable provides the ability to listen for events such as <code>focus</code>, <code>blur</code>,
102 <code>esc</code> (the escape key) and 'return' (the return key) can be assigned event handling
103 functions through KeyTable's the API. This gives you the ability to take an action on a cell.</p>
105 <p>The example shown below has a few cells (selected at random, but near the top) with blur and focus
106 events assigned to them. You can also see the navigation around the table using arrow keys.</p>
107 </div>
109 <div id="info" class="box">
110 Event information:<br>
111 </div>
113 <table id="example" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
114 <thead>
115 <tr>
116 <th>Name</th>
117 <th>Position</th>
118 <th>Office</th>
119 <th>Age</th>
120 <th>Start date</th>
121 <th>Salary</th>
122 </tr>
123 </thead>
125 <tfoot>
126 <tr>
127 <th>Name</th>
128 <th>Position</th>
129 <th>Office</th>
130 <th>Age</th>
131 <th>Start date</th>
132 <th>Salary</th>
133 </tr>
134 </tfoot>
136 <tbody>
137 <tr>
138 <td>Tiger Nixon</td>
139 <td>System Architect</td>
140 <td>Edinburgh</td>
141 <td>61</td>
142 <td>2011/04/25</td>
143 <td>$320,800</td>
144 </tr>
145 <tr>
146 <td>Garrett Winters</td>
147 <td>Accountant</td>
148 <td>Tokyo</td>
149 <td>63</td>
150 <td>2011/07/25</td>
151 <td>$170,750</td>
152 </tr>
153 <tr>
154 <td>Ashton Cox</td>
155 <td>Junior Technical Author</td>
156 <td>San Francisco</td>
157 <td>66</td>
158 <td>2009/01/12</td>
159 <td>$86,000</td>
160 </tr>
161 <tr>
162 <td>Cedric Kelly</td>
163 <td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
164 <td>Edinburgh</td>
165 <td>22</td>
166 <td>2012/03/29</td>
167 <td>$433,060</td>
168 </tr>
169 <tr>
170 <td>Airi Satou</td>
171 <td>Accountant</td>
172 <td>Tokyo</td>
173 <td>33</td>
174 <td>2008/11/28</td>
175 <td>$162,700</td>
176 </tr>
177 <tr>
178 <td>Brielle Williamson</td>
179 <td>Integration Specialist</td>
180 <td>New York</td>
181 <td>61</td>
182 <td>2012/12/02</td>
183 <td>$372,000</td>
184 </tr>
185 <tr>
186 <td>Herrod Chandler</td>
187 <td>Sales Assistant</td>
188 <td>San Francisco</td>
189 <td>59</td>
190 <td>2012/08/06</td>
191 <td>$137,500</td>
192 </tr>
193 <tr>
194 <td>Rhona Davidson</td>
195 <td>Integration Specialist</td>
196 <td>Tokyo</td>
197 <td>55</td>
198 <td>2010/10/14</td>
199 <td>$327,900</td>
200 </tr>
201 <tr>
202 <td>Colleen Hurst</td>
203 <td>Javascript Developer</td>
204 <td>San Francisco</td>
205 <td>39</td>
206 <td>2009/09/15</td>
207 <td>$205,500</td>
208 </tr>
209 <tr>
210 <td>Sonya Frost</td>
211 <td>Software Engineer</td>
212 <td>Edinburgh</td>
213 <td>23</td>
214 <td>2008/12/13</td>
215 <td>$103,600</td>
216 </tr>
217 <tr>
218 <td>Jena Gaines</td>
219 <td>Office Manager</td>
220 <td>London</td>
221 <td>30</td>
222 <td>2008/12/19</td>
223 <td>$90,560</td>
224 </tr>
225 <tr>
226 <td>Quinn Flynn</td>
227 <td>Support Lead</td>
228 <td>Edinburgh</td>
229 <td>22</td>
230 <td>2013/03/03</td>
231 <td>$342,000</td>
232 </tr>
233 <tr>
234 <td>Charde Marshall</td>
235 <td>Regional Director</td>
236 <td>San Francisco</td>
237 <td>36</td>
238 <td>2008/10/16</td>
239 <td>$470,600</td>
240 </tr>
241 <tr>
242 <td>Haley Kennedy</td>
243 <td>Senior Marketing Designer</td>
244 <td>London</td>
245 <td>43</td>
246 <td>2012/12/18</td>
247 <td>$313,500</td>
248 </tr>
249 <tr>
250 <td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick</td>
251 <td>Regional Director</td>
252 <td>London</td>
253 <td>19</td>
254 <td>2010/03/17</td>
255 <td>$385,750</td>
256 </tr>
257 <tr>
258 <td>Michael Silva</td>
259 <td>Marketing Designer</td>
260 <td>London</td>
261 <td>66</td>
262 <td>2012/11/27</td>
263 <td>$198,500</td>
264 </tr>
265 <tr>
266 <td>Paul Byrd</td>
267 <td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)</td>
268 <td>New York</td>
269 <td>64</td>
270 <td>2010/06/09</td>
271 <td>$725,000</td>
272 </tr>
273 <tr>
274 <td>Gloria Little</td>
275 <td>Systems Administrator</td>
276 <td>New York</td>
277 <td>59</td>
278 <td>2009/04/10</td>
279 <td>$237,500</td>
280 </tr>
281 <tr>
282 <td>Bradley Greer</td>
283 <td>Software Engineer</td>
284 <td>London</td>
285 <td>41</td>
286 <td>2012/10/13</td>
287 <td>$132,000</td>
288 </tr>
289 <tr>
290 <td>Dai Rios</td>
291 <td>Personnel Lead</td>
292 <td>Edinburgh</td>
293 <td>35</td>
294 <td>2012/09/26</td>
295 <td>$217,500</td>
296 </tr>
297 <tr>
298 <td>Jenette Caldwell</td>
299 <td>Development Lead</td>
300 <td>New York</td>
301 <td>30</td>
302 <td>2011/09/03</td>
303 <td>$345,000</td>
304 </tr>
305 <tr>
306 <td>Yuri Berry</td>
307 <td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)</td>
308 <td>New York</td>
309 <td>40</td>
310 <td>2009/06/25</td>
311 <td>$675,000</td>
312 </tr>
313 <tr>
314 <td>Caesar Vance</td>
315 <td>Pre-Sales Support</td>
316 <td>New York</td>
317 <td>21</td>
318 <td>2011/12/12</td>
319 <td>$106,450</td>
320 </tr>
321 <tr>
322 <td>Doris Wilder</td>
323 <td>Sales Assistant</td>
324 <td>Sidney</td>
325 <td>23</td>
326 <td>2010/09/20</td>
327 <td>$85,600</td>
328 </tr>
329 <tr>
330 <td>Angelica Ramos</td>
331 <td>Chief Executive Officer (CEO)</td>
332 <td>London</td>
333 <td>47</td>
334 <td>2009/10/09</td>
335 <td>$1,200,000</td>
336 </tr>
337 <tr>
338 <td>Gavin Joyce</td>
339 <td>Developer</td>
340 <td>Edinburgh</td>
341 <td>42</td>
342 <td>2010/12/22</td>
343 <td>$92,575</td>
344 </tr>
345 <tr>
346 <td>Jennifer Chang</td>
347 <td>Regional Director</td>
348 <td>Singapore</td>
349 <td>28</td>
350 <td>2010/11/14</td>
351 <td>$357,650</td>
352 </tr>
353 <tr>
354 <td>Brenden Wagner</td>
355 <td>Software Engineer</td>
356 <td>San Francisco</td>
357 <td>28</td>
358 <td>2011/06/07</td>
359 <td>$206,850</td>
360 </tr>
361 <tr>
362 <td>Fiona Green</td>
363 <td>Chief Operating Officer (COO)</td>
364 <td>San Francisco</td>
365 <td>48</td>
366 <td>2010/03/11</td>
367 <td>$850,000</td>
368 </tr>
369 <tr>
370 <td>Shou Itou</td>
371 <td>Regional Marketing</td>
372 <td>Tokyo</td>
373 <td>20</td>
374 <td>2011/08/14</td>
375 <td>$163,000</td>
376 </tr>
377 <tr>
378 <td>Michelle House</td>
379 <td>Integration Specialist</td>
380 <td>Sidney</td>
381 <td>37</td>
382 <td>2011/06/02</td>
383 <td>$95,400</td>
384 </tr>
385 <tr>
386 <td>Suki Burks</td>
387 <td>Developer</td>
388 <td>London</td>
389 <td>53</td>
390 <td>2009/10/22</td>
391 <td>$114,500</td>
392 </tr>
393 <tr>
394 <td>Prescott Bartlett</td>
395 <td>Technical Author</td>
396 <td>London</td>
397 <td>27</td>
398 <td>2011/05/07</td>
399 <td>$145,000</td>
400 </tr>
401 <tr>
402 <td>Gavin Cortez</td>
403 <td>Team Leader</td>
404 <td>San Francisco</td>
405 <td>22</td>
406 <td>2008/10/26</td>
407 <td>$235,500</td>
408 </tr>
409 <tr>
410 <td>Martena Mccray</td>
411 <td>Post-Sales support</td>
412 <td>Edinburgh</td>
413 <td>46</td>
414 <td>2011/03/09</td>
415 <td>$324,050</td>
416 </tr>
417 <tr>
418 <td>Unity Butler</td>
419 <td>Marketing Designer</td>
420 <td>San Francisco</td>
421 <td>47</td>
422 <td>2009/12/09</td>
423 <td>$85,675</td>
424 </tr>
425 <tr>
426 <td>Howard Hatfield</td>
427 <td>Office Manager</td>
428 <td>San Francisco</td>
429 <td>51</td>
430 <td>2008/12/16</td>
431 <td>$164,500</td>
432 </tr>
433 <tr>
434 <td>Hope Fuentes</td>
435 <td>Secretary</td>
436 <td>San Francisco</td>
437 <td>41</td>
438 <td>2010/02/12</td>
439 <td>$109,850</td>
440 </tr>
441 <tr>
442 <td>Vivian Harrell</td>
443 <td>Financial Controller</td>
444 <td>San Francisco</td>
445 <td>62</td>
446 <td>2009/02/14</td>
447 <td>$452,500</td>
448 </tr>
449 <tr>
450 <td>Timothy Mooney</td>
451 <td>Office Manager</td>
452 <td>London</td>
453 <td>37</td>
454 <td>2008/12/11</td>
455 <td>$136,200</td>
456 </tr>
457 <tr>
458 <td>Jackson Bradshaw</td>
459 <td>Director</td>
460 <td>New York</td>
461 <td>65</td>
462 <td>2008/09/26</td>
463 <td>$645,750</td>
464 </tr>
465 <tr>
466 <td>Olivia Liang</td>
467 <td>Support Engineer</td>
468 <td>Singapore</td>
469 <td>64</td>
470 <td>2011/02/03</td>
471 <td>$234,500</td>
472 </tr>
473 <tr>
474 <td>Bruno Nash</td>
475 <td>Software Engineer</td>
476 <td>London</td>
477 <td>38</td>
478 <td>2011/05/03</td>
479 <td>$163,500</td>
480 </tr>
481 <tr>
482 <td>Sakura Yamamoto</td>
483 <td>Support Engineer</td>
484 <td>Tokyo</td>
485 <td>37</td>
486 <td>2009/08/19</td>
487 <td>$139,575</td>
488 </tr>
489 <tr>
490 <td>Thor Walton</td>
491 <td>Developer</td>
492 <td>New York</td>
493 <td>61</td>
494 <td>2013/08/11</td>
495 <td>$98,540</td>
496 </tr>
497 <tr>
498 <td>Finn Camacho</td>
499 <td>Support Engineer</td>
500 <td>San Francisco</td>
501 <td>47</td>
502 <td>2009/07/07</td>
503 <td>$87,500</td>
504 </tr>
505 <tr>
506 <td>Serge Baldwin</td>
507 <td>Data Coordinator</td>
508 <td>Singapore</td>
509 <td>64</td>
510 <td>2012/04/09</td>
511 <td>$138,575</td>
512 </tr>
513 <tr>
514 <td>Zenaida Frank</td>
515 <td>Software Engineer</td>
516 <td>New York</td>
517 <td>63</td>
518 <td>2010/01/04</td>
519 <td>$125,250</td>
520 </tr>
521 <tr>
522 <td>Zorita Serrano</td>
523 <td>Software Engineer</td>
524 <td>San Francisco</td>
525 <td>56</td>
526 <td>2012/06/01</td>
527 <td>$115,000</td>
528 </tr>
529 <tr>
530 <td>Jennifer Acosta</td>
531 <td>Junior Javascript Developer</td>
532 <td>Edinburgh</td>
533 <td>43</td>
534 <td>2013/02/01</td>
535 <td>$75,650</td>
536 </tr>
537 <tr>
538 <td>Cara Stevens</td>
539 <td>Sales Assistant</td>
540 <td>New York</td>
541 <td>46</td>
542 <td>2011/12/06</td>
543 <td>$145,600</td>
544 </tr>
545 <tr>
546 <td>Hermione Butler</td>
547 <td>Regional Director</td>
548 <td>London</td>
549 <td>47</td>
550 <td>2011/03/21</td>
551 <td>$356,250</td>
552 </tr>
553 <tr>
554 <td>Lael Greer</td>
555 <td>Systems Administrator</td>
556 <td>London</td>
557 <td>21</td>
558 <td>2009/02/27</td>
559 <td>$103,500</td>
560 </tr>
561 <tr>
562 <td>Jonas Alexander</td>
563 <td>Developer</td>
564 <td>San Francisco</td>
565 <td>30</td>
566 <td>2010/07/14</td>
567 <td>$86,500</td>
568 </tr>
569 <tr>
570 <td>Shad Decker</td>
571 <td>Regional Director</td>
572 <td>Edinburgh</td>
573 <td>51</td>
574 <td>2008/11/13</td>
575 <td>$183,000</td>
576 </tr>
577 <tr>
578 <td>Michael Bruce</td>
579 <td>Javascript Developer</td>
580 <td>Singapore</td>
581 <td>29</td>
582 <td>2011/06/27</td>
583 <td>$183,000</td>
584 </tr>
585 <tr>
586 <td>Donna Snider</td>
587 <td>Customer Support</td>
588 <td>New York</td>
589 <td>27</td>
590 <td>2011/01/25</td>
591 <td>$112,000</td>
592 </tr>
593 </tbody>
594 </table>
596 <ul class="tabs">
597 <li class="active">Javascript</li>
598 <li>HTML</li>
599 <li>CSS</li>
600 <li>Ajax</li>
601 <li>Server-side script</li>
602 </ul>
604 <div class="tabs">
605 <div class="js">
606 <p>The Javascript shown below is used to initialise the table shown in this
607 example:</p><code class="multiline brush: js;">function eventMsg ( msg ) {
608 var n = document.getElementById('info');
609 n.innerHTML += msg+&quot;&lt;br&gt;&quot;;
610 n.scrollTop = n.scrollHeight;
613$(document).ready(function() {
614 var table = $('#example').DataTable();
615 var keys = new $.fn.dataTable.KeyTable( table );
617 /* Focus handler for all cells in last column */
618 keys.event.focus( 4, null, function( node, x, y ) {
619 eventMsg( &quot;Cell &quot;+x+&quot;,&quot;+y+&quot; focused ('live' event - column)&quot; );
620 } );
622 /* Focus handler for all cells in 8th row */
623 keys.event.focus( null, 7, function( node, x, y ) {
624 eventMsg( &quot;Cell &quot;+x+&quot;,&quot;+y+&quot; focused ('live' event - row)&quot; );
625 } );
627 /* Focus using coords. */
628 keys.event.focus( 1, 0, function( node ) {
629 keys.event.remove.focus( node );
630 eventMsg( &quot;Cell 1,0 focus - this event has now been removed&quot; );
631 } );
633 keys.event.focus( 1, 3, function() {
634 eventMsg( &quot;Cell 1,3 focus&quot; );
635 } );
637 /* focus with a node */
638 keys.event.focus( $('#example tbody tr:eq(2) td:eq(0)')[0], function() {
639 eventMsg( &quot;Cell 0,2 focus&quot; );
640 } );
642 /* Blur using a node */
643 keys.event.blur( $('#example tbody tr:eq(1) td:eq(2)')[0], function() {
644 eventMsg( &quot;Cell 1,2 blur&quot; );
645 } );
647 /* Blur using coords */
648 keys.event.blur( 2, 4, function() {
649 eventMsg( &quot;Cell 2,4 blur&quot; );
650 } );
652 /* Action */
653 keys.event.action( 2, 2, function( node ) {
654 eventMsg( &quot;Cell 2,2 action&quot; );
655 if ( node.style.fontWeight == &quot;&quot; || node.style.fontWeight == &quot;normal&quot; ) {
656 node.style.fontWeight = &quot;bold&quot;;
657 }
658 else {
659 node.style.fontWeight = &quot;normal&quot;;
660 }
661 } );
663 keys.event.action( 2, 5, function( node ) {
664 eventMsg( &quot;Cell 2,5 action&quot; );
665 if ( node.style.fontStyle == &quot;&quot; ) {
666 node.style.fontStyle = &quot;italic&quot;;
667 }
668 else {
669 node.style.fontStyle = &quot;&quot;;
670 }
671 } );
672} );</code>
674 <p>In addition to the above code, the following Javascript library files are loaded for use in this
675 example:</p>
677 <ul>
678 <li><a href="../../../media/js/jquery.js">../../../media/js/jquery.js</a></li>
679 <li><a href=
680 "../../../media/js/jquery.dataTables.js">../../../media/js/jquery.dataTables.js</a></li>
681 <li><a href="../js/dataTables.keyTable.js">../js/dataTables.keyTable.js</a></li>
682 </ul>
683 </div>
685 <div class="table">
686 <p>The HTML shown below is the raw HTML table element, before it has been enhanced by
687 DataTables:</p>
688 </div>
690 <div class="css">
691 <div>
692 <p>This example uses a little bit of additional CSS beyond what is loaded from the library
693 files (below), in order to correctly display the table. The additional CSS used is shown
694 below:</p><code class="multiline brush: js;"></code>
695 </div>
697 <p>The following CSS library files are loaded for use in this example to provide the styling of the
698 table:</p>
700 <ul>
701 <li><a href=
702 "../../../media/css/jquery.dataTables.css">../../../media/css/jquery.dataTables.css</a></li>
703 <li><a href="../css/dataTables.keyTable.css">../css/dataTables.keyTable.css</a></li>
704 </ul>
705 </div>
707 <div class="ajax">
708 <p>This table loads data by Ajax. The latest data that has been loaded is shown below. This data
709 will update automatically as any additional data is loaded.</p>
710 </div>
712 <div class="php">
713 <p>The script used to perform the server-side processing for this table is shown below. Please note
714 that this is just an example script using PHP. Server-side processing scripts can be written in any
715 language, using <a href="//datatables.net/manual/server-side">the protocol described in the
716 DataTables documentation</a>.</p>
717 </div>
718 </div>
719 </section>
720 </div>
722 <section>
723 <div class="footer">
724 <div class="gradient"></div>
726 <div class="liner">
727 <h2>Other examples</h2>
729 <div class="toc">
730 <div class="toc-group">
731 <h3><a href="./index.html">Examples</a></h3>
732 <ul class="toc active">
733 <li><a href="./simple.html">Basic initialisation</a></li>
734 <li class="active"><a href="./events.html">Events</a></li>
735 <li><a href="./scrolling.html">Scrolling table</a></li>
736 <li><a href="./html.html">Plain HTML table</a></li>
737 </ul>
738 </div>
739 </div>
741 <div class="epilogue">
742 <p>Please refer to the <a href="http://www.datatables.net">DataTables documentation</a> for full
743 information about its API properties and methods.<br>
744 Additionally, there are a wide range of <a href="http://www.datatables.net/extras">extras</a> and
745 <a href="http://www.datatables.net/plug-ins">plug-ins</a> which extend the capabilities of
746 DataTables.</p>
748 <p class="copyright">DataTables designed and created by <a href=
749 "http://www.sprymedia.co.uk">SpryMedia Ltd</a> &#169; 2007-2014<br>
750 DataTables is licensed under the <a href="http://www.datatables.net/mit">MIT license</a>.</p>
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