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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / memtable / hash_cuckoo_rep.cc
7c673cae 1// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
8#include "memtable/hash_cuckoo_rep.h"
10#include <algorithm>
11#include <atomic>
12#include <limits>
13#include <memory>
14#include <queue>
15#include <string>
16#include <vector>
18#include "db/memtable.h"
19#include "memtable/skiplist.h"
20#include "memtable/stl_wrappers.h"
21#include "port/port.h"
22#include "rocksdb/memtablerep.h"
23#include "util/murmurhash.h"
25namespace rocksdb {
26namespace {
28// the default maximum size of the cuckoo path searching queue
29static const int kCuckooPathMaxSearchSteps = 100;
31struct CuckooStep {
32 static const int kNullStep = -1;
33 // the bucket id in the cuckoo array.
34 int bucket_id_;
35 // index of cuckoo-step array that points to its previous step,
36 // -1 if it the beginning step.
37 int prev_step_id_;
38 // the depth of the current step.
39 unsigned int depth_;
41 CuckooStep() : bucket_id_(-1), prev_step_id_(kNullStep), depth_(1) {}
43 CuckooStep(CuckooStep&& o) = default;
45 CuckooStep& operator=(CuckooStep&& rhs) {
46 bucket_id_ = std::move(rhs.bucket_id_);
47 prev_step_id_ = std::move(rhs.prev_step_id_);
48 depth_ = std::move(rhs.depth_);
49 return *this;
50 }
52 CuckooStep(const CuckooStep&) = delete;
53 CuckooStep& operator=(const CuckooStep&) = delete;
55 CuckooStep(int bucket_id, int prev_step_id, int depth)
56 : bucket_id_(bucket_id), prev_step_id_(prev_step_id), depth_(depth) {}
59class HashCuckooRep : public MemTableRep {
60 public:
61 explicit HashCuckooRep(const MemTableRep::KeyComparator& compare,
11fdf7f2 62 Allocator* allocator, const size_t bucket_count,
63 const unsigned int hash_func_count,
64 const size_t approximate_entry_size)
65 : MemTableRep(allocator),
66 compare_(compare),
67 allocator_(allocator),
68 bucket_count_(bucket_count),
69 approximate_entry_size_(approximate_entry_size),
70 cuckoo_path_max_depth_(kDefaultCuckooPathMaxDepth),
71 occupied_count_(0),
72 hash_function_count_(hash_func_count),
73 backup_table_(nullptr) {
74 char* mem = reinterpret_cast<char*>(
75 allocator_->Allocate(sizeof(std::atomic<const char*>) * bucket_count_));
76 cuckoo_array_ = new (mem) std::atomic<char*>[bucket_count_];
77 for (unsigned int bid = 0; bid < bucket_count_; ++bid) {
78 cuckoo_array_[bid].store(nullptr, std::memory_order_relaxed);
79 }
81 cuckoo_path_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(
82 allocator_->Allocate(sizeof(int) * (cuckoo_path_max_depth_ + 1)));
83 is_nearly_full_ = false;
84 }
86 // return false, indicating HashCuckooRep does not support merge operator.
87 virtual bool IsMergeOperatorSupported() const override { return false; }
89 // return false, indicating HashCuckooRep does not support snapshot.
90 virtual bool IsSnapshotSupported() const override { return false; }
92 // Returns true iff an entry that compares equal to key is in the collection.
93 virtual bool Contains(const char* internal_key) const override;
95 virtual ~HashCuckooRep() override {}
97 // Insert the specified key (internal_key) into the mem-table. Assertion
98 // fails if
99 // the current mem-table already contains the specified key.
100 virtual void Insert(KeyHandle handle) override;
102 // This function returns bucket_count_ * approximate_entry_size_ when any
103 // of the followings happen to disallow further write operations:
104 // 1. when the fullness reaches kMaxFullnes.
105 // 2. when the backup_table_ is used.
106 //
107 // otherwise, this function will always return 0.
108 virtual size_t ApproximateMemoryUsage() override {
109 if (is_nearly_full_) {
110 return bucket_count_ * approximate_entry_size_;
111 }
112 return 0;
113 }
115 virtual void Get(const LookupKey& k, void* callback_args,
116 bool (*callback_func)(void* arg,
117 const char* entry)) override;
119 class Iterator : public MemTableRep::Iterator {
120 std::shared_ptr<std::vector<const char*>> bucket_;
121 std::vector<const char*>::const_iterator mutable cit_;
122 const KeyComparator& compare_;
123 std::string tmp_; // For passing to EncodeKey
124 bool mutable sorted_;
125 void DoSort() const;
127 public:
128 explicit Iterator(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<const char*>> bucket,
129 const KeyComparator& compare);
131 // Initialize an iterator over the specified collection.
132 // The returned iterator is not valid.
133 // explicit Iterator(const MemTableRep* collection);
134 virtual ~Iterator() override{};
136 // Returns true iff the iterator is positioned at a valid node.
137 virtual bool Valid() const override;
139 // Returns the key at the current position.
140 // REQUIRES: Valid()
141 virtual const char* key() const override;
143 // Advances to the next position.
144 // REQUIRES: Valid()
145 virtual void Next() override;
147 // Advances to the previous position.
148 // REQUIRES: Valid()
149 virtual void Prev() override;
151 // Advance to the first entry with a key >= target
152 virtual void Seek(const Slice& user_key, const char* memtable_key) override;
154 // Retreat to the last entry with a key <= target
155 virtual void SeekForPrev(const Slice& user_key,
156 const char* memtable_key) override;
158 // Position at the first entry in collection.
159 // Final state of iterator is Valid() iff collection is not empty.
160 virtual void SeekToFirst() override;
162 // Position at the last entry in collection.
163 // Final state of iterator is Valid() iff collection is not empty.
164 virtual void SeekToLast() override;
165 };
167 struct CuckooStepBuffer {
168 CuckooStepBuffer() : write_index_(0), read_index_(0) {}
169 ~CuckooStepBuffer() {}
171 int write_index_;
172 int read_index_;
173 CuckooStep steps_[kCuckooPathMaxSearchSteps];
175 CuckooStep& NextWriteBuffer() { return steps_[write_index_++]; }
177 inline const CuckooStep& ReadNext() { return steps_[read_index_++]; }
179 inline bool HasNewWrite() { return write_index_ > read_index_; }
181 inline void reset() {
182 write_index_ = 0;
183 read_index_ = 0;
184 }
186 inline bool IsFull() { return write_index_ >= kCuckooPathMaxSearchSteps; }
188 // returns the number of steps that has been read
189 inline int ReadCount() { return read_index_; }
191 // returns the number of steps that has been written to the buffer.
192 inline int WriteCount() { return write_index_; }
193 };
195 private:
196 const MemTableRep::KeyComparator& compare_;
197 // the pointer to Allocator to allocate memory, immutable after construction.
11fdf7f2 198 Allocator* const allocator_;
199 // the number of hash bucket in the hash table.
200 const size_t bucket_count_;
201 // approximate size of each entry
202 const size_t approximate_entry_size_;
203 // the maxinum depth of the cuckoo path.
204 const unsigned int cuckoo_path_max_depth_;
205 // the current number of entries in cuckoo_array_ which has been occupied.
206 size_t occupied_count_;
207 // the current number of hash functions used in the cuckoo hash.
208 unsigned int hash_function_count_;
209 // the backup MemTableRep to handle the case where cuckoo hash cannot find
210 // a vacant bucket for inserting the key of a put request.
211 std::shared_ptr<MemTableRep> backup_table_;
212 // the array to store pointers, pointing to the actual data.
213 std::atomic<char*>* cuckoo_array_;
214 // a buffer to store cuckoo path
215 int* cuckoo_path_;
216 // a boolean flag indicating whether the fullness of bucket array
217 // reaches the point to make the current memtable immutable.
218 bool is_nearly_full_;
220 // the default maximum depth of the cuckoo path.
221 static const unsigned int kDefaultCuckooPathMaxDepth = 10;
223 CuckooStepBuffer step_buffer_;
225 // returns the bucket id assogied to the input slice based on the
226 unsigned int GetHash(const Slice& slice, const int hash_func_id) const {
227 // the seeds used in the Murmur hash to produce different hash functions.
228 static const int kMurmurHashSeeds[HashCuckooRepFactory::kMaxHashCount] = {
229 545609244, 1769731426, 763324157, 13099088, 592422103,
230 1899789565, 248369300, 1984183468, 1613664382, 1491157517};
231 return static_cast<unsigned int>(
232 MurmurHash(slice.data(), static_cast<int>(slice.size()),
233 kMurmurHashSeeds[hash_func_id]) %
234 bucket_count_);
235 }
237 // A cuckoo path is a sequence of bucket ids, where each id points to a
238 // location of cuckoo_array_. This path describes the displacement sequence
239 // of entries in order to store the desired data specified by the input user
240 // key. The path starts from one of the locations associated with the
241 // specified user key and ends at a vacant space in the cuckoo array. This
242 // function will update the cuckoo_path.
243 //
244 // @return true if it found a cuckoo path.
245 bool FindCuckooPath(const char* internal_key, const Slice& user_key,
246 int* cuckoo_path, size_t* cuckoo_path_length,
247 int initial_hash_id = 0);
249 // Perform quick insert by checking whether there is a vacant bucket in one
250 // of the possible locations of the input key. If so, then the function will
251 // return true and the key will be stored in that vacant bucket.
252 //
253 // This function is a helper function of FindCuckooPath that discovers the
254 // first possible steps of a cuckoo path. It begins by first computing
255 // the possible locations of the input keys (and stores them in bucket_ids.)
256 // Then, if one of its possible locations is vacant, then the input key will
257 // be stored in that vacant space and the function will return true.
258 // Otherwise, the function will return false indicating a complete search
259 // of cuckoo-path is needed.
260 bool QuickInsert(const char* internal_key, const Slice& user_key,
261 int bucket_ids[], const int initial_hash_id);
263 // Returns the pointer to the internal iterator to the buckets where buckets
264 // are sorted according to the user specified KeyComparator. Note that
265 // any insert after this function call may affect the sorted nature of
266 // the returned iterator.
267 virtual MemTableRep::Iterator* GetIterator(Arena* arena) override {
268 std::vector<const char*> compact_buckets;
269 for (unsigned int bid = 0; bid < bucket_count_; ++bid) {
270 const char* bucket = cuckoo_array_[bid].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
271 if (bucket != nullptr) {
272 compact_buckets.push_back(bucket);
273 }
274 }
275 MemTableRep* backup_table = backup_table_.get();
276 if (backup_table != nullptr) {
277 std::unique_ptr<MemTableRep::Iterator> iter(backup_table->GetIterator());
278 for (iter->SeekToFirst(); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) {
279 compact_buckets.push_back(iter->key());
280 }
281 }
282 if (arena == nullptr) {
283 return new Iterator(
284 std::shared_ptr<std::vector<const char*>>(
285 new std::vector<const char*>(std::move(compact_buckets))),
286 compare_);
287 } else {
288 auto mem = arena->AllocateAligned(sizeof(Iterator));
289 return new (mem) Iterator(
290 std::shared_ptr<std::vector<const char*>>(
291 new std::vector<const char*>(std::move(compact_buckets))),
292 compare_);
293 }
294 }
297void HashCuckooRep::Get(const LookupKey& key, void* callback_args,
298 bool (*callback_func)(void* arg, const char* entry)) {
299 Slice user_key = key.user_key();
300 for (unsigned int hid = 0; hid < hash_function_count_; ++hid) {
301 const char* bucket =
302 cuckoo_array_[GetHash(user_key, hid)].load(std::memory_order_acquire);
303 if (bucket != nullptr) {
304 Slice bucket_user_key = UserKey(bucket);
305 if (user_key == bucket_user_key) {
306 callback_func(callback_args, bucket);
307 break;
308 }
309 } else {
310 // as Put() always stores at the vacant bucket located by the
311 // hash function with the smallest possible id, when we first
312 // find a vacant bucket in Get(), that means a miss.
313 break;
314 }
315 }
316 MemTableRep* backup_table = backup_table_.get();
317 if (backup_table != nullptr) {
318 backup_table->Get(key, callback_args, callback_func);
319 }
322void HashCuckooRep::Insert(KeyHandle handle) {
323 static const float kMaxFullness = 0.90f;
325 auto* key = static_cast<char*>(handle);
326 int initial_hash_id = 0;
327 size_t cuckoo_path_length = 0;
328 auto user_key = UserKey(key);
329 // find cuckoo path
330 if (FindCuckooPath(key, user_key, cuckoo_path_, &cuckoo_path_length,
331 initial_hash_id) == false) {
332 // if true, then we can't find a vacant bucket for this key even we
333 // have used up all the hash functions. Then use a backup memtable to
334 // store such key, which will further make this mem-table become
335 // immutable.
336 if (backup_table_.get() == nullptr) {
337 VectorRepFactory factory(10);
338 backup_table_.reset(
339 factory.CreateMemTableRep(compare_, allocator_, nullptr, nullptr));
340 is_nearly_full_ = true;
341 }
342 backup_table_->Insert(key);
343 return;
344 }
345 // when reaching this point, means the insert can be done successfully.
346 occupied_count_++;
347 if (occupied_count_ >= bucket_count_ * kMaxFullness) {
348 is_nearly_full_ = true;
349 }
351 // perform kickout process if the length of cuckoo path > 1.
352 if (cuckoo_path_length == 0) return;
354 // the cuckoo path stores the kickout path in reverse order.
355 // so the kickout or displacement is actually performed
356 // in reverse order, which avoids false-negatives on read
357 // by moving each key involved in the cuckoo path to the new
358 // location before replacing it.
359 for (size_t i = 1; i < cuckoo_path_length; ++i) {
360 int kicked_out_bid = cuckoo_path_[i - 1];
361 int current_bid = cuckoo_path_[i];
362 // since we only allow one writer at a time, it is safe to do relaxed read.
363 cuckoo_array_[kicked_out_bid]
364 .store(cuckoo_array_[current_bid].load(std::memory_order_relaxed),
365 std::memory_order_release);
366 }
367 int insert_key_bid = cuckoo_path_[cuckoo_path_length - 1];
368 cuckoo_array_[insert_key_bid].store(key, std::memory_order_release);
371bool HashCuckooRep::Contains(const char* internal_key) const {
372 auto user_key = UserKey(internal_key);
373 for (unsigned int hid = 0; hid < hash_function_count_; ++hid) {
374 const char* stored_key =
375 cuckoo_array_[GetHash(user_key, hid)].load(std::memory_order_acquire);
376 if (stored_key != nullptr) {
377 if (compare_(internal_key, stored_key) == 0) {
378 return true;
379 }
380 }
381 }
382 return false;
385bool HashCuckooRep::QuickInsert(const char* internal_key, const Slice& user_key,
386 int bucket_ids[], const int initial_hash_id) {
387 int cuckoo_bucket_id = -1;
389 // Below does the followings:
390 // 0. Calculate all possible locations of the input key.
391 // 1. Check if there is a bucket having same user_key as the input does.
392 // 2. If there exists such bucket, then replace this bucket by the newly
393 // insert data and return. This step also performs duplication check.
394 // 3. If no such bucket exists but exists a vacant bucket, then insert the
395 // input data into it.
396 // 4. If step 1 to 3 all fail, then return false.
397 for (unsigned int hid = initial_hash_id; hid < hash_function_count_; ++hid) {
398 bucket_ids[hid] = GetHash(user_key, hid);
399 // since only one PUT is allowed at a time, and this is part of the PUT
400 // operation, so we can safely perform relaxed load.
401 const char* stored_key =
402 cuckoo_array_[bucket_ids[hid]].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
403 if (stored_key == nullptr) {
404 if (cuckoo_bucket_id == -1) {
405 cuckoo_bucket_id = bucket_ids[hid];
406 }
407 } else {
408 const auto bucket_user_key = UserKey(stored_key);
409 if (bucket_user_key.compare(user_key) == 0) {
410 cuckoo_bucket_id = bucket_ids[hid];
11fdf7f2 411 assert(cuckoo_bucket_id != -1);
412 break;
413 }
414 }
415 }
417 if (cuckoo_bucket_id != -1) {
418 cuckoo_array_[cuckoo_bucket_id].store(const_cast<char*>(internal_key),
419 std::memory_order_release);
420 return true;
421 }
423 return false;
426// Perform pre-check and find the shortest cuckoo path. A cuckoo path
427// is a displacement sequence for inserting the specified input key.
429// @return true if it successfully found a vacant space or cuckoo-path.
430// If the return value is true but the length of cuckoo_path is zero,
431// then it indicates that a vacant bucket or an bucket with matched user
432// key with the input is found, and a quick insertion is done.
433bool HashCuckooRep::FindCuckooPath(const char* internal_key,
434 const Slice& user_key, int* cuckoo_path,
435 size_t* cuckoo_path_length,
436 const int initial_hash_id) {
437 int bucket_ids[HashCuckooRepFactory::kMaxHashCount];
438 *cuckoo_path_length = 0;
440 if (QuickInsert(internal_key, user_key, bucket_ids, initial_hash_id)) {
441 return true;
442 }
443 // If this step is reached, then it means:
444 // 1. no vacant bucket in any of the possible locations of the input key.
445 // 2. none of the possible locations of the input key has the same user
446 // key as the input `internal_key`.
448 // the front and back indices for the step_queue_
449 step_buffer_.reset();
451 for (unsigned int hid = initial_hash_id; hid < hash_function_count_; ++hid) {
452 /// CuckooStep& current_step = step_queue_[front_pos++];
453 CuckooStep& current_step = step_buffer_.NextWriteBuffer();
454 current_step.bucket_id_ = bucket_ids[hid];
455 current_step.prev_step_id_ = CuckooStep::kNullStep;
456 current_step.depth_ = 1;
457 }
459 while (step_buffer_.HasNewWrite()) {
460 int step_id = step_buffer_.read_index_;
461 const CuckooStep& step = step_buffer_.ReadNext();
462 // Since it's a BFS process, then the first step with its depth deeper
463 // than the maximum allowed depth indicates all the remaining steps
464 // in the step buffer queue will all exceed the maximum depth.
465 // Return false immediately indicating we can't find a vacant bucket
466 // for the input key before the maximum allowed depth.
467 if (step.depth_ >= cuckoo_path_max_depth_) {
468 return false;
469 }
470 // again, we can perform no barrier load safely here as the current
471 // thread is the only writer.
472 Slice bucket_user_key =
473 UserKey(cuckoo_array_[step.bucket_id_].load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
474 if (step.prev_step_id_ != CuckooStep::kNullStep) {
475 if (bucket_user_key == user_key) {
476 // then there is a loop in the current path, stop discovering this path.
477 continue;
478 }
479 }
480 // if the current bucket stores at its nth location, then we only consider
481 // its mth location where m > n. This property makes sure that all reads
482 // will not miss if we do have data associated to the query key.
483 //
484 // The n and m in the above statement is the start_hid and hid in the code.
485 unsigned int start_hid = hash_function_count_;
486 for (unsigned int hid = 0; hid < hash_function_count_; ++hid) {
487 bucket_ids[hid] = GetHash(bucket_user_key, hid);
488 if (step.bucket_id_ == bucket_ids[hid]) {
489 start_hid = hid;
490 }
491 }
492 // must found a bucket which is its current "home".
493 assert(start_hid != hash_function_count_);
495 // explore all possible next steps from the current step.
496 for (unsigned int hid = start_hid + 1; hid < hash_function_count_; ++hid) {
497 CuckooStep& next_step = step_buffer_.NextWriteBuffer();
498 next_step.bucket_id_ = bucket_ids[hid];
499 next_step.prev_step_id_ = step_id;
500 next_step.depth_ = step.depth_ + 1;
501 // once a vacant bucket is found, trace back all its previous steps
502 // to generate a cuckoo path.
503 if (cuckoo_array_[next_step.bucket_id_].load(std::memory_order_relaxed) ==
504 nullptr) {
505 // store the last step in the cuckoo path. Note that cuckoo_path
506 // stores steps in reverse order. This allows us to move keys along
507 // the cuckoo path by storing each key to the new place first before
508 // removing it from the old place. This property ensures reads will
509 // not missed due to moving keys along the cuckoo path.
510 cuckoo_path[(*cuckoo_path_length)++] = next_step.bucket_id_;
511 int depth;
512 for (depth = step.depth_; depth > 0 && step_id != CuckooStep::kNullStep;
513 depth--) {
514 const CuckooStep& prev_step = step_buffer_.steps_[step_id];
515 cuckoo_path[(*cuckoo_path_length)++] = prev_step.bucket_id_;
516 step_id = prev_step.prev_step_id_;
517 }
518 assert(depth == 0 && step_id == CuckooStep::kNullStep);
519 return true;
520 }
521 if (step_buffer_.IsFull()) {
522 // if true, then it reaches maxinum number of cuckoo search steps.
523 return false;
524 }
525 }
526 }
528 // tried all possible paths but still not unable to find a cuckoo path
529 // which path leads to a vacant bucket.
530 return false;
534 std::shared_ptr<std::vector<const char*>> bucket,
535 const KeyComparator& compare)
536 : bucket_(bucket),
537 cit_(bucket_->end()),
538 compare_(compare),
539 sorted_(false) {}
541void HashCuckooRep::Iterator::DoSort() const {
542 if (!sorted_) {
543 std::sort(bucket_->begin(), bucket_->end(),
544 stl_wrappers::Compare(compare_));
545 cit_ = bucket_->begin();
546 sorted_ = true;
547 }
550// Returns true iff the iterator is positioned at a valid node.
551bool HashCuckooRep::Iterator::Valid() const {
552 DoSort();
553 return cit_ != bucket_->end();
556// Returns the key at the current position.
557// REQUIRES: Valid()
558const char* HashCuckooRep::Iterator::key() const {
559 assert(Valid());
560 return *cit_;
563// Advances to the next position.
564// REQUIRES: Valid()
565void HashCuckooRep::Iterator::Next() {
566 assert(Valid());
567 if (cit_ == bucket_->end()) {
568 return;
569 }
570 ++cit_;
573// Advances to the previous position.
574// REQUIRES: Valid()
575void HashCuckooRep::Iterator::Prev() {
576 assert(Valid());
577 if (cit_ == bucket_->begin()) {
578 // If you try to go back from the first element, the iterator should be
579 // invalidated. So we set it to past-the-end. This means that you can
580 // treat the container circularly.
581 cit_ = bucket_->end();
582 } else {
583 --cit_;
584 }
587// Advance to the first entry with a key >= target
588void HashCuckooRep::Iterator::Seek(const Slice& user_key,
589 const char* memtable_key) {
590 DoSort();
591 // Do binary search to find first value not less than the target
592 const char* encoded_key =
593 (memtable_key != nullptr) ? memtable_key : EncodeKey(&tmp_, user_key);
594 cit_ = std::equal_range(bucket_->begin(), bucket_->end(), encoded_key,
595 [this](const char* a, const char* b) {
596 return compare_(a, b) < 0;
597 }).first;
600// Retreat to the last entry with a key <= target
601void HashCuckooRep::Iterator::SeekForPrev(const Slice& /*user_key*/,
602 const char* /*memtable_key*/) {
603 assert(false);
606// Position at the first entry in collection.
607// Final state of iterator is Valid() iff collection is not empty.
608void HashCuckooRep::Iterator::SeekToFirst() {
609 DoSort();
610 cit_ = bucket_->begin();
613// Position at the last entry in collection.
614// Final state of iterator is Valid() iff collection is not empty.
615void HashCuckooRep::Iterator::SeekToLast() {
616 DoSort();
617 cit_ = bucket_->end();
618 if (bucket_->size() != 0) {
619 --cit_;
620 }
623} // anom namespace
625MemTableRep* HashCuckooRepFactory::CreateMemTableRep(
626 const MemTableRep::KeyComparator& compare, Allocator* allocator,
627 const SliceTransform* /*transform*/, Logger* /*logger*/) {
628 // The estimated average fullness. The write performance of any close hash
629 // degrades as the fullness of the mem-table increases. Setting kFullness
630 // to a value around 0.7 can better avoid write performance degradation while
631 // keeping efficient memory usage.
632 static const float kFullness = 0.7f;
633 size_t pointer_size = sizeof(std::atomic<const char*>);
634 assert(write_buffer_size_ >= (average_data_size_ + pointer_size));
635 size_t bucket_count =
636 static_cast<size_t>(
637 (write_buffer_size_ / (average_data_size_ + pointer_size)) / kFullness +
638 1);
639 unsigned int hash_function_count = hash_function_count_;
640 if (hash_function_count < 2) {
641 hash_function_count = 2;
642 }
643 if (hash_function_count > kMaxHashCount) {
644 hash_function_count = kMaxHashCount;
645 }
646 return new HashCuckooRep(compare, allocator, bucket_count,
647 hash_function_count,
648 static_cast<size_t>(
649 (average_data_size_ + pointer_size) / kFullness)
650 );
653MemTableRepFactory* NewHashCuckooRepFactory(size_t write_buffer_size,
654 size_t average_data_size,
655 unsigned int hash_function_count) {
656 return new HashCuckooRepFactory(write_buffer_size, average_data_size,
657 hash_function_count);
660} // namespace rocksdb
661#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE