]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/script/backport-resolve-issue
import 15.2.9
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / script / backport-resolve-issue
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# backport-resolve-issue
5# Based on "backport-create-issue", which was itself based on work by
6# by Loic Dachary.
9# Introduction
10# ============
12# This script processes GitHub backport PRs, checking for proper cross-linking
13# with a Redmine Backport tracker issue and, if a PR is merged and properly
14# cross-linked, it can optionally resolve the tracker issue and correctly
15# populate the "Target version" field.
17# The script takes a single positional argument, which is optional. If the
18# argument is an integer, it is assumed to be a GitHub backport PR ID (e.g. "28549").
19# In this mode ("single PR mode") the script processes a single GitHub backport
20# PR and terminates.
22# If the argument is not an integer, or is missing, it is assumed to be a
23# commit (SHA1 or tag) to start from. If no positional argument is given, it
24# defaults to the tag "BRI-{release}", which might have been added by the last run of the
25# script. This mode is called "scan merge commits mode".
27# In both modes, the script scans a local git repo, which is assumed to be
28# in the current working directory. In single PR mode, the script will work
29# only if the PR's merge commit is present in the current branch of the local
30# git repo. In scan merge commits mode, the script starts from the given SHA1
31# or tag, taking each merge commit in turn and attempting to obtain the GitHub
32# PR number for each.
34# For each GitHub PR, the script interactively displays all relevant information
35# (NOTE: this includes displaying the GitHub PR and Redmine backport issue in
36# web browser tabs!) and prompts the user for her preferred disposition.
39# Assumptions
40# ===========
42# Among other things, the script assumes:
44# 1. it is being run in the top-level directory of a Ceph git repo
45# 2. the preferred web browser is Firefox and the command to open a browser
46# tab is "firefox"
47# 3. if Firefox is running and '--no-browser' was not given, the Firefox window
48# is visible to the user and the user desires to view GitHub PRs and Tracker
49# Issues in the browser
50# 4. if Firefox is not running, the user does not want to view PRs and issues
51# in a web browser
54# Dependencies
55# ============
57# To run this script, first install the dependencies
59# virtualenv v
60# source v/bin/activate
61# pip install gitpython python-redmine
63# Then, copy the script from src/script/backport-resolve-issue (in the branch
64# "master" - the script is not maintained anywhere else) to somewhere in your
65# PATH.
67# Finally, run the script with appropriate parameters. For example:
69# backport-resolve-issue --key $MY_REDMINE_KEY
70# backport-resolve-issue --user $MY_REDMINE_USER --password $MY_REDMINE_PASSWORD
73# Copyright Notice
74# ================
76# Copyright (C) 2019, SUSE LLC
78# Author: Nathan Cutler <ncutler@suse.com>
80# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
81# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
82# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
83# License, or (at your option) any later version.
85# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
86# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
88# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
90# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
91# along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
93import argparse
94import logging
95import json
96import os
97import re
98import sys
99import time
100from redminelib import Redmine # https://pypi.org/project/python-redmine/
101from redminelib.exceptions import ResourceAttrError
102from git import Repo
103from git.exc import GitCommandError
105github_endpoint = "https://github.com/ceph/ceph"
106redmine_endpoint = "https://tracker.ceph.com"
107project_name = "Ceph"
108status2status_id = {}
109project_id2project = {}
110tracker2tracker_id = {}
111version2version_id = {}
112delay_seconds = 5
113browser_cmd = "firefox"
114no_browser = False
115ceph_release = None
116dry_run = False
117redmine = None
118bri_tag = None
119github_token_file = "~/.github_token"
120github_token = None
121github_user = None
122redmine_key_file = "~/.redmine_key"
123redmine_key = None
125def browser_running():
126 global browser_cmd
127 retval = os.system("pgrep {} >/dev/null".format(browser_cmd))
128 if retval == 0:
129 return True
130 return False
132def ceph_version(repo, sha1=None):
133 if sha1:
134 return repo.git.describe('--match', 'v*', sha1).split('-')[0]
135 return repo.git.describe('--match', 'v*').split('-')[0]
137def commit_range(args):
138 global bri_tag
139 if len(args.pr_or_commit) == 0:
140 return '{}..HEAD'.format(bri_tag)
141 elif len(args.pr_or_commit) == 1:
142 pass
143 else:
144 logging.warn("Ignoring positional parameters {}".format(args.pr_or_commit[1:]))
145 commit = args.pr_or_commit[0]
146 return '{}..HEAD'.format(commit)
148def connect_to_redmine(a):
149 global redmine_key
150 global redmine_key_file
151 redmine_key = read_from_file(redmine_key_file)
152 if a.user and a.password:
153 logging.info("Redmine username and password were provided; using them")
154 return Redmine(redmine_endpoint, username=a.user, password=a.password)
155 elif redmine_key:
156 logging.info("Redmine key was read from '%s'; using it" % redmine_key_file)
157 return Redmine(redmine_endpoint, key=redmine_key)
158 else:
159 usage()
161def derive_github_user_from_token(gh_token):
162 retval = None
163 if gh_token:
164 curl_opt = "-u :{} --silent".format(gh_token)
165 cmd = "curl {} https://api.github.com/user".format(curl_opt)
166 logging.debug("Running curl command ->{}<-".format(cmd))
167 json_str = os.popen(cmd).read()
168 github_api_result = json.loads(json_str)
169 if "login" in github_api_result:
170 retval = github_api_result['login']
171 if "message" in github_api_result:
172 assert False, \
173 "GitHub API unexpectedly returned ->{}<-".format(github_api_result['message'])
174 return retval
176def ensure_bri_tag_exists(repo, release):
177 global bri_tag
178 bri_tag = "BRI-{}".format(release)
179 bri_tag_exists = ''
180 try:
181 bri_tag_exists = repo.git.show_ref(bri_tag)
182 except GitCommandError as err:
183 logging.error(err)
184 logging.debug("git show-ref {} returned ->{}<-".format(bri_tag, bri_tag_exists))
185 if not bri_tag_exists:
186 c_v = ceph_version(repo)
187 logging.info("No {} tag found: setting it to {}".format(bri_tag, c_v))
188 repo.git.tag(bri_tag, c_v)
190def get_issue_release(redmine_issue):
191 for field in redmine_issue.custom_fields:
192 if field['name'] == 'Release':
193 return field['value']
194 return None
196def get_project(r, p_id):
197 if p_id not in project_id2project:
198 p_obj = r.project.get(p_id, include='trackers')
199 project_id2project[p_id] = p_obj
200 return project_id2project[p_id]
202def has_tracker(r, p_id, tracker_name):
203 for tracker in get_project(r, p_id).trackers:
204 if tracker['name'] == tracker_name:
205 return True
206 return False
208def parse_arguments():
209 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
210 parser.add_argument("--user", help="Redmine user")
211 parser.add_argument("--password", help="Redmine password")
212 parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Show debug-level messages",
213 action="store_true")
214 parser.add_argument("--dry-run", help="Do not write anything to Redmine",
215 action="store_true")
216 parser.add_argument("--no-browser", help="Do not use web browser even if it is running",
217 action="store_true")
218 parser.add_argument("pr_or_commit", nargs='*',
219 help="GitHub PR ID, or last merge commit successfully processed")
220 return parser.parse_args()
222def populate_ceph_release(repo):
223 global ceph_release
224 current_branch = repo.git.rev_parse('--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD')
225 release_ver_full = ceph_version(repo)
226 logging.info("Current git branch is {}, {}".format(current_branch, release_ver_full))
227 release_ver = release_ver_full.split('.')[0] + '.' + release_ver_full.split('.')[1]
228 try:
229 ceph_release = ver_to_release()[release_ver]
230 except KeyError:
231 assert False, \
232 "Release version {} does not correspond to any known stable release".format(release_ver)
233 logging.info("Ceph release is {}".format(ceph_release))
235def populate_status_dict(r):
236 for status in r.issue_status.all():
237 status2status_id[status.name] = status.id
238 logging.debug("Statuses {}".format(status2status_id))
239 return None
241def populate_tracker_dict(r):
242 for tracker in r.tracker.all():
243 tracker2tracker_id[tracker.name] = tracker.id
244 logging.debug("Trackers {}".format(tracker2tracker_id))
245 return None
247# not used currently, but might be useful
248def populate_version_dict(r, p_id):
249 versions = r.version.filter(project_id=p_id)
250 for version in versions:
251 version2version_id[version.name] = version.id
252 return None
254def print_inner_divider():
255 print("-----------------------------------------------------------------")
257def print_outer_divider():
258 print("=================================================================")
260def process_merge(repo, merge, merges_remaining):
261 backport = None
262 sha1 = merge.split(' ')[0]
263 possible_to_resolve = True
264 try:
265 backport = Backport(repo, merge_commit_string=merge)
266 except AssertionError as err:
267 logging.error("Malformed backport due to ->{}<-".format(err))
268 possible_to_resolve = False
269 if tag_merge_commits:
270 if possible_to_resolve:
271 prompt = ("[a] Abort, "
272 "[i] Ignore and advance {bri} tag, "
273 "[u] Update tracker and advance {bri} tag (default 'u') --> "
274 .format(bri=bri_tag)
275 )
276 default_input_val = "u"
277 else:
278 prompt = ("[a] Abort, "
279 "[i] Ignore and advance {bri} tag (default 'i') --> "
280 .format(bri=bri_tag)
281 )
282 default_input_val = "i"
283 else:
284 if possible_to_resolve:
285 prompt = "[a] Abort, [i] Ignore, [u] Update tracker (default 'u') --> "
286 default_input_val = "u"
287 else:
288 if merges_remaining > 1:
289 prompt = "[a] Abort, [i] Ignore --> "
290 default_input_val = "i"
291 else:
292 return False
293 input_val = input(prompt)
294 if input_val == '':
295 input_val = default_input_val
296 if input_val.lower() == "a":
297 exit(-1)
298 elif input_val.lower() == "i":
299 pass
300 else:
301 input_val = "u"
302 if input_val.lower() == "u":
303 if backport:
304 backport.resolve()
305 else:
306 logging.warn("Cannot determine which issue to resolve. Ignoring.")
307 if tag_merge_commits:
308 if backport:
309 tag_sha1(repo, backport.merge_commit_sha1)
310 else:
311 tag_sha1(repo, sha1)
312 return True
314def read_from_file(fs):
315 retval = None
316 full_path = os.path.expanduser(fs)
317 try:
318 with open(full_path, "r") as f:
319 retval = f.read().strip()
320 except FileNotFoundError:
321 pass
322 return retval
324def releases():
325 return ('argonaut', 'bobtail', 'cuttlefish', 'dumpling', 'emperor',
326 'firefly', 'giant', 'hammer', 'infernalis', 'jewel', 'kraken',
327 'luminous', 'mimic', 'nautilus')
329def report_params(a):
330 global dry_run
331 global no_browser
332 if a.dry_run:
333 dry_run = True
334 logging.warning("Dry run: nothing will be written to Redmine")
335 if a.no_browser:
336 no_browser = True
337 logging.warning("Web browser will not be used even if it is running")
339def set_logging_level(a):
340 if a.debug:
341 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
342 else:
343 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
344 return None
346def tag_sha1(repo, sha1):
347 global bri_tag
348 repo.git.tag('--delete', bri_tag)
349 repo.git.tag(bri_tag, sha1)
351def ver_to_release():
352 return {'v9.2': 'infernalis', 'v10.2': 'jewel', 'v11.2': 'kraken',
353 'v12.2': 'luminous', 'v13.2': 'mimic', 'v14.2': 'nautilus'}
355def usage():
356 logging.error("Redmine credentials are required to perform this operation. "
357 "Please provide either a Redmine key (via {}) "
358 "or a Redmine username and password (via --user and --password). "
359 "Optionally, one or more issue numbers can be given via positional "
360 "argument(s). In the absence of positional arguments, the script "
361 "will loop through all merge commits after the tag \"BRI-{release}\". "
362 "If there is no such tag in the local branch, one will be created "
363 "for you.".format(redmine_key_file)
364 )
365 exit(-1)
368class Backport:
370 def __init__(self, repo, merge_commit_string):
371 '''
372 The merge commit string should look something like this:
373 27ff851953 Merge pull request #29678 from pdvian/wip-40948-nautilus
374 '''
375 global browser_cmd
376 global ceph_release
377 global github_token
378 global github_user
379 self.repo = repo
380 self.merge_commit_string = merge_commit_string
381 #
382 # split merge commit string on first space character
383 merge_commit_sha1_short, self.merge_commit_description = merge_commit_string.split(' ', 1)
384 #
385 # merge commit SHA1 from merge commit string
386 p = re.compile('\\S+')
387 self.merge_commit_sha1_short = p.match(merge_commit_sha1_short).group()
388 assert self.merge_commit_sha1_short == merge_commit_sha1_short, \
389 ("Failed to extract merge commit short SHA1 from merge commit string ->{}<-"
390 .format(merge_commit_string)
391 )
392 logging.debug("Short merge commit SHA1 is {}".format(self.merge_commit_sha1_short))
393 self.merge_commit_sha1 = self.repo.git.rev_list(
394 '--max-count=1',
395 self.merge_commit_sha1_short,
396 )
397 logging.debug("Full merge commit SHA1 is {}".format(self.merge_commit_sha1))
398 self.merge_commit_gd = repo.git.describe('--match', 'v*', self.merge_commit_sha1)
399 self.populate_base_version()
400 self.populate_target_version()
401 self.populate_github_url()
402 #
403 # GitHub PR description and merged status from GitHub
404 curl_opt = "--silent"
405 # if GitHub token was provided, use it to avoid throttling -
406 if github_token and github_user:
407 curl_opt = "-u {}:{} {}".format(github_user, github_token, curl_opt)
408 cmd = (
409 "curl {} https://api.github.com/repos/ceph/ceph/pulls/{}"
410 .format(curl_opt, self.github_pr_id)
411 )
412 logging.debug("Running curl command ->{}<-".format(cmd))
413 json_str = os.popen(cmd).read()
414 github_api_result = json.loads(json_str)
415 if "title" in github_api_result and "body" in github_api_result:
416 self.github_pr_title = github_api_result["title"]
417 self.github_pr_desc = github_api_result["body"]
418 else:
419 logging.error("GitHub API unexpectedly returned: {}".format(github_api_result))
420 logging.info("Curl command was: {}".format(cmd))
421 sys.exit(-1)
422 self.mogrify_github_pr_desc()
423 self.github_pr_merged = github_api_result["merged"]
424 if not no_browser:
425 if browser_running():
426 os.system("{} {}".format(browser_cmd, self.github_url))
427 pr_title_trunc = self.github_pr_title
428 if len(pr_title_trunc) > 60:
429 pr_title_trunc = pr_title_trunc[0:50] + "|TRUNCATED"
430 print('''\n\n=================================================================
431GitHub PR URL: {}
432GitHub PR title: {}
433Merge commit: {} ({})
434Merged: {}
435Ceph version: base {}, target {}'''
436 .format(self.github_url, pr_title_trunc, self.merge_commit_sha1,
437 self.merge_commit_gd, self.github_pr_merged, self.base_version,
438 self.target_version
439 )
440 )
441 if no_browser or not browser_running():
442 print('''----------------------- PR DESCRIPTION --------------------------
445 assert self.github_pr_merged, "GitHub PR {} has not been merged!".format(self.github_pr_id)
446 #
447 # obtain backport tracker from GitHub PR description
448 self.extract_backport_trackers_from_github_pr_desc()
449 #
450 for bt in self.backport_trackers:
451 # does the Backport Tracker description link back to the GitHub PR?
452 p = re.compile('http.?://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/\\d+')
453 bt.get_tracker_description()
454 try:
455 bt.github_url_from_tracker = p.search(bt.tracker_description).group()
456 except AttributeError:
457 pass
458 if bt.github_url_from_tracker:
459 p = re.compile('\\d+')
460 bt.github_id_from_tracker = p.search(bt.github_url_from_tracker).group()
461 logging.debug("GitHub PR from Tracker: URL is ->{}<- and ID is {}"
462 .format(bt.github_url_from_tracker, bt.github_id_from_tracker))
463 assert bt.github_id_from_tracker == self.github_pr_id, \
464 "GitHub PR ID {} does not match GitHub ID from tracker {}".format(
465 self.github_pr_id,
466 bt.github_id_from_tracker,
467 )
468 print_inner_divider()
469 if bt.github_url_from_tracker:
470 logging.info("Tracker {} links to PR {}".format(bt.issue_url(), self.github_url))
471 else:
472 logging.warning("Backport Tracker {} does not link to PR - will update"
473 .format(bt.issue_id))
474 #
475 # does the Backport Tracker's release field match the Ceph release?
476 tracker_release = get_issue_release(bt.redmine_issue)
477 assert ceph_release == tracker_release, \
478 (
479 "Backport Tracker {} is a {} backport - expected {}"
480 .format(bt.issue_id, tracker_release, ceph_release)
481 )
482 #
483 # is the Backport Tracker's "Target version" custom field populated?
484 try:
485 ttv = bt.get_tracker_target_version()
486 except:
487 logging.info("Backport Tracker {} target version not populated yet!"
488 .format(bt.issue_id))
489 bt.set_target_version = True
490 else:
491 bt.tracker_target_version = ttv
492 logging.info("Backport Tracker {} target version already populated "
493 "with correct value {}"
494 .format(bt.issue_id, bt.tracker_target_version))
495 bt.set_target_version = False
496 assert bt.tracker_target_version == self.target_version, \
497 (
498 "Tracker target version {} is wrong; should be {}"
499 .format(bt.tracker_target_version, self.target_version)
500 )
501 #
502 # is the Backport Tracker's status already set to Resolved?
503 resolved_id = status2status_id['Resolved']
504 if bt.redmine_issue.status.id == resolved_id:
505 logging.info("Backport Tracker {} status is already set to Resolved"
506 .format(bt.issue_id))
507 bt.set_tracker_status = False
508 else:
509 logging.info("Backport Tracker {} status is currently set to {}"
510 .format(bt.issue_id, bt.redmine_issue.status))
511 bt.set_tracker_status = True
512 print_outer_divider()
514 def populate_base_version(self):
515 self.base_version = ceph_version(self.repo, self.merge_commit_sha1)
517 def populate_target_version(self):
518 x, y, z = self.base_version.split('v')[1].split('.')
519 maybe_stable = "v{}.{}".format(x, y)
520 assert ver_to_release()[maybe_stable], \
521 "SHA1 {} is not based on any known stable release ({})".format(sha1, maybe_stable)
522 tv = "v{}.{}.{}".format(x, y, int(z) + 1)
523 if tv in version2version_id:
524 self.target_version = tv
525 else:
526 raise Exception("Version {} not found in Redmine".format(tv))
528 def mogrify_github_pr_desc(self):
529 if not self.github_pr_desc:
530 self.github_pr_desc = ''
531 p = re.compile('<!--.+-->', re.DOTALL)
532 new_str = p.sub('', self.github_pr_desc)
533 if new_str == self.github_pr_desc:
534 logging.debug("GitHub PR description not mogrified")
535 else:
536 self.github_pr_desc = new_str
538 def populate_github_url(self):
539 global github_endpoint
540 # GitHub PR ID from merge commit string
541 p = re.compile('(pull request|PR) #(\\d+)')
542 try:
543 self.github_pr_id = p.search(self.merge_commit_description).group(2)
544 except AttributeError:
545 assert False, \
546 (
547 "Failed to extract GitHub PR ID from merge commit string ->{}<-"
548 .format(self.merge_commit_string)
549 )
550 logging.debug("Merge commit string: {}".format(self.merge_commit_string))
551 logging.debug("GitHub PR ID from merge commit string: {}".format(self.github_pr_id))
552 self.github_url = "{}/pull/{}".format(github_endpoint, self.github_pr_id)
554 def extract_backport_trackers_from_github_pr_desc(self):
555 global redmine_endpoint
556 p = re.compile('http.?://tracker.ceph.com/issues/\\d+')
557 matching_strings = p.findall(self.github_pr_desc)
558 if not matching_strings:
559 print_outer_divider()
560 assert False, \
561 "GitHub PR description does not contain a Tracker URL"
562 self.backport_trackers = []
563 for issue_url in list(dict.fromkeys(matching_strings)):
564 p = re.compile('\\d+')
565 issue_id = p.search(issue_url).group()
566 if not issue_id:
567 print_outer_divider()
568 assert issue_id, \
569 "Failed to extract tracker ID from tracker URL {}".format(issue_url)
570 issue_url = "{}/issues/{}".format(redmine_endpoint, issue_id)
571 #
572 # we have a Tracker URL, but is it really a backport tracker?
573 backport_tracker_id = tracker2tracker_id['Backport']
574 redmine_issue = redmine.issue.get(issue_id)
575 if redmine_issue.tracker.id == backport_tracker_id:
576 self.backport_trackers.append(
577 BackportTracker(redmine_issue, issue_id, self)
578 )
579 print('''Found backport tracker: {}'''.format(issue_url))
580 if not self.backport_trackers:
581 print_outer_divider()
582 assert False, \
583 "No backport tracker found in PR description at {}".format(self.github_url)
585 def resolve(self):
586 for bt in self.backport_trackers:
587 bt.resolve()
590class BackportTracker(Backport):
592 def __init__(self, redmine_issue, issue_id, backport_obj):
593 self.redmine_issue = redmine_issue
594 self.issue_id = issue_id
595 self.parent = backport_obj
596 self.tracker_description = None
597 self.github_url_from_tracker = None
599 def get_tracker_description(self):
600 try:
601 self.tracker_description = self.redmine_issue.description
602 except ResourceAttrError:
603 self.tracker_description = ""
605 def get_tracker_target_version(self):
606 if self.redmine_issue.fixed_version:
607 logging.debug("Target version: ID {}, name {}"
608 .format(
609 self.redmine_issue.fixed_version.id,
610 self.redmine_issue.fixed_version.name
611 )
612 )
613 return self.redmine_issue.fixed_version.name
614 return None
616 def issue_url(self):
617 return "{}/issues/{}".format(redmine_endpoint, self.issue_id)
619 def resolve(self):
620 global delay_seconds
621 global dry_run
622 global redmine
623 kwargs = {}
624 if self.set_tracker_status:
625 kwargs['status_id'] = status2status_id['Resolved']
626 if self.set_target_version:
627 kwargs['fixed_version_id'] = version2version_id[self.parent.target_version]
628 if not self.github_url_from_tracker:
629 if self.tracker_description:
630 kwargs['description'] = "{}\n\n---\n\n{}".format(
631 self.parent.github_url,
632 self.tracker_description,
633 )
634 else:
635 kwargs['description'] = self.parent.github_url
636 kwargs['notes'] = (
637 "This update was made using the script \"backport-resolve-issue\".\n"
638 "backport PR {}\n"
639 "merge commit {} ({})\n".format(
640 self.parent.github_url,
641 self.parent.merge_commit_sha1,
642 self.parent.merge_commit_gd,
643 )
644 )
645 my_delay_seconds = delay_seconds
646 if dry_run:
647 logging.info("--dry-run was given: NOT updating Redmine")
648 my_delay_seconds = 0
649 else:
650 logging.debug("Updating tracker ID {}".format(self.issue_id))
651 redmine.issue.update(self.issue_id, **kwargs)
652 if not no_browser:
653 if browser_running():
654 os.system("{} {}".format(browser_cmd, self.issue_url()))
655 my_delay_seconds = 3
656 logging.debug(
657 "Delaying {} seconds to avoid seeming like a spammer"
658 .format(my_delay_seconds)
659 )
660 time.sleep(my_delay_seconds)
663if __name__ == '__main__':
664 args = parse_arguments()
665 set_logging_level(args)
666 logging.debug(args)
667 github_token = read_from_file(github_token_file)
668 if github_token:
669 logging.info("GitHub token was read from ->{}<-; using it".format(github_token_file))
670 github_user = derive_github_user_from_token(github_token)
671 if github_user:
672 logging.info(
673 "GitHub user ->{}<- was derived from the GitHub token".format(github_user)
674 )
675 report_params(args)
676 #
677 # set up Redmine variables
678 redmine = connect_to_redmine(args)
679 project = redmine.project.get(project_name)
680 ceph_project_id = project.id
681 logging.debug("Project {} has ID {}".format(project_name, ceph_project_id))
682 populate_status_dict(redmine)
683 pending_backport_status_id = status2status_id["Pending Backport"]
684 logging.debug(
685 "Pending Backport status has ID {}"
686 .format(pending_backport_status_id)
687 )
688 populate_tracker_dict(redmine)
689 populate_version_dict(redmine, ceph_project_id)
690 #
691 # construct github Repo object for the current directory
692 repo = Repo('.')
693 assert not repo.bare
694 populate_ceph_release(repo)
695 #
696 # if positional argument is an integer, assume it is a GitHub PR
697 if args.pr_or_commit:
698 pr_id = args.pr_or_commit[0]
699 try:
700 pr_id = int(pr_id)
701 logging.info("Examining PR#{}".format(pr_id))
702 tag_merge_commits = False
703 except ValueError:
704 logging.info("Starting from merge commit {}".format(args.pr_or_commit))
705 tag_merge_commits = True
706 else:
707 logging.info("Starting from BRI tag")
708 tag_merge_commits = True
709 #
710 # get list of merges
711 if tag_merge_commits:
712 ensure_bri_tag_exists(repo, ceph_release)
713 c_r = commit_range(args)
714 logging.info("Commit range is {}".format(c_r))
715 #
716 # get the list of merge commits, i.e. strings that looks like:
717 # "27ff851953 Merge pull request #29678 from pdvian/wip-40948-nautilus"
718 merges_raw_str = repo.git.log(c_r, '--merges', '--oneline', '--no-decorate', '--reverse')
719 else:
720 pr_id = args.pr_or_commit[0]
721 merges_raw_str = repo.git.log(
722 '--merges',
723 '--grep=#{}'.format(pr_id),
724 '--oneline',
725 '--no-decorate',
726 '--reverse',
727 )
728 if merges_raw_str:
729 merges_raw_list = merges_raw_str.split('\n')
730 else:
731 merges_raw_list = [] # prevent ['']
732 merges_remaining = len(merges_raw_list)
733 logging.info("I see {} merge(s) to process".format(merges_remaining))
734 if not merges_remaining:
735 logging.info("Did you do \"git pull\" before running the script?")
736 if not tag_merge_commits:
737 logging.info("Or maybe GitHub PR {} has not been merged yet?".format(pr_id))
738 #
739 # loop over the merge commits
740 for merge in merges_raw_list:
741 can_go_on = process_merge(repo, merge, merges_remaining)
742 if can_go_on:
743 merges_remaining -= 1
744 print("Merges remaining to process: {}".format(merges_remaining))
745 else:
746 break