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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / classic / data / meta-config-basic.php
2 $date_format = 'Y-j-m';\r
3 \r
4 /**\r
5 * Returns an array containing a random data type and the editor\r
6 * associated with that type, used by the generateData function.\r
7 */\r
8 function generateType($index) {\r
9 global $date_format;\r
10 $rand = $index === 0 ? 1 : rand(0, 4);\r
11 \r
12 switch ($rand) {\r
13 case 0:\r
14 return array('data' => 'string', 'editor' => array(\r
15 'xtype' => 'textfield',\r
16 'allowBlank' => false\r
17 ));\r
18 case 1:\r
19 return array('data' => 'int', 'editor' => array(\r
20 'xtype' => 'numberfield',\r
21 'minValue' => 1,\r
22 'maxValue' => 200\r
23 ));\r
24 case 2:\r
25 return array('data' => 'date', 'editor' => array(\r
26 'xtype' => 'datefield',\r
27 'format' => $date_format\r
28 ));\r
29 case 3:\r
30 return array('data' => 'float', 'editor' => array(\r
31 'xtype' => 'numberfield',\r
32 'minValue' => 400,\r
33 'maxValue' => 800\r
34 ));\r
35 case 4:\r
36 return array('data' => 'bool', 'editor' => array(\r
37 'xtype' => 'checkbox'\r
38 ));\r
39 }\r
40 }\r
41 \r
42 /**\r
43 * Returns a hard-coded data value matching the type passed in.\r
44 */\r
45 function getDataValue($type) {\r
46 global $date_format;\r
47 switch ($type['data']) {\r
48 case 'string':\r
49 return 'data';\r
50 case 'int':\r
51 return 123;\r
52 case 'date':\r
53 return date($date_format);\r
54 case 'float':\r
55 return 456.78;\r
56 case 'bool':\r
57 return true;\r
58 }\r
59 return $type;\r
60 }\r
61 \r
62 /**\r
63 * Generates all of the test data and field/column definitions that will\r
64 * make up the data and metadata for this request.\r
65 */\r
66 function generateData() {\r
67 global $date_format;\r
68 $row_count = rand(10, 30);\r
69 $col_count = rand(3, 7);\r
70 $types = array();\r
71 $data['data'] = array();\r
72 $fields = array();\r
73 $columns = array();\r
74 $defineFields = true;\r
75 \r
76 for ($i=0; $i<$row_count; $i++) {\r
77 \r
78 for ($j=0; $j<$col_count; $j++) {\r
79 // first pass through columns only, define fields and columns\r
80 if ($defineFields) {\r
81 // generate a random data type for the field/column\r
82 $type = generateType($j);\r
83 array_push($types, $type);\r
84 \r
85 // =====================================================================\r
86 // define the default placeholder field definition. this fields\r
87 // config is supported by the metachange handling in Ext by default\r
88 // to reconfigure the data store's field definitions.\r
89 $field = array(\r
90 'name' => 'field-'.($j+1),\r
91 'type' => $type['data']\r
92 );\r
93 // add any type-specific field attributes\r
94 if ($type['data'] === 'date') {\r
95 $field['dateFormat'] = $date_format;\r
96 }\r
97 // add the field to the fields list\r
98 array_push($fields, $field);\r
99 \r
100 // =====================================================================\r
101 // define the default placeholder column definition to match the field.\r
102 // note that this columns block only applies to grids. in the past the \r
103 // fields config was reused both by the store and also by grids, but since\r
104 // it is usually preferable to add column-specific metadata that the store\r
105 // doesn't care about, it's usually better to split the two definitions.\r
106 $col = array(\r
107 'dataIndex' => 'field-'.($j+1)\r
108 );\r
109 // add in column-specific attributes\r
110 if ($j === 0) {\r
111 // special config for the id column, fixed width and non-editable\r
112 $col['text'] = 'ID';\r
113 $col['width'] = 40;\r
114 }\r
115 else {\r
116 $col['text'] = 'Field '.($j+1).' ('.$type['data'].')';\r
117 $col['editor'] = $type['editor'];\r
118 $col['flex'] = 1;\r
119 }\r
120 // add in type-specific column attributes\r
121 switch ($type['data']) {\r
122 case 'date':\r
123 $col['xtype'] = 'datecolumn';\r
124 $col['format'] = $date_format;\r
125 break;\r
126 case 'float':\r
127 $col['xtype'] = 'numbercolumn';\r
128 $col['format'] = '$0.00';\r
129 break;\r
130 case 'bool':\r
131 //$col['xtype'] = 'checkcolumn';\r
132 break;\r
133 }\r
134 // finally, add the column to the columns list\r
135 array_push($columns, $col);\r
136 }\r
137 \r
138 // every row/col pass, load up some data\r
139 $row['field-'.($j+1)] = $j == 0 ? ($i+1) : getDataValue($types[$j]);\r
140 }\r
141 \r
142 // flip this flag after the first column pass since the fields are defined\r
143 $defineFields = false;\r
144 \r
145 // add the row of generated data to the top-level data object\r
146 // that will be returned in the response\r
147 array_push($data['data'], $row);\r
148 }\r
149 \r
150 // assemble the metadata\r
151 $meta = array();\r
152 $meta['fields'] = $fields;\r
153 $meta['columns'] = $columns;\r
154 $meta['root'] = 'data';\r
155 $meta['idProperty'] = 'field-1';\r
156 $meta['messageProperty'] = 'msg';\r
157 \r
158 // assemble the top-level data object being returned.\r
159 // the data is already in $data['data'] at this point.\r
160 $data['metaData'] = $meta;\r
161 $data['total'] = $row_count;\r
162 $data['msg'] = 'Success!';\r
163 \r
164 return $data;\r
165 }\r
166 \r
167 echo json_encode(generateData());\r