]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blame - extjs/build/examples/kitchensink/classic/samples/view/charts/radar/Marked.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / kitchensink / classic / samples / view / charts / radar / Marked.js
2 * Multi-series radar chart displaying trends across multiple categories.
3 * Markers are placed at each point to clearly depict their position.
4 *
5 * The example makes use of the 'rotate' interaction. To use it, click or tap and then
6 * drag anywhere on the chart.
7 */
8Ext.define('KitchenSink.view.charts.radar.Marked', {
9 extend: 'Ext.Panel',
10 xtype: 'radar-marked',
11 controller: 'radar-basic',
12 //<example>
13 // Content between example tags is omitted from code preview.
14 otherContent: [{
15 type: 'Controller',
16 path: 'classic/samples/view/charts/radar/BasicController.js'
17 }, {
18 type: 'Store',
19 path: 'app/store/Browsers.js'
20 }],
21 bodyStyle: 'background: transparent !important',
22 layout: {
23 type: 'vbox',
24 pack: 'center'
25 },
26 //</example>
28 width: 650,
30 tbar: [
31 '->',
32 {
33 text: 'Preview',
34 handler: 'onPreview'
35 }
36 ],
38 items: [{
39 xtype: 'polar',
40 reference: 'chart',
41 width: '100%',
42 height: 500,
43 legend: {
44 docked: 'right'
45 },
46 animation: {
47 duration: 200
48 },
49 store: {
50 type: 'browsers'
51 },
52 insetPadding: 20,
53 interactions: ['rotate'],
54 captions: {
55 title: 'Radar Charts - Marked',
56 credits: {
57 text: 'Data: Browser Stats 2012 - Internet Explorer\n' +
58 'Source: http://www.w3schools.com/',
59 align: 'left'
60 }
61 },
62 axes: [{
63 type: 'numeric',
64 position: 'radial',
65 minimum: 0,
66 maximum: 50,
67 majorTickSteps: 9
68 }, {
69 type: 'category',
70 position: 'angular',
71 grid: true
72 }],
73 series: [{
74 type: 'radar',
75 title: 'IE',
76 angleField: 'month',
77 radiusField: 'data1',
78 style: {
79 lineWidth: 2,
80 fillStyle: 'none'
81 },
82 marker: true,
83 highlightCfg: {
84 radius: 6,
85 fillStyle: 'yellow'
86 },
87 tooltip: {
88 trackMouse: true,
89 renderer: 'onSeriesLabelRender'
90 }
91 }, {
92 type: 'radar',
93 title: 'Firefox',
94 angleField: 'month',
95 radiusField: 'data2',
96 style: {
97 lineWidth: 2,
98 fillStyle: 'none'
99 },
100 marker: true,
101 highlightCfg: {
102 radius: 6,
103 fillStyle: 'yellow'
104 },
105 tooltip: {
106 trackMouse: true,
107 renderer: 'onSeriesLabelRender'
108 }
109 }, {
110 type: 'radar',
111 title: 'Chrome',
112 angleField: 'month',
113 radiusField: 'data3',
114 style: {
115 lineWidth: 2,
116 fillStyle: 'none'
117 },
118 marker: true,
119 highlightCfg: {
120 radius: 6,
121 fillStyle: 'yellow'
122 },
123 tooltip: {
124 trackMouse: true,
125 renderer: 'onSeriesLabelRender'
126 }
127 }, {
128 type: 'radar',
129 title: 'Safari',
130 angleField: 'month',
131 radiusField: 'data4',
132 style: {
133 lineWidth: 2,
134 fillStyle: 'none'
135 }
136 }]
137 //<example>
138 }, {
139 style: 'padding-top: 10px;',
140 xtype: 'gridpanel',
141 columns: {
142 defaults: {
143 sortable: false,
144 menuDisabled: true,
145 renderer: 'onDataRender'
146 },
147 items: [
148 { text: '2012', dataIndex: 'month', renderer: Ext.identityFn },
149 { text: 'IE', dataIndex: 'data1' },
150 { text: 'Firefox', dataIndex: 'data2' },
151 { text: 'Chrome', dataIndex: 'data3' },
152 { text: 'Safari', dataIndex: 'data4' }
153 ]
154 },
155 store: {
156 type: 'browsers'
157 },
158 width: '100%'
159 //</example>
160 }]