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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / kitchensink / classic / samples / view / grid / CellEditing.js
2 * This example shows how to enable users to edit the contents of a grid. Note that cell\r
3 * editing is not recommeded on keyboardless touch devices.\r
4 */\r
5Ext.define('KitchenSink.view.grid.CellEditing', {\r
6 extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',\r
8 requires: [\r
9 'Ext.selection.CellModel',\r
10 'Ext.grid.*',\r
11 'Ext.data.*',\r
12 'Ext.util.*',\r
13 'Ext.form.*',\r
14 'KitchenSink.model.grid.Plant'\r
15 ],\r
16 xtype: 'cell-editing',\r
18 //<example>\r
19 exampleTitle: 'Cell Editing Grid Example',\r
20 otherContent: [{\r
21 type: 'Model',\r
22 path: 'classic/samples/model/grid/Plant.js'\r
23 }],\r
24 profiles: {\r
25 classic: {\r
26 width: 600,\r
27 height: 300,\r
28 indoorWidth: 55,\r
29 priceWidth: 70,\r
30 avaliableWidth: 95\r
31 },\r
32 neptune: {\r
33 width: 680,\r
34 height: 350,\r
35 indoorWidth: 90,\r
36 priceWidth: 70,\r
37 avaliableWidth: 95\r
38 },\r
39 'neptune-touch': {\r
40 priceWidth: 115,\r
41 availableWidth: 120\r
42 }\r
43 },\r
44 //</example>\r
46 title: 'Edit Plants',\r
47 frame: true,\r
49 initComponent: function() {\r
50 this.cellEditing = new Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing({\r
51 clicksToEdit: 1\r
52 });\r
54 Ext.apply(this, {\r
55 width: this.profileInfo.width,\r
56 height: this.profileInfo.height,\r
57 plugins: [this.cellEditing],\r
58 store: new Ext.data.Store({\r
59 // destroy the store if the grid is destroyed\r
60 autoDestroy: true,\r
61 model: KitchenSink.model.grid.Plant,\r
62 proxy: {\r
63 type: 'ajax',\r
64 // load remote data using HTTP\r
65 url: 'data/grid/plants.xml',\r
66 // specify a XmlReader (coincides with the XML format of the returned data)\r
67 reader: {\r
68 type: 'xml',\r
69 // records will have a 'plant' tag\r
70 record: 'plant'\r
71 }\r
72 },\r
73 sorters: [{\r
74 property: 'common',\r
75 direction:'ASC'\r
76 }]\r
77 }),\r
78 columns: [{\r
79 header: 'Common Name',\r
80 dataIndex: 'common',\r
81 flex: 1,\r
82 editor: {\r
83 allowBlank: false\r
84 }\r
85 }, {\r
86 header: 'Light',\r
87 dataIndex: 'light',\r
88 width: 130,\r
89 editor: new Ext.form.field.ComboBox({\r
90 typeAhead: true,\r
91 triggerAction: 'all',\r
92 store: [\r
93 ['Shade','Shade'],\r
94 ['Mostly Shady','Mostly Shady'],\r
95 ['Sun or Shade','Sun or Shade'],\r
96 ['Mostly Sunny','Mostly Sunny'],\r
97 ['Sunny','Sunny']\r
98 ]\r
99 })\r
100 }, {\r
101 header: 'Price',\r
102 dataIndex: 'price',\r
103 width: this.profileInfo.priceWidth,\r
104 align: 'right',\r
105 formatter: 'usMoney',\r
106 editor: {\r
107 xtype: 'numberfield',\r
108 allowBlank: false,\r
109 minValue: 0,\r
110 maxValue: 100000\r
111 }\r
112 }, {\r
113 header: 'Available',\r
114 dataIndex: 'availDate',\r
115 xtype: 'datecolumn',\r
116 width: this.profileInfo.availableWidth,\r
117 format: 'M d, Y',\r
118 editor: {\r
119 xtype: 'datefield',\r
120 format: 'm/d/y',\r
121 minValue: '01/01/06',\r
122 disabledDays: [0, 6],\r
123 disabledDaysText: 'Plants are not available on the weekends'\r
124 }\r
125 }, {\r
126 xtype: 'checkcolumn',\r
127 header: 'Indoor?',\r
128 dataIndex: 'indoor',\r
129 width: this.profileInfo.indoorWidth,\r
130 stopSelection: false\r
131 }, {\r
132 xtype: 'actioncolumn',\r
133 width: 30,\r
134 sortable: false,\r
135 menuDisabled: true,\r
136 items: [{\r
137 iconCls: 'cell-editing-delete-row',\r
138 tooltip: 'Delete Plant',\r
139 scope: this,\r
140 handler: this.onRemoveClick\r
141 }]\r
142 }],\r
143 selModel: {\r
144 type: 'cellmodel'\r
145 },\r
146 tbar: [{\r
147 text: 'Add Plant',\r
148 scope: this,\r
149 handler: this.onAddClick\r
150 }]\r
151 });\r
153 this.callParent();\r
155 if (Ext.supports.Touch) {\r
156 this.addDocked({\r
157 xtype: 'header',\r
158 title: '<b>Note that cell editing is not recommeded on keyboardless touch devices.</b>'\r
159 });\r
160 }\r
162 this.on('afterlayout', this.loadStore, this, {\r
163 delay: 1,\r
164 single: true\r
165 });\r
166 },\r
168 loadStore: function() {\r
169 this.getStore().load();\r
170 },\r
172 onAddClick: function(){\r
173 // Create a model instance\r
174 var rec = new KitchenSink.model.grid.Plant({\r
175 common: '',\r
176 light: 'Mostly Shady',\r
177 price: 0,\r
178 availDate: Ext.Date.clearTime(new Date()),\r
179 indoor: false\r
180 });\r
182 this.getStore().insert(0, rec);\r
183 this.cellEditing.startEditByPosition({\r
184 row: 0,\r
185 column: 0\r
186 });\r
187 },\r
189 onRemoveClick: function(grid, rowIndex){\r
190 this.getStore().removeAt(rowIndex);\r
191 }\r