]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blame - extjs/build/examples/kitchensink/modern/src/view/binding/Form.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / kitchensink / modern / src / view / binding / Form.js
1Ext.define('KitchenSink.view.binding.Form', {\r
2 extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',\r
4 //<example>\r
5 requires: [\r
6 'Ext.app.ViewModel'\r
7 ],\r
8 //</example>\r
10 viewModel: {\r
11 data: {\r
12 red: 255,\r
13 green: 100,\r
14 blue: 150\r
15 }\r
16 },\r
18 layout: 'vbox',\r
19 scrollable: true,\r
21 items: {\r
22 xtype: 'fieldset',\r
23 flex: 1,\r
24 minHeight: 400,\r
25 defaultType: 'container',\r
26 layout: 'vbox',\r
27 instructions: [\r
28 'The style of the color block is controlled by either the numeric ',\r
29 'field or the slider. Both the numeric fields and the slider are bound to ',\r
30 'the same value in the View Model.'\r
31 ].join(''),\r
32 items: [{\r
33 layout: 'hbox',\r
34 defaults: {\r
35 maxValue: 255,\r
36 minValue: 0\r
37 },\r
38 items: [{\r
39 xtype: 'numberfield',\r
40 label: 'Red',\r
41 labelWidth: '50%',\r
42 width: 150,\r
43 bind: '{red}'\r
44 }, {\r
45 xtype: 'singlesliderfield',\r
46 flex: 1,\r
47 bind: '{red}',\r
48 liveUpdate: true\r
49 }]\r
50 }, {\r
51 layout: 'hbox',\r
52 defaults: {\r
53 maxValue: 255,\r
54 minValue: 0\r
55 },\r
56 items: [{\r
57 xtype: 'numberfield',\r
58 label: 'Green',\r
59 labelWidth: '50%',\r
60 width: 150,\r
61 bind: '{green}'\r
62 }, {\r
63 xtype: 'singlesliderfield',\r
64 flex: 1,\r
65 bind: '{green}',\r
66 liveUpdate: true\r
67 }]\r
68 }, {\r
69 layout: 'hbox',\r
70 defaults: {\r
71 maxValue: 255,\r
72 minValue: 0\r
73 },\r
74 items: [{\r
75 xtype: 'numberfield',\r
76 label: 'Blue',\r
77 labelWidth: '50%',\r
78 width: 150,\r
79 bind: '{blue}'\r
80 }, {\r
81 xtype: 'singlesliderfield',\r
82 flex: 1,\r
83 bind: '{blue}',\r
84 liveUpdate: true\r
85 }]\r
86 }, {\r
87 xtype: 'component',\r
88 flex: 1,\r
89 bind: {\r
90 style: {\r
91 backgroundColor: 'rgba({red}, {green}, {blue}, 1)'\r
92 }\r
93 }\r
94 }]\r
95 }\r