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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / classic / dd / dnd_with_dom.js
1Ext.onReady(function() {\r
2 // Create an object that we'll use to implement and override drag behaviors a little later\r
3 var overrides = {\r
4 // Called the instance the element is dragged.\r
5 b4StartDrag : function() {\r
6 // Cache the drag element\r
7 if (!this.el) {\r
8 this.el = Ext.get(this.getEl());\r
9 }\r
10 \r
11 //Cache the original XY Coordinates of the element, we'll use this later.\r
12 this.originalXY = this.el.getXY();\r
13 },\r
14 // Called when element is dropped not anything other than a dropzone with the same ddgroup\r
15 onInvalidDrop : function() {\r
16 // Set a flag to invoke the animated repair\r
17 this.invalidDrop = true;\r
18 },\r
19 // Called when the drag operation completes\r
20 endDrag : function() {\r
21 // Invoke the animation if the invalidDrop flag is set to true\r
22 if (this.invalidDrop === true) {\r
23 // Remove the drop invitation\r
24 this.el.removeCls('dropOK');\r
25 \r
26 // Create the animation configuration object\r
27 var animCfgObj = {\r
28 easing : 'elasticOut',\r
29 duration : 1,\r
30 scope : this,\r
31 callback : function() {\r
32 // Remove the position attribute\r
33 this.el.dom.style.position = '';\r
34 }\r
35 };\r
36 \r
37 // Apply the repair animation\r
38 this.el.setXY([this.originalXY[0], this.originalXY[1]], animCfgObj);\r
39 delete this.invalidDrop;\r
40 }\r
41 },\r
42 // Called upon successful drop of an element on a DDTarget with the same\r
43 onDragDrop : function(evtObj, targetElId) {\r
44 // Wrap the drop target element with Ext.Element\r
45 var dropEl = Ext.get(targetElId);\r
46 \r
47 // Perform the node move only if the drag element's\r
48 // parent is not the same as the drop target\r
49 if (this.el.dom.parentNode.id != targetElId) {\r
50 \r
51 // Move the element\r
52 dropEl.appendChild(this.el);\r
53 \r
54 // Remove the drag invitation\r
55 this.onDragOut(evtObj, targetElId);\r
56 \r
57 // Clear the styles\r
58 this.el.dom.style.position ='';\r
59 this.el.dom.style.top = '';\r
60 this.el.dom.style.left = '';\r
61 }\r
62 else {\r
63 // This was an invalid drop, initiate a repair\r
64 this.onInvalidDrop();\r
65 }\r
66 },\r
67 // Only called when the drag element is dragged over the a drop target with the same ddgroup\r
68 onDragEnter : function(evtObj, targetElId) {\r
69 // Colorize the drag target if the drag node's parent is not the same as the drop target\r
70 if (targetElId != this.el.dom.parentNode.id) {\r
71 this.el.addCls('dropOK');\r
72 }\r
73 else {\r
74 // Remove the invitation\r
75 this.onDragOut();\r
76 }\r
77 },\r
78 // Only called when element is dragged out of a dropzone with the same ddgroup\r
79 onDragOut : function(evtObj, targetElId) {\r
80 this.el.removeCls('dropOK');\r
81 }\r
82 };\r
84 // Configure the cars to be draggable\r
85 var carElements = Ext.get('cars').select('div');\r
86 Ext.each(carElements.elements, function(el) {\r
87 var dd = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DD', el, 'carsDDGroup', {\r
88 isTarget : false\r
89 });\r
90 //Apply the overrides object to the newly created instance of DD\r
91 Ext.apply(dd, overrides);\r
92 });\r
94 var truckElements = Ext.get('trucks').select('div');\r
95 Ext.each(truckElements.elements, function(el) {\r
96 var dd = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DD', el, 'trucksDDGroup', {\r
97 isTarget : false\r
98 });\r
99 Ext.apply(dd, overrides);\r
100 });\r
101 \r
102 // Instantiate instances of Ext.dd.DDTarget for the cars and trucks container\r
103 var carsDDTarget = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DDTarget', 'cars','carsDDGroup');\r
104 var trucksDDTarget = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DDTarget', 'trucks', 'trucksDDGroup');\r
106 // Instantiate instnaces of DDTarget for the rented and repair drop target elements\r
107 var rentedDDTarget = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DDTarget', 'rented', 'carsDDGroup');\r
108 var repairDDTarget = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DDTarget', 'repair', 'carsDDGroup');\r
110 // Ensure that the rented and repair DDTargets will participate in the trucksDDGroup\r
111 rentedDDTarget.addToGroup('trucksDDGroup');\r
112 repairDDTarget.addToGroup('trucksDDGroup');\r