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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / classic / simple-tasks / app / view / lists / Tree.js
2 * @class SimpleTasks.view.lists.Tree\r
3 * @extends Ext.tree.Panel\r
4 * The task list view. A tree that displays all of the task lists.\r
5 */\r
6Ext.define('SimpleTasks.view.lists.Tree', {\r
7 extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',\r
8 xtype: 'listTree',\r
9 requires: [\r
10 'Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing',\r
11 'Ext.tree.plugin.TreeViewDragDrop',\r
12 'Ext.grid.column.Action'\r
13 ],\r
14 title: 'Lists',\r
15 store: 'Lists',\r
16 hideHeaders: true,\r
18 dockedItems: [\r
19 {\r
20 xtype: 'toolbar',\r
21 dock: 'bottom',\r
22 items: [\r
23 {\r
24 iconCls: 'tasks-new-list',\r
25 tooltip: 'New List'\r
26 },\r
27 {\r
28 iconCls: 'tasks-delete-list',\r
29 id: 'delete-list-btn',\r
30 tooltip: 'Delete List'\r
31 },\r
32 {\r
33 iconCls: 'tasks-new-folder',\r
34 tooltip: 'New Folder'\r
35 },\r
36 {\r
37 iconCls: 'tasks-delete-folder',\r
38 id: 'delete-folder-btn',\r
39 tooltip: 'Delete Folder'\r
40 }\r
41 ]\r
42 }\r
43 ],\r
45 viewConfig: {\r
46 plugins: {\r
47 ptype: 'tasksdragdrop',\r
48 dragText: 'Drag to reorder',\r
49 ddGroup: 'task'\r
50 }\r
51 },\r
53 /**\r
54 * @event deleteclick\r
55 * Fires when the delete icon is clicked\r
56 * @param {Ext.grid.View} gridView\r
57 * @param {Number} rowIndex\r
58 * @param {Number} colIndex\r
59 * @param {Ext.grid.column.Action} column\r
60 * @param {EventObject} e\r
61 */\r
63 /**\r
64 * @event taskdrop\r
65 * Fires when a task record is dropped on this grid\r
66 * @param {SimpleTasks.model.Task} task The task record\r
67 * @param {SimpleTasks.model.List} list The list that the task was dropped on\r
68 */\r
70 /**\r
71 * @event listdrop\r
72 * Fires when a list record is dropped on this grid\r
73 * @param {SimpleTasks.model.List} list The list that was dropped\r
74 * @param {SimpleTasks.model.List} overList The list that the list was dropped on\r
75 * @param {String} position `"before"` or `"after"` depending on whether the mouse is above or below the midline of the node.\r
76 */\r
78 initComponent: function() {\r
79 var me = this;\r
80 \r
81 /**\r
82 * This Tree Panel's cell editing plugin\r
83 * @property cellEditingPlugin\r
84 * @type Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing\r
85 */\r
86 me.plugins = [me.cellEditingPlugin = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing')];\r
88 me.columns = [\r
89 {\r
90 xtype: 'treecolumn',\r
91 dataIndex: 'name',\r
92 flex: 1,\r
93 editor: {\r
94 xtype: 'textfield',\r
95 selectOnFocus: true,\r
96 allowOnlyWhitespace: false\r
97 },\r
98 renderer: Ext.bind(me.renderName, me)\r
99 },\r
100 {\r
101 xtype: 'actioncolumn',\r
102 width: 24,\r
103 icon: 'resources/images/delete.png',\r
104 iconCls: 'x-hidden',\r
105 tooltip: 'Delete',\r
106 handler: Ext.bind(me.handleDeleteClick, me)\r
107 }\r
108 ];\r
109 \r
110 me.callParent(arguments);\r
112 me.on('beforeedit', me.handleBeforeEdit, me);\r
113 me.relayEvents(me.getView(), ['taskdrop', 'listdrop']);\r
115 },\r
117 /**\r
118 * Handles a click on a delete icon\r
119 * @private\r
120 * @param {Ext.tree.View} treeView\r
121 * @param {Number} rowIndex\r
122 * @param {Number} colIndex\r
123 * @param {Ext.grid.column.Action} column\r
124 * @param {EventObject} e\r
125 */\r
126 handleDeleteClick: function(gridView, rowIndex, colIndex, column, e) {\r
127 // Fire a "deleteclick" event with all the same args as this handler\r
128 this.fireEvent('deleteclick', gridView, rowIndex, colIndex, column, e);\r
129 },\r
131 /**\r
132 * Handles this grid's "beforeedit" event (relayed from the CellEditing plugin).\r
133 * Prevents editing of "All Lists" root by returning false if the record has an id of -1\r
134 * @private\r
135 * @param {Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing} editingPlugin The cell editing plugin\r
136 * @param {Object} e an edit event object\r
137 */\r
138 handleBeforeEdit: function(editingPlugin, e) {\r
139 return e.record.get('id') !== -1;\r
140 },\r
142 /**\r
143 * Renderer for the name field.\r
144 * Adds the task count after the list name.\r
145 * @private\r
146 * @param {String} value\r
147 * @param {Object} metaData\r
148 * @param {SimpleTasks.model.List} list\r
149 * @param {Number} rowIndex\r
150 * @param {Number} colIndex\r
151 * @param {SimpleTasks.store.Lists} store\r
152 * @param {Ext.grid.View} view\r
153 */\r
154 renderName: function(value, metaData, list, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) {\r
155 var tasksStore = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup('Tasks'),\r
156 count = 0;\r
158 (function countTasks(list) {\r
159 count += tasksStore.queryBy(function(task, id) {\r
160 // only show count for tasks that are not done\r
161 return task.get('list_id') === list.get('id') && task.get('done') === false;\r
162 }).getCount();\r
164 list.eachChild(function(child) {\r
165 countTasks(child);\r
166 });\r
167 }(list));\r
169 return value + ' (' + count + ')';\r
170 },\r
172 /**\r
173 * Triggers the list tree to refresh its view. This is necessary in two scenarios:\r
174 * 1) Since the lists and tasks are loaded asyncrounously, The Lists store may have finished\r
175 * loading before the tasks store. In this case, the tasks data would not be available so all\r
176 * of the task counts would be rendered as (0).\r
177 * 2) When a task is dragged and dropped onto a list, or when a list is deleted the task count won't automatially be updated\r
178 * because none of the data in the lists store actually changed (the renderer gets the count\r
179 * from the tasks store).\r
180 * \r
181 * In both situations refreshing the lists view we ensure that the task counts are accurate.\r
182 */\r
183 refreshView: function() {\r
184 // refresh the data in the view. This will trigger the column renderers to run, making sure the task counts are up to date.\r
185 this.getView().refresh();\r
186 }\r