]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blame - extjs/examples/kitchensink/classic/samples/view/form/FileUploads.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / kitchensink / classic / samples / view / form / FileUploads.js
2 * This example demonstrates use of Ext.form.field.File, a file upload field with custom
3 * rendering, and error handling.
4 */
5Ext.define('KitchenSink.view.form.FileUploads', {
6 extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
7 xtype: 'form-fileuploads',
8 controller: 'form-fileuploads',
10 //<example>
11 requires: [
12 'KitchenSink.view.form.FileUploadsController'
13 ],
15 exampleTitle: 'File Upload fields',
16 otherContent: [{
17 type: 'Controller',
18 path: 'classic/samples/view/form/FileUploadsController.js'
19 }],
20 //</example>
22 profiles: {
23 classic: {
24 labelWidth: 70
25 },
26 neptune: {
27 labelWidth: 70
28 },
29 graphite: {
30 labelWidth: 120
31 },
32 'classic-material': {
33 labelWidth: 120
34 }
35 },
36 width: 600,
37 layout: {
38 type: 'vbox',
39 align: 'stretch'
40 },
42 defaults: {
43 xtype: 'form',
44 layout: 'anchor',
46 bodyPadding: 10,
47 style: {
48 'margin-bottom': '20px'
49 },
51 defaults: {
52 anchor: '100%'
53 }
54 },
56 items: [{
57 items: [{
58 xtype: 'component',
59 html: [
60 '<h3>Basic File Field</h3>',
61 '<p>A typical file upload field with Ext style. Direct editing ',
62 'of the text field cannot be done in a consistent, cross-browser way, ',
63 'so it is always read-only. The file path reported by the ',
64 '<code>getValue</code> method will depend on the browser and cannot ',
65 'be controlled by Ext JS.'
66 ]
67 }, {
68 xtype: 'filefield',
69 hideLabel: true,
70 reference: 'basicFile'
71 }, {
72 xtype: 'button',
73 text: 'Get File Path',
74 handler: 'getFilePath'
75 }]
76 }, {
77 items: [{
78 xtype: 'component',
79 html: [
80 '<h3>Button Only</h3>',
81 '<p>You can also render the file input as a button without ',
82 'the text field, with access to the field\'s value via the ',
83 'standard <tt>Ext.form.field.Field</tt> interface or by handling ',
84 'the <tt>change</tt> event (as in this example).',
85 '</p>'
86 ]
87 }, {
88 xtype: 'fileuploadfield', // Same as filefield above
89 buttonOnly: true,
90 hideLabel: true,
91 listeners: {
92 change: 'buttonOnlyChange'
93 }
94 }]
95 }, {
96 title: 'File Upload Form',
97 frame: true,
98 bodyPadding: '10 10 0',
99 reference: 'firstForm',
101 defaults: {
102 anchor: '100%',
103 allowBlank: false,
104 msgTarget: 'side',
105 labelWidth: 60
106 },
108 items: [{
109 xtype: 'textfield',
110 fieldLabel: 'Name'
111 }, {
112 xtype: 'filefield',
113 emptyText: 'Select an image',
114 fieldLabel: 'Photo',
115 name: 'photo-path',
116 buttonText: '',
117 buttonConfig: {
118 iconCls: 'file-uploads-image-add'
119 }
120 }],
122 buttons: [{
123 text: 'Save',
124 handler: 'firstFormSave'
125 }, {
126 text: 'Reset',
127 handler: 'firstFormReset'
128 }]
129 }, {
130 title: 'Upload error test',
131 frame: true,
132 bodyPadding: '10 10 0',
133 reference: 'secondForm',
135 defaults: {
136 anchor: '100%',
137 allowBlank: false,
138 msgTarget: 'side',
139 labelWidth: '${labelWidth}'
140 },
142 items: [{
143 xtype: 'textfield',
144 fieldLabel: 'Name'
145 }, {
146 xtype: 'filefield',
147 emptyText: 'Select an image',
148 fieldLabel: 'Photo',
149 name: 'photo-path',
150 buttonConfig: {
151 text: '',
152 iconCls: 'file-uploads-image-add'
153 }
154 }, {
155 xtype: 'numberfield',
156 fieldLabel: 'HTTP status',
157 value: 200,
158 minValue: 200,
159 maxValue: 599,
160 name: 'returnResponse'
161 }],
163 buttons: [{
164 text: 'Save',
165 handler: 'secondFormSubmit'
166 }, {
167 text: 'Reset',
168 handler: 'secondFormReset'
169 }]
170 }]