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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / kitchensink / classic / src / store / Navigation.js
1Ext.define('KitchenSink.store.Navigation', {\r
2 extend: 'Ext.data.TreeStore',\r
3 alias: 'store.navigation',\r
5 constructor: function(config) {\r
6 var me = this,\r
7 queryParams = Ext.Object.fromQueryString(location.search),\r
8 charts = ('charts' in queryParams) && !/0|false|no/i.test(queryParams.charts);\r
10 me.callParent([Ext.apply({\r
11 root: {\r
12 text: 'All',\r
13 id: 'all',\r
14 expanded: true,\r
15 children: charts ? me.getChartNavItems() : me.getNavItems()\r
16 }\r
17 }, config)]);\r
18 },\r
20 addIconClasses: function (items) {\r
21 for (var item, i = items.length; i-- > 0; ) {\r
22 item = items[i];\r
24 if (!('iconCls' in item)) {\r
25 item.iconCls = 'icon-' + item.id;\r
26 }\r
28 if (!('glyph' in item)) {\r
29 // sets the font-family\r
30 item.glyph = '32@Sencha-Examples';\r
31 }\r
33 if (item.children) {\r
34 this.addIconClasses(item.children);\r
35 }\r
36 }\r
38 return items;\r
39 },\r
41 getChartNavItems: function() {\r
42 var combinationExamples,\r
43 drawExamples,\r
44 items = this.addIconClasses([\r
45 {\r
46 text: 'Column Charts',\r
47 id: 'column-charts',\r
48 expanded: true,\r
49 description: 'Column charts provide a visual comparison of numbers or frequency against different discrete ' +\r
50 'categories or groups. These charts display vertical bars to represent information in a way + ' +\r
51 'that allows for quick generalizations regarding your data.',\r
52 children: [\r
53 { id: 'column-basic', text: 'Basic', leaf: true },\r
54 { id: 'column-stacked', text: 'Stacked', leaf: true },\r
55 { id: 'column-stacked-100', text: '100% Stacked', leaf: true },\r
56 { id: 'column-renderer', text: 'With Renderer', leaf: true },\r
57 { id: 'column-multi-axis', text: 'Multiaxis', leaf: true }\r
58 ]\r
59 },\r
60 {\r
61 text: '3D Column Charts',\r
62 id: 'column-charts-3d',\r
63 expanded: true,\r
64 description: '3D Column charts provide a visual comparison of numbers or frequency against different discrete ' +\r
65 'categories or groups. These charts display vertical bars to represent information in a way + ' +\r
66 'that allows for quick generalizations regarding your data.',\r
67 children: [\r
68 { id: 'column-basic-3d', text: 'Basic', leaf: true },\r
69 { id: 'column-grouped-3d', text: 'Grouped', leaf: true },\r
70 { id: 'column-stacked-3d', text: 'Stacked', leaf: true },\r
71 { id: 'column-stacked-100-3d', text: '100% Stacked', leaf: true },\r
72 { id: 'column-negative-3d', text: 'Negative values', leaf: true },\r
73 { id: 'column-renderer-3d', text: 'With Renderer', leaf: true }\r
74 ]\r
75 },\r
76 {\r
77 text: 'Bar Charts',\r
78 id: 'bar-charts',\r
79 expanded: true,\r
80 description: 'Bar charts provide a visual comparison of numbers or frequency against different discrete ' +\r
81 'categories or groups. These charts display horizontal bars to represent information in a way + ' +\r
82 'that allows for quick generalizations regarding your data.',\r
83 children: [\r
84 { id: 'bar-basic', text: 'Basic', leaf: true },\r
85 { id: 'bar-stacked', text: 'Stacked', leaf: true },\r
86 { id: 'bar-stacked-100', text: '100% Stacked', leaf: true }\r
87 ]\r
88 },\r
89 {\r
90 text: '3D Bar Charts',\r
91 id: 'bar-charts-3d',\r
92 expanded: true,\r
93 description: '3D Bar charts provide a visual comparison of numbers or frequency against different discrete ' +\r
94 'categories or groups. These charts display horizontal bars to represent information in a way + ' +\r
95 'that allows for quick generalizations regarding your data.',\r
96 children: [\r
97 { id: 'bar-basic-3d', text: 'Basic', leaf: true },\r
98 { id: 'bar-stacked-3d', text: 'Stacked', leaf: true },\r
99 { id: 'bar-stacked-100-3d', text: '100% Stacked', leaf: true },\r
100 { id: 'bar-negative-3d', text: 'Negative values', leaf: true }\r
101 ]\r
102 },\r
103 {\r
104 text: 'Line Charts',\r
105 id: 'line-charts',\r
106 expanded: true,\r
107 description: 'Line charts display information as a series of markers that are connected by lines.' +\r
108 'These charts are excellent for showing underlying patterns between data points.',\r
109 children: [\r
110 { id: 'line-basic', text: 'Basic', leaf: true },\r
111 { id: 'line-marked', text: 'Basic + Markers', leaf: true },\r
112 { id: 'line-spline', text: 'Spline', leaf: true },\r
113 { id: 'line-marked-spline', text: 'Spline + Markers', leaf: true },\r
114 { id: 'line-plot', text: 'Plot', leaf: true },\r
115 { id: 'line-markers', text: 'With Image Markers', leaf: true },\r
116 { id: 'line-crosszoom', text: 'With Zoom', leaf: true },\r
117 { id: 'line-renderer', text: 'With Renderer', leaf: true },\r
118 { id: 'line-real-time', text: 'Real-time', leaf: true }\r
119 ]\r
120 },\r
121 {\r
122 text: 'Area Charts',\r
123 id: 'area-charts',\r
124 expanded: true,\r
125 description: 'Area charts display data by differentiating the area between lines. They are often ' +\r
126 'used to measure trends by representing totals over time.',\r
127 children: [\r
128 { id: 'area-basic', text: 'Basic', leaf: true },\r
129 { id: 'area-stacked', text: 'Stacked', leaf: true },\r
130 { id: 'area-stacked-100', text: '100% Stacked', leaf: true },\r
131 { id: 'area-negative', text: 'Negative Values', leaf: true }\r
132 ]\r
133 },\r
134 {\r
135 text: 'Scatter Charts',\r
136 id: 'scatter-charts',\r
137 expanded: true,\r
138 description: 'Scatter charts are diagrams that are used to display data as a collection of points.' +\r
139 'They are perfect for showing multiple measurements to aid in finding correlation ' +\r
140 'between variables.',\r
141 children: [\r
142 { id: 'scatter-basic', text: 'Basic', leaf: true },\r
143 { id: 'scatter-custom-icons', text: 'Custom Icons', leaf: true },\r
144 { id: 'scatter-bubble', text: 'Bubble', leaf: true }\r
145 ]\r
146 },\r
147 {\r
148 text: 'Financial Charts',\r
149 id: 'financial-charts',\r
150 expanded: true,\r
151 description : 'Financial charts provide a simple method for showing the change in price over time. ' +\r
152 'A quick look at these charts provides information regarding financial highs, lows, ' +\r
153 'opens, and closes.',\r
154 children: [\r
155 { id: 'financial-candlestick', text: 'Candlestick', leaf: true },\r
156 { id: 'financial-ohlc', text: 'OHLC', leaf: true }\r
157 ]\r
158 },\r
159 {\r
160 text: 'Pie Charts',\r
161 id: 'pie-charts',\r
162 expanded: true,\r
163 description: 'Pie charts show sectors of data proportional to the whole. They are excellent for ' +\r
164 'providing a quick and simple comparison of a category to the whole.',\r
165 children: [\r
166 { id: 'pie-basic', text: 'Basic', leaf: true },\r
167 { id: 'pie-custom', text: 'Spie', leaf: true },\r
168 { id: 'pie-donut', text: 'Donut', leaf: true },\r
169 { id: 'pie-3d', text: '3D Pie', leaf: true }\r
170 ]\r
171 },\r
172 {\r
173 text: 'Radar Charts',\r
174 id: 'radar-charts',\r
175 expanded: true,\r
176 description: 'Radar charts offer a flat view of data involving multiple variable quantities. They are ' +\r
177 'generally used to show performance metrics because they easily emphasize strengths and ' +\r
178 'weaknesses from a simple two-dimensional perspective.',\r
179 children: [\r
180 { id: 'radar-basic', text: 'Basic', leaf: true },\r
181 { id: 'radar-filled', text: 'Filled', leaf: true },\r
182 { id: 'radar-marked', text: 'Marked', leaf: true },\r
183 { id: 'radar-multi-axis', text: 'Multiaxis', leaf: true }\r
184 ]\r
185 },\r
186 {\r
187 text: 'Gauge Charts',\r
188 id: 'guage-charts',\r
189 expanded: true,\r
190 description: 'Gauge charts contain a single value axis that provides simple visualization for dashboards.' +\r
191 'They are generally used to show the current status or heartbeat with a single point of data.',\r
192 children: [\r
193 { id: 'gauge-basic', text: 'Basic', leaf: true }\r
194 ]\r
195 },\r
196 {\r
197 text: 'Combination Charts',\r
198 id: 'combination-charts',\r
199 expanded: true,\r
200 description: 'Sencha Charts gives you the ability to easily join several chart types into one chart. ' +\r
201 'This gives developers the ability to show multiple series in a single view.',\r
202 children: combinationExamples = [\r
203 { id: 'combination-pareto', text: 'Pareto', leaf: true },\r
204 { id: 'combination-dashboard', text: 'Interactive Dashboard', leaf: true },\r
205 { id: 'unemployment', text: 'Infographic', leaf: true },\r
206 { id: 'combination-theme', text: 'Custom Theme', leaf: true },\r
207 { id: 'combination-bindingtabs', text: 'Binding & Tabs', leaf: true}\r
208 ]\r
209 },\r
210 {\r
211 text: 'Drawing',\r
212 id: 'drawing',\r
213 expanded: true,\r
214 description: 'The Sencha Draw package allows developers to create cross-browser compatible and mobile ' +\r
215 'friendly graphics, text, and shapes. You can even create a standalone drawing tool!',\r
216 children: drawExamples = [\r
217 { id: 'free-paint', text: 'Free Paint', leaf: true },\r
218 { id: 'draw-bounce', text: 'Bouncing Logo', leaf: true },\r
219 { id: 'hit-test', text: 'Hit Testing', leaf: true },\r
220 { id: 'intersections', text: 'Path Intersections', leaf: true },\r
221 { id: 'draw-composite', text: 'Composite', leaf: true },\r
222 { id: 'sprite-events', text: 'Sprite Events', leaf: true},\r
223 { id: 'easing-functions', text: 'Easing Functions', leaf: true }\r
224 ]\r
225 }\r
226 ]);\r
227 if (Ext.isIE8) {\r
228 combinationExamples.splice(2, 1);\r
229 drawExamples.splice(1, 1);\r
230 }\r
231 return items;\r
232 },\r
234 getNavItems: function() {\r
235 return this.addIconClasses([\r
236 {\r
237 text: 'Panels',\r
238 id: 'panels',\r
239 expanded: true,\r
240 description: 'Panels are the basic container that makes up the structure ' +\r
241 'of most applications. Panels have a header and body, and can be arranged ' +\r
242 'in various ways using layouts. These examples provide a few common use cases of Ext JS Panels.',\r
243 children: [\r
244 { id: 'basic-panels', text: 'Basic Panel', leaf: true },\r
245 { id: 'framed-panels', text: 'Framed Panel', leaf: true },\r
246 { id: 'panel-header-position', text: 'Header Positioning', leaf: true }\r
247 ]\r
248 },\r
249 {\r
250 text: 'Grids',\r
251 id: 'grids',\r
252 expanded: true,\r
253 description: 'Grids are one of the centerpieces of Ext JS. They are incredibly versatile components ' +\r
254 'that provide an easy path to display, sort, group, and edit data. These examples show a ' +\r
255 'number of the most often used grids in Ext JS.',\r
256 children: [\r
257 { id: 'array-grid', text: 'Array Grid', leaf: true },\r
258 { id: 'grouped-grid', text: 'Grouped Grid', leaf: true },\r
259 { id: 'locking-grid', text: 'Locking Grid', leaf: true },\r
260 { id: 'grouped-header-grid', text: 'Grouped Header Grid', leaf: true },\r
261 { id: 'multi-sort-grid', text: 'Multiple Sort Grid', leaf: true },\r
262 { id: 'spreadsheet', text: 'Spreadsheet with locking', leaf: true},\r
263 { id: 'spreadsheet-checked', text: 'Spreadsheet with Checked Rows', leaf: true },\r
264 { id: 'progress-bar-pager', text: 'Progress Bar Pager', leaf: true },\r
265 { id: 'sliding-pager', text: 'Sliding Pager', leaf: true },\r
266 { id: 'xml-grid', text: 'XML Grid', leaf: true },\r
267 { id: 'paging-grid', text: 'Paging', leaf: true },\r
268 {\r
269 id: 'grid-plugins',\r
270 expanded: true,\r
271 text: 'Grid Plugins',\r
272 leaf: false,\r
273 description: 'Grid panels can extend their functionality with the use of our Grid Plugins. ' +\r
274 'Our plugins offer various accoutrements to basic Grid functionality, such as ' +\r
275 'row numbering, row expanding, and checkbox selection models.',\r
276 children: [\r
277 {id: 'expander-lockable', text: 'Row Expander, lockable columns', leaf: true },\r
278 {id: 'checkbox-selection', text: 'Checkbox Selection Model', leaf: true },\r
279 {id: 'row-numberer', text: 'Row Numberer', leaf: true },\r
280 {id: 'framing-buttons', text: 'Framed with docked toolbars', leaf: true }\r
281 ]\r
282 },\r
283 { id: 'grid-filtering', text: 'Grid Filtering', leaf: true },\r
284 { id: 'reconfigure-grid', text: 'Reconfigure Grid', leaf: true },\r
285 { id: 'property-grid', text: 'Property Grid', leaf: true },\r
286 { id: 'cell-editing', text: 'Cell Editing', leaf: true },\r
287 { id: 'row-expander-grid', text: 'Row Expander', leaf: true },\r
288 { id: 'big-data-grid', text: 'Big Data', leaf: true },\r
289 { id: 'widget-grid', text: 'Widget grid', leaf: true },\r
290 { id: 'customer-grid', text: 'Customer/Order grid', leaf: true }\r
291 ]\r
292 },\r
293 {\r
294 text: 'Pivot Grids',\r
295 id: 'pivot-grids',\r
296 expanded: true,\r
297 description: 'The Pivot Grid component enables rapid summarization of large sets of data. ' +\r
298 'It provides a simple way to condense many data points into a format that ' +\r
299 'makes trends and insights more apparent.',\r
300 children: [\r
301 { id: 'outline-pivot-grid', text: 'Outline layout', leaf: true },\r
302 { id: 'compact-pivot-grid', text: 'Compact layout', leaf: true },\r
303 { id: 'drilldown-pivot-grid', text: 'DrillDown plugin', leaf: true },\r
304 { id: 'configurable-pivot-grid', text: 'Configurator plugin', leaf: true },\r
305 { id: 'rangeeditor-pivot-grid', text: 'RangeEditor plugin', leaf: true },\r
306 { id: 'excel-pivot-grid', text: 'Exporter plugin', leaf: true },\r
307 { id: 'chart-pivot-grid', text: 'Chart integration', leaf: true },\r
308 { id: 'remote-pivot-grid', text: 'Remote calculations', leaf: true }\r
309 ]\r
310 },\r
311 {\r
312 text: 'Data Binding',\r
313 id: 'data-binding',\r
314 expanded: true,\r
315 description: 'Data binding, and the ViewModel that powers it, are powerful pieces of Ext JS 5. ' +\r
316 'Together, they enable you to create a seamless connection between your application UI ' +\r
317 'and your business logic.',\r
318 children: [\r
319 { id: 'binding-hello-world', text: 'Hello World', leaf: true },\r
320 { id: 'binding-dynamic', text: 'Dynamic', leaf: true },\r
321 { id: 'binding-two-way', text: 'Two Way', leaf: true },\r
322 { id: 'binding-formulas', text: 'Formulas', leaf: true },\r
323 { id: 'binding-associations', text: 'Associations', leaf: true },\r
324 { id: 'binding-component-state', text: 'Component State', leaf: true },\r
325 { id: 'binding-chained-stores', text: 'Chaining Stores', leaf: true},\r
326 { id: 'binding-combo-chaining', text: 'Chained ComboBoxes', leaf: true },\r
327 { id: 'binding-selection', text: 'Chaining Selection', leaf: true },\r
328// { id: 'binding-gridform', text: 'Grid + Form', leaf: true },\r
329 { id: 'binding-model-validation', text: 'Model Validation', leaf: true },\r
330 { id: 'binding-field-validation', text: 'Field Validation', leaf: true },\r
331 { id: 'binding-two-way-formulas', text: 'Two-Way Formulas', leaf: true },\r
332 { id: 'binding-slider-form', text: 'Slider and Form Fields', leaf: true },\r
333 { id: 'binding-child-session', text: 'Isolated Child Sessions', leaf: true }\r
334 ]\r
335 },\r
336 {\r
337 text: 'Trees',\r
338 id: 'trees',\r
339 expanded: true,\r
340 description: 'Tree Panels provide a tree-structured UI representation of tree-structured data.' +\r
341 'Tree Panel\'s built-in expand/collapse nodes offer a whole new set of opportunities' +\r
342 'for user interface and data display.',\r
343 children: [\r
344 { id: 'basic-trees', text: 'Basic Trees', leaf: true },\r
345 { id: 'tree-reorder', text: 'Tree Reorder', leaf: true },\r
346 { id: 'tree-grid', text: 'Tree Grid', leaf: true },\r
347 { id: 'tree-two', text: 'Two Trees', leaf: true },\r
348 { id: 'check-tree', text: 'Check Tree', leaf: true },\r
349 { id: 'tree-xml', text: 'XML Tree', leaf: true },\r
350 { id: 'filtered-tree', text: 'Filtered Tree', leaf: true },\r
351 { id: 'heterogeneous-tree', text: 'Heterogeneous Tree', leaf: true },\r
352 { id: 'lineardata-tree', text: 'Linear Data Geographical Tree', leaf: true },\r
354 { id: 'tree-list', text: 'Tree List', leaf: true }\r
355 ]\r
356 },\r
357 {\r
358 text: 'Tabs',\r
359 id: 'tabs',\r
360 expanded: true,\r
361 description: 'Tab Panels are panels that have extended support for containing and displaying children ' +\r
362 'items. These children are managed using a Card Layout and are shown as tabulated content.',\r
363 children: [\r
364 { id: 'basic-tabs', text: 'Basic Tabs', leaf: true },\r
365 { id: 'plain-tabs', text: 'Plain Tabs', leaf: true },\r
366 { id: 'framed-tabs', text: 'Framed Tabs', leaf: true },\r
367 { id: 'icon-tabs', text: 'Icon Tabs', leaf: true },\r
368 { id: 'ajax-tabs', text: 'Ajax Tabs', leaf: true },\r
369 { id: 'advanced-tabs', text: 'Advanced Tabs', leaf: true },\r
370 { id: 'lazy-tabs', text: 'Lazy Instantiating Tabs', leaf: true},\r
371 { id: 'navigation-tabs', text: 'Navigation Tabs', leaf: true },\r
372 { id: 'side-navigation-tabs', text: 'Side Navigation Tabs', leaf: true },\r
373 { id: 'header-tabs', text: 'Header Tabs', leaf: true },\r
374 { id: 'reorderable-tabs', text: 'Reorderable Tabs', leaf: true }\r
375 ]\r
376 },\r
377 {\r
378 text: 'Windows',\r
379 id: 'windows',\r
380 expanded: true,\r
381 description: 'Windows are specialized panels, intended to be used as application windows. ' +\r
382 'Windows are floating, resizable, and draggable by default and can add an OS flair' +\r
383 'to your application.',\r
384 children: [\r
385 { id: 'basic-window', text: 'Basic Window', leaf: true },\r
386 { id: 'message-box', text: 'Message Box', leaf: true }\r
387 ]\r
388 },\r
389 {\r
390 text: 'Buttons',\r
391 id: 'buttons',\r
392 expanded: true,\r
393 description: 'Buttons are a utilitarian component of Ext JS. From forms to grid row widgets, ' +\r
394 'they can be used in nearly any application for user interaction and directing usability.',\r
395 children: [\r
396 { id: 'basic-buttons', text: 'Basic Buttons', leaf: true },\r
397 { id: 'toggle-buttons', text: 'Toggle Buttons', leaf: true },\r
398 { id: 'menu-buttons', text: 'Menu Buttons', leaf: true },\r
399 { id: 'menu-bottom-buttons', text: 'Menu Bottom Buttons', leaf: true },\r
400 { id: 'split-buttons', text: 'Split Buttons', leaf: true },\r
401 { id: 'split-bottom-buttons', text: 'Split Bottom Buttons', leaf: true },\r
402 { id: 'left-text-buttons', text: 'Left Text Buttons', leaf: true },\r
403 { id: 'right-text-buttons', text: 'Right Text Buttons', leaf: true },\r
404 { id: 'link-buttons', text: 'Link Buttons', leaf: true },\r
405 { id: 'segmented-buttons', text: 'Segmented Buttons', leaf: true },\r
406 { id: 'vertical-segmented-buttons', text: 'Vertical Segmented Buttons', leaf: true }\r
407 ]\r
408 },\r
409 {\r
410 text: 'DataView',\r
411 id: 'data-view',\r
412 expanded: true,\r
413 description: 'Dataviews are an XTemplate based mechanism for displaying data using custom layout' +\r
414 'templates and formatting. They can connect to any store and display data in any way' +\r
415 'you see fit.',\r
416 children: [\r
417 { id: 'dataview-multisort', text: 'Multisort DataView', leaf: true }\r
418 ]\r
419 },\r
420 {\r
421 text: 'Form Fields',\r
422 id: 'form-fields',\r
423 expanded: true,\r
424 description: 'Form Fields offer developers standard HTML form fields with built-in event handling, ' +\r
425 'rendering, and other common functionality you may require. Variations of fields include: ' +\r
426 'textfields, textareas, htmleditors, radio groups, checkboxes, and more!',\r
427 children: [\r
428 { id: 'form-number', text: 'Number Field', leaf: true },\r
429 { id: 'form-date', text: 'Date/Month Picker', leaf: true },\r
430 {\r
431 id: 'combo-boxes',\r
432 expanded: true,\r
433 text: 'ComboBoxes',\r
434 leaf: false,\r
435 description: 'These examples demonstrate that ComboBoxes can use any type of ' +\r
436 'Ext.data.Store as a data souce. This means your data can be XML, JSON, '+\r
437 'arrays or any other supported format. It can be loaded using Ajax, JSONP or locally.',\r
438 children: [\r
439 {id: 'simple-combo', text: 'Simple ComboBox', leaf: true },\r
440 {id: 'remote-combo', text: 'Remote Query ComboBox', leaf: true },\r
441 {id: 'remote-loaded-combo', text: 'Remote loaded ComboBox', leaf: true },\r
442 {id: 'custom-template-combo', text: 'Custom Template ComboBox', leaf: true }\r
443 ]\r
444 },\r
445 { id: 'form-fileuploads', text: 'File Uploads', leaf: true },\r
446 { id: 'form-fieldreplicator', text: 'Field Replicator', leaf: true },\r
447 { id: 'form-grid', text: 'Form with Grid', leaf: true },\r
448 { id: 'form-tag', text: 'Tag Field', leaf: true },\r
449 { id: 'multi-selector', text: 'Multi-Selector Grid', leaf: true },\r
450 { id: 'form-fieldtypes', text: 'Field Types', leaf: true},\r
451 { id: 'form-fieldcontainer', text: 'Field Container', leaf: true},\r
452 { id: 'form-checkboxgroup', text: 'Checkbox Groups', leaf: true },\r
453 { id: 'form-radiogroup', text: 'Radio Groups', leaf: true },\r
454 { id: 'slider-field', text: 'Slider Field', leaf: true }\r
455 ]\r
456 },\r
457 {\r
458 text: 'Forms',\r
459 id: 'forms',\r
460 expanded: true,\r
461 description: 'Form Panel extends panel to offer developers the ability to manage data collection in a ' +\r
462 'simple and straightforward manner. Field display and handling can be configured in almost ' +\r
463 'any conceivable fashion and offers default objects to minimize repetitive code.',\r
464 children: [\r
465 { id: 'form-login', text: 'Login Form', leaf: true },\r
466 { id: 'form-contact', text: 'Contact Form', leaf: true },\r
467 { id: 'form-register', text: 'Register Form', leaf: true },\r
468 { id: 'form-checkout', text: 'Checkout Form', leaf: true },\r
469 { id: 'form-color-picker', text: 'Color Picker', leaf: true},\r
470 { id: 'form-rating', text: 'Rating Form', leaf: true},\r
471 { id: 'form-vboxlayout', text: 'VBox Layout', leaf: true },\r
472 { id: 'form-hboxlayout', text: 'HBox Layout', leaf: true },\r
473 { id: 'form-multicolumn', text: 'Multi Column Form', leaf: true },\r
474 { id: 'form-xml', text: 'XML Form', leaf: true },\r
475 { id: 'form-advtypes', text: 'Custom VTypes', leaf: true },\r
476 { id: 'form-customfields', text: 'Custom fields', leaf: true },\r
477 { id: 'form-forumsearch', text: 'Forum Search', leaf: true },\r
478 { id: 'form-customerrors', text: 'Custom Error Handling', leaf: true }\r
479 ]\r
480 },\r
481 {\r
482 text: 'Toolbars',\r
483 id: 'toolbars',\r
484 expanded: true,\r
485 description: 'Toolbars are easily customizable components that give developers a simple way to display ' +\r
486 'a variety of user interfaces.',\r
487 children: [\r
488 { id: 'basic-toolbar', text: 'Basic Toolbar', leaf: true },\r
489 { id: 'docked-toolbars', text: 'Docked Toolbar', leaf: true },\r
490 { id: 'breadcrumb-toolbar', text: 'Breadcrumb Toolbar', leaf: true },\r
491 { id: 'toolbar-overflow', text: 'Toolbar Overflow', leaf: true }\r
492 ]\r
493 },\r
494 {\r
495 text: 'Layouts',\r
496 id: 'layouts',\r
497 expanded: true,\r
498 description: 'Layouts can be considered the heart and soul of Ext JS. They manage the DOM flow and ' +\r
499 'display of your content. There are multiple layout options that should satisfy almost' +\r
500 'any application wireframe.',\r
501 children: [\r
502 { id: 'layout-absolute', text: 'Absolute Layout', leaf: true },\r
503 { id: 'layout-accordion', text: 'Accordion Layout', leaf: true },\r
504 { id: 'layout-border', text: 'Border Layout', leaf: true },\r
505 { id: 'layout-card', text: 'Card Layout', leaf: true },\r
506 { id: 'layout-cardtabs', text: 'Card (Tabs)', leaf: true },\r
507 { id: 'layout-center', text: 'Center Layout', leaf: true },\r
508 { id: 'layout-column', text: 'Column Layout', leaf: true },\r
509 { id: 'layout-fit', text: 'Fit Layout', leaf: true },\r
510 { id: 'layout-horizontal-box', text: 'HBox Layout', leaf: true },\r
511 { id: 'layout-table', text: 'Table Layout', leaf: true },\r
512 { id: 'layout-vertical-box', text: 'VBox Layout', leaf: true }\r
513 ]\r
514 },\r
515 {\r
516 text: 'Drag & Drop',\r
517 id: 'drag-drop',\r
518 expanded: true,\r
519 description: 'Drag and Drop functionality gives developers the ability to create interesting ' +\r
520 'and useful interfaces for their users.',\r
521 children: [\r
522 { id: 'dd-field-to-grid', text: 'Field to Grid', leaf: true },\r
523 { id: 'dd-grid-to-form', text: 'Grid to Form', leaf: true },\r
524 { id: 'dd-grid-to-grid', text: 'Grid to Grid', leaf: true }\r
525 ]\r
526 },\r
527 {\r
528 text: 'Ext Direct',\r
529 id: 'direct',\r
530 expanded: true,\r
531 description: 'Ext Direct streamlines communication between the client and server by providing a single ' +\r
532 'interface that reduces much of the common code required to validate and handle data.',\r
533 children: [\r
534 { id: 'direct-grid', text: 'Grid with Direct store', leaf: true },\r
535 { id: 'direct-tree', text: 'Tree with dynamic nodes', leaf: true },\r
536 { id: 'direct-form', text: 'Form load and submit actions', leaf: true },\r
537 { id: 'direct-generic', text: 'Generic remoting and polling', leaf: true },\r
538 { id: 'direct-named', text: 'Custom form processing', leaf: true }\r
539 ]\r
540 },\r
541 {\r
542 text: 'Enterprise',\r
543 id: 'enterprise',\r
544 description: 'Our Enterprise tools offer developers the ability to easily utilize data interfaces such' +\r
545 'as SOAP and AMF. These enterprise tools are available via our Sencha Complete package.',\r
546 expanded: true,\r
547 children: [\r
548 { id: 'amf-grid', text: 'AMF Grid', leaf: true },\r
549 { id: 'soap-grid', text: 'Soap Grid', leaf: true }\r
550 ]\r
551 }\r
552 ]);\r
553 }\r