]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blame - extjs/examples/modern/oreilly/.sencha/app/sass-impl.xml
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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / modern / oreilly / .sencha / app / sass-impl.xml
1<project name="x-sass-impl">\r
2 \r
3 <!--\r
4 Uses the compiler to generate the top-level scss file for the app\r
5 by using the current set of js files to determine the Components\r
6 used by the app, then including the corresponding scss files into the \r
7 app's style\r
8 -->\r
9 <target name="-compile-sass" depends="-init-app-js-files">\r
10 <local name="app.out.scss.tmp"/>\r
11 <local name="sass.name.filter"/>\r
12 <property name="app.out.scss.tmp" value="${app.out.scss}.tmp"/>\r
13 <x-normalize-path \r
14 path="${build.out.resources.dir}" \r
15 property="image.search.path"/>\r
16 \r
17 <if>\r
18 <x-is-true value="${build.include.all.scss}"/>\r
19 <then>\r
20 <property name="sass.name.filter">\r
21 include\r
22 -all\r
23 </property>\r
24 </then>\r
25 </if>\r
26 <property name="sass.name.filter">\r
27 restore\r
28 page\r
29 </property>\r
31 <local name="var.begin"/>\r
32 <local name="var.end"/>\r
33 <local name="resource.map.base"/>\r
35 <condition property="var.begin" value="dynamic(">\r
36 <isset property="framework.isV6"/>\r
37 </condition>\r
38 <condition property="var.end" value=")">\r
39 <isset property="framework.isV6"/>\r
40 </condition>\r
42 <property name="var.begin" value=""/>\r
43 <property name="var.end" value="!default"/>\r
45 <condition property="resource.map.base" value="${css.output.rel.path}">\r
46 <x-is-true value="${app.sass.dynamic}"/>\r
47 </condition>\r
48 <property name="resource.map.base" value=""/>\r
50 <if>\r
51 <x-is-true value="${app.sass.dynamic}"/>\r
52 <then>\r
53 <x-get-relative-path\r
54 from="${build.out.css.dir}"\r
55 to="${build.out.base.path}"\r
56 property="css.output.rel.path"/>\r
57 </then>\r
58 </if>\r
60 <property name="css.output.rel.path" value=""/>\r
62 <x-compile refid="${compiler.ref.id}">\r
63 <![CDATA[\r
64 ${sass.name.filter}\r
65 and\r
66 #only set variables for used classes eg. $include-class-name\r
67 sass\r
68 +class-name-vars\r
69 -variable=$app-name: ${var.begin} '${app.name}' ${var.end}\r
70 -variable=$image-search-path:'${image.search.path}'\r
71 -variable=$theme-name: ${var.begin} '${theme.name}' ${var.end}\r
72 -resourceMapBase=${css.output.rel.path}\r
73 -output=${app.out.scss.tmp}\r
74 -forward=${app.sass.dynamic}\r
75 and\r
76 include\r
77 -all\r
78 and\r
79 # include etc and vars from all classes\r
80 sass\r
81 +etc\r
82 +vars\r
83 +append\r
84 -output=${app.out.scss.tmp}\r
85 -forward=${app.sass.dynamic}\r
86 and\r
87 ${sass.name.filter}\r
88 and\r
89 #only include rules from used classes\r
90 sass\r
91 +rules\r
92 +append\r
93 -output=${app.out.scss.tmp}\r
94 and\r
95 sass\r
96 +ruby\r
97 -sassCacheDir=${compass.cache.dir}\r
98 -output=${app.out.ruby}\r
99 ]]>\r
100 </x-compile>\r
101 \r
102 <if>\r
103 <not>\r
104 <filesmatch file1="${app.out.scss.tmp}" file2="${app.out.scss}"/>\r
105 </not>\r
106 <then>\r
107 <copy file="${app.out.scss.tmp}" tofile="${app.out.scss}" overwrite="true"/>\r
108 </then>\r
109 </if>\r
110 \r
111 <!--\r
112 app.out.css.path is relative to the app output index.html file\r
113 -->\r
114 <x-get-relative-path\r
115 from="${app.dir}"\r
116 to="${app.out.css}"\r
117 property="app.out.css.path"\r
118 />\r
119 \r
120<!--update the application's bootstrap.css file to point to the build output-->\r
121<echo file="${build.bootstrap.css.path}">\r
124 * This file is generated by Sencha Cmd and should NOT be edited. It redirects\r
125 * to the most recently built CSS file for the application to allow index.html\r
126 * in the development directory to load properly (i.e., "dev mode").\r
127 */\r
128@import '${app.out.css.path}';\r
131 </target>\r
133 <!--\r
134 This macrodef is used for post-processing Ext JS 4.2+ style theme css files\r
135 and will split based on selector thresholds, as well as run the css preprocessor\r
136 and compressor\r
137 -->\r
138 <macrodef name="x-compress-css-files">\r
139 <attribute name="dir"/>\r
140 <attribute name="prefix"/>\r
141 <attribute name="outprefix"/>\r
142 <attribute name="compress"/>\r
143 <attribute name="preprocess"/>\r
144 <sequential>\r
145 <x-split-css file="@{dir}/@{prefix}.css"\r
146 outdir="${build.resources.dir}"\r
147 limit="${build.css.selector.limit}"\r
148 compilerRefId="${compiler.ref.id}"/>\r
150 <for param="cssfile">\r
151 <fileset dir="@{dir}" includes="@{prefix}*.css"/>\r
152 <sequential>\r
153 <local name="css.output.name"/>\r
154 <local name="pattern"/>\r
155 <property name="pattern" value="(.*?)(@{prefix})(_\d{1,2})*\.css"/>\r
156 <propertyregex property="css.output.name"\r
157 input="@{cssfile}"\r
158 regexp="${pattern}"\r
159 select="\1@{outprefix}\3.css"\r
160 override="true"/>\r
161 <if>\r
162 <equals arg1="@{preprocess}" arg2="true"/>\r
163 <then>\r
164 <x-echo>Preprocessing @{cssfile} to ${css.output.name}</x-echo>\r
165 <x-css-preprocess \r
166 file="@{cssfile}" \r
167 tofile="${css.output.name}" \r
168 options="${build.css.preprocessor.opts}"/>\r
169 </then>\r
170 </if>\r
171 <if>\r
172 <equals arg1="@{compress}" arg2="true"/>\r
173 <then>\r
174 <x-echo>Compressing @{cssfile} to ${css.output.name}</x-echo>\r
175 <x-compress-css srcfile="@{cssfile}"\r
176 outfile="${css.output.name}"/>\r
177 </then>\r
178 </if>\r
179 </sequential>\r
180 </for>\r
181 </sequential>\r
182 </macrodef>\r
184 <!--\r
185 This target builds Ext JS 4.2+ style themes, first generating the top-level\r
186 scss file, then running compass with the css, sass, and config options set\r
187 -->\r
188 <target name="-compass-compile-theme-package" depends="-load-sass-page">\r
189 <x-run-if-true value="${enable.ext42.themes}">\r
190 <local name="compress.uptodate"/>\r
191 \r
192 <x-ant-call target="-compile-sass"/>\r
194 <if>\r
195 <x-is-true value="${app.sass.fashion}"/>\r
196 <then>\r
197 <if>\r
198 <x-is-true value="${app.sass.rhino}"/>\r
199 <then>\r
200 <x-fashion-compile\r
201 file="${app.out.scss}"\r
202 toFile="${app.out.css}"/>\r
203 </then>\r
204 <else>\r
205 <x-sass-build input="${app.out.scss}"\r
206 output="${app.out.css}"\r
207 refId="app.web.server"\r
208 split="${build.css.selector.limit}"\r
209 compress="${build.css.compress}"\r
210 updateSplitFiles="true"\r
211 compilerRefId="${compiler.ref.id}"/>\r
212 </else>\r
213 </if>\r
214 </then>\r
215 <else>\r
216 <x-compass-compile\r
217 rubyPath="${build.ruby.path}"\r
218 dir="${compass.working.dir}"\r
219 trace="${compass.compile.trace}"\r
220 boring="${compass.compile.boring}"\r
221 force="${compass.compile.force}"\r
222 sassdir="${compass.sass.dir}"\r
223 cssdir="${compass.css.dir}"\r
224 config="${compass.config.file}"/>\r
226 <uptodate property="compress.uptodate"\r
227 value="true"\r
228 srcfile="${app.out.scss}.tmp"\r
229 targetfile="${app.out.css}"/>\r
231 <if>\r
232 <x-is-true value="${compress.uptodate}"/>\r
233 <!--<x-is-true value="true"/>-->\r
234 <then>\r
235 <x-compress-css-files dir="${build.out.css.dir}"\r
236 prefix="${app.out.base.debug}"\r
237 outprefix="${app.out.base}"\r
238 preprocess="${build.css.preprocess}"\r
239 compress="${build.css.compress}"/>\r
240 </then>\r
241 </if>\r
242 </else>\r
243 </if>\r
244 </x-run-if-true>\r
245 </target>\r
247 <!--\r
248 This is a legacy macrodef to support building Ext JS 4.1 themes, which have been\r
249 deprecated in favor of Ext JS 4.2 theme packages\r
250 -->\r
251 <macrodef name="x-build-sass">\r
252 <attribute name="theme"/>\r
253 <sequential>\r
254 <local name="sass.name"/>\r
255 <local name="use.shell"/>\r
257 <!--\r
258 convert abspath to just the leaf path name\r
259 -->\r
260 <basename property="sass.name" file="@{theme}"/>\r
261 <local name="sass.base.name"/>\r
262 <property name="sass.base.name" value="${sass.name}"/>\r
263 \r
264 <echo>Compiling sass directory : @{theme}/sass</echo>\r
265 <x-compass-compile\r
266 rubyPath="${build.ruby.path}"\r
267 boring="${compass.compile.boring}"\r
268 force="${compass.compile.force}"\r
269 trace="${compass.compile.trace}"\r
270 dir="@{theme}/sass"/>\r
272 <x-compress-css srcfile="${app.dir}/resources/${sass.base.name}/*.css"\r
273 outdir="${app.dir}/resources/${sass.base.name}"/>\r
274 </sequential>\r
275 </macrodef>\r
276 \r
277 <!--\r
278 This target builds Ext JS 4.1 style themes, iterating over each directory\r
279 under the specified ${app.theme.dir} directory and compiling the sass \r
280 located there\r
281 -->\r
282 <target name="-compass-compile-theme-folders">\r
283 <x-run-if-true value="${enable.ext41.themes}">\r
284 <!-- run sass compilation over the various themes -->\r
285 <for param="sass">\r
286 <dirset dir="${app.theme.dir}" includes="*"/>\r
287 <sequential>\r
288 <x-build-sass theme="@{sass}"/>\r
289 </sequential>\r
290 </for>\r
291 </x-run-if-true>\r
292 </target>\r
294 <!--\r
295 This target builds Touch style themes, by running compass\r
296 over the directory containing the manually maintined scss files\r
297 -->\r
298 <target name="-compass-compile-sass-dir">\r
299 <x-run-if-true value="${enable.touch.themes}">\r
300 <x-compass-compile\r
301 rubyPath="${build.ruby.path}"\r
302 trace="${compass.compile.trace}"\r
303 boring="${compass.compile.boring}"\r
304 force="${compass.compile.force}"\r
305 dir="${compass.sass.dir}"/>\r
306 </x-run-if-true>\r
307 </target>\r
309 <!--\r
310 This is a summation target triggering the three different supported\r
311 sass modes (ext 41, ext 42+, and touch). \r
312 -->\r
313 <target name="-compass-compile"\r
314 depends="-compass-compile-theme-package,\r
315 -compass-compile-theme-folders,\r
316 -compass-compile-sass-dir"/>\r
318 <!--\r
319 Build SASS\r
320 -->\r
321 <target name="-before-sass"/>\r
322 <target name="-sass" depends="-compass-compile"/>\r
323 <target name="-after-sass"/>\r