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[extjs.git] / extjs / packages / core / src / plugin / LazyItems.js
2 * This plugin defers the execution cost of the instantiation and initialization of child components of un-rendered items.\r
3 *\r
4 * For example, in a {@link Ext.tab.Panel#deferredRender deferredRender} {@link Ext.tab.Panel TabPanel}, the un-rendered tabs\r
5 * do not have to incur the cost of instantiating and initializing their descendant components until render.\r
6 *\r
7 * This plugin allows that.\r
8 *\r
9 * Add the items to the plugin:\r
10 *\r
11 * {\r
12 * xtype: 'tabpanel',\r
13 * items: [{\r
14 * title: 'Tab One',\r
15 * plugins: {\r
16 * ptype: 'lazyitems',\r
17 * items: [... tab child items...]\r
18 * }\r
19 * }, {\r
20 * title: 'Tab One',\r
21 * plugins: {\r
22 * ptype: 'lazyitems',\r
23 * items: [... tab child items...]\r
24 * }\r
25 * }]\r
26 * }\r
27 *\r
28 */\r
29Ext.define('Ext.plugin.LazyItems', {\r
30 extend: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract',\r
31 \r
32 alias: 'plugin.lazyitems',\r
33 \r
34 init: function(comp) {\r
35 this.callParent(arguments);\r
36 \r
37 if (this.items) {\r
38 // Eager instantiation means create the child items now\r
39 if (this.eagerInstantiation) {\r
40 this.items = comp.prepareItems(this.items);\r
41 }\r
42 }\r
43 \r
44 // We need to jump in right before the beforeRender call\r
45 comp.beforeRender = Ext.Function.createInterceptor(comp.beforeRender, this.beforeComponentRender, this);\r
46 },\r
47 \r
48 // Add the child items at the last possible moment.\r
49 beforeComponentRender: function() {\r
50 this.cmp.add(this.items);\r
51 \r
52 // Remove the interceptor\r
53 this.cmp.beforeComponentRender = null;\r
54 }\r