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[extjs.git] / extjs / packages / soap / src / data / soap / Proxy.js
1// @tag enterprise\r
3 * The SOAP Proxy class is an {@link Ext.data.proxy.Ajax Ajax Proxy} to access v1.1 SOAP\r
4 * (Simple Object Access Protocol) services. SOAP Proxy constructs a SOAP Envelope and \r
5 * submits an AJAX request to load a SOAP response from the server.\r
6 * \r
7 * For help getting started please refer to the [Soap Guide](../../../enterprise/soap.html).\r
8 *\r
9 * **Note: ** _This functionality is only available with the purchase of\r
10 * Sencha Complete. For more information about using this class, please visit\r
11 * our [Sencha Complete](https://www.sencha.com/products/complete/) product page._\r
12 *\r
13 * @class Ext.data.soap.Proxy\r
14 */\r
15Ext.define('Ext.data.soap.Proxy', {\r
16 extend: 'Ext.data.proxy.Ajax',\r
17 alias: 'proxy.soap',\r
19 requires: [\r
20 'Ext.data.soap.Reader'\r
21 ],\r
23 config: {\r
24 /**\r
25 * @cfg {Object} api\r
26 * An object containing "create", "read", "update" and "destroy" properties that define\r
27 * SOAP operations for each CRUD action method. These operations will be appended to\r
28 * the {@link #url} as the {@link #operationParam} for each request type.\r
29 * \r
30 * api: {\r
31 * create: undefined,\r
32 * read: undefined,\r
33 * update: undefined,\r
34 * destroy: undefined\r
35 * }\r
36 * \r
37 * At least one operation is required, but additional operations do not need to be configured\r
38 * if they will not be used. For example, if this proxy is only used for read operations\r
39 * the following configuration will be sufficient:\r
40 * \r
41 * api: {\r
42 * read: 'Foo'\r
43 * }\r
44 */\r
46 /**\r
47 * @cfg {Object} soapAction\r
48 * An object containing "create", "read", "update" and "destroy" properties that define\r
49 * the [SOAPAction](http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508/#_Toc478383528) header\r
50 * for each CRUD action method. A soapAction must be specified for each operation\r
51 * configured in {@link #api} Defaults to:\r
52 * \r
53 * soapAction: {\r
54 * create: undefined,\r
55 * read: undefined,\r
56 * update: undefined,\r
57 * destroy: undefined\r
58 * }\r
59 */\r
60 soapAction: {},\r
62 /**\r
63 * @cfg {String} [operationParam='op']\r
64 * The name of the operation parameter to be appened to the SOAP endpoint url\r
65 */\r
66 operationParam: 'op',\r
68 /**\r
69 * @cfg {Object/String/Ext.data.soap.Reader} [reader='soap']\r
70 * The {@link Ext.data.soap.Reader} to use to decode the server's response. This can\r
71 * either be a SOAP Reader instance, a SOAP Reader config object or 'soap'.\r
72 */\r
73 reader: 'soap',\r
75 /**\r
76 * @cfg {String} url\r
77 * The SOAP endpoint url that this proxy will use to request the SOAP data. This can\r
78 * be a proxied url to work around same-origin policy if the SOAP endpoint url is on\r
79 * a different domain from your application.\r
80 */\r
81 url: '',\r
83 /**\r
84 * @cfg [envelopeTpl=undefined]\r
85 * The template used to create the SOAP envelope. Defaults to:\r
86 * \r
87 * [\r
88 * '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>',\r
89 * '<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">',\r
90 * '{[values.bodyTpl.apply(values)]}',\r
91 * '</soap:Envelope>'\r
92 * ]\r
93 */\r
94 envelopeTpl: [\r
95 '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>',\r
96 '<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">',\r
97 '{[values.bodyTpl.apply(values)]}',\r
98 '</soap:Envelope>'\r
99 ],\r
101 /**\r
102 * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate/Array} createBodyTpl\r
103 * The template used to create the SOAP body for the "create" action. If not specified\r
104 * {@link #writeBodyTpl} will be used for the "create" action.\r
105 */\r
106 createBodyTpl: null,\r
108 /**\r
109 * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate/Array} [readBodyTpl=undefined]\r
110 * The template used to create the SOAP body for the "read" action. Defaults to: \r
111 * \r
112 * [\r
113 * '<soap:Body>',\r
114 * '<{operation} xmlns="{targetNamespace}">',\r
115 * '<tpl foreach="params">',\r
116 * '<{$}>{.}</{$}>',\r
117 * '</tpl>',\r
118 * '</{operation}>',\r
119 * '</soap:Body>'\r
120 * ]\r
121 */\r
122 readBodyTpl: [\r
123 '<soap:Body>',\r
124 '<{operation} xmlns="{targetNamespace}">',\r
125 '<tpl foreach="params">',\r
126 '<{$}>{.}</{$}>',\r
127 '</tpl>',\r
128 '</{operation}>',\r
129 '</soap:Body>'\r
130 ],\r
132 /**\r
133 * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate/Array} updateBodyTpl\r
134 * The template used to create the SOAP body for the "update" action. If not specified\r
135 * {@link #writeBodyTpl} will be used for the "update" action.\r
136 */\r
137 updateBodyTpl: null,\r
139 /**\r
140 * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate/Array} destroyBodyTpl\r
141 * The template used to create the SOAP body for the "destroy" action. If not specified\r
142 * {@link #writeBodyTpl} will be used for the "destroy" action.\r
143 */\r
144 destroyBodyTpl: null,\r
146 /**\r
147 * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate/Array} [writeBodyTpl=undefined]\r
148 * The default template used to create the SOAP body for write actions (create, update,\r
149 * and destroy). The individual body templates for each write action can be configured\r
150 * using {@link #createBodyTpl}, {@link #updateBodyTpl}, and {@link #destroyBodyTpl}.\r
151 * Defaults to:\r
152 * \r
153 * [\r
154 * '<soap:Body>',\r
155 * '<{operation} xmlns="{targetNamespace}">',\r
156 * '<tpl for="records">',\r
157 * '{% var recordName=values.modelName.split(".").pop(); %}',\r
158 * '<{[recordName]}>',\r
159 * '<tpl for="fields">',\r
160 * '<{name}>{[parent.get(values.name)]}</{name}>',\r
161 * '</tpl>',\r
162 * '</{[recordName]}>',\r
163 * '</tpl>',\r
164 * '</{operation}>',\r
165 * '</soap:Body>'\r
166 * ]\r
167 */\r
168 writeBodyTpl: [\r
169 '<soap:Body>',\r
170 '<{operation} xmlns="{targetNamespace}">',\r
171 '<tpl for="records">',\r
172 '{% var recordName=values.modelName.split(".").pop(); %}',\r
173 '<{[recordName]}>',\r
174 '<tpl for="fields">',\r
175 '<{name}>{[parent.get(values.name)]}</{name}>',\r
176 '</tpl>',\r
177 '</{[recordName]}>',\r
178 '</tpl>',\r
179 '</{operation}>',\r
180 '</soap:Body>'\r
181 ],\r
183 /**\r
184 * @cfg {String} targetNamespace\r
185 * namespace URI used by {@link #createBodyTpl}, {@link #readBodyTpl}, {@link #updateBodyTpl},\r
186 * and {@link #destroyBodyTpl} as the "xmlns" attribute for the operation element.\r
187 */\r
188 targetNamespace: ''\r
189 },\r
190 \r
191 applyEnvelopeTpl: function(tpl) {\r
192 return this.createTpl(tpl);\r
193 },\r
194 \r
195 applyCreateBodyTpl: function(tpl) {\r
196 return this.createTpl(tpl);\r
197 },\r
198 \r
199 applyReadBodyTpl: function(tpl) {\r
200 return this.createTpl(tpl);\r
201 },\r
202 \r
203 applyUpdateBodyTpl: function(tpl) {\r
204 return this.createTpl(tpl);\r
205 },\r
206 \r
207 applyDestroyBodyTpl: function(tpl) {\r
208 return this.createTpl(tpl);\r
209 },\r
210 \r
211 applyWriteBodyTpl: function(tpl) {\r
212 return this.createTpl(tpl);\r
213 },\r
214 \r
215 createTpl: function(tpl) {\r
216 if (tpl && !tpl.isTpl) {\r
217 tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(tpl);\r
218 }\r
219 return tpl;\r
220 },\r
221 \r
222 /**\r
223 * @property {Object} actionMethods\r
224 * @readonly\r
225 * Mapping of action name to HTTP request method. All SOAP actions are mapped to 'POST'\r
226 */\r
228 doRequest: function(operation) {\r
229 var me = this,\r
230 action = operation.getAction(),\r
231 soapOperation = me.getApi()[action],\r
232 params = Ext.applyIf(operation.getParams() || {}, me.getExtraParams() || {}),\r
233 xmlData = me.getEnvelopeTpl().apply({\r
234 operation: soapOperation,\r
235 targetNamespace: me.getTargetNamespace(),\r
236 params: params,\r
237 records: operation.getRecords(),\r
238 bodyTpl: me.getBodyTpl(action)\r
239 }),\r
240 request = new Ext.data.Request({\r
241 url: me.getUrl() + '?' + me.getOperationParam() + '=' + soapOperation,\r
242 method: 'POST',\r
243 action: action,\r
244 operation: operation,\r
245 xmlData: xmlData,\r
246 headers: Ext.apply({\r
247 SOAPAction: me.getSoapAction()[action]\r
248 }, me.getHeaders()),\r
249 timeout: me.getTimeout(),\r
250 scope: me,\r
251 disableCaching: false // explicitly set it to false, ServerProxy handles caching\r
252 });\r
254 request.setCallback(me.createRequestCallback(request, operation));\r
255 return me.sendRequest(request);\r
256 },\r
257 \r
258 getBodyTpl: function(action) {\r
259 action = Ext.String.capitalize(action);\r
260 var tpl = this['get' + action + 'BodyTpl']();\r
261 return tpl || this.getWriteBodyTpl();\r
262 }\r