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[extjs.git] / extjs / packages / ux / classic / src / PreviewPlugin.js
2 * The Preview Plugin enables toggle of a configurable preview of all visible records.\r
3 *\r
4 * Note: This plugin does NOT assert itself against an existing RowBody feature and may conflict with\r
5 * another instance of the same plugin.\r
6 */\r
7Ext.define('Ext.ux.PreviewPlugin', {\r
8 extend: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract',\r
9 alias: 'plugin.preview',\r
10 requires: ['Ext.grid.feature.RowBody'],\r
11 \r
12 /**\r
13 * @private\r
14 * css class to use to hide the body\r
15 */\r
16 hideBodyCls: 'x-grid-row-body-hidden',\r
17 \r
18 /**\r
19 * @cfg {String} bodyField\r
20 * Field to display in the preview. Must be a field within the Model definition\r
21 * that the store is using.\r
22 */\r
23 bodyField: '',\r
24 \r
25 /**\r
26 * @cfg {Boolean} previewExpanded\r
27 */\r
28 previewExpanded: true,\r
30 /**\r
31 * Plugin may be safely declared on either a panel.Grid or a Grid View/viewConfig\r
32 * @param {Ext.grid.Panel/Ext.view.View} target\r
33 */\r
34 setCmp: function(target) {\r
35 this.callParent(arguments);\r
37 // Resolve grid from view as necessary\r
38 var me = this,\r
39 grid = me.cmp = target.isXType('gridview') ? target.grid : target,\r
40 bodyField = me.bodyField,\r
41 hideBodyCls = me.hideBodyCls,\r
42 feature = Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.RowBody', {\r
43 grid : grid,\r
44 getAdditionalData: function(data, idx, model, rowValues) {\r
46 var getAdditionalData = Ext.grid.feature.RowBody.prototype.getAdditionalData,\r
47 additionalData = {\r
48 rowBody: data[bodyField],\r
49 rowBodyCls: grid.getView().previewExpanded ? '' : hideBodyCls\r
50 };\r
52 if (Ext.isFunction(getAdditionalData)) {\r
53 // "this" is the RowBody object hjere. Do not change to "me"\r
54 Ext.apply(additionalData, getAdditionalData.apply(this, arguments));\r
55 }\r
56 return additionalData;\r
57 }\r
58 }),\r
59 initFeature = function(grid, view) {\r
60 view.previewExpanded = me.previewExpanded;\r
62 // By this point, existing features are already in place, so this must be initialized and added\r
63 view.featuresMC.add(feature);\r
64 feature.init(grid);\r
65 };\r
67 // The grid has already created its view\r
68 if (grid.view) {\r
69 initFeature(grid, grid.view);\r
70 }\r
72 // At the time a grid creates its plugins, it has not created all the things\r
73 // it needs to create its view correctly.\r
74 // Process the view and init the RowBody Feature as soon as the view is created.\r
75 else {\r
76 grid.on({\r
77 viewcreated: initFeature,\r
78 single: true\r
79 });\r
80 }\r
81 },\r
83 /**\r
84 * Toggle between the preview being expanded/hidden on all rows\r
85 * @param {Boolean} expanded Pass true to expand the record and false to not show the preview.\r
86 */\r
87 toggleExpanded: function(expanded) {\r
88 var grid = this.getCmp(),\r
89 view = grid && grid.getView(),\r
90 bufferedRenderer = view.bufferedRenderer,\r
91 scrollManager = view.scrollManager;\r
93 if (grid && view && expanded !== view.previewExpanded ) {\r
94 this.previewExpanded = view.previewExpanded = !!expanded;\r
95 view.refreshView();\r
97 // If we are using the touch scroller, ensure that the scroller knows about\r
98 // the correct scrollable range\r
99 if (scrollManager) {\r
100 if (bufferedRenderer) {\r
101 bufferedRenderer.stretchView(view, bufferedRenderer.getScrollHeight(true));\r
102 } else {\r
103 scrollManager.refresh(true);\r
104 }\r
105 }\r
106 }\r
107 }\r