Commit | Line | Data |
1 | ## @file\r | |
2 | # Provides drivers and definitions to support fsp in EDKII bios.\r | |
3 | #\r | |
4 | # Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>\r | |
5 | # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under\r | |
6 | # the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.\r | |
7 | # The full text of the license may be found at\r | |
8 | # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.\r | |
9 | #\r | |
12 | #\r | |
13 | ##\r | |
14 | \r | |
15 | [Defines]\r | |
16 | DEC_SPECIFICATION = 0x00010005\r | |
17 | PACKAGE_NAME = IntelFspWrapperPkg\r | |
18 | PACKAGE_GUID = 99101BB6-6DE1-4537-85A3-FD6B594F7468\r | |
19 | PACKAGE_VERSION = 0.1\r | |
20 | \r | |
21 | [Includes]\r | |
22 | Include\r | |
23 | \r | |
24 | [LibraryClasses]\r | |
25 | ## @libraryclass Provide FSP API related function.\r | |
26 | FspApiLib|Include/Library/FspApiLib.h\r | |
27 | \r | |
28 | ## @libraryclass Provide FSP hob process related function.\r | |
29 | FspHobProcessLib|Include/Library/FspHobProcessLib.h\r | |
30 | \r | |
31 | ## @libraryclass Provide FSP platform information related function.\r | |
32 | FspPlatformInfoLib|Include/Library/FspPlatformInfoLib.h\r | |
33 | \r | |
34 | ## @libraryclass Provide FSP wrapper platform sec related function.\r | |
35 | FspPlatformSecLib|Include/Library/FspPlatformSecLib.h\r | |
36 | \r | |
37 | [Guids]\r | |
38 | #\r | |
39 | # GUID defined in package\r | |
40 | #\r | |
41 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid = {0x2bc1c74a, 0x122f, 0x40b2, { 0xb2, 0x23, 0x8, 0x2b, 0x74, 0x65, 0x22, 0x5d } }\r | |
42 | \r | |
43 | [Ppis]\r | |
44 | gFspInitDonePpiGuid = { 0xf5ef05e4, 0xd538, 0x4774, { 0x8f, 0x1b, 0xe9, 0x77, 0x30, 0x11, 0xe0, 0x38 } }\r | |
45 | gTopOfTemporaryRamPpiGuid = { 0x2f3962b2, 0x57c5, 0x44ec, { 0x9e, 0xfc, 0xa6, 0x9f, 0xd3, 0x02, 0x03, 0x2b } }\r | |
46 | \r | |
47 | [Protocols]\r | |
48 | \r | |
49 | ################################################################################\r | |
50 | #\r | |
51 | # PCD Declarations section - list of all PCDs Declared by this Package\r | |
52 | # Only this package should be providing the\r | |
53 | # declaration, other packages should not.\r | |
54 | #\r | |
55 | ################################################################################\r | |
56 | [PcdsFixedAtBuild, PcdsPatchableInModule]\r | |
57 | ## Provides the memory mapped base address of the BIOS CodeCache Flash Device.\r | |
58 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashCodeCacheAddress|0xFFE00000|UINT32|0x10000001\r | |
59 | ## Provides the size of the BIOS Flash Device.\r | |
60 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashCodeCacheSize|0x00200000|UINT32|0x10000002\r | |
61 | \r | |
62 | ## Indicates the base address of the factory FSP binary.\r | |
63 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashFvFspBase|0xFFF80000|UINT32|0x10000003\r | |
64 | ## Indicates the base address of the updatable FSP binary to support Dual FSP.\r | |
65 | # There could be two FSP images at different locations in a flash - \r | |
66 | # one factory version (default) and updatable version (updatable).\r | |
67 | # TempRamInit, FspMemoryInit and TempRamExit are always executed from factory version.\r | |
68 | # FspSiliconInit and NotifyPhase can be executed from updatable version if it is available,\r | |
69 | # FspSiliconInit and NotifyPhase are executed from factory version if there is no updateable version,\r | |
70 | # PcdFlashFvFspBase is base address of factory FSP, and PcdFlashFvSecondFspBase\r | |
71 | # is base address of updatable FSP. If PcdFlashFvSecondFspBase is 0, that means\r | |
72 | # there is no updatable FSP.\r | |
73 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashFvSecondFspBase|0x00000000|UINT32|0x10000008\r | |
74 | ## Provides the size of the factory FSP binary.\r | |
75 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashFvFspSize|0x00048000|UINT32|0x10000004\r | |
76 | ## Provides the size of the updatable FSP binary to support Dual FSP.\r | |
77 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashFvSecondFspSize|0x00000000|UINT32|0x10000009\r | |
78 | \r | |
79 | ## Indicates the base address of the first Microcode Patch in the Microcode Region\r | |
80 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuMicrocodePatchAddress|0x0|UINT64|0x10000005\r | |
81 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuMicrocodePatchRegionSize|0x0|UINT64|0x10000006\r | |
82 | ## Indicates the offset of the Cpu Microcode.\r | |
83 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashMicroCodeOffset|0x90|UINT32|0x10000007\r | |
84 | \r | |
85 | ##\r | |
86 | # Maximum number of Ppi is provided by SecCore.\r | |
87 | ##\r | |
88 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSecCoreMaxPpiSupported|0x6|UINT32|0x20000001\r | |
89 | \r | |
90 | # This is MAX UPD region size\r | |
91 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMaxUpdRegionSize|0x200|UINT32|0x30000001\r | |
92 | \r | |
93 | ## Stack size in the temporary RAM.\r | |
94 | # 0 means half of TemporaryRamSize.\r | |
95 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPeiTemporaryRamStackSize|0|UINT32|0x40000001\r | |
96 | \r | |
97 | # This is temporary DRAM base and size for StackTop in FspInit\r | |
98 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTemporaryRamBase|0x00080000|UINT32|0x40000002\r | |
99 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTemporaryRamSize|0x00010000|UINT32|0x40000003\r | |
100 | \r | |
101 | ## Indicate the PEI memory size platform want to report\r | |
102 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPeiMinMemSize|0x1800000|UINT32|0x40000004\r | |
103 | ## Indicate the PEI memory size platform want to report\r | |
104 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPeiRecoveryMinMemSize|0x3000000|UINT32|0x40000005\r | |
105 | \r | |
106 | ## PcdFspApiVersion is to determine wrapper calling mechanism\r | |
107 | # - FSP_API_REVISION_1 1\r | |
108 | # - FSP_API_REVISION_2 2\r | |
109 | gFspWrapperTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspApiVersion|0x02|UINT8|0x00001000\r |