]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame_incremental - ceph/qa/tasks/cbt.py
import new upstream nautilus stable release 14.2.8
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / cbt.py
... / ...
1import logging
2import os
3import yaml
5from teuthology import misc
6from teuthology.config import config as teuth_config
7from teuthology.orchestra import run
8from teuthology.task import Task
10log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
13class CBT(Task):
14 """
15 Passes through a CBT configuration yaml fragment.
16 """
17 def __init__(self, ctx, config):
18 super(CBT, self).__init__(ctx, config)
19 self.log = log
21 def hosts_of_type(self, type_):
22 return [r.name for r in self.ctx.cluster.only(misc.is_type(type_)).remotes.keys()]
24 def generate_cbt_config(self):
25 mon_hosts = self.hosts_of_type('mon')
26 osd_hosts = self.hosts_of_type('osd')
27 client_hosts = self.hosts_of_type('client')
28 rgw_client = {}
29 rgw_client[client_hosts[0]] = None
30 rgw_hosts = self.config.get('cluster', {}).get('rgws', rgw_client)
31 cluster_config = dict(
32 user=self.config.get('cluster', {}).get('user', 'ubuntu'),
33 head=mon_hosts[0],
34 osds=osd_hosts,
35 mons=mon_hosts,
36 clients=client_hosts,
37 rgws=rgw_hosts,
38 osds_per_node=self.config.get('cluster', {}).get('osds_per_node', 1),
39 rebuild_every_test=False,
40 use_existing=True,
41 is_teuthology=self.config.get('cluster', {}).get('is_teuthology', True),
42 iterations=self.config.get('cluster', {}).get('iterations', 1),
43 tmp_dir='/tmp/cbt',
44 pool_profiles=self.config.get('cluster', {}).get('pool_profiles'),
45 )
47 benchmark_config = self.config.get('benchmarks')
48 benchmark_type = benchmark_config.keys()[0]
49 if benchmark_type == 'librbdfio':
50 testdir = misc.get_testdir(self.ctx)
51 benchmark_config['librbdfio']['cmd_path'] = os.path.join(testdir, 'fio/fio')
52 if benchmark_type == 'cosbench':
53 # create cosbench_dir and cosbench_xml_dir
54 testdir = misc.get_testdir(self.ctx)
55 benchmark_config['cosbench']['cosbench_dir'] = os.path.join(testdir, 'cos')
56 benchmark_config['cosbench']['cosbench_xml_dir'] = os.path.join(testdir, 'xml')
57 self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['mkdir', '-p', '-m0755', '--', benchmark_config['cosbench']['cosbench_xml_dir']])
58 benchmark_config['cosbench']['controller'] = osd_hosts[0]
60 # set auth details
61 remotes_and_roles = self.ctx.cluster.remotes.items()
62 ips = [host for (host, port) in
63 (remote.ssh.get_transport().getpeername() for (remote, role_list) in remotes_and_roles)]
64 benchmark_config['cosbench']['auth'] = "username=cosbench:operator;password=intel2012;url=http://%s:80/auth/v1.0;retry=9" %(ips[0])
66 return dict(
67 cluster=cluster_config,
68 benchmarks=benchmark_config,
69 )
71 def install_dependencies(self):
72 system_type = misc.get_system_type(self.first_mon)
74 if system_type == 'rpm':
75 install_cmd = ['sudo', 'yum', '-y', 'install']
76 cbt_depends = ['python36-PyYAML', 'python36-lxml', 'librbd-devel', 'pdsh', 'collectl']
77 else:
78 install_cmd = ['sudo', 'apt-get', '-y', '--force-yes', 'install']
79 cbt_depends = ['python3-yaml', 'python3-lxml', 'librbd-dev', 'collectl']
80 self.first_mon.run(args=install_cmd + cbt_depends)
82 benchmark_type = self.cbt_config.get('benchmarks').keys()[0]
83 self.log.info('benchmark: %s', benchmark_type)
85 if benchmark_type == 'librbdfio':
86 # install fio
87 testdir = misc.get_testdir(self.ctx)
88 self.first_mon.run(
89 args=[
90 'git', 'clone', '-b', 'master',
91 'https://github.com/axboe/fio.git',
92 '{tdir}/fio'.format(tdir=testdir)
93 ]
94 )
95 self.first_mon.run(
96 args=[
97 'cd', os.path.join(testdir, 'fio'), run.Raw('&&'),
98 './configure', run.Raw('&&'),
99 'make'
100 ]
101 )
103 if benchmark_type == 'cosbench':
104 # install cosbench
105 self.log.info('install dependencies for cosbench')
106 if system_type == 'rpm':
107 cosbench_depends = ['wget', 'unzip', 'java-1.7.0-openjdk', 'curl']
108 else:
109 cosbench_depends = ['wget', 'unzip', 'openjdk-8-jre', 'curl']
110 self.first_mon.run(args=install_cmd + cosbench_depends)
111 testdir = misc.get_testdir(self.ctx)
112 cosbench_version = '0.4.2.c3'
113 cosbench_location = 'https://github.com/intel-cloud/cosbench/releases/download/v0.4.2.c3/0.4.2.c3.zip'
114 os_version = misc.get_system_type(self.first_mon, False, True)
116 # additional requirements for bionic
117 if os_version == '18.04':
118 self.first_mon.run(
119 args=['sudo', 'apt-get', '-y', 'purge', 'openjdk-11*'])
120 # use our own version of cosbench
121 cosbench_version = 'cosbench-0.4.2.c3.1'
122 # contains additional parameter "-N" to nc
123 cosbench_location = 'http://drop.ceph.com/qa/cosbench-0.4.2.c3.1.zip'
124 cosbench_dir = os.path.join(testdir, cosbench_version)
125 self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['mkdir', '-p', '-m0755', '--', cosbench_dir])
126 self.first_mon.run(
127 args=[
128 'cd', testdir, run.Raw('&&'),
129 'wget',
130 cosbench_location, run.Raw('&&'),
131 'unzip', '{name}.zip'.format(name=cosbench_version), '-d', cosbench_version
132 ]
133 )
134 else:
135 self.first_mon.run(
136 args=[
137 'cd', testdir, run.Raw('&&'),
138 'wget',
139 cosbench_location, run.Raw('&&'),
140 'unzip', '{name}.zip'.format(name=cosbench_version)
141 ]
142 )
143 self.first_mon.run(
144 args=[
145 'cd', testdir, run.Raw('&&'),
146 'ln', '-s', cosbench_version, 'cos',
147 ]
148 )
149 self.first_mon.run(
150 args=[
151 'cd', os.path.join(testdir, 'cos'), run.Raw('&&'),
152 'chmod', '+x', run.Raw('*.sh'),
153 ]
154 )
156 # start cosbench and check info
157 self.log.info('start cosbench')
158 self.first_mon.run(
159 args=[
160 'cd', testdir, run.Raw('&&'),
161 'cd', 'cos', run.Raw('&&'),
162 'sh', 'start-all.sh'
163 ]
164 )
165 self.log.info('check cosbench info')
166 self.first_mon.run(
167 args=[
168 'cd', testdir, run.Raw('&&'),
169 'cd', 'cos', run.Raw('&&'),
170 'sh', 'cli.sh', 'info'
171 ]
172 )
174 def checkout_cbt(self):
175 testdir = misc.get_testdir(self.ctx)
176 repo = self.config.get('repo', 'https://github.com/ceph/cbt.git')
177 branch = self.config.get('branch', 'master')
178 branch = self.config.get('force-branch', branch)
179 sha1 = self.config.get('sha1')
180 self.first_mon.run(
181 args=[
182 'git', 'clone', '-b', branch, repo,
183 '{tdir}/cbt'.format(tdir=testdir)
184 ]
185 )
186 if sha1:
187 self.first_mon.run(
188 args=[
189 'cd', os.path.join(testdir, 'cbt'), run.Raw('&&'),
190 'git', 'reset', '--hard', sha1,
191 ]
192 )
194 def setup(self):
195 super(CBT, self).setup()
196 self.first_mon = self.ctx.cluster.only(misc.get_first_mon(self.ctx, self.config)).remotes.keys()[0]
197 self.cbt_config = self.generate_cbt_config()
198 self.log.info('cbt configuration is %s', self.cbt_config)
199 self.cbt_dir = os.path.join(misc.get_archive_dir(self.ctx), 'cbt')
200 self.ctx.cluster.run(args=['mkdir', '-p', '-m0755', '--', self.cbt_dir])
201 misc.write_file(self.first_mon, os.path.join(self.cbt_dir, 'cbt_config.yaml'),
202 yaml.safe_dump(self.cbt_config, default_flow_style=False))
203 self.checkout_cbt()
204 self.install_dependencies()
206 def begin(self):
207 super(CBT, self).begin()
208 testdir = misc.get_testdir(self.ctx)
209 self.first_mon.run(
210 args=[
211 '{tdir}/cbt/cbt.py'.format(tdir=testdir),
212 '-a', self.cbt_dir,
213 '{cbtdir}/cbt_config.yaml'.format(cbtdir=self.cbt_dir),
214 ],
215 )
216 preserve_file = os.path.join(self.ctx.archive, '.preserve')
217 open(preserve_file, 'a').close()
219 def end(self):
220 super(CBT, self).end()
221 testdir = misc.get_testdir(self.ctx)
222 self.first_mon.run(
223 args=[
224 'rm', '--one-file-system', '-rf', '--',
225 '{tdir}/cbt'.format(tdir=testdir),
226 ]
227 )
228 benchmark_type = self.cbt_config.get('benchmarks').keys()[0]
229 if benchmark_type == 'librbdfio':
230 self.first_mon.run(
231 args=[
232 'rm', '--one-file-system', '-rf', '--',
233 '{tdir}/fio'.format(tdir=testdir),
234 ]
235 )
237 if benchmark_type == 'cosbench':
238 os_version = misc.get_system_type(self.first_mon, False, True)
239 if os_version == '18.04':
240 cosbench_version = 'cosbench-0.4.2.c3.1'
241 else:
242 cosbench_version = '0.4.2.c3'
243 # note: stop-all requires 'nc'
244 self.first_mon.run(
245 args=[
246 'cd', testdir, run.Raw('&&'),
247 'cd', 'cos', run.Raw('&&'),
248 'sh', 'stop-all.sh',
249 run.Raw('||'), 'true'
250 ]
251 )
252 self.first_mon.run(
253 args=[
254 'sudo', 'killall', '-9', 'java',
255 run.Raw('||'), 'true'
256 ]
257 )
258 self.first_mon.run(
259 args=[
260 'rm', '--one-file-system', '-rf', '--',
261 '{tdir}/cos'.format(tdir=testdir),
262 ]
263 )
264 self.first_mon.run(
265 args=[
266 'rm', '--one-file-system', '-rf', '--',
267 '{tdir}/{version}'.format(tdir=testdir, version=cosbench_version),
268 ]
269 )
270 self.first_mon.run(
271 args=[
272 'rm', '--one-file-system', '-rf', '--',
273 '{tdir}/{version}.zip'.format(tdir=testdir, version=cosbench_version),
274 ]
275 )
276 self.first_mon.run(
277 args=[
278 'rm', '--one-file-system', '-rf', '--',
279 '{tdir}/xml'.format(tdir=testdir),
280 ]
281 )
284task = CBT