]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame_incremental - ceph/src/boost/boost/utility/string_view.hpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / boost / utility / string_view.hpp
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2 Copyright (c) Marshall Clow 2012-2015.
3 Copyright (c) Beman Dawes 2015
4 Copyright (c) Glen Joseph Fernandes 2019 (glenjofe@gmail.com)
6 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
7 file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
9 For more information, see http://www.boost.org
11 Based on the StringRef implementation in LLVM (http://llvm.org) and
12 N3422 by Jeffrey Yasskin
13 http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2012/n3442.html
14 Updated July 2015 to reflect the Library Fundamentals TS
15 http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2015/n4480.html
21#include <boost/config.hpp>
22#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
23#include <boost/utility/ostream_string.hpp>
24#include <boost/utility/string_view_fwd.hpp>
25#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
26#include <boost/container_hash/hash_fwd.hpp>
28#include <cstddef>
29#include <stdexcept>
30#include <algorithm>
31#include <iterator>
32#include <string>
33#include <cstring>
34#include <iosfwd>
36#if defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_DEFAULTED_FUNCTIONS) || (defined(BOOST_GCC) && ((BOOST_GCC+0) / 100) <= 406)
37// GCC 4.6 cannot handle a defaulted function with noexcept specifier
41namespace boost {
43 namespace detail {
44 // A helper functor because sometimes we don't have lambdas
45 template <typename charT, typename traits>
46 class string_view_traits_eq {
47 public:
48 string_view_traits_eq ( charT ch ) : ch_(ch) {}
49 bool operator()( charT val ) const { return traits::eq (ch_, val); }
50 charT ch_;
51 };
52 }
54 template<typename charT, typename traits> // traits defaulted in string_view_fwd.hpp
55 class basic_string_view {
56 public:
57 // types
58 typedef traits traits_type;
59 typedef charT value_type;
60 typedef charT* pointer;
61 typedef const charT* const_pointer;
62 typedef charT& reference;
63 typedef const charT& const_reference;
64 typedef const_pointer const_iterator; // impl-defined
65 typedef const_iterator iterator;
66 typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
67 typedef const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
68 typedef std::size_t size_type;
69 typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
70 static BOOST_CONSTEXPR_OR_CONST size_type npos = size_type(-1);
72 // construct/copy
74 : ptr_(NULL), len_(0) {}
76 // by defaulting these functions, basic_string_ref becomes
77 // trivially copy/move constructible.
78 BOOST_CONSTEXPR basic_string_view(const basic_string_view &rhs) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
80 = default;
82 : ptr_(rhs.ptr_), len_(rhs.len_) {}
85 basic_string_view& operator=(const basic_string_view &rhs) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
87 = default;
89 {
90 ptr_ = rhs.ptr_;
91 len_ = rhs.len_;
92 return *this;
93 }
96 template<typename Allocator>
97 basic_string_view(const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& str) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
98 : ptr_(str.data()), len_(str.length()) {}
101// // Constructing a string_view from a temporary string is a bad idea
102// template<typename Allocator>
103// basic_string_view( std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&&)
104// = delete;
105// #endif
107 BOOST_CONSTEXPR basic_string_view(const charT* str)
108 : ptr_(str), len_(traits::length(str)) {}
110 BOOST_CONSTEXPR basic_string_view(const charT* str, size_type len)
111 : ptr_(str), len_(len) {}
113 // iterators
114 BOOST_CONSTEXPR const_iterator begin() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return ptr_; }
115 BOOST_CONSTEXPR const_iterator cbegin() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return ptr_; }
116 BOOST_CONSTEXPR const_iterator end() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return ptr_ + len_; }
117 BOOST_CONSTEXPR const_iterator cend() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return ptr_ + len_; }
118 const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
119 const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
120 const_reverse_iterator rend() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
121 const_reverse_iterator crend() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
123 // capacity
124 BOOST_CONSTEXPR size_type size() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return len_; }
125 BOOST_CONSTEXPR size_type length() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return len_; }
126 BOOST_CONSTEXPR size_type max_size() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return len_; }
127 BOOST_CONSTEXPR bool empty() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return len_ == 0; }
129 // element access
130 BOOST_CONSTEXPR const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return ptr_[pos]; }
132 BOOST_CONSTEXPR const_reference at(size_t pos) const {
133 return pos >= len_ ? BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("boost::string_view::at")), ptr_[0] : ptr_[pos];
134 }
136 BOOST_CONSTEXPR const_reference front() const { return ptr_[0]; }
137 BOOST_CONSTEXPR const_reference back() const { return ptr_[len_-1]; }
138 BOOST_CONSTEXPR const_pointer data() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return ptr_; }
140 // modifiers
141 void clear() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { len_ = 0; } // Boost extension
143 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void remove_prefix(size_type n) {
144 if ( n > len_ )
145 n = len_;
146 ptr_ += n;
147 len_ -= n;
148 }
150 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void remove_suffix(size_type n) {
151 if ( n > len_ )
152 n = len_;
153 len_ -= n;
154 }
156 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void swap(basic_string_view& s) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
157 std::swap(ptr_, s.ptr_);
158 std::swap(len_, s.len_);
159 }
161 // basic_string_view string operations
163 template<typename Allocator>
164 explicit operator std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>() const {
165 return std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>(begin(), end());
166 }
170 template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<charT> >
171 std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> to_string(const Allocator& a = Allocator()) const {
172 return std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>(begin(), end(), a);
173 }
175 std::basic_string<charT, traits> to_string() const {
176 return std::basic_string<charT, traits>(begin(), end());
177 }
179 template<typename Allocator>
180 std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> to_string(const Allocator& a) const {
181 return std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>(begin(), end(), a);
182 }
185 size_type copy(charT* s, size_type n, size_type pos=0) const {
186 if (pos > size())
187 BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("string_view::copy" ));
188 size_type rlen = (std::min)(n, len_ - pos);
189 traits_type::copy(s, data() + pos, rlen);
190 return rlen;
191 }
193 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR basic_string_view substr(size_type pos, size_type n=npos) const {
194 if ( pos > size())
195 BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( std::out_of_range ( "string_view::substr" ) );
196 return basic_string_view(data() + pos, (std::min)(size() - pos, n));
197 }
199 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int compare(basic_string_view x) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
200 const int cmp = traits::compare(ptr_, x.ptr_, (std::min)(len_, x.len_));
201 return cmp != 0 ? cmp : (len_ == x.len_ ? 0 : len_ < x.len_ ? -1 : 1);
202 }
204 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1, basic_string_view x)
205 const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
206 return substr(pos1, n1).compare(x);
207 }
209 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1,
210 basic_string_view x, size_type pos2, size_type n2) const {
211 return substr(pos1, n1).compare(x.substr(pos2, n2));
212 }
214 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int compare(const charT* x) const {
215 return compare(basic_string_view(x));
216 }
218 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1, const charT* x) const {
219 return substr(pos1, n1).compare(basic_string_view(x));
220 }
222 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1,
223 const charT* x, size_type n2) const {
224 return substr(pos1, n1).compare(basic_string_view(x, n2));
225 }
227 // Searches
228 BOOST_CONSTEXPR bool starts_with(charT c) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { // Boost extension
229 return !empty() && traits::eq(c, front());
230 }
232 BOOST_CONSTEXPR bool starts_with(basic_string_view x) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { // Boost extension
233 return len_ >= x.len_ && traits::compare(ptr_, x.ptr_, x.len_) == 0;
234 }
236 BOOST_CONSTEXPR bool ends_with(charT c) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { // Boost extension
237 return !empty() && traits::eq(c, back());
238 }
240 BOOST_CONSTEXPR bool ends_with(basic_string_view x) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { // Boost extension
241 return len_ >= x.len_ &&
242 traits::compare(ptr_ + len_ - x.len_, x.ptr_, x.len_) == 0;
243 }
245 // find
246 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
247 if (pos > size())
248 return npos;
249 if (s.empty())
250 return pos;
251 if (s.size() > size() - pos)
252 return npos;
253 const charT* cur = ptr_ + pos;
254 const charT* last = cend() - s.size() + 1;
255 for (; cur != last ; ++cur) {
256 cur = traits::find(cur, last - cur, s[0]);
257 if (!cur)
258 return npos;
259 if (traits::compare(cur, s.cbegin(), s.size()) == 0)
260 return cur - ptr_;
261 }
262 return npos;
263 }
264 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
265 if (pos > size())
266 return npos;
267 const charT* ret_ptr = traits::find(ptr_ + pos, len_ - pos, c);
268 if (ret_ptr)
269 return ret_ptr - ptr_;
270 return npos;
271 }
272 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
273 { return find(basic_string_view(s, n), pos); }
274 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
275 { return find(basic_string_view(s), pos); }
277 // rfind
278 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type rfind(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = npos) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
279 if (len_ < s.len_)
280 return npos;
281 if (pos > len_ - s.len_)
282 pos = len_ - s.len_;
283 if (s.len_ == 0u) // an empty string is always found
284 return pos;
285 for (const charT* cur = ptr_ + pos; ; --cur) {
286 if (traits::compare(cur, s.ptr_, s.len_) == 0)
287 return cur - ptr_;
288 if (cur == ptr_)
289 return npos;
290 };
291 }
292 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type rfind(charT c, size_type pos = npos) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
293 { return rfind(basic_string_view(&c, 1), pos); }
294 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type rfind(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
295 { return rfind(basic_string_view(s, n), pos); }
296 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type rfind(const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
297 { return rfind(basic_string_view(s), pos); }
299 // find_first_of
300 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_of(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
301 if (pos >= len_ || s.len_ == 0)
302 return npos;
303 const_iterator iter = std::find_first_of
304 (this->cbegin () + pos, this->cend (), s.cbegin (), s.cend (), traits::eq);
305 return iter == this->cend () ? npos : std::distance ( this->cbegin (), iter );
306 }
307 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_of(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
308 { return find(c, pos); }
309 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
310 { return find_first_of(basic_string_view(s, n), pos); }
311 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
312 { return find_first_of(basic_string_view(s), pos); }
314 // find_last_of
315 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_last_of(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = npos) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
316 if (s.len_ == 0u)
317 return npos;
318 if (pos >= len_)
319 pos = 0;
320 else
321 pos = len_ - (pos+1);
322 const_reverse_iterator iter = std::find_first_of
323 ( this->crbegin () + pos, this->crend (), s.cbegin (), s.cend (), traits::eq );
324 return iter == this->crend () ? npos : reverse_distance ( this->crbegin (), iter);
325 }
326 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_last_of(charT c, size_type pos = npos) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
327 { return find_last_of(basic_string_view(&c, 1), pos); }
328 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_last_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
329 { return find_last_of(basic_string_view(s, n), pos); }
330 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_last_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
331 { return find_last_of(basic_string_view(s), pos); }
333 // find_first_not_of
334 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_not_of(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
335 if (pos >= len_)
336 return npos;
337 if (s.len_ == 0)
338 return pos;
339 const_iterator iter = find_not_of ( this->cbegin () + pos, this->cend (), s );
340 return iter == this->cend () ? npos : std::distance ( this->cbegin (), iter );
341 }
342 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_not_of(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
343 { return find_first_not_of(basic_string_view(&c, 1), pos); }
344 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
345 { return find_first_not_of(basic_string_view(s, n), pos); }
346 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
347 { return find_first_not_of(basic_string_view(s), pos); }
349 // find_last_not_of
350 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_last_not_of(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = npos) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
351 if (pos >= len_)
352 pos = len_ - 1;
353 if (s.len_ == 0u)
354 return pos;
355 pos = len_ - (pos+1);
356 const_reverse_iterator iter = find_not_of ( this->crbegin () + pos, this->crend (), s );
357 return iter == this->crend () ? npos : reverse_distance ( this->crbegin (), iter );
358 }
359 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_last_not_of(charT c, size_type pos = npos) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
360 { return find_last_not_of(basic_string_view(&c, 1), pos); }
361 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_last_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
362 { return find_last_not_of(basic_string_view(s, n), pos); }
363 BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_last_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
364 { return find_last_not_of(basic_string_view(s), pos); }
366 private:
367 template <typename r_iter>
368 size_type reverse_distance(r_iter first, r_iter last) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
369 // Portability note here: std::distance is not NOEXCEPT, but calling it with a string_view::reverse_iterator will not throw.
370 return len_ - 1 - std::distance ( first, last );
371 }
373 template <typename Iterator>
374 Iterator find_not_of(Iterator first, Iterator last, basic_string_view s) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
375 for (; first != last ; ++first)
376 if ( 0 == traits::find(s.ptr_, s.len_, *first))
377 return first;
378 return last;
379 }
381 const charT *ptr_;
382 std::size_t len_;
383 };
386// Comparison operators
387// Equality
388 template<typename charT, typename traits>
389 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator==(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
390 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
391 if (x.size () != y.size ()) return false;
392 return x.compare(y) == 0;
393 }
395// Inequality
396 template<typename charT, typename traits>
397 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator!=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
398 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
399 if ( x.size () != y.size ()) return true;
400 return x.compare(y) != 0;
401 }
403// Less than
404 template<typename charT, typename traits>
405 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
406 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
407 return x.compare(y) < 0;
408 }
410// Greater than
411 template<typename charT, typename traits>
412 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
413 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
414 return x.compare(y) > 0;
415 }
417// Less than or equal to
418 template<typename charT, typename traits>
419 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
420 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
421 return x.compare(y) <= 0;
422 }
424// Greater than or equal to
425 template<typename charT, typename traits>
426 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
427 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
428 return x.compare(y) >= 0;
429 }
431// "sufficient additional overloads of comparison functions"
432 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
433 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator==(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
434 const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
435 return x == basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
436 }
438 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
439 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator==(const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & x,
440 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
441 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) == y;
442 }
444 template<typename charT, typename traits>
445 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator==(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
446 const charT * y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
447 return x == basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
448 }
450 template<typename charT, typename traits>
451 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator==(const charT * x,
452 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
453 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) == y;
454 }
456 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
457 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator!=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
458 const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
459 return x != basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
460 }
462 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
463 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator!=(const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & x,
464 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
465 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) != y;
466 }
468 template<typename charT, typename traits>
469 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator!=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
470 const charT * y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
471 return x != basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
472 }
474 template<typename charT, typename traits>
475 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator!=(const charT * x,
476 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
477 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) != y;
478 }
480 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
481 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
482 const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
483 return x < basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
484 }
486 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
487 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & x,
488 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
489 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) < y;
490 }
492 template<typename charT, typename traits>
493 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
494 const charT * y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
495 return x < basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
496 }
498 template<typename charT, typename traits>
499 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<(const charT * x,
500 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
501 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) < y;
502 }
504 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
505 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
506 const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
507 return x > basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
508 }
510 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
511 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & x,
512 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
513 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) > y;
514 }
516 template<typename charT, typename traits>
517 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
518 const charT * y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
519 return x > basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
520 }
522 template<typename charT, typename traits>
523 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>(const charT * x,
524 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
525 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) > y;
526 }
528 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
529 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
530 const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
531 return x <= basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
532 }
534 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
535 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & x,
536 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
537 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) <= y;
538 }
540 template<typename charT, typename traits>
541 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
542 const charT * y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
543 return x <= basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
544 }
546 template<typename charT, typename traits>
547 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<=(const charT * x,
548 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
549 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) <= y;
550 }
552 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
553 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
554 const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
555 return x >= basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
556 }
558 template<typename charT, typename traits, typename Allocator>
559 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(const std::basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> & x,
560 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
561 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) >= y;
562 }
564 template<typename charT, typename traits>
565 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
566 const charT * y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
567 return x >= basic_string_view<charT, traits>(y);
568 }
570 template<typename charT, typename traits>
571 inline BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>=(const charT * x,
572 basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
573 return basic_string_view<charT, traits>(x) >= y;
574 }
576 // Inserter
577 template<class charT, class traits>
578 inline std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
579 operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os,
580 const basic_string_view<charT,traits>& str) {
581 return boost::ostream_string(os, str.data(), str.size());
582 }
584#if 0
585 // numeric conversions
586 //
587 // These are short-term implementations.
588 // In a production environment, I would rather avoid the copying.
589 //
590 inline int stoi (string_view str, size_t* idx=0, int base=10) {
591 return std::stoi ( std::string(str), idx, base );
592 }
594 inline long stol (string_view str, size_t* idx=0, int base=10) {
595 return std::stol ( std::string(str), idx, base );
596 }
598 inline unsigned long stoul (string_view str, size_t* idx=0, int base=10) {
599 return std::stoul ( std::string(str), idx, base );
600 }
602 inline long long stoll (string_view str, size_t* idx=0, int base=10) {
603 return std::stoll ( std::string(str), idx, base );
604 }
606 inline unsigned long long stoull (string_view str, size_t* idx=0, int base=10) {
607 return std::stoull ( std::string(str), idx, base );
608 }
610 inline float stof (string_view str, size_t* idx=0) {
611 return std::stof ( std::string(str), idx );
612 }
614 inline double stod (string_view str, size_t* idx=0) {
615 return std::stod ( std::string(str), idx );
616 }
618 inline long double stold (string_view str, size_t* idx=0) {
619 return std::stold ( std::string(str), idx );
620 }
622 inline int stoi (wstring_view str, size_t* idx=0, int base=10) {
623 return std::stoi ( std::wstring(str), idx, base );
624 }
626 inline long stol (wstring_view str, size_t* idx=0, int base=10) {
627 return std::stol ( std::wstring(str), idx, base );
628 }
630 inline unsigned long stoul (wstring_view str, size_t* idx=0, int base=10) {
631 return std::stoul ( std::wstring(str), idx, base );
632 }
634 inline long long stoll (wstring_view str, size_t* idx=0, int base=10) {
635 return std::stoll ( std::wstring(str), idx, base );
636 }
638 inline unsigned long long stoull (wstring_view str, size_t* idx=0, int base=10) {
639 return std::stoull ( std::wstring(str), idx, base );
640 }
642 inline float stof (wstring_view str, size_t* idx=0) {
643 return std::stof ( std::wstring(str), idx );
644 }
646 inline double stod (wstring_view str, size_t* idx=0) {
647 return std::stod ( std::wstring(str), idx );
648 }
650 inline long double stold (wstring_view str, size_t* idx=0) {
651 return std::stold ( std::wstring(str), idx );
652 }
655 template <class charT, class traits>
656 std::size_t hash_value(basic_string_view<charT, traits> s) {
657 return boost::hash_range(s.begin(), s.end());
658 }
661#if 0
662namespace std {
663 // Hashing
664 template<> struct hash<boost::string_view>;
665 template<> struct hash<boost::u16string_view>;
666 template<> struct hash<boost::u32string_view>;
667 template<> struct hash<boost::wstring_view>;