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2 Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
3 Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
4 Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Mateusz Loskot, London, UK., London, UK
6 Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
7 Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
8 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
11[/ note the source code in this QBK is the only not (yet) checked by a compiler]
13[section:design Design Rationale]
15Suppose you need a C++ program to calculate the distance between two points.
16You might define a struct:
18 struct mypoint
19 {
20 double x, y;
21 };
23and a function, containing the algorithm:
25 double distance(mypoint const& a, mypoint const& b)
26 {
27 double dx = a.x - b.x;
28 double dy = a.y - b.y;
29 return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
30 }
32Quite simple, and it is usable, but not generic. For a library it has to be
33designed way further. The design above can only be used for 2D points, for the
34struct [*mypoint] (and no other struct), in a Cartesian coordinate system. A
35generic library should be able to calculate the distance:
37* for any point class or struct, not on just this [*mypoint] type
38* in more than two dimensions
39* for other coordinate systems, e.g. over the earth or on a sphere
40* between a point and a line or between other geometry combinations
41* in higher precision than ['double]
42* avoiding the square root: often we don't want to do that because it is a relatively expensive
43 function, and for comparing distances it is not necessary
45In this and following sections we will make the design step by step more generic.
47[heading Using Templates]
49The distance function can be changed into a template function. This is trivial and allows
50calculating the distance between other point types than just [*mypoint]. We add two template
51parameters, allowing input of two different point types.
53 template <typename P1, typename P2>
54 double distance(P1 const& a, P2 const& b)
55 {
56 double dx = a.x - b.x;
57 double dy = a.y - b.y;
58 return std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
59 }
61This template version is slightly better, but not much.
63Consider a C++ class where member variables are protected...
64Such a class does not allow to access `x` and `y` members directly. So, this paragraph is short
65and we just move on.
67[heading Using Traits]
69We need to take a generic approach and allow any point type as input to the distance function.
70Instead of accessing `x` and `y` members, we will add a few levels of indirection, using a
71traits system. The function then becomes:
73 template <typename P1, typename P2>
74 double distance(P1 const& a, P2 const& b)
75 {
76 double dx = get<0>(a) - get<0>(b);
77 double dy = get<1>(a) - get<1>(b);
78 return std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
79 }
81This adapted distance function uses a generic get function, with dimension as a template parameter,
82to access the coordinates of a point. This get forwards to the traits system, defined as following:
84 namespace traits
85 {
86 template <typename P, int D>
87 struct access {};
88 }
90which is then specialized for our [*mypoint] type, implementing a static method called `get`:
92 namespace traits
93 {
94 template <>
95 struct access<mypoint, 0>
96 {
97 static double get(mypoint const& p)
98 {
99 return p.x;
100 }
101 };
102 // same for 1: p.y
103 ...
104 }
106Calling `traits::access<mypoint, 0>::get(a)` now returns us our `x` coordinate. Nice, isn't it?
107It is too verbose for a function like this, used so often in the library. We can shorten the syntax
108by adding an extra free function:
110 template <int D, typename P>
111 inline double get(P const& p)
112 {
113 return traits::access<P, D>::get(p);
114 }
116This enables us to call `get<0>(a)`, for any point having the traits::access specialization,
117as shown in the distance algorithm at the start of this paragraph. So we wanted to enable classes
118with methods like `x()`, and they are supported as long as there is a specialization of the access
119`struct` with a static `get` function returning `x()` for dimension 0, and similar for 1 and `y()`.
121[heading Dimension Agnosticism]
123Now we can calculate the distance between points in 2D, points of any structure or class.
124However, we wanted to have 3D as well. So we have to make it dimension agnostic. This complicates
125our distance function. We can use a `for` loop to walk through dimensions, but for loops have
126another performance than the straightforward coordinate addition which was there originally.
127However, we can make more usage of templates and make the distance algorithm as following,
128more complex but attractive for template fans:
130 template <typename P1, typename P2, int D>
131 struct pythagoras
132 {
133 static double apply(P1 const& a, P2 const& b)
134 {
135 double d = get<D-1>(a) - get<D-1>(b);
136 return d * d + pythagoras<P1, P2, D-1>::apply(a, b);
137 }
138 };
140 template <typename P1, typename P2 >
141 struct pythagoras<P1, P2, 0>
142 {
143 static double apply(P1 const&, P2 const&)
144 {
145 return 0;
146 }
147 };
149The distance function is calling that `pythagoras` structure, specifying the number of dimensions:
151 template <typename P1, typename P2>
152 double distance(P1 const& a, P2 const& b)
153 {
154 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(( dimension<P1>::value == dimension<P2>::value ));
156 return sqrt(pythagoras<P1, P2, dimension<P1>::value>::apply(a, b));
157 }
159The dimension which is referred to is defined using another traits class:
162 namespace traits
163 {
164 template <typename P>
165 struct dimension {};
166 }
169which has to be specialized again for the `struct mypoint`.
171Because it only has to publish a value, we conveniently derive it from the
172__boost_mpl__ `class boost::mpl::int_`:
175namespace traits
177 template <>
178 struct dimension<mypoint> : boost::mpl::int_<2>
179 {};
183Like the free get function, the library also contains a dimension meta-function.
185 template <typename P>
186 struct dimension : traits::dimension<P>
187 {};
189Below is explained why the extra declaration is useful. Now we have agnosticism in the number of
190dimensions. Our more generic distance function now accepts points of three or more dimensions.
191The compile-time assertion will prevent point a having two dimension and point b having
192three dimensions.
194[heading Coordinate Type]
196We assumed double above. What if our points are in integer?
198We can easily add a traits class, and we will do that. However, the distance between two integer
199coordinates can still be a fractionized value. Besides that, a design goal was to avoid square
200roots. We handle these cases below, in another paragraph. For the moment we keep returning double,
201but we allow integer coordinates for our point types. To define the coordinate type, we add
202another traits class, `coordinate_type`, which should be specialized by the library user:
204 namespace traits
205 {
206 template <typename P>
207 struct coordinate_type{};
209 // specialization for our mypoint
210 template <>
211 struct coordinate_type<mypoint>
212 {
213 typedef double type;
214 };
215 }
217Like the access function, where we had a free get function, we add a proxy here as well.
218A longer version is presented later on, the short function would look like this:
220 template <typename P>
221 struct coordinate_type : traits::coordinate_type<P> {};
223We now can modify our distance algorithm again. Because it still returns double, we only
224modify the `pythagoras` computation class. It should return the coordinate type of its input.
225But, it has two input, possibly different, point types. They might also differ in their
226coordinate types. Not that that is very likely, but we’re designing a generic library and we
227should handle those strange cases. We have to choose one of the coordinate types and of course
228we select the one with the highest precision. This is not worked out here, it would be too long,
229and it is not related to geometry. We just assume that there is a meta-function `select_most_precise`
230selecting the best type.
232So our computation class becomes:
234 template <typename P1, typename P2, int D>
235 struct pythagoras
236 {
237 typedef typename select_most_precise
238 <
239 typename coordinate_type<P1>::type,
240 typename coordinate_type<P2>::type
241 >::type computation_type;
243 static computation_type apply(P1 const& a, P2 const& b)
244 {
245 computation_type d = get<D-1>(a) - get<D-1>(b);
246 return d * d + pythagoras <P1, P2, D-1> ::apply(a, b);
247 }
248 };
250[heading Different Geometries]
252We have designed a dimension agnostic system supporting any point type of any
253coordinate type. There are still some tweaks but they will be worked out later.
254Now we will see how we calculate the distance between a point and a polygon, or
255between a point and a line-segment. These formulae are more complex, and the
256influence on design is even larger. We don’t want to add a function with another
259 template <typename P, typename S>
260 double distance_point_segment(P const& p, S const& s)
262We want to be generic, the distance function has to be called from code not
263knowing the type of geometry it handles, so it has to be named distance. We also
264cannot create an overload because that would be ambiguous, having the same
265template signature. There are two solutions:
267* tag dispatching
270We select tag dispatching because it fits into the traits system. The earlier
271versions (previews) of Boost.Geometry used SFINAE but we found it had several
272drawbacks for such a big design, so the switch to tag dispatching was made.
274With tag dispatching the distance algorithm inspects the type of geometry of the
275input parameters. The distance function will be changed into this:
277 template <typename G1, typename G2>
278 double distance(G1 const& g1, G2 const& g2)
279 {
280 return dispatch::distance
281 <
282 typename tag<G1>::type,
283 typename tag<G2>::type,
284 G1, G2
285 >::apply(g1, g2);
286 }
288It is referring to the tag meta-function and forwarding the call to the [*apply] method of
289a ['dispatch::distance] structure. The [*tag] meta-function is another traits class, and should
290be specialized for per point type, both shown here:
292 namespace traits
293 {
294 template <typename G>
295 struct tag {};
297 // specialization
298 template <>
299 struct tag<mypoint>
300 {
301 typedef point_tag type;
302 };
303 }
305Free meta-function, like coordinate_system and get:
307 template <typename G>
308 struct tag : traits::tag<G> {};
310[*Tags] (`point_tag`, `segment_tag`, etc) are empty structures with the purpose to specialize a
311dispatch struct. The dispatch struct for distance, and its specializations, are all defined
312in a separate namespace and look like the following:
314 namespace dispatch {
315 template < typename Tag1, typename Tag2, typename G1, typename G2 >
316 struct distance
317 {};
319 template <typename P1, typename P2>
320 struct distance < point_tag, point_tag, P1, P2 >
321 {
322 static double apply(P1 const& a, P2 const& b)
323 {
324 // here we call pythagoras
325 // exactly like we did before
326 ...
327 }
328 };
330 template <typename P, typename S>
331 struct distance
332 <
333 point_tag, segment_tag, P, S
334 >
335 {
336 static double apply(P const& p, S const& s)
337 {
338 // here we refer to another function
339 // implementing point-segment
340 // calculations in 2 or 3
341 // dimensions...
342 ...
343 }
344 };
346 // here we might have many more
347 // specializations,
348 // for point-polygon, box-circle, etc.
350 } // namespace
352So yes, it is possible; the distance algorithm is generic now in the sense that it also
353supports different geometry types. One drawback: we have to define two dispatch specializations
354for point - segment and for segment - point separately. That will also be solved, in the paragraph
355reversibility below. The example below shows where we are now: different point types,
356geometry types, dimensions.
358 point a(1,1);
359 point b(2,2);
360 std::cout << distance(a,b) << std::endl;
361 segment s1(0,0,5,3);
362 std::cout << distance(a, s1) << std::endl;
363 rgb red(255, 0, 0);
364 rbc orange(255, 128, 0);
365 std::cout << "color distance: " << distance(red, orange) << std::endl;
367[heading Kernel Revisited]
369We described above that we had a traits class `coordinate_type`, defined in namespace traits,
370and defined a separate `coordinate_type` class as well. This was actually not really necessary
371before, because the only difference was the namespace clause. But now that we have another
372geometry type, a segment in this case, it is essential. We can call the `coordinate_type`
373meta-function for any geometry type, point, segment, polygon, etc, implemented again by tag dispatching:
375 template <typename G>
376 struct coordinate_type
377 {
378 typedef typename dispatch::coordinate_type
379 <
380 typename tag<G>::type, G
381 >::type type;
382 };
384Inside the dispatch namespace this meta-function is implemented twice: a generic version and
385one specialization for points. The specialization for points calls the traits class.
386The generic version calls the point specialization, as a sort of recursive meta-function definition:
388 namespace dispatch
389 {
391 // Version for any geometry:
392 template <typename GeometryTag, typename G>
393 struct coordinate_type
394 {
395 typedef typename point_type
396 <
397 GeometryTag, G
398 >::type point_type;
400 // Call specialization on point-tag
401 typedef typename coordinate_type < point_tag, point_type >::type type;
402 };
404 // Specialization for point-type:
405 template <typename P>
406 struct coordinate_type<point_tag, P>
407 {
408 typedef typename
409 traits::coordinate_type<P>::type
410 type;
411 };
412 }
414So it calls another meta-function point_type. This is not elaborated in here but realize that it
415is available for all geometry types, and typedefs the point type which makes up the geometry,
416calling it type.
418The same applies for the meta-function dimension and for the upcoming meta-function coordinate system.
420[heading Coordinate System]
422Until here we assumed a Cartesian system. But we know that the Earth is not flat.
423Calculating a distance between two GPS-points with the system above would result in nonsense.
424So we again extend our design. We define for each point type a coordinate system type
425using the traits system again. Then we make the calculation dependant on that coordinate system.
427Coordinate system is similar to coordinate type, a meta-function, calling a dispatch function
428to have it for any geometry-type, forwarding to its point specialization, and finally calling
429a traits class, defining a typedef type with a coordinate system. We don’t show that all here again.
430We only show the definition of a few coordinate systems:
432 struct cartesian {};
434 template<typename DegreeOrRadian>
435 struct geographic
436 {
437 typedef DegreeOrRadian units;
438 };
440So Cartesian is simple, for geographic we can also select if its coordinates are stored in degrees
441or in radians.
443The distance function will now change: it will select the computation method for the corresponding
444coordinate system and then call the dispatch struct for distance. We call the computation method
445specialized for coordinate systems a strategy. So the new version of the distance function is:
447 template <typename G1, typename G2>
448 double distance(G1 const& g1, G2 const& g2)
449 {
450 typedef typename strategy_distance
451 <
452 typename coordinate_system<G1>::type,
453 typename coordinate_system<G2>::type,
454 typename point_type<G1>::type,
455 typename point_type<G2>::type,
456 dimension<G1>::value
457 >::type strategy;
459 return dispatch::distance
460 <
461 typename tag<G1>::type,
462 typename tag<G2>::type,
463 G1, G2, strategy
464 >::apply(g1, g2, strategy());
465 }
467The strategy_distance mentioned here is a struct with specializations for different coordinate
470 template <typename T1, typename T2, typename P1, typename P2, int D>
471 struct strategy_distance
472 {
473 typedef void type;
474 };
476 template <typename P1, typename P2, int D>
477 struct strategy_distance<cartesian, cartesian, P1, P2, D>
478 {
479 typedef pythagoras<P1, P2, D> type;
480 };
482So, here is our `pythagoras` again, now defined as a strategy. The distance dispatch function just
483calls its apply method.
485So this is an important step: for spherical or geographical coordinate systems, another
486strategy (computation method) can be implemented. For spherical coordinate systems
487have the haversine formula. So the dispatching traits struct is specialized like this
489 template <typename P1, typename P2, int D = 2>
490 struct strategy_distance<spherical, spherical, P1, P2, D>
491 {
492 typedef haversine<P1, P2> type;
493 };
495 // struct haversine with apply function
496 // is omitted here
498For geography, we have some alternatives for distance calculation. There is the Andoyer method,
499fast and precise, and there is the Vincenty method, slower and more precise, and there are some
500less precise approaches as well.
502Per coordinate system, one strategy is defined as the default strategy. To be able to use
503another strategy as well, we modify our design again and add an overload for the distance
504algorithm, taking a strategy object as a third parameter.
506This new overload distance function also has the advantage that the strategy can be constructed
507outside the distance function. Because it was constructed inside above, it could not have
508construction parameters. But for Andoyer or Vincenty, or the haversine formula, it certainly
509makes sense to have a constructor taking the radius of the earth as a parameter.
511So, the distance overloaded function is:
513 template <typename G1, typename G2, typename S>
514 double distance(G1 const& g1, G2 const& g2, S const& strategy)
515 {
516 return dispatch::distance
517 <
518 typename tag<G1>::type,
519 typename tag<G2>::type,
520 G1, G2, S
521 >::apply(g1, g2, strategy);
522 }
524The strategy has to have a method apply taking two points as arguments (for points). It is not
525required that it is a static method. A strategy might define a constructor, where a configuration
526value is passed and stored as a member variable. In those cases a static method would be
527inconvenient. It can be implemented as a normal method (with the const qualifier).
529We do not list all implementations here, Vincenty would cover half a page of mathematics,
530but you will understand the idea. We can call distance like this:
532 distance(c1, c2)
534where `c1` and `c2` are Cartesian points, or like this:
536 distance(g1, g2)
538where `g1` and `g2` are Geographic points, calling the default strategy for Geographic
539points (e.g. Andoyer), and like this:
541 distance(g1, g2, vincenty<G1, G2>(6275))
543where a strategy is specified explicitly and constructed with a radius.
545[/ 'TODO: What to do with this section? We have concepts already --mloskot]
546[heading Point Concept]
547The five traits classes mentioned in the previous sections form together the
548Point Concept. Any point type for which specializations are implemented in
549the traits namespace should be accepted a as valid type. So the Point Concept
550consists of:
552* a specialization for `traits::tag`
553* a specialization for `traits::coordinate_system`
554* a specialization for `traits::coordinate_type`
555* a specialization for `traits::dimension`
556* a specialization for `traits::access`
558The last one is a class, containing the method get and the (optional) method
559set, the first four are metafunctions, either defining type or declaring a
560value (conform MPL conventions).
562So we now have agnosticism for the number of dimensions, agnosticism for
563coordinate systems; the design can handle any coordinate type, and it can
564handle different geometry types. Furthermore we can specify our own
565strategies, the code will not compile in case of two points with different
566dimensions (because of the assertion), and it will not compile for two points
567with different coordinate systems (because there is no specialization).
568A library can check if a point type fulfills the requirements imposed by the
569concepts. This is handled in the upcoming section Concept Checking.
571[heading Return Type]
573We promised that calling `std::sqrt` was not always necessary. So we define a distance result `struct`
574that contains the squared value and is convertible to a double value. This, however, only has to
575be done for `pythagoras`. The spherical distance functions do not take the square root so for them
576it is not necessary to avoid the expensive square root call; they can just return their distance.
578So the distance result struct is dependant on strategy, therefore made a member type of
579the strategy. The result struct looks like this:
581 template<typename T = double>
582 struct cartesian_distance
583 {
584 T sq;
585 explicit cartesian_distance(T const& v) : sq (v) {}
587 inline operator T() const
588 {
589 return std::sqrt(sq);
590 }
591 };
593It also has operators defined to compare itself to other results without taking the square root.
595Each strategy should define its return type, within the strategy class, for example:
597 typedef cartesian_distance<T> return_type;
601 typedef double return_type;
603for cartesian (pythagoras) and spherical, respectively.
605Again our distance function will be modified, as expected, to reflect the new return type.
606For the overload with a strategy it is not complex:
608 template < typename G1, typename G2, typename Strategy >
609 typename Strategy::return_type distance( G1 const& G1 , G2 const& G2 , S const& strategy)
611But for the one without strategy we have to select strategy, coordinate type, etc.
612It would be spacious to do it in one line so we add a separate meta-function:
614 template <typename G1, typename G2 = G1>
615 struct distance_result
616 {
617 typedef typename point_type<G1>::type P1;
618 typedef typename point_type<G2>::type P2;
619 typedef typename strategy_distance
620 <
621 typename cs_tag<P1>::type,
622 typename cs_tag<P2>::type,
623 P1, P2
624 >::type S;
626 typedef typename S::return_type type;
627 };
629and modify our distance function:
631 template <typename G1, typename G2>
632 inline typename distance_result<G1, G2>::type distance(G1 const& g1, G2 const& g2)
633 {
634 // ...
635 }
637Of course also the apply functions in the dispatch specializations will return a result like this.
638They have a strategy as a template parameter everywhere, making the less verbose version possible.
640[heading Summary]
642In this design rationale, __boost_geometry__ is step by step designed using tag dispatching,
643concepts, traits, and metaprogramming. We used the well-known distance function
644to show the design.
646__boost_geometry__ is designed like described here, with
647some more techniques as automatically reversing template arguments, tag casting,
648and reusing implementation classes or dispatch classes as policies in other
649dispatch classes.
651[endsect] [/ end of section Design Rationale]