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1[section:roots_deriv Root Finding With Derivatives: Newton-Raphson, Halley & Schr'''ö'''der]
3[h4 Synopsis]
6#include <boost/math/tools/roots.hpp>
9 namespace boost { namespace math {
10 namespace tools { // Note namespace boost::math::tools.
11 // Newton-Raphson
12 template <class F, class T>
13 T newton_raphson_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits);
15 template <class F, class T>
16 T newton_raphson_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits, boost::uintmax_t& max_iter);
18 // Halley
19 template <class F, class T>
20 T halley_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits);
22 template <class F, class T>
23 T halley_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits, boost::uintmax_t& max_iter);
25 // Schr'''&#xf6;'''der
26 template <class F, class T>
27 T schroder_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits);
29 template <class F, class T>
30 T schroder_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits, boost::uintmax_t& max_iter);
32 }}} // namespaces boost::math::tools.
34[h4 Description]
36These functions all perform iterative root-finding [*using derivatives]:
38* `newton_raphson_iterate` performs second-order __newton.
40* `halley_iterate` and `schroder_iterate` perform third-order
41__halley and __schroder iteration.
43The functions all take the same parameters:
45[variablelist Parameters of the root finding functions
46[[F f] [Type F must be a callable function object that accepts one parameter and
47 returns a __tuple_type:
49For second-order iterative method ([@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton_Raphson Newton Raphson])
50 the `tuple` should have [*two] elements containing the evaluation
51 of the function and its first derivative.
53For the third-order methods
54([@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halley%27s_method Halley] and
56 the `tuple` should have [*three] elements containing the evaluation of
57 the function and its first and second derivatives.]]
58[[T guess] [The initial starting value. A good guess is crucial to quick convergence!]]
59[[T min] [The minimum possible value for the result, this is used as an initial lower bracket.]]
60[[T max] [The maximum possible value for the result, this is used as an initial upper bracket.]]
61[[int digits] [The desired number of binary digits precision.]]
62[[uintmax_t& max_iter] [An optional maximum number of iterations to perform. On exit, this is updated to the actual number of iterations performed.]]
65When using these functions you should note that:
67* Default `max_iter = (std::numeric_limits<boost::uintmax_t>::max)()` is effectively 'iterate for ever'.
68* They may be very sensitive to the initial guess, typically they converge very rapidly
69if the initial guess has two or three decimal digits correct. However convergence
70can be no better than __bisect, or in some rare cases, even worse than __bisect if the
71initial guess is a long way from the correct value and the derivatives are close to zero.
72* These functions include special cases to handle zero first (and second where appropriate)
73derivatives, and fall back to __bisect in this case. However, it is helpful
74if functor F is defined to return an arbitrarily small value ['of the correct sign] rather
75than zero.
76* If the derivative at the current best guess for the result is infinite (or
77very close to being infinite) then these functions may terminate prematurely.
78A large first derivative leads to a very small next step, triggering the termination
79condition. Derivative based iteration may not be appropriate in such cases.
80* If the function is 'Really Well Behaved' (is monotonic and has only one root)
81the bracket bounds ['min] and ['max] may as well be set to the widest limits
82like zero and `numeric_limits<T>::max()`.
83*But if the function more complex and may have more than one root or a pole,
84the choice of bounds is protection against jumping out to seek the 'wrong' root.
85* These functions fall back to __bisect if the next computed step would take the
86next value out of bounds. The bounds are updated after each step to ensure this leads
87to convergence. However, a good initial guess backed up by asymptotically-tight
88bounds will improve performance no end - rather than relying on __bisection.
89* The value of ['digits] is crucial to good performance of these functions,
90if it is set too high then at best you will get one extra (unnecessary)
91iteration, and at worst the last few steps will proceed by __bisection.
92Remember that the returned value can never be more accurate than ['f(x)] can be
93evaluated, and that if ['f(x)] suffers from cancellation errors as it
94tends to zero then the computed steps will be effectively random. The
95value of ['digits] should be set so that iteration terminates before this point:
96remember that for second and third order methods the number of correct
97digits in the result is increasing quite
98substantially with each iteration, ['digits] should be set by experiment so that the final
99iteration just takes the next value into the zone where ['f(x)] becomes inaccurate.
100A good starting point for ['digits] would be 0.6*D for Newton and 0.4*D for Halley or Shr'''&#xf6;'''der
101iteration, where D is `std::numeric_limits<T>::digits`.
102* If you need some diagnostic output to see what is going on, you can
103`#define BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT` before the `#include <boost/math/tools/roots.hpp>`,
104and also ensure that display of all the significant digits with
105` cout.precision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10)`:
106or even possibly significant digits with
107` cout.precision(std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10)`:
108but be warned, this may produce copious output!
109* Finally: you may well be able to do better than these functions by hand-coding
110the heuristics used so that they are tailored to a specific function. You may also
111be able to compute the ratio of derivatives used by these methods more efficiently
112than computing the derivatives themselves. As ever, algebraic simplification can
113be a big win.
115[h4:newton Newton Raphson Method]
117Given an initial guess ['x0] the subsequent values are computed using:
119[equation roots1]
121Out of bounds steps revert to __bisection of the current bounds.
123Under ideal conditions, the number of correct digits doubles with each iteration.
125[h4:halley Halley's Method]
127Given an initial guess ['x0] the subsequent values are computed using:
129[equation roots2]
131Over-compensation by the second derivative (one which would proceed
132in the wrong direction) causes the method to
133revert to a Newton-Raphson step.
135Out of bounds steps revert to bisection of the current bounds.
137Under ideal conditions, the number of correct digits trebles with each iteration.
139[h4:schroder Schr'''&#xf6;'''der's Method]
141Given an initial guess x0 the subsequent values are computed using:
143[equation roots3]
145Over-compensation by the second derivative (one which would proceed
146in the wrong direction) causes the method to
147revert to a Newton-Raphson step. Likewise a Newton step is used
148whenever that Newton step would change the next value by more than 10%.
150Out of bounds steps revert to __bisection_wikipedia of the current bounds.
152Under ideal conditions, the number of correct digits trebles with each iteration.
154This is Schr'''&#xf6;'''der's general result (equation 18 from [@http://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/577 Stewart, G. W.
155"On Infinitely Many Algorithms for Solving Equations." English translation of Schr'''&#xf6;'''der's original paper.
156College Park, MD: University of Maryland, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, Department of Computer Science, 1993].)
158This method guarantees at least quadratic convergence (the same as Newton's method), and is known to work well in the presence of multiple roots:
159something that neither Newton nor Halley can do.
161[h4 Examples]
163See __root_finding_examples.
165[endsect] [/section:roots_deriv Root Finding With Derivatives]
168 Copyright 2006, 2010, 2012 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow.
169 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
170 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
171 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).