]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame_incremental - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/cluster/osd/osd-list/osd-list.component.html
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / frontend / src / app / ceph / cluster / osd / osd-list / osd-list.component.html
... / ...
1<nav ngbNav
2 #nav="ngbNav"
3 class="nav-tabs">
4 <ng-container ngbNavItem>
5 <a ngbNavLink
6 i18n>OSDs List</a>
7 <ng-template ngbNavContent>
8 <cd-table [data]="osds"
9 (fetchData)="getOsdList()"
10 [columns]="columns"
11 selectionType="multiClick"
12 [hasDetails]="true"
13 (setExpandedRow)="setExpandedRow($event)"
14 (updateSelection)="updateSelection($event)"
15 [updateSelectionOnRefresh]="'never'">
17 <div class="table-actions btn-toolbar">
18 <cd-table-actions [permission]="permissions.osd"
19 [selection]="selection"
20 class="btn-group"
21 id="osd-actions"
22 [tableActions]="tableActions">
23 </cd-table-actions>
24 <cd-table-actions [permission]="{read: true}"
25 [selection]="selection"
26 dropDownOnly="Cluster-wide configuration"
27 btnColor="light"
28 class="btn-group"
29 id="cluster-wide-actions"
30 [tableActions]="clusterWideActions">
31 </cd-table-actions>
32 </div>
34 <cd-osd-details cdTableDetail
35 [selection]="expandedRow">
36 </cd-osd-details>
37 </cd-table>
38 </ng-template>
39 </ng-container>
41 <ng-container ngbNavItem
42 *ngIf="permissions.grafana.read">
43 <a ngbNavLink
44 i18n>Overall Performance</a>
45 <ng-template ngbNavContent>
46 <cd-grafana i18n-title
47 title="OSD list"
48 [grafanaPath]="'osd-overview?'"
49 [type]="'metrics'"
50 uid="lo02I1Aiz"
51 grafanaStyle="four">
52 </cd-grafana>
53 </ng-template>
54 </ng-container>
57<div [ngbNavOutlet]="nav"></div>
59<ng-template #markOsdConfirmationTpl
60 let-markActionDescription="markActionDescription"
61 let-osdIds="osdIds">
62 <ng-container i18n><strong>OSD(s) {{ osdIds | join }}</strong> will be marked
63 <strong>{{ markActionDescription }}</strong> if you proceed.</ng-container>
66<ng-template #criticalConfirmationTpl
67 let-safeToPerform="safeToPerform"
68 let-message="message"
69 let-active="active"
70 let-missingStats="missingStats"
71 let-storedPgs="storedPgs"
72 let-actionDescription="actionDescription"
73 let-osdIds="osdIds">
74 <div *ngIf="!safeToPerform"
75 class="danger mb-3">
76 <cd-alert-panel type="warning">
77 <span i18n>
78 The {selection.hasSingleSelection, select, true {OSD is} other {OSDs are}} not safe to be
79 {{ actionDescription }}!
80 </span>
81 <br>
82 <ul class="mb-0 ps-4">
83 <li *ngIf="active.length > 0"
84 i18n>
85 {selection.hasSingleSelection, select, true {} other {{{ active | join }} : }}
86 Some PGs are currently mapped to
87 {active.length === 1, select, true {it} other {them}}.
88 </li>
89 <li *ngIf="missingStats.length > 0"
90 i18n>
91 {selection.hasSingleSelection, select, true {} other {{{ missingStats | join }} : }}
92 There are no reported stats and not all PGs are active and clean.
93 </li>
94 <li *ngIf="storedPgs.length > 0"
95 i18n>
96 {selection.hasSingleSelection, select, true {OSD} other {{{ storedPgs | join }} : OSDs }}
97 still store some PG data and not all PGs are active and clean.
98 </li>
99 <li *ngIf="message">
100 {{ message }}
101 </li>
102 </ul>
103 </cd-alert-panel>
104 </div>
105 <div *ngIf="safeToPerform"
106 class="danger mb-3">
107 <cd-alert-panel type="info">
108 <span i18n>
109 The {selection.hasSingleSelection, select, true {OSD is} other {OSDs are}}
110 safe to destroy without reducing data durability.
111 </span>
112 </cd-alert-panel>
113 </div>
114 <ng-container i18n><strong>OSD {{ osdIds | join }}</strong> will be
115 <strong>{{ actionDescription }}</strong> if you proceed.</ng-container>
118<ng-template #flagsTpl
119 let-row="row">
120 <span *ngFor="let flag of row.cdClusterFlags;"
121 class="badge badge-hdd me-1">{{ flag }}</span>
122 <span *ngFor="let flag of row.cdIndivFlags;"
123 class="badge badge-info me-1">{{ flag }}</span>
126<ng-template #osdUsageTpl
127 let-row="row">
128 <cd-usage-bar [title]="'osd ' + row.osd"
129 [total]="row.stats.stat_bytes"
130 [used]="row.stats.stat_bytes_used"
131 [warningThreshold]="osdSettings.nearfull_ratio"
132 [errorThreshold]="osdSettings.full_ratio">
133 </cd-usage-bar>
136<ng-template #deleteOsdExtraTpl
137 let-form="form">
138 <ng-container [formGroup]="form">
139 <ng-container formGroupName="child">
140 <div class="form-group">
141 <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
142 <input type="checkbox"
143 class="custom-control-input"
144 name="preserve"
145 id="preserve"
146 formControlName="preserve">
147 <label class="custom-control-label"
148 for="preserve"
149 i18n>Preserve OSD ID(s) for replacement.</label>
150 </div>
151 </div>
152 </ng-container>
153 </ng-container>