]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blame_incremental - extjs/build/examples/classic/grid/filtered-buffered-store.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / classic / grid / filtered-buffered-store.js
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2 'Ext.grid.*',\r
3 'Ext.data.*',\r
4 'Ext.util.*',\r
5 'Ext.ux.form.SearchField'\r
9 Ext.define('ForumThread', {\r
10 extend: 'Ext.data.Model',\r
11 fields: [{\r
12 name: 'title',\r
13 mapping: 'topic_title'\r
14 }, {\r
15 name: 'forumtitle',\r
16 mapping: 'forum_title'\r
17 }, {\r
18 name: 'forumid',\r
19 type: 'int'\r
20 }, {\r
21 name: 'username',\r
22 mapping: 'author'\r
23 }, {\r
24 name: 'replycount', \r
25 mapping: 'reply_count',\r
26 type: 'int'\r
27 }, {\r
28 name: 'lastpost', \r
29 mapping: 'post_time', \r
30 type: 'date', \r
31 dateFormat: 'timestamp'\r
32 },\r
33 'lastposter', 'excerpt', 'topic_id'\r
34 ],\r
35 idProperty: 'post_id'\r
36 });\r
38 // create the Data Store\r
39 var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.BufferedStore', {\r
40 id: 'store',\r
41 model: 'ForumThread',\r
42 \r
43 // The topics-remote.php script appears to be hardcoded to use 50, and ignores this parameter, so we\r
44 // are forced to use 50 here instead of a possibly more efficient value.\r
45 pageSize: 50,\r
47 // This web service seems slow, so keep lots of data in the pipeline ahead!\r
48 leadingBufferZone: 1000,\r
49 proxy: {\r
50 // load using script tags for cross domain, if the data in on the same domain as\r
51 // this page, an HttpProxy would be better\r
52 type: 'jsonp',\r
53 url: 'http://www.sencha.com/forum/topics-remote.php',\r
54 reader: {\r
55 rootProperty: 'topics',\r
56 totalProperty: 'totalCount'\r
57 },\r
58 // sends single sort as multi parameter\r
59 simpleSortMode: true,\r
60 \r
61 // Parameter name to send filtering information in\r
62 filterParam: 'query'\r
63 },\r
64 listeners: {\r
65 totalcountchange: onStoreSizeChange\r
66 },\r
67 remoteFilter: true,\r
68 autoLoad: true\r
69 });\r
70 \r
71 function onStoreSizeChange() {\r
72 grid.down('#status').update({count: store.getTotalCount()});\r
73 }\r
75 function renderTopic(value, p, record) {\r
76 return Ext.String.format(\r
77 '<a href="http://sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?p={1}" target="_blank">{0}</a>',\r
78 value,\r
79 record.getId()\r
80 );\r
81 }\r
83 var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {\r
84 width: 700,\r
85 height: 470,\r
86 collapsible: true,\r
87 title: 'ExtJS.com - Browse Forums',\r
88 store: store,\r
89 loadMask: true,\r
90 dockedItems: [{\r
91 dock: 'top',\r
92 xtype: 'toolbar',\r
93 items: [{\r
94 width: 400,\r
95 fieldLabel: 'Search',\r
96 labelWidth: 50,\r
97 xtype: 'searchfield',\r
98 store: store\r
99 }, '->', {\r
100 xtype: 'component',\r
101 itemId: 'status',\r
102 tpl: 'Matching threads: {count}',\r
103 style: 'margin-right:5px'\r
104 }]\r
105 }],\r
106 selModel: {\r
107 pruneRemoved: false\r
108 },\r
109 multiSelect: true,\r
110 viewConfig: {\r
111 trackOver: false,\r
112 emptyText: '<h1 style="margin:20px">No matching results</h1>'\r
113 },\r
114 // grid columns\r
115 columns:[{\r
116 xtype: 'rownumberer',\r
117 width: 50,\r
118 sortable: false\r
119 },{\r
120 tdCls: 'x-grid-cell-topic',\r
121 text: "Topic",\r
122 dataIndex: 'title',\r
123 flex: 1,\r
124 renderer: renderTopic,\r
125 sortable: false\r
126 },{\r
127 text: "Author",\r
128 dataIndex: 'username',\r
129 width: 100,\r
130 hidden: true,\r
131 sortable: false\r
132 },{\r
133 text: "Replies",\r
134 dataIndex: 'replycount',\r
135 align: 'center',\r
136 width: 70,\r
137 sortable: false\r
138 },{\r
139 id: 'last',\r
140 text: "Last Post",\r
141 dataIndex: 'lastpost',\r
142 width: 130,\r
143 renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('n/j/Y g:i A'),\r
144 sortable: false\r
145 }],\r
146 renderTo: Ext.getBody()\r
147 });\r