]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blame_incremental - extjs/build/examples/classic/shared/include-ext.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / classic / shared / include-ext.js
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2 * This file includes the required ext-all js and css files based upon "theme" and "rtl"\r
3 * url parameters. It first searches for these parameters on the page url, and if they\r
4 * are not found there, it looks for them on the script tag src query string.\r
5 * For example, to include the neptune flavor of ext from an index page in a subdirectory\r
6 * of extjs/examples/:\r
7 * <script type="text/javascript" src="../../examples/shared/include-ext.js?theme=neptune"></script>\r
8 */\r
9(function() {\r
10 function getQueryParam(name) {\r
11 var regex = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)');\r
13 var match = regex.exec(location.search) || regex.exec(scriptPath);\r
14 return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1]);\r
15 }\r
17 function hasOption(opt, queryString) {\r
18 var s = queryString || location.search;\r
19 var re = new RegExp('(?:^|[&?])' + opt + '(?:[=]([^&]*))?(?:$|[&])', 'i');\r
20 var m = re.exec(s);\r
22 return m ? (m[1] === undefined || m[1] === '' ? true : m[1]) : false;\r
23 }\r
25 function loadCss(url) {\r
26 document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + url + '"/>');\r
27 }\r
29 function loadScript(url, defer) {\r
30 document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '"' +\r
31 (defer ? ' defer' : '') + '></script>');\r
32 }\r
34 Ext = window.Ext || {};\r
36 // The value of Ext.repoDevMode gets replaced during a build - do not change this line\r
37 // 2 == internal dev mode, 1 == external dev mode, 0 == build mode\r
38 Ext.devMode = 0;\r
40 var scriptEls = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),\r
41 scriptPath = scriptEls[scriptEls.length - 1].src,\r
42 rtl = getQueryParam('rtl'),\r
43 themeName = getQueryParam('theme') || 'triton',\r
44 includeCSS = !hasOption('nocss', scriptPath),\r
45 useDebug = hasOption('debug'),\r
46 hasOverrides = !hasOption('nooverrides', scriptPath) && !!{\r
47 // TODO: remove neptune\r
48 neptune: 1,\r
49 triton: 1,\r
50 classic: 1,\r
51 gray: 1,\r
52 triton: 1,\r
53 'neptune-touch': 1,\r
54 crisp: 1,\r
55 'crisp-touch': 1\r
56 }[themeName],\r
57 i = 4,\r
58 devMode = Ext.devMode,\r
59 extDir = scriptPath,\r
60 rtlSuffix = (rtl ? '-rtl' : ''),\r
61 debugSuffix = (devMode ? '-debug' : ''),\r
62 cssSuffix = rtlSuffix + debugSuffix + '.css',\r
63 themePackageDir, chartsJS, uxJS, themeOverrideJS, extPrefix, extPackagesRoot;\r
65 rtl = rtl && rtl.toString() === 'true';\r
67 while (i--) {\r
68 extDir = extDir.substring(0, extDir.lastIndexOf('/'));\r
69 }\r
71 extPackagesRoot = devMode ? (extDir + '/build') : extDir;\r
73 uxJS = extPackagesRoot + '/packages/ux/classic/ux' + debugSuffix + '.js';\r
74 chartsJS = extPackagesRoot + '/packages/charts/classic/charts' + debugSuffix + '.js';\r
75 themePackageDir = extPackagesRoot + '/classic/theme-' + themeName + '/';\r
77 if (includeCSS) {\r
78 loadCss(themePackageDir + 'resources/theme-' + themeName + '-all' + cssSuffix);\r
79 loadCss(extPackagesRoot + '/packages/charts/classic/' + themeName + '/resources/charts-all' + cssSuffix);\r
80 loadCss(extPackagesRoot + '/packages/ux/classic/' + themeName + '/resources/ux-all' + cssSuffix);\r
81 }\r
83 extPrefix = useDebug ? '/ext' : '/ext-all';\r
84 \r
85 document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + extDir + extPrefix + rtlSuffix + '.js"></script>');\r
87 if (hasOverrides) {\r
88 // since document.write('<script>') does not block execution in IE, we need to\r
89 // make sure we prevent theme overrides from executing before ext-all.js\r
90 // normally this can be done using the defer attribute on the script tag, however\r
91 // this method does not work in IE when in repoDevMode. It seems the reason for\r
92 // this is because in repoDevMode ext-all.js is simply a script that loads other\r
93 // scripts and so Ext is still undefined when the neptune overrides are executed.\r
94 // To work around this we use the _beforereadyhandler hook to load the theme\r
95 // overrides dynamically after Ext has been defined.\r
96 themeOverrideJS = themePackageDir + 'theme-' + themeName + debugSuffix + '.js';\r
98 if (devMode) {\r
99 if (window.ActiveXObject) {\r
100 Ext = {\r
101 _beforereadyhandler: function() {\r
102 Ext.Loader.loadScript({url: themeOverrideJS});\r
103 }\r
104 };\r
105 } else {\r
106 loadScript(themeOverrideJS, true);\r
107 }\r
108 } else {\r
109 loadScript(themeOverrideJS, true);\r
110 // ux and charts js are not needed in dev mode because they are included in bootstrap\r
111 loadScript(uxJS);\r
112 loadScript(chartsJS);\r
113 }\r
114 }\r