]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blame_incremental - extjs/examples/classic/aria/app/view/Viewport.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / classic / aria / app / view / Viewport.js
... / ...
1Ext.define('Aria.view.Viewport', {\r
2 extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',\r
3 \r
4 requires: [\r
5 'Ext.Img',\r
6 'Ext.layout.container.Border',\r
7 'Ext.layout.container.Accordion',\r
8 'Ext.tab.Panel',\r
9 'Ext.form.Panel'\r
10 ],\r
12 layout: 'border',\r
14 initComponent: function() {\r
15 var me = this,\r
16 num = 1;\r
18 me.items = [{\r
19 xtype: 'container',\r
20 region: 'north',\r
21 padding: '6 12',\r
22 height: 40,\r
23 \r
24 ariaRole: 'banner',\r
25 \r
26 layout: {\r
27 align: 'stretch',\r
28 type: 'hbox'\r
29 },\r
30 \r
31 items: [{\r
32 xtype: 'image',\r
33 alt: 'Sencha logo',\r
34 src: 'resources/images/sencha-logo.png',\r
35 width: 19,\r
36 height: 28,\r
37 style: {\r
38 'margin-right': '10px'\r
39 }\r
40 }, {\r
41 xtype: 'component',\r
42 ariaRole: 'heading',\r
43 html: 'Ext JS Accessibility Demo',\r
44 ariaAttributes: {\r
45 // Some screen readers will announce document contents upfront.\r
46 // In that case the region header component's html may be read\r
47 // twice: first as north container's aria-labelledby element,\r
48 // and then by itself as a div with a text node.\r
49 // The attribute below will instruct screen readers to skip\r
50 // the div text; it will be announced only as a region heading.\r
51 'aria-hidden': true\r
52 }\r
53 }, {\r
54 xtype: 'component',\r
55 flex: 3\r
56 }]\r
57 }, {\r
58 xtype: 'panel',\r
59 region: 'west',\r
60 \r
61 title: 'Accordion panels',\r
62 collapsible: true,\r
63 split: true,\r
64 minWidth: 320,\r
65 \r
66 layout: {\r
67 type: 'accordion',\r
68 animate: true\r
69 },\r
70 \r
71 tools: [{\r
72 type: 'pin',\r
73 tooltip: 'Pin the panel'\r
74 }, {\r
75 type: 'help',\r
76 tooltip: 'Get panel help'\r
77 }],\r
78 \r
79 items: [{\r
80 xtype: 'mysimplebuttons',\r
81 closable: true\r
82 }, {\r
83 xtype: 'panel',\r
84 title: 'Closable panel',\r
85 closable: true,\r
86 html: 'This is an example of a closable panel'\r
87 }, {\r
88 xtype: 'mysimpleform',\r
89 title: 'Personal data form',\r
90 closable: true\r
91 }]\r
92 }, {\r
93 xtype: 'tabpanel',\r
94 title: 'Center tab panel',\r
95 region: 'center',\r
96 ariaRole: 'main',\r
97 header: false,\r
98 split: true,\r
99 layout: 'fit',\r
100 bodyStyle: 'background:white',\r
101 defaults: {\r
102 padding: 12,\r
103 bodyStyle: 'background:white'\r
104 },\r
105 \r
106 items: [{\r
107 xtype: 'mysimplegrid'\r
108 }, {\r
109 xtype: 'mysimplepanel'\r
110 }, {\r
111 xtype: 'mysimplelist'\r
112 }, {\r
113 xtype: 'container',\r
114 title: 'Window',\r
115 items: [{\r
116 xtype: 'button',\r
117 text: 'Open Window',\r
118 handler: function() {\r
119 var win = this.up('container').add(Ext.widget('mysimplewindow', {\r
120 title:'ARIA Window ' + num++\r
121 }));\r
122 \r
123 win.showBy(this, 'tr', [num*20, num*20]);\r
124 }\r
125 }]\r
126 }, {\r
127 xtype: 'mysimpleitemselector'\r
128// }, {\r
129// xtype: 'mysimpledatepicker'\r
130 }, {\r
131 xtype: 'mysimpletoolbar'\r
132 }, {\r
133 xtype: 'mysimplewizard'\r
134 }, {\r
135 xtype: 'container',\r
136 title: 'Image',\r
137 closable: true,\r
138 \r
139 items: [{\r
140 xtype: 'mysimpleimage'\r
141 }]\r
142 }]\r
143 }];\r
145 me.callParent();\r
146 }\r