]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/blob - BaseTools/Scripts/PackageDocumentTools/packagedocapp.pyw
SecurityPkg: SecureBootConfigDxe: Updated invocation pattern
[mirror_edk2.git] / BaseTools / Scripts / PackageDocumentTools / packagedocapp.pyw
1 ## @file
2 # This file is used to define common string related functions used in parsing
3 # process
4 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
6 #
7 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
8 #
10 import os, sys, wx, logging
12 import wx.stc
13 import wx.lib.newevent
14 import wx.lib.agw.genericmessagedialog as GMD
15 from plugins.EdkPlugins.edk2.model import baseobject
16 from plugins.EdkPlugins.edk2.model import doxygengen
18 if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
19 appPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))
20 else:
21 appPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
23 AppCallBackEvent, EVT_APP_CALLBACK = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
24 LogEvent, EVT_LOG = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
26 class PackageDocApp(wx.App):
28 def OnInit(self):
29 logfile = os.path.join(appPath, 'log.txt')
30 logging.basicConfig(format='%(name)-8s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
31 filename=logfile, level=logging.ERROR)
33 self.SetAppName('Package Doxygen Generate Application')
34 frame = PackageDocMainFrame(None, "Package Document Generation Application!")
35 self.SetTopWindow(frame)
37 frame.Show(True)
39 EVT_APP_CALLBACK( self, self.OnAppCallBack)
40 return True
42 def GetLogger(self):
43 return logging.getLogger('')
45 def ForegroundProcess(self, function, args):
46 wx.PostEvent(self, AppCallBackEvent(callback=function, args=args))
48 def OnAppCallBack(self, event):
49 try:
50 event.callback(*event.args)
51 except:
52 self._logger.exception( 'OnAppCallBack<%s.%s>\n' %
53 (event.callback.__module__, event.callback.__name__ ))
55 class PackageDocMainFrame(wx.Frame):
56 def __init__(self, parent, title):
57 wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, size=(550, 290), style=wx.MINIMIZE_BOX|wx.SYSTEM_MENU|wx.CAPTION|wx.CLOSE_BOX )
59 panel = wx.Panel(self)
60 sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
62 subsizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 10)
63 subsizer.AddGrowableCol(1)
64 subsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Workspace Location : "), (0, 0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
65 self._workspacePathCtrl = wx.ComboBox(panel, -1)
66 list = self.GetConfigure("WorkspacePath")
67 if len(list) != 0:
68 for item in list:
69 self._workspacePathCtrl.Append(item)
70 self._workspacePathCtrl.SetValue(list[len(list) - 1])
72 subsizer.Add(self._workspacePathCtrl, (0, 1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND)
73 self._workspacePathBt = wx.BitmapButton(panel, -1, bitmap=wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_FILE_OPEN))
74 subsizer.Add(self._workspacePathBt, (0, 2), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
75 wx.EVT_BUTTON(self._workspacePathBt, self._workspacePathBt.GetId(), self.OnBrowsePath)
77 subsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Package DEC Location : "), (1, 0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND)
78 self._packagePathCtrl = wx.ComboBox(panel, -1)
79 list = self.GetConfigure("PackagePath")
80 if len(list) != 0:
81 for item in list:
82 self._packagePathCtrl.Append(item)
83 self._packagePathCtrl.SetValue(list[len(list) - 1])
84 subsizer.Add(self._packagePathCtrl, (1, 1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND)
85 self._packagePathBt = wx.BitmapButton(panel, -1, bitmap=wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_FILE_OPEN))
86 subsizer.Add(self._packagePathBt, (1, 2), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
87 wx.EVT_BUTTON(self._packagePathBt, self._packagePathBt.GetId(), self.OnBrowsePath)
89 subsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Doxygen Tool Location : "), (2, 0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
90 self._doxygenPathCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1)
91 list = self.GetConfigure('DoxygenPath')
92 if len(list) != 0:
93 self._doxygenPathCtrl.SetValue(list[0])
94 else:
95 if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
96 self._doxygenPathCtrl.SetValue('C:\\Program Files\\Doxygen\\bin\\doxygen.exe')
97 else:
98 self._doxygenPathCtrl.SetValue('/usr/bin/doxygen')
100 self._doxygenPathBt = wx.BitmapButton(panel, -1, bitmap=wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_FILE_OPEN))
101 subsizer.Add(self._doxygenPathCtrl, (2, 1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND)
102 subsizer.Add(self._doxygenPathBt, (2, 2), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
103 wx.EVT_BUTTON(self._doxygenPathBt, self._doxygenPathBt.GetId(), self.OnBrowsePath)
105 subsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "CHM Tool Location : "), (3, 0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
106 self._chmPathCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1)
107 list = self.GetConfigure('CHMPath')
108 if len(list) != 0:
109 self._chmPathCtrl.SetValue(list[0])
110 else:
111 self._chmPathCtrl.SetValue('C:\\Program Files\\HTML Help Workshop\\hhc.exe')
113 self._chmPathBt = wx.BitmapButton(panel, -1, bitmap=wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_FILE_OPEN))
114 subsizer.Add(self._chmPathCtrl, (3, 1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND)
115 subsizer.Add(self._chmPathBt, (3, 2), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
116 wx.EVT_BUTTON(self._chmPathBt, self._chmPathBt.GetId(), self.OnBrowsePath)
118 subsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Output Location : "), (4, 0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
119 self._outputPathCtrl = wx.ComboBox(panel, -1)
120 list = self.GetConfigure("OutputPath")
121 if len(list) != 0:
122 for item in list:
123 self._outputPathCtrl.Append(item)
124 self._outputPathCtrl.SetValue(list[len(list) - 1])
126 subsizer.Add(self._outputPathCtrl, (4, 1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND)
127 self._outputPathBt = wx.BitmapButton(panel, -1, bitmap=wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_FILE_OPEN))
128 subsizer.Add(self._outputPathBt, (4, 2), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND)
129 wx.EVT_BUTTON(self._outputPathBt, self._outputPathBt.GetId(), self.OnBrowsePath)
131 subsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Architecture Specified : "), (5, 0), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
132 self._archCtrl = wx.ComboBox(panel, -1, value='ALL', choices=['ALL', 'IA32/MSFT', 'IA32/GNU', 'X64/INTEL', 'X64/GNU', 'IPF/MSFT', 'IPF/GNU', 'EBC/INTEL'],
133 style=wx.CB_READONLY)
134 self._archCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnArchtectureSelectChanged)
135 subsizer.Add(self._archCtrl, (5, 1), (1, 2), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND)
136 sizer.Add(subsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5)
138 sizer6 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
139 self._modesel = wx.RadioBox(panel, -1, 'Generated Document Mode', majorDimension=2, choices=['CHM', 'HTML'], style=wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS)
140 self._modesel.SetStringSelection('HTML')
142 self._includeonlysel = wx.CheckBox(panel, -1, 'Only document public include')
144 sizer6.Add(self._modesel, 0 , wx.EXPAND)
145 sizer6.Add(self._includeonlysel, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT, 5)
147 sizer.Add(sizer6, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5)
149 self._generateBt = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Generate Package Document!")
150 self._generateBt.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnGenerate)
151 sizer.Add(self._generateBt, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5)
153 panel.SetSizer(sizer)
154 panel.Layout()
155 panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
156 self.CenterOnScreen()
158 def SaveConfigure(self, name, value):
159 if value ==None or len(value) == 0:
160 return
161 config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
162 oldvalues = config.Read(name, '').split(';')
163 if len(oldvalues) >= 10:
164 oldvalues.remove(oldvalues[0])
165 if value not in oldvalues:
166 oldvalues.append(value)
167 else:
168 oldvalues.remove(value)
169 oldvalues.append(value)
171 config.Write(name, ';'.join(oldvalues))
173 def GetConfigure(self, name):
174 config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
175 values = config.Read(name, '').split(';')
176 list = []
177 for item in values:
178 if len(item) != 0:
179 list.append(item)
180 return list
182 def OnBrowsePath(self, event):
183 id = event.GetId()
184 editctrl = None
185 startdir = ''
186 isFile = False
187 if id == self._packagePathBt.GetId():
188 dlgTitle = "Choose package path:"
189 editctrl = self._packagePathCtrl
190 isFile = True
191 if os.path.exists(self.GetWorkspace()):
192 startdir = self.GetWorkspace()
193 elif id == self._workspacePathBt.GetId():
194 dlgTitle = "Choose workspace path:"
195 editctrl = self._workspacePathCtrl
196 startdir = editctrl.GetValue()
197 elif id == self._doxygenPathBt.GetId():
198 isFile = True
199 dlgTitle = "Choose doxygen installation path:"
200 editctrl = self._doxygenPathCtrl
201 startdir = editctrl.GetValue()
202 elif id == self._outputPathBt.GetId():
203 dlgTitle = "Choose document output path:"
204 editctrl = self._outputPathCtrl
205 if os.path.exists(self.GetWorkspace()):
206 startdir = self.GetWorkspace()
207 startdir = editctrl.GetValue()
208 elif id == self._chmPathBt.GetId():
209 isFile = True
210 dlgTitle = "Choose installation path for Microsoft HTML workshop software"
211 editctrl = self._chmPathCtrl
212 startdir = editctrl.GetValue()
213 else:
214 return
216 if not isFile:
217 dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, dlgTitle, defaultPath=startdir)
218 else:
219 dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, dlgTitle, defaultDir=startdir)
221 if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
222 editctrl.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())
223 dlg.Destroy()
225 def OnArchtectureSelectChanged(self, event):
226 str = ''
227 selarch = self._archCtrl.GetValue()
228 if selarch == 'ALL':
230 elif selarch == 'IA32/MSFT':
232 elif selarch == 'IA32/GNU':
233 str += 'MDE_CPU_IA32 __GNUC__'
234 elif selarch == 'X64/MSFT':
235 str += 'MDE_CPU_X64 _MSC_EXTENSIONS'
236 elif selarch == 'X64/GNU':
237 str += 'MDE_CPU_X64 __GNUC__'
238 elif selarch == 'IPF/MSFT':
240 elif selarch == 'IPF/GNU':
241 str += 'MDE_CPU_IPF __GNUC__'
242 elif selarch == 'EBC/INTEL':
245 str += ' ASM_PFX= OPTIONAL= '
247 def OnMacroText(self, event):
248 str = ''
249 selarch = self._archCtrl.GetValue()
250 if selarch == 'ALL':
252 elif selarch == 'IA32/MSFT':
254 elif selarch == 'IA32/GNU':
255 str += 'MDE_CPU_IA32 __GNUC__'
256 elif selarch == 'X64/MSFT':
257 str += 'MDE_CPU_X64 _MSC_EXTENSIONS'
258 elif selarch == 'X64/GNU':
259 str += 'MDE_CPU_X64 __GNUC__'
260 elif selarch == 'IPF/MSFT':
262 elif selarch == 'IPF/GNU':
263 str += 'MDE_CPU_IPF __GNUC__'
264 elif selarch == 'EBC/INTEL':
267 str += ' ASM_PFX= OPTIONAL= '
269 def OnGenerate(self, event):
270 if not self.CheckInput(): return
272 dlg = ProgressDialog(self)
273 dlg.ShowModal()
274 dlg.Destroy()
276 def CheckInput(self):
277 pPath = self.GetPackagePath()
278 wPath = self.GetWorkspace()
279 dPath = self.GetDoxygenToolPath()
280 cPath = self.GetChmToolPath()
281 oPath = self.GetOutputPath()
283 if len(wPath) == 0 or not os.path.exists(wPath):
284 self._Error("Please input existing workspace path!")
285 return False
286 else:
287 self.SaveConfigure('WorkspacePath', wPath)
289 if len(pPath) == 0 or not os.path.exists(pPath) or not pPath.lower().endswith('.dec'):
290 self._Error("Please input existing package file location!")
291 return False
292 elif pPath.lower().find(wPath.lower()) == -1:
293 self._Error("Package patch should starts with workspace path, such as if workspace path is c:\\edk2, package patch could be c:\\edk2\MdePkg")
294 return False
295 else:
296 self.SaveConfigure('PackagePath', pPath)
298 if len(dPath) == 0 or not os.path.exists(dPath):
299 self._Error("Can not find doxygen tool from path %s! Please download it from www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/download.html" % dPath)
300 return False
301 else:
302 self.SaveConfigure('DoxygenPath', dPath)
304 if self._modesel.GetStringSelection() == 'CHM':
305 if (len(cPath) == 0 or not os.path.exists(cPath)):
306 self._Error("You select CHM mode to generate document, but can not find software of Microsoft HTML Help Workshop.\nPlease\
307 download it from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=00535334-c8a6-452f-9aa0-d597d16580cc&displaylang=en\n\
308 and install!")
309 return False
310 else:
311 self.SaveConfigure('CHMPath', cPath)
313 if len(oPath) == 0:
314 self._Error("You must specific document output path")
315 return False
316 else:
317 self.SaveConfigure('OutputPath', oPath)
319 if os.path.exists(oPath):
320 # add checking whether there is old doxygen config file here
321 files = os.listdir(oPath)
322 for file in files:
323 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(oPath,file)):
324 basename, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
325 if ext.lower() == '.doxygen_config':
326 dlg = GMD.GenericMessageDialog(self, "Existing doxygen document in output directory will be overwritten\n, Are you sure?",
327 "Info", wx.ICON_WARNING|wx.YES_NO)
328 if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
329 break
330 else:
331 return False
332 else:
333 try:
334 os.makedirs(oPath)
335 except:
336 self._Error("Fail to create output directory, please select another output directory!")
337 return False
339 return True
341 def _Error(self, message):
342 dlg = GMD.GenericMessageDialog(self, message,
343 "Error", wx.ICON_ERROR|wx.OK)
344 dlg.ShowModal()
345 dlg.Destroy()
347 def GetWorkspace(self):
348 return os.path.normpath(self._workspacePathCtrl.GetValue())
350 def GetPackagePath(self):
351 return os.path.normpath(self._packagePathCtrl.GetValue())
353 def GetOutputPath(self):
354 return os.path.normpath(self._outputPathCtrl.GetValue())
356 def GetDoxygenToolPath(self):
357 return os.path.normpath(self._doxygenPathCtrl.GetValue())
359 def GetChmToolPath(self):
360 return os.path.normpath(self._chmPathCtrl.GetValue())
362 def GetDocumentMode(self):
363 return self._modesel.GetStringSelection()
365 def GetArchitecture(self):
366 value = self._archCtrl.GetValue()
367 return value.split('/')[0]
369 def GetToolTag(self):
370 value = self._archCtrl.GetValue()
371 if value == 'ALL':
372 return 'ALL'
373 return value.split('/')[1]
375 def GetIsOnlyDocumentInclude(self):
376 return self._includeonlysel.IsChecked()
378 class ProgressDialog(wx.Dialog):
379 def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY):
380 title = "Generate Document for " + parent.GetPackagePath()
381 wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title=title, style=wx.CAPTION, size=(600, 300))
382 self.Freeze()
383 sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
384 self._textCtrl = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Start launching!")
385 self._gaugeCtrl = wx.Gauge(self, -1, 100, size=(-1, 10))
386 self._resultCtrl = wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl(self, -1)
387 self._closeBt = wx.Button(self, -1, "Close")
388 self._gotoOuputBt = wx.Button(self, -1, "Goto Output")
390 # clear all margin
391 self._resultCtrl.SetMarginWidth(0, 0)
392 self._resultCtrl.SetMarginWidth(1, 0)
393 self._resultCtrl.SetMarginWidth(2, 0)
395 sizer.Add(self._textCtrl, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.TOP|wx.RIGHT, 5)
396 sizer.Add(self._gaugeCtrl, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.TOP|wx.RIGHT, 5)
397 sizer.Add(self._resultCtrl, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.TOP|wx.RIGHT, 5)
398 btsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
399 btsizer.Add(self._gotoOuputBt, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.LEFT|wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 5)
400 btsizer.Add(self._closeBt, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.LEFT|wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 5)
401 sizer.Add(btsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL)
403 self.SetSizer(sizer)
404 self.CenterOnScreen()
405 self.Thaw()
407 self._logger = logging.getLogger('')
408 self._loghandle = ResultHandler(self)
409 logging.getLogger('edk').addHandler(self._loghandle)
410 logging.getLogger('').addHandler(self._loghandle)
411 logging.getLogger('app').addHandler(self._loghandle)
413 wx.EVT_BUTTON(self._closeBt, self._closeBt.GetId(), self.OnButtonClose)
414 wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, self._closeBt.GetId(), self.OnUpdateCloseButton)
415 wx.EVT_BUTTON(self._gotoOuputBt, self._gotoOuputBt.GetId(), self.OnGotoOutput)
416 EVT_LOG(self, self.OnPostLog)
418 self._process = None
419 self._pid = None
420 self._input = None
421 self._output = None
422 self._error = None
423 self._inputThread = None
424 self._errorThread = None
425 self._isBusy = True
426 self._pObj = None
428 wx.CallAfter(self.GenerateAction)
430 def OnUpdateCloseButton(self, event):
431 self._closeBt.Enable(not self._isBusy)
432 return True
434 def OnButtonClose(self, event):
435 if self._isBusy:
436 self._InfoDialog("Please don't close in progressing...")
437 return
439 if self._process != None:
440 self._process.CloseOutput()
442 if self._inputThread:
443 self._inputThread.Terminate()
444 if self._errorThread:
445 self._errorThread.Terminate()
447 if self._pid != None:
448 wx.Process.Kill(self._pid, wx.SIGKILL, wx.KILL_CHILDREN)
450 logging.getLogger('edk').removeHandler(self._loghandle)
451 logging.getLogger('').removeHandler(self._loghandle)
452 logging.getLogger('app').removeHandler(self._loghandle)
454 if self._pObj != None:
455 self._pObj.Destroy()
457 self.EndModal(0)
459 def OnGotoOutput(self, event):
460 output = self.GetParent().GetOutputPath()
461 if os.path.exists(output):
462 if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
463 os.startfile(self.GetParent().GetOutputPath())
464 else:
465 import webbrowser
466 webbrowser.open(self.GetParent().GetOutputPath())
467 else:
468 self._ErrorDialog("Output directory does not exist!")
470 def _ErrorDialog(self, message):
471 dlg = GMD.GenericMessageDialog(self, message,
472 "Error", wx.ICON_ERROR|wx.OK)
473 dlg.ShowModal()
474 dlg.Destroy()
476 def _InfoDialog(self, message):
477 dlg = GMD.GenericMessageDialog(self, message,
478 "Info", wx.ICON_INFORMATION|wx.OK)
479 dlg.ShowModal()
480 dlg.Destroy()
482 def _LogStep(self, index, message):
483 stepstr = "Step %d: %s" % (index, message)
484 self._textCtrl.SetLabel(stepstr)
485 self.LogMessage(os.linesep + stepstr + os.linesep)
486 self._gaugeCtrl.SetValue(index * 100 / 6 )
488 def OnPostLog(self, event):
489 self.LogMessage(event.message)
491 def GenerateAction(self):
492 self._LogStep(1, "Create Package Object Model")
493 wsPath = self.GetParent().GetWorkspace()
494 pkPath = self.GetParent().GetPackagePath()[len(wsPath) + 1:]
496 try:
497 pObj = baseobject.Package(None, self.GetParent().GetWorkspace())
498 pObj.Load(pkPath)
499 except:
500 self._ErrorDialog("Fail to create package object model! Please check log.txt under this application folder!")
501 self._isBusy = False
502 return
503 self._pObj = pObj
505 self.LogMessage(str(pObj.GetPcds()))
507 self._LogStep(2, "Preprocess and Generate Doxygen Config File")
508 try:
509 action = doxygengen.PackageDocumentAction(self.GetParent().GetDoxygenToolPath(),
510 self.GetParent().GetChmToolPath(),
511 self.GetParent().GetOutputPath(),
512 pObj,
513 self.GetParent().GetDocumentMode(),
514 self.LogMessage,
515 self.GetParent().GetArchitecture(),
516 self.GetParent().GetToolTag(),
517 self.GetParent().GetIsOnlyDocumentInclude(),
518 True)
519 except:
520 self._ErrorDialog("Fail to preprocess! Please check log.txt under this application folder!")
521 self._isBusy = False
522 return
524 action.RegisterCallbackDoxygenProcess(self.CreateDoxygeProcess)
526 try:
527 if not action.Generate():
528 self._isBusy = False
529 self.LogMessage("Fail to generate package document! Please check log.txt under this application folder!", 'error')
530 except:
531 import traceback
532 message = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
533 logging.getLogger('').error(''.join(message))
534 self._isBusy = False
535 self._ErrorDialog("Fail to generate package document! Please check log.txt under this application folder!")
537 def LogMessage(self, message, level='info'):
538 self._resultCtrl.DocumentEnd()
539 self._resultCtrl.SetReadOnly(False)
540 self._resultCtrl.AppendText(message)
541 self._resultCtrl.Home()
542 self._resultCtrl.Home()
543 self._resultCtrl.SetReadOnly(True)
544 if level == 'error':
545 wx.GetApp().GetLogger().error(message)
547 def CreateDoxygeProcess(self, doxPath, configFile):
548 self._LogStep(3, "Launch Doxygen Tool and Generate Package Document")
550 cmd = '"%s" %s' % (doxPath, configFile)
551 try:
552 self._process = DoxygenProcess()
553 self._process.SetParent(self)
554 self._process.Redirect()
555 self._pid = wx.Execute(cmd, wx.EXEC_ASYNC, self._process)
556 self._input = self._process.GetInputStream()
557 self._output = self._process.GetOutputStream()
558 self._error = self._process.GetErrorStream()
559 except:
560 self._ErrorDialog('Fail to launch doxygen cmd %s! Please check log.txt under this application folder!' % cmd)
561 self._isBusy = False
562 return False
564 self._inputThread = MonitorThread(self._input, self.LogMessage)
565 self._errorThread = MonitorThread(self._error, self.LogMessage)
566 self._inputThread.start()
567 self._errorThread.start()
568 return True
570 def OnTerminateDoxygenProcess(self):
571 if self._inputThread:
572 self._inputThread.Terminate()
573 self._inputThread = None
574 if self._errorThread:
575 self._errorThread.Terminate()
576 self._errorThread = None
578 if self._error:
579 while self._error.CanRead():
580 text = self._error.read()
581 self.LogMessage(text)
583 if self._input:
584 while self._input.CanRead():
585 text = self._input.read()
586 self.LogMessage(text)
587 self._process.Detach()
589 self._process.CloseOutput()
590 self._process = None
591 self._pid = None
593 self.DocumentFixup()
595 if self.GetParent().GetDocumentMode().lower() == 'chm':
596 hhcfile = os.path.join(self.GetParent().GetOutputPath(), 'html', 'index.hhc')
597 hhpfile = os.path.join(self.GetParent().GetOutputPath(), 'html', 'index.hhp')
598 self.FixDecDoxygenFileLink(hhcfile, None)
599 if not self.CreateCHMProcess(self.GetParent().GetChmToolPath(), hhpfile):
600 self._ErrorDialog("Fail to Create %s process for %s" % (self.GetParent().GetChmToolPath(), hhpfile))
601 self._isBusy = False
602 else:
603 self._LogStep(6, "Finished Document Generation!")
604 self._isBusy = False
605 indexpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.GetParent().GetOutputPath(), 'html', 'index.html'))
606 if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
607 os.startfile(indexpath)
608 else:
609 import webbrowser
610 webbrowser.open(indexpath)
612 self._InfoDialog('Success create HTML doxgen document %s' % indexpath)
614 def CreateCHMProcess(self, chmPath, hhpfile):
615 self.LogMessage(" >>>>>> Start Microsoft HTML workshop process...Zzz...\n")
616 cmd = '"%s" %s' % (chmPath, hhpfile)
617 try:
618 self._process = CHMProcess()
619 self._process.SetParent(self)
620 self._process.Redirect()
621 self._pid = wx.Execute(cmd, wx.EXEC_ASYNC, self._process)
622 self._input = self._process.GetInputStream()
623 self._output = self._process.GetOutputStream()
624 self._error = self._process.GetErrorStream()
625 except:
626 self.LogMessage('\nFail to launch hhp cmd %s!\n' % cmd)
627 self._isBusy = False
628 return False
629 self._inputThread = MonitorThread(self._input, self.LogMessage)
630 self._errorThread = MonitorThread(self._error, self.LogMessage)
631 self._inputThread.start()
632 self._errorThread.start()
633 return True
635 def OnTerminateCHMProcess(self):
636 if self._inputThread:
637 self._inputThread.Terminate()
638 self._inputThread = None
639 if self._errorThread:
640 self._errorThread.Terminate()
641 self._errorThread = None
643 if self._error:
644 while self._error.CanRead():
645 text = self._error.read()
646 self.LogMessage(text)
647 if self._input:
648 while self._input.CanRead():
649 text = self._input.read()
650 self.LogMessage(text)
651 self._process.Detach()
653 self._process.CloseOutput()
654 self._process = None
655 self._pid = None
656 self._isBusy = False
657 indexpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.GetParent().GetOutputPath(), 'html', 'index.chm'))
658 if os.path.exists(indexpath):
659 if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
660 os.startfile(indexpath)
661 else:
662 import webbrowser
663 webbrowser.open(indexpath)
665 self._LogStep(6, "Finished Document Generation!")
666 self.LogMessage('\nSuccess create CHM doxgen document %s\n' % indexpath)
667 self._InfoDialog('Success create CHM doxgen document %s' % indexpath)
669 def DocumentFixup(self):
670 # find BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER structure reference page
671 self._LogStep(4, "Fixup Package Document!")
672 self.LogMessage('\n >>> Start fixup document \n')
674 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(self.GetParent().GetOutputPath(), 'html')):
675 for dir in dirs:
676 if dir.lower() in ['.svn', '_svn', 'cvs']:
677 dirs.remove(dir)
678 for file in files:
679 wx.YieldIfNeeded()
680 if not file.lower().endswith('.html'): continue
681 fullpath = os.path.join(self.GetParent().GetOutputPath(), root, file)
682 try:
683 f = open(fullpath, 'r')
684 text = f.read()
685 f.close()
686 except:
687 self.LogMessage('\nFail to open file %s\n' % fullpath)
688 continue
689 if text.find('BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER Struct Reference') != -1 and self.GetParent().GetArchitecture() == 'ALL':
690 self.FixPageBASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER(fullpath, text)
691 if text.find('MdePkg/Include/Library/BaseLib.h File Reference') != -1 and self.GetParent().GetArchitecture() == 'ALL':
692 self.FixPageBaseLib(fullpath, text)
693 if text.find('IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR Union Reference') != -1 and self.GetParent().GetArchitecture() == 'ALL':
694 self.FixPageIA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR(fullpath, text)
695 if text.find('MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint.h File Reference') != -1:
696 self.FixPageUefiDriverEntryPoint(fullpath, text)
697 if text.find('MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiApplicationEntryPoint.h File Reference') != -1:
698 self.FixPageUefiApplicationEntryPoint(fullpath, text)
699 if text.lower().find('.s.dox') != -1 or \
700 text.lower().find('.asm.dox') != -1 or \
701 text.lower().find('.uni.dox') != -1:
702 self.FixDoxFileLink(fullpath, text)
704 self.RemoveFileList()
705 self.LogMessage(' >>> Finish all document fixing up! \n')
707 def RemoveFileList(self):
708 path_html = os.path.join(self.GetParent().GetOutputPath(), "html", "tree.html")
709 path_chm = os.path.join(self.GetParent().GetOutputPath(), "html", "index.hhc")
710 if os.path.exists(path_html):
711 self.LogMessage(' >>>Remove FileList item from generated HTML document.\n');
712 lines = []
713 f = open (path_html, "r")
714 lines = f.readlines()
715 f.close()
716 bfound = False
717 for index in range(len(lines)):
718 if lines[index].find('<a class="el" href="files.html" target="basefrm">File List</a>') != -1:
719 lines[index] = "<!-- %s" % lines[index]
720 bfound = True
721 continue
722 if bfound:
723 if lines[index].find('</div>') != -1:
724 lines[index] = "%s -->" % lines[index]
725 break
726 if bfound:
727 f = open(path_html, "w")
728 f.write("".join(lines))
729 f.close()
730 else:
731 self.LogMessage (' !!!Can not found FileList item in HTML document!\n')
733 if os.path.exists(path_chm):
734 self.LogMessage(" >>>Warning: Can not remove FileList for CHM files!\n");
735 """
736 self.LogMessage(' >>>Remove FileList item from generated CHM document!\n');
737 lines = []
738 f = open (path_chm, "r")
739 lines = f.readlines()
740 f.close()
741 bfound = False
742 for index in xrange(len(lines)):
743 if not bfound:
744 if lines[index].find('<param name="Local" value="files.html">') != -1:
745 lines[index] = '<!-- %s' % lines[index]
746 bfound = True
747 continue
748 if bfound:
749 if lines[index].find('</UL>') != -1:
750 lines[index] = '%s -->\n' % lines[index].rstrip()
751 break
752 if bfound:
753 f = open(path_chm, "w")
754 f.write("".join(lines))
755 f.close()
756 import time
757 time.sleep(2)
758 else:
759 self.LogMessage(' !!!Can not found the FileList item in CHM document!')
760 """
761 def FixPageBaseLib(self, path, text):
762 self.LogMessage(' >>> Fixup BaseLib file page at file %s \n' % path)
763 lines = text.split('\n')
764 lastBaseJumpIndex = -1
765 lastIdtGateDescriptor = -1
766 for index in range(len(lines) - 1, -1, -1):
767 line = lines[index]
768 if line.strip() == '<td class="memname">#define BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4 </td>':
769 lines[index] = '<td class="memname">#define BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4&nbsp;[IA32] </td>'
770 if line.strip() == '<td class="memname">#define BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x10 </td>':
771 lines[index] = '<td class="memname">#define BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x10&nbsp;[IPF] </td>'
772 if line.strip() == '<td class="memname">#define BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8 </td>':
773 lines[index] = '<td class="memname">#define BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9&nbsp;[EBC, x64] </td>'
774 if line.find('BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4') != -1:
775 lines[index] = lines[index].replace('BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4',
776 'BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4&nbsp;[IA32]')
777 if line.find('BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x10') != -1:
778 lines[index] = lines[index].replace('BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x10',
779 'BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0x10&nbsp;[IPF]')
780 if line.find('BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8') != -1:
781 lines[index] = lines[index].replace('BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8',
782 'BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8&nbsp;[x64, EBC]')
783 if line.find('>BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER</a>') != -1:
784 if lastBaseJumpIndex != -1:
785 del lines[lastBaseJumpIndex]
786 lastBaseJumpIndex = index
787 if line.find('>IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR</a></td>') != -1:
788 if lastIdtGateDescriptor != -1:
789 del lines[lastIdtGateDescriptor]
790 lastIdtGateDescriptor = index
791 try:
792 f = open(path, 'w')
793 f.write('\n'.join(lines))
794 f.close()
795 except:
796 self._isBusy = False
797 self.LogMessage(" <<< Fail to fixup file %s\n" % path)
798 self.LogMessage(" <<< Finish to fixup file %s\n" % path)
800 def FixPageIA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR(self, path, text):
801 self.LogMessage(' >>> Fixup structure reference IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR at file %s \n' % path)
802 lines = text.split('\n')
803 for index in range(len(lines) - 1, -1, -1):
804 line = lines[index].strip()
805 if line.find('struct {</td>') != -1 and lines[index - 2].find('>Uint64</a></td>') != -1:
806 lines.insert(index, '<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Data Fields For X64</h2></td></tr>')
807 if line.find('struct {</td>') != -1 and lines[index - 1].find('Data Fields') != -1:
808 lines.insert(index, '<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Data Fields For IA32</h2></td></tr>')
809 try:
810 f = open(path, 'w')
811 f.write('\n'.join(lines))
812 f.close()
813 except:
814 self._isBusy = False
815 self.LogMessage(" <<< Fail to fixup file %s\n" % path)
816 self.LogMessage(" <<< Finish to fixup file %s\n" % path)
818 def FixPageBASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER(self, path, text):
819 self.LogMessage(' >>> Fixup structure reference BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER at file %s \n' % path)
820 lines = text.split('\n')
821 bInDetail = True
822 bNeedRemove = False
823 for index in range(len(lines) - 1, -1, -1):
824 line = lines[index]
825 if line.find('Detailed Description') != -1:
826 bInDetail = False
827 if line.startswith('EBC context buffer used by') and lines[index - 1].startswith('x64 context buffer'):
828 lines[index] = "IA32/IPF/X64/" + line
829 bNeedRemove = True
830 if line.startswith("x64 context buffer") or line.startswith('IPF context buffer used by') or \
831 line.startswith('IA32 context buffer used by'):
832 if bNeedRemove:
833 lines.remove(line)
834 if line.find('>R0</a>') != -1 and not bInDetail:
835 if lines[index - 1] != '<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Data Fields For EBC</h2></td></tr>':
836 lines.insert(index, '<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Data Fields For EBC</h2></td></tr>')
837 if line.find('>Rbx</a>') != -1 and not bInDetail:
838 if lines[index - 1] != '<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Data Fields For X64</h2></td></tr>':
839 lines.insert(index, '<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Data Fields For X64</h2></td></tr>')
840 if line.find('>F2</a>') != -1 and not bInDetail:
841 if lines[index - 1] != '<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Data Fields For IPF</h2></td></tr>':
842 lines.insert(index, '<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Data Fields For IPF</h2></td></tr>')
843 if line.find('>Ebx</a>') != -1 and not bInDetail:
844 if lines[index - 1] != '<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Data Fields For IA32</h2></td></tr>':
845 lines.insert(index, '<tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Data Fields For IA32</h2></td></tr>')
846 try:
847 f = open(path, 'w')
848 f.write('\n'.join(lines))
849 f.close()
850 except:
851 self._isBusy = False
852 self.LogMessage(" <<< Fail to fixup file %s" % path)
853 self.LogMessage(" <<< Finish to fixup file %s\n" % path)
855 def FixPageUefiDriverEntryPoint(self, path, text):
856 self.LogMessage(' >>> Fixup file reference MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint.h at file %s \n' % path)
857 lines = text.split('\n')
858 bInModuleEntry = False
859 bInEfiMain = False
860 ModuleEntryDlCount = 0
861 ModuleEntryDelStart = 0
862 ModuleEntryDelEnd = 0
863 EfiMainDlCount = 0
864 EfiMainDelStart = 0
865 EfiMainDelEnd = 0
867 for index in range(len(lines)):
868 line = lines[index].strip()
869 if line.find('EFI_STATUS</a> EFIAPI _ModuleEntryPoint </td>') != -1:
870 bInModuleEntry = True
871 if line.find('EFI_STATUS</a> EFIAPI EfiMain </td>') != -1:
872 bInEfiMain = True
873 if line.startswith('<p>References <a'):
874 if bInModuleEntry:
875 ModuleEntryDelEnd = index - 1
876 bInModuleEntry = False
877 elif bInEfiMain:
878 EfiMainDelEnd = index - 1
879 bInEfiMain = False
880 if bInModuleEntry:
881 if line.startswith('</dl>'):
882 ModuleEntryDlCount = ModuleEntryDlCount + 1
883 if ModuleEntryDlCount == 1:
884 ModuleEntryDelStart = index + 1
885 if bInEfiMain:
886 if line.startswith('</dl>'):
887 EfiMainDlCount = EfiMainDlCount + 1
888 if EfiMainDlCount == 1:
889 EfiMainDelStart = index + 1
891 if EfiMainDelEnd > EfiMainDelStart:
892 for index in range(EfiMainDelEnd, EfiMainDelStart, -1):
893 del lines[index]
894 if ModuleEntryDelEnd > ModuleEntryDelStart:
895 for index in range(ModuleEntryDelEnd, ModuleEntryDelStart, -1):
896 del lines[index]
898 try:
899 f = open(path, 'w')
900 f.write('\n'.join(lines))
901 f.close()
902 except:
903 self._isBusy = False
904 self.LogMessage(" <<< Fail to fixup file %s" % path)
905 self.LogMessage(" <<< Finish to fixup file %s\n" % path)
907 def FixPageUefiApplicationEntryPoint(self, path, text):
908 self.LogMessage(' >>> Fixup file reference MdePkg/Include/Library/UefiApplicationEntryPoint.h at file %s \n' % path)
909 lines = text.split('\n')
910 bInModuleEntry = False
911 bInEfiMain = False
912 ModuleEntryDlCount = 0
913 ModuleEntryDelStart = 0
914 ModuleEntryDelEnd = 0
915 EfiMainDlCount = 0
916 EfiMainDelStart = 0
917 EfiMainDelEnd = 0
919 for index in range(len(lines)):
920 line = lines[index].strip()
921 if line.find('EFI_STATUS</a> EFIAPI _ModuleEntryPoint </td>') != -1:
922 bInModuleEntry = True
923 if line.find('EFI_STATUS</a> EFIAPI EfiMain </td>') != -1:
924 bInEfiMain = True
925 if line.startswith('<p>References <a'):
926 if bInModuleEntry:
927 ModuleEntryDelEnd = index - 1
928 bInModuleEntry = False
929 elif bInEfiMain:
930 EfiMainDelEnd = index - 1
931 bInEfiMain = False
932 if bInModuleEntry:
933 if line.startswith('</dl>'):
934 ModuleEntryDlCount = ModuleEntryDlCount + 1
935 if ModuleEntryDlCount == 1:
936 ModuleEntryDelStart = index + 1
937 if bInEfiMain:
938 if line.startswith('</dl>'):
939 EfiMainDlCount = EfiMainDlCount + 1
940 if EfiMainDlCount == 1:
941 EfiMainDelStart = index + 1
943 if EfiMainDelEnd > EfiMainDelStart:
944 for index in range(EfiMainDelEnd, EfiMainDelStart, -1):
945 del lines[index]
946 if ModuleEntryDelEnd > ModuleEntryDelStart:
947 for index in range(ModuleEntryDelEnd, ModuleEntryDelStart, -1):
948 del lines[index]
950 try:
951 f = open(path, 'w')
952 f.write('\n'.join(lines))
953 f.close()
954 except:
955 self._isBusy = False
956 self.LogMessage(" <<< Fail to fixup file %s" % path)
957 self.LogMessage(" <<< Finish to fixup file %s\n" % path)
960 def FixDoxFileLink(self, path, text):
961 self.LogMessage(' >>> Fixup .dox postfix for file %s \n' % path)
962 try:
963 fd = open(path, 'r')
964 text = fd.read()
965 fd.close()
966 except Exception as e:
967 self.LogMessage (" <<<Fail to open file %s" % path)
968 return
969 text = text.replace ('.s.dox', '.s')
970 text = text.replace ('.S.dox', '.S')
971 text = text.replace ('.asm.dox', '.asm')
972 text = text.replace ('.Asm.dox', '.Asm')
973 text = text.replace ('.uni.dox', '.uni')
974 text = text.replace ('.Uni.dox', '.Uni')
975 try:
976 fd = open(path, 'w')
977 fd.write(text)
978 fd.close()
979 except Exception as e:
980 self.LogMessage (" <<<Fail to fixup file %s" % path)
981 return
982 self.LogMessage(' >>> Finish to fixup .dox postfix for file %s \n' % path)
984 def FixDecDoxygenFileLink(self, path, text):
985 self.LogMessage(' >>> Fixup .decdoxygen postfix for file %s \n' % path)
986 try:
987 fd = open(path, 'r')
988 lines = fd.readlines()
989 fd.close()
990 except Exception as e:
991 self.LogMessage (" <<<Fail to open file %s" % path)
992 return
993 for line in lines:
994 if line.find('.decdoxygen') != -1:
995 lines.remove(line)
996 break
997 try:
998 fd = open(path, 'w')
999 fd.write("".join(lines))
1000 fd.close()
1001 except Exception as e:
1002 self.LogMessage (" <<<Fail to fixup file %s" % path)
1003 return
1004 self.LogMessage(' >>> Finish to fixup .decdoxygen postfix for file %s \n' % path)
1006 import threading
1007 class MonitorThread(threading.Thread):
1008 def __init__(self, pipe, callback):
1009 threading.Thread.__init__(self)
1010 self._pipe = pipe
1011 self._callback = callback
1012 self._isCancel = False
1014 def run(self):
1015 while (not self._isCancel):
1016 self._pipe.Peek()
1017 if self._pipe.LastRead() == 0:
1018 break
1019 text = self._pipe.read()
1020 if len(text.strip()) != 0:
1021 wx.GetApp().ForegroundProcess(self._callback, (text,))
1023 def Terminate(self):
1024 self._pipe.flush()
1025 self._isCancel = True
1027 class DoxygenProcess(wx.Process):
1028 def OnTerminate(self, id, status):
1029 self._parent.OnTerminateDoxygenProcess()
1031 def SetParent(self, parent):
1032 self._parent = parent
1034 class CHMProcess(wx.Process):
1035 def OnTerminate(self, id, status):
1036 self._parent.OnTerminateCHMProcess()
1038 def SetParent(self, parent):
1039 self._parent = parent
1041 class ResultHandler:
1042 def __init__(self, parent):
1043 self._parent = parent
1044 self.level = 0
1046 def emit(self, record):
1047 self._parent.LogMessage(record)
1049 def handle(self, record):
1050 wx.PostEvent(self._parent, LogEvent(message=record.getMessage()))
1052 def acquire(self):
1053 pass
1055 def release(self):
1056 pass
1058 if __name__ == '__main__':
1059 app = PackageDocApp(redirect=False)
1060 app.MainLoop()