]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/blob - BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/AutoGenWorker.py
BaseTools: Enable Multiple Process AutoGen
[mirror_edk2.git] / BaseTools / Source / Python / AutoGen / AutoGenWorker.py
1 ## @file
2 # Create makefile for MS nmake and GNU make
3 #
4 # Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 #
7 from __future__ import absolute_import
8 import multiprocessing as mp
9 import threading
10 from Common.Misc import PathClass
11 from AutoGen.ModuleAutoGen import ModuleAutoGen
12 from AutoGen.ModuleAutoGenHelper import WorkSpaceInfo,AutoGenInfo
13 import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
14 import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
15 import os
16 from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
17 from AutoGen.AutoGen import AutoGen
18 from Workspace.WorkspaceDatabase import BuildDB
19 from queue import Empty
20 import traceback
21 import sys
22 from AutoGen.DataPipe import MemoryDataPipe
23 def clearQ(q):
24 try:
25 while True:
26 q.get_nowait()
27 except Empty:
28 pass
29 class AutoGenManager(threading.Thread):
30 def __init__(self,autogen_workers, feedback_q,error_event):
31 super(AutoGenManager,self).__init__()
32 self.autogen_workers = autogen_workers
33 self.feedback_q = feedback_q
34 self.terminate = False
35 self.Status = True
36 self.error_event = error_event
37 def run(self):
38 try:
39 fin_num = 0
40 while True:
41 badnews = self.feedback_q.get()
42 if badnews is None:
43 break
44 if badnews == "Done":
45 fin_num += 1
46 else:
47 self.Status = False
48 self.TerminateWorkers()
49 if fin_num == len(self.autogen_workers):
50 self.clearQueue()
51 for w in self.autogen_workers:
52 w.join()
53 break
54 except Exception:
55 return
57 def clearQueue(self):
58 taskq = self.autogen_workers[0].module_queue
59 clearQ(taskq)
60 clearQ(self.feedback_q)
62 def TerminateWorkers(self):
63 self.error_event.set()
64 def kill(self):
65 self.feedback_q.put(None)
66 class AutoGenWorkerInProcess(mp.Process):
67 def __init__(self,module_queue,data_pipe_file_path,feedback_q,file_lock,error_event):
68 mp.Process.__init__(self)
69 self.module_queue = module_queue
70 self.data_pipe_file_path =data_pipe_file_path
71 self.data_pipe = None
72 self.feedback_q = feedback_q
73 self.PlatformMetaFileSet = {}
74 self.file_lock = file_lock
75 self.error_event = error_event
76 def GetPlatformMetaFile(self,filepath,root):
77 try:
78 return self.PlatformMetaFileSet[(filepath,root)]
79 except:
80 self.PlatformMetaFileSet[(filepath,root)] = filepath
81 return self.PlatformMetaFileSet[(filepath,root)]
82 def run(self):
83 try:
84 taskname = "Init"
85 with self.file_lock:
86 if not os.path.exists(self.data_pipe_file_path):
87 self.feedback_q.put(taskname + ":" + "load data pipe %s failed." % self.data_pipe_file_path)
88 self.data_pipe = MemoryDataPipe()
89 self.data_pipe.load(self.data_pipe_file_path)
90 EdkLogger.Initialize()
91 loglevel = self.data_pipe.Get("LogLevel")
92 if not loglevel:
93 loglevel = EdkLogger.INFO
94 EdkLogger.SetLevel(loglevel)
95 logfile = self.data_pipe.Get("LogFile")
96 if logfile:
97 EdkLogger.SetLogFile(logfile)
98 target = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("Target")
99 toolchain = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ToolChain")
100 archlist = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ArchList")
102 active_p = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ActivePlatform")
103 workspacedir = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("WorkspaceDir")
104 PackagesPath = os.getenv("PACKAGES_PATH")
105 mws.setWs(workspacedir, PackagesPath)
106 self.Wa = WorkSpaceInfo(
107 workspacedir,active_p,target,toolchain,archlist
108 )
109 self.Wa._SrcTimeStamp = self.data_pipe.Get("Workspace_timestamp")
110 GlobalData.gGlobalDefines = self.data_pipe.Get("G_defines")
111 GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines = self.data_pipe.Get("CL_defines")
112 os.environ._data = self.data_pipe.Get("Env_Var")
113 GlobalData.gWorkspace = workspacedir
114 GlobalData.gDisableIncludePathCheck = False
115 GlobalData.gFdfParser = self.data_pipe.Get("FdfParser")
116 GlobalData.gDatabasePath = self.data_pipe.Get("DatabasePath")
117 pcd_from_build_option = []
118 for pcd_tuple in self.data_pipe.Get("BuildOptPcd"):
119 pcd_id = ".".join((pcd_tuple[0],pcd_tuple[1]))
120 if pcd_tuple[2].strip():
121 pcd_id = ".".join((pcd_id,pcd_tuple[2]))
122 pcd_from_build_option.append("=".join((pcd_id,pcd_tuple[3])))
123 GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd = pcd_from_build_option
124 module_count = 0
125 FfsCmd = self.data_pipe.Get("FfsCommand")
126 if FfsCmd is None:
127 FfsCmd = {}
128 PlatformMetaFile = self.GetPlatformMetaFile(self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ActivePlatform"),
129 self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("WorkspaceDir"))
130 libConstPcd = self.data_pipe.Get("LibConstPcd")
131 Refes = self.data_pipe.Get("REFS")
132 while True:
133 if self.module_queue.empty():
134 break
135 if self.error_event.is_set():
136 break
137 module_count += 1
138 module_file,module_root,module_path,module_basename,module_originalpath,module_arch,IsLib = self.module_queue.get_nowait()
139 modulefullpath = os.path.join(module_root,module_file)
140 taskname = " : ".join((modulefullpath,module_arch))
141 module_metafile = PathClass(module_file,module_root)
142 if module_path:
143 module_metafile.Path = module_path
144 if module_basename:
145 module_metafile.BaseName = module_basename
146 if module_originalpath:
147 module_metafile.OriginalPath = PathClass(module_originalpath,module_root)
148 arch = module_arch
149 target = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("Target")
150 toolchain = self.data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ToolChain")
151 Ma = ModuleAutoGen(self.Wa,module_metafile,target,toolchain,arch,PlatformMetaFile,self.data_pipe)
152 Ma.IsLibrary = IsLib
153 if IsLib:
154 if (Ma.MetaFile.File,Ma.MetaFile.Root,Ma.Arch,Ma.MetaFile.Path) in libConstPcd:
155 Ma.ConstPcd = libConstPcd[(Ma.MetaFile.File,Ma.MetaFile.Root,Ma.Arch,Ma.MetaFile.Path)]
156 if (Ma.MetaFile.File,Ma.MetaFile.Root,Ma.Arch,Ma.MetaFile.Path) in Refes:
157 Ma.ReferenceModules = Refes[(Ma.MetaFile.File,Ma.MetaFile.Root,Ma.Arch,Ma.MetaFile.Path)]
158 Ma.CreateCodeFile(False)
159 Ma.CreateMakeFile(False,GenFfsList=FfsCmd.get((Ma.MetaFile.File, Ma.Arch),[]))
160 except Empty:
161 pass
162 except:
163 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
164 self.feedback_q.put(taskname)
165 finally:
166 self.feedback_q.put("Done")
167 def printStatus(self):
168 print("Processs ID: %d Run %d modules in AutoGen " % (os.getpid(),len(AutoGen.Cache())))
169 print("Processs ID: %d Run %d modules in AutoGenInfo " % (os.getpid(),len(AutoGenInfo.GetCache())))
170 groupobj = {}
171 for buildobj in BuildDB.BuildObject.GetCache().values():
172 if str(buildobj).lower().endswith("dec"):
173 try:
174 groupobj['dec'].append(str(buildobj))
175 except:
176 groupobj['dec'] = [str(buildobj)]
177 if str(buildobj).lower().endswith("dsc"):
178 try:
179 groupobj['dsc'].append(str(buildobj))
180 except:
181 groupobj['dsc'] = [str(buildobj)]
183 if str(buildobj).lower().endswith("inf"):
184 try:
185 groupobj['inf'].append(str(buildobj))
186 except:
187 groupobj['inf'] = [str(buildobj)]
189 print("Processs ID: %d Run %d pkg in WDB " % (os.getpid(),len(groupobj.get("dec",[]))))
190 print("Processs ID: %d Run %d pla in WDB " % (os.getpid(),len(groupobj.get("dsc",[]))))
191 print("Processs ID: %d Run %d inf in WDB " % (os.getpid(),len(groupobj.get("inf",[]))))