]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/blob - BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/WorkspaceAutoGen.py
[mirror_edk2.git] / BaseTools / Source / Python / AutoGen / WorkspaceAutoGen.py
1 ## @file
2 # Create makefile for MS nmake and GNU make
3 #
4 # Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 #
8 ## Import Modules
9 #
10 from __future__ import print_function
11 from __future__ import absolute_import
12 import os.path as path
13 import hashlib
14 from collections import defaultdict
15 from GenFds.FdfParser import FdfParser
16 from Workspace.WorkspaceCommon import GetModuleLibInstances
17 from AutoGen import GenMake
18 from AutoGen.AutoGen import AutoGen
19 from AutoGen.PlatformAutoGen import PlatformAutoGen
20 from AutoGen.BuildEngine import gDefaultBuildRuleFile
21 from Common.ToolDefClassObject import gDefaultToolsDefFile
22 from Common.StringUtils import NormPath
23 from Common.BuildToolError import *
24 from Common.DataType import *
25 from Common.Misc import *
26 import json
28 ## Regular expression for splitting Dependency Expression string into tokens
29 gDepexTokenPattern = re.compile("(\(|\)|\w+| \S+\.inf)")
31 ## Regular expression for match: PCD(xxxx.yyy)
32 gPCDAsGuidPattern = re.compile(r"^PCD\(.+\..+\)$")
34 ## Workspace AutoGen class
35 #
36 # This class is used mainly to control the whole platform build for different
37 # architecture. This class will generate top level makefile.
38 #
39 class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
40 # call super().__init__ then call the worker function with different parameter count
41 def __init__(self, Workspace, MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch, *args, **kwargs):
42 if not hasattr(self, "_Init"):
43 self._InitWorker(Workspace, MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch, *args, **kwargs)
44 self._Init = True
46 ## Initialize WorkspaceAutoGen
47 #
48 # @param WorkspaceDir Root directory of workspace
49 # @param ActivePlatform Meta-file of active platform
50 # @param Target Build target
51 # @param Toolchain Tool chain name
52 # @param ArchList List of architecture of current build
53 # @param MetaFileDb Database containing meta-files
54 # @param BuildConfig Configuration of build
55 # @param ToolDefinition Tool chain definitions
56 # @param FlashDefinitionFile File of flash definition
57 # @param Fds FD list to be generated
58 # @param Fvs FV list to be generated
59 # @param Caps Capsule list to be generated
60 # @param SkuId SKU id from command line
61 #
62 def _InitWorker(self, WorkspaceDir, ActivePlatform, Target, Toolchain, ArchList, MetaFileDb,
63 BuildConfig, ToolDefinition, FlashDefinitionFile='', Fds=None, Fvs=None, Caps=None, SkuId='', UniFlag=None,
64 Progress=None, BuildModule=None):
65 self.BuildDatabase = MetaFileDb
66 self.MetaFile = ActivePlatform
67 self.WorkspaceDir = WorkspaceDir
68 self.Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, TAB_ARCH_COMMON, Target, Toolchain]
69 GlobalData.gActivePlatform = self.Platform
70 self.BuildTarget = Target
71 self.ToolChain = Toolchain
72 self.ArchList = ArchList
73 self.SkuId = SkuId
74 self.UniFlag = UniFlag
76 self.TargetTxt = BuildConfig
77 self.ToolDef = ToolDefinition
78 self.FdfFile = FlashDefinitionFile
79 self.FdTargetList = Fds if Fds else []
80 self.FvTargetList = Fvs if Fvs else []
81 self.CapTargetList = Caps if Caps else []
82 self.AutoGenObjectList = []
83 self._GuidDict = {}
85 # there's many relative directory operations, so ...
86 os.chdir(self.WorkspaceDir)
88 self.MergeArch()
89 self.ValidateBuildTarget()
91 EdkLogger.info("")
92 if self.ArchList:
93 EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Architecture(s)", ' '.join(self.ArchList)))
94 EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Build target", self.BuildTarget))
95 EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Toolchain", self.ToolChain))
97 EdkLogger.info('\n%-24s = %s' % ("Active Platform", self.Platform))
98 if BuildModule:
99 EdkLogger.info('%-24s = %s' % ("Active Module", BuildModule))
101 if self.FdfFile:
102 EdkLogger.info('%-24s = %s' % ("Flash Image Definition", self.FdfFile))
104 EdkLogger.verbose("\nFLASH_DEFINITION = %s" % self.FdfFile)
106 if Progress:
107 Progress.Start("\nProcessing meta-data")
108 #
109 # Mark now build in AutoGen Phase
110 #
111 GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase = True
112 self.ProcessModuleFromPdf()
113 self.ProcessPcdType()
114 self.ProcessMixedPcd()
115 self.VerifyPcdsFromFDF()
116 self.CollectAllPcds()
117 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
118 Pa.FillData_LibConstPcd()
119 self.GeneratePkgLevelHash()
120 #
121 # Check PCDs token value conflict in each DEC file.
122 #
123 self._CheckAllPcdsTokenValueConflict()
124 #
125 # Check PCD type and definition between DSC and DEC
126 #
127 self._CheckPcdDefineAndType()
129 self.CreateBuildOptionsFile()
130 self.CreatePcdTokenNumberFile()
131 self.GeneratePlatformLevelHash()
133 #
134 # Merge Arch
135 #
136 def MergeArch(self):
137 if not self.ArchList:
138 ArchList = set(self.Platform.SupArchList)
139 else:
140 ArchList = set(self.ArchList) & set(self.Platform.SupArchList)
141 if not ArchList:
142 EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,
143 ExtraData = "Invalid ARCH specified. [Valid ARCH: %s]" % (" ".join(self.Platform.SupArchList)))
144 elif self.ArchList and len(ArchList) != len(self.ArchList):
145 SkippedArchList = set(self.ArchList).symmetric_difference(set(self.Platform.SupArchList))
146 EdkLogger.verbose("\nArch [%s] is ignored because the platform supports [%s] only!"
147 % (" ".join(SkippedArchList), " ".join(self.Platform.SupArchList)))
148 self.ArchList = tuple(ArchList)
150 # Validate build target
151 def ValidateBuildTarget(self):
152 if self.BuildTarget not in self.Platform.BuildTargets:
153 EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,
154 ExtraData="Build target [%s] is not supported by the platform. [Valid target: %s]"
155 % (self.BuildTarget, " ".join(self.Platform.BuildTargets)))
156 @cached_property
157 def FdfProfile(self):
158 if not self.FdfFile:
159 self.FdfFile = self.Platform.FlashDefinition
161 FdfProfile = None
162 if self.FdfFile:
163 Fdf = FdfParser(self.FdfFile.Path)
164 Fdf.ParseFile()
165 GlobalData.gFdfParser = Fdf
166 if Fdf.CurrentFdName and Fdf.CurrentFdName in Fdf.Profile.FdDict:
167 FdDict = Fdf.Profile.FdDict[Fdf.CurrentFdName]
168 for FdRegion in FdDict.RegionList:
169 if str(FdRegion.RegionType) == 'FILE' and self.Platform.VpdToolGuid in str(FdRegion.RegionDataList):
170 if int(FdRegion.Offset) % 8 != 0:
171 EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_INVALID, 'The VPD Base Address %s must be 8-byte aligned.' % (FdRegion.Offset))
172 FdfProfile = Fdf.Profile
173 else:
174 if self.FdTargetList:
175 EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. FD [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.FdTargetList))
176 self.FdTargetList = []
177 if self.FvTargetList:
178 EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. FV [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.FvTargetList))
179 self.FvTargetList = []
180 if self.CapTargetList:
181 EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. Capsule [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.CapTargetList))
182 self.CapTargetList = []
184 return FdfProfile
186 def ProcessModuleFromPdf(self):
188 if self.FdfProfile:
189 for fvname in self.FvTargetList:
190 if fvname.upper() not in self.FdfProfile.FvDict:
191 EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID,
192 "No such an FV in FDF file: %s" % fvname)
194 # In DSC file may use FILE_GUID to override the module, then in the Platform.Modules use FILE_GUIDmodule.inf as key,
195 # but the path (self.MetaFile.Path) is the real path
196 for key in self.FdfProfile.InfDict:
197 if key == 'ArchTBD':
198 MetaFile_cache = defaultdict(set)
199 for Arch in self.ArchList:
200 Current_Platform_cache = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
201 for Pkey in Current_Platform_cache.Modules:
202 MetaFile_cache[Arch].add(Current_Platform_cache.Modules[Pkey].MetaFile)
203 for Inf in self.FdfProfile.InfDict[key]:
204 ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)
205 for Arch in self.ArchList:
206 if ModuleFile in MetaFile_cache[Arch]:
207 break
208 else:
209 ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
210 if not ModuleData.IsBinaryModule:
211 EdkLogger.error('build', PARSER_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % ModuleFile)
213 else:
214 for Arch in self.ArchList:
215 if Arch == key:
216 Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
217 MetaFileList = set()
218 for Pkey in Platform.Modules:
219 MetaFileList.add(Platform.Modules[Pkey].MetaFile)
220 for Inf in self.FdfProfile.InfDict[key]:
221 ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)
222 if ModuleFile in MetaFileList:
223 continue
224 ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
225 if not ModuleData.IsBinaryModule:
226 EdkLogger.error('build', PARSER_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % ModuleFile)
230 # parse FDF file to get PCDs in it, if any
231 def VerifyPcdsFromFDF(self):
233 if self.FdfProfile:
234 PcdSet = self.FdfProfile.PcdDict
235 self.VerifyPcdDeclearation(PcdSet)
237 def ProcessPcdType(self):
238 for Arch in self.ArchList:
239 Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
240 Platform.Pcds
241 # generate the SourcePcdDict and BinaryPcdDict
242 Libs = []
243 for BuildData in list(self.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values()):
244 if BuildData.Arch != Arch:
245 continue
246 if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf' and str(BuildData) in Platform.Modules :
247 Libs.extend(GetModuleLibInstances(BuildData, Platform,
248 self.BuildDatabase,
249 Arch,
250 self.BuildTarget,
251 self.ToolChain,
252 self.Platform.MetaFile,
253 EdkLogger
254 ))
255 for BuildData in list(self.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values()):
256 if BuildData.Arch != Arch:
257 continue
258 if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf':
259 for key in BuildData.Pcds:
260 if BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending:
261 if key in Platform.Pcds:
262 PcdInPlatform = Platform.Pcds[key]
263 if PcdInPlatform.Type:
264 BuildData.Pcds[key].Type = PcdInPlatform.Type
265 BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending = False
267 if BuildData.MetaFile in Platform.Modules:
268 PlatformModule = Platform.Modules[str(BuildData.MetaFile)]
269 if key in PlatformModule.Pcds:
270 PcdInPlatform = PlatformModule.Pcds[key]
271 if PcdInPlatform.Type:
272 BuildData.Pcds[key].Type = PcdInPlatform.Type
273 BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending = False
274 else:
275 #Pcd used in Library, Pcd Type from reference module if Pcd Type is Pending
276 if BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending:
277 if bool(BuildData.LibraryClass):
278 if BuildData in set(Libs):
279 ReferenceModules = BuildData.ReferenceModules
280 for ReferenceModule in ReferenceModules:
281 if ReferenceModule.MetaFile in Platform.Modules:
282 RefPlatformModule = Platform.Modules[str(ReferenceModule.MetaFile)]
283 if key in RefPlatformModule.Pcds:
284 PcdInReferenceModule = RefPlatformModule.Pcds[key]
285 if PcdInReferenceModule.Type:
286 BuildData.Pcds[key].Type = PcdInReferenceModule.Type
287 BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending = False
288 break
290 def ProcessMixedPcd(self):
291 for Arch in self.ArchList:
294 SourcePcdDict_Keys = SourcePcdDict.keys()
295 BinaryPcdDict_Keys = BinaryPcdDict.keys()
297 # generate the SourcePcdDict and BinaryPcdDict
299 for BuildData in list(self.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values()):
300 if BuildData.Arch != Arch:
301 continue
302 if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf':
303 for key in BuildData.Pcds:
304 if TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
305 if BuildData.IsBinaryModule:
306 BinaryPcdDict[TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
307 else:
308 SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
310 elif TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
311 if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf':
312 if BuildData.IsBinaryModule:
313 BinaryPcdDict[TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
314 else:
315 SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
317 elif TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
318 SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
319 elif TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
320 SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
322 #
323 # A PCD can only use one type for all source modules
324 #
325 for i in SourcePcdDict_Keys:
326 for j in SourcePcdDict_Keys:
327 if i != j:
328 Intersections = SourcePcdDict[i].intersection(SourcePcdDict[j])
329 if len(Intersections) > 0:
330 EdkLogger.error(
331 'build',
333 "Building modules from source INFs, following PCD use %s and %s access method. It must be corrected to use only one access method." % (i, j),
334 ExtraData='\n\t'.join(str(P[1]+'.'+P[0]) for P in Intersections)
335 )
337 #
338 # intersection the BinaryPCD for Mixed PCD
339 #
340 for i in BinaryPcdDict_Keys:
341 for j in BinaryPcdDict_Keys:
342 if i != j:
343 Intersections = BinaryPcdDict[i].intersection(BinaryPcdDict[j])
344 for item in Intersections:
345 NewPcd1 = (item[0] + '_' + i, item[1])
346 NewPcd2 = (item[0] + '_' + j, item[1])
347 if item not in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
348 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item] = [NewPcd1, NewPcd2]
349 else:
350 if NewPcd1 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:
351 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd1)
352 if NewPcd2 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:
353 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd2)
355 #
356 # intersection the SourcePCD and BinaryPCD for Mixed PCD
357 #
358 for i in SourcePcdDict_Keys:
359 for j in BinaryPcdDict_Keys:
360 if i != j:
361 Intersections = SourcePcdDict[i].intersection(BinaryPcdDict[j])
362 for item in Intersections:
363 NewPcd1 = (item[0] + '_' + i, item[1])
364 NewPcd2 = (item[0] + '_' + j, item[1])
365 if item not in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
366 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item] = [NewPcd1, NewPcd2]
367 else:
368 if NewPcd1 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:
369 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd1)
370 if NewPcd2 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:
371 GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd2)
373 BuildData = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
374 for key in BuildData.Pcds:
375 for SinglePcd in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
376 if (BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName) == SinglePcd:
377 for item in GlobalData.MixedPcd[SinglePcd]:
378 Pcd_Type = item[0].split('_')[-1]
379 if (Pcd_Type == BuildData.Pcds[key].Type) or (Pcd_Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX and BuildData.Pcds[key].Type in PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_TYPE_SET) or \
380 (Pcd_Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC and BuildData.Pcds[key].Type in PCD_DYNAMIC_TYPE_SET):
381 Value = BuildData.Pcds[key]
382 Value.TokenCName = BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName + '_' + Pcd_Type
383 if len(key) == 2:
384 newkey = (Value.TokenCName, key[1])
385 elif len(key) == 3:
386 newkey = (Value.TokenCName, key[1], key[2])
387 del BuildData.Pcds[key]
388 BuildData.Pcds[newkey] = Value
389 break
390 break
392 if self.FdfProfile:
393 PcdSet = self.FdfProfile.PcdDict
394 # handle the mixed pcd in FDF file
395 for key in PcdSet:
396 if key in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
397 Value = PcdSet[key]
398 del PcdSet[key]
399 for item in GlobalData.MixedPcd[key]:
400 PcdSet[item] = Value
402 #Collect package set information from INF of FDF
403 @cached_property
404 def PkgSet(self):
405 if not self.FdfFile:
406 self.FdfFile = self.Platform.FlashDefinition
408 if self.FdfFile:
409 ModuleList = self.FdfProfile.InfList
410 else:
411 ModuleList = []
412 Pkgs = {}
413 for Arch in self.ArchList:
414 Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
415 PkgSet = set()
416 for mb in [self.BuildDatabase[m, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain] for m in Platform.Modules]:
417 PkgSet.update(mb.Packages)
418 for Inf in ModuleList:
419 ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)
420 if ModuleFile in Platform.Modules:
421 continue
422 ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
423 PkgSet.update(ModuleData.Packages)
424 PkgSet.update(Platform.Packages)
425 Pkgs[Arch] = list(PkgSet)
426 return Pkgs
428 def VerifyPcdDeclearation(self,PcdSet):
429 for Arch in self.ArchList:
430 Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
431 Pkgs = self.PkgSet[Arch]
432 DecPcds = set()
433 DecPcdsKey = set()
434 for Pkg in Pkgs:
435 for Pcd in Pkg.Pcds:
436 DecPcds.add((Pcd[0], Pcd[1]))
437 DecPcdsKey.add((Pcd[0], Pcd[1], Pcd[2]))
439 Platform.SkuName = self.SkuId
440 for Name, Guid,Fileds in PcdSet:
441 if (Name, Guid) not in DecPcds:
442 EdkLogger.error(
443 'build',
445 "PCD (%s.%s) used in FDF is not declared in DEC files." % (Guid, Name),
446 File = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid, Fileds][0],
447 Line = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid, Fileds][1]
448 )
449 else:
450 # Check whether Dynamic or DynamicEx PCD used in FDF file. If used, build break and give a error message.
451 if (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD) in DecPcdsKey \
452 or (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE) in DecPcdsKey \
453 or (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG) in DecPcdsKey:
454 continue
455 elif (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC) in DecPcdsKey or (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX) in DecPcdsKey:
456 EdkLogger.error(
457 'build',
459 "Using Dynamic or DynamicEx type of PCD [%s.%s] in FDF file is not allowed." % (Guid, Name),
460 File = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid, Fileds][0],
461 Line = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid, Fileds][1]
462 )
463 def CollectAllPcds(self):
465 for Arch in self.ArchList:
466 Pa = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, Arch)
467 #
468 # Explicitly collect platform's dynamic PCDs
469 #
470 Pa.CollectPlatformDynamicPcds()
471 Pa.CollectFixedAtBuildPcds()
472 self.AutoGenObjectList.append(Pa)
473 # We need to calculate the PcdTokenNumber after all Arch Pcds are collected.
474 for Arch in self.ArchList:
475 #Pcd TokenNumber
476 Pa = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, Arch)
477 self.UpdateModuleDataPipe(Arch, {"PCD_TNUM":Pa.PcdTokenNumber})
479 def UpdateModuleDataPipe(self,arch, attr_dict):
480 for (Target, Toolchain, Arch, MetaFile) in AutoGen.Cache():
481 if Arch != arch:
482 continue
483 try:
484 AutoGen.Cache()[(Target, Toolchain, Arch, MetaFile)].DataPipe.DataContainer = attr_dict
485 except Exception:
486 pass
487 #
488 # Generate Package level hash value
489 #
490 def GeneratePkgLevelHash(self):
491 for Arch in self.ArchList:
492 GlobalData.gPackageHash = {}
493 if GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
494 for Pkg in self.PkgSet[Arch]:
495 self._GenPkgLevelHash(Pkg)
498 def CreateBuildOptionsFile(self):
499 #
500 # Create BuildOptions Macro & PCD metafile, also add the Active Platform and FDF file.
501 #
502 content = 'gCommandLineDefines: '
503 content += str(GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines)
504 content += TAB_LINE_BREAK
505 content += 'BuildOptionPcd: '
506 content += str(GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd)
507 content += TAB_LINE_BREAK
508 content += 'Active Platform: '
509 content += str(self.Platform)
510 content += TAB_LINE_BREAK
511 if self.FdfFile:
512 content += 'Flash Image Definition: '
513 content += str(self.FdfFile)
514 content += TAB_LINE_BREAK
515 SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'BuildOptions'), content, False)
517 def CreatePcdTokenNumberFile(self):
518 #
519 # Create PcdToken Number file for Dynamic/DynamicEx Pcd.
520 #
521 PcdTokenNumber = 'PcdTokenNumber: '
522 Pa = self.AutoGenObjectList[0]
523 if Pa.PcdTokenNumber:
524 if Pa.DynamicPcdList:
525 for Pcd in Pa.DynamicPcdList:
526 PcdTokenNumber += TAB_LINE_BREAK
527 PcdTokenNumber += str((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName))
528 PcdTokenNumber += ' : '
529 PcdTokenNumber += str(Pa.PcdTokenNumber[Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName])
530 SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'PcdTokenNumber'), PcdTokenNumber, False)
532 def GeneratePlatformLevelHash(self):
533 #
534 # Get set of workspace metafiles
535 #
536 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles = self._GetMetaFiles(self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain)
537 AllWorkSpaceMetaFileList = sorted(AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles, key=lambda x: str(x))
538 #
539 # Retrieve latest modified time of all metafiles
540 #
541 SrcTimeStamp = 0
542 for f in AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles:
543 if os.stat(f)[8] > SrcTimeStamp:
544 SrcTimeStamp = os.stat(f)[8]
545 self._SrcTimeStamp = SrcTimeStamp
547 if GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
548 FileList = []
549 m = hashlib.md5()
550 for file in AllWorkSpaceMetaFileList:
551 if file.endswith('.dec'):
552 continue
553 f = open(file, 'rb')
554 Content = f.read()
555 f.close()
556 m.update(Content)
557 FileList.append((str(file), hashlib.md5(Content).hexdigest()))
559 HashDir = path.join(self.BuildDir, "Hash_Platform")
560 HashFile = path.join(HashDir, 'Platform.hash.' + m.hexdigest())
561 SaveFileOnChange(HashFile, m.hexdigest(), False)
562 HashChainFile = path.join(HashDir, 'Platform.hashchain.' + m.hexdigest())
563 GlobalData.gPlatformHashFile = HashChainFile
564 try:
565 with open(HashChainFile, 'w') as f:
566 json.dump(FileList, f, indent=2)
567 except:
568 EdkLogger.quiet("[cache warning]: fail to save hashchain file:%s" % HashChainFile)
570 if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
571 # Copy platform hash files to cache destination
572 FileDir = path.join(GlobalData.gBinCacheDest, self.OutputDir, self.BuildTarget + "_" + self.ToolChain, "Hash_Platform")
573 CacheFileDir = FileDir
574 CreateDirectory(CacheFileDir)
575 CopyFileOnChange(HashFile, CacheFileDir)
576 CopyFileOnChange(HashChainFile, CacheFileDir)
578 #
579 # Write metafile list to build directory
580 #
581 AutoGenFilePath = os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'AutoGen')
582 if os.path.exists (AutoGenFilePath):
583 os.remove(AutoGenFilePath)
584 if not os.path.exists(self.BuildDir):
585 os.makedirs(self.BuildDir)
586 with open(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'AutoGen'), 'w+') as file:
587 for f in AllWorkSpaceMetaFileList:
588 print(f, file=file)
589 return True
591 def _GenPkgLevelHash(self, Pkg):
592 if Pkg.PackageName in GlobalData.gPackageHash:
593 return
595 PkgDir = os.path.join(self.BuildDir, Pkg.Arch, "Hash_Pkg", Pkg.PackageName)
596 CreateDirectory(PkgDir)
597 FileList = []
598 m = hashlib.md5()
599 # Get .dec file's hash value
600 f = open(Pkg.MetaFile.Path, 'rb')
601 Content = f.read()
602 f.close()
603 m.update(Content)
604 FileList.append((str(Pkg.MetaFile.Path), hashlib.md5(Content).hexdigest()))
605 # Get include files hash value
606 if Pkg.Includes:
607 for inc in sorted(Pkg.Includes, key=lambda x: str(x)):
608 for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(str(inc)):
609 for File in sorted(Files):
610 File_Path = os.path.join(Root, File)
611 f = open(File_Path, 'rb')
612 Content = f.read()
613 f.close()
614 m.update(Content)
615 FileList.append((str(File_Path), hashlib.md5(Content).hexdigest()))
616 GlobalData.gPackageHash[Pkg.PackageName] = m.hexdigest()
618 HashDir = PkgDir
619 HashFile = path.join(HashDir, Pkg.PackageName + '.hash.' + m.hexdigest())
620 SaveFileOnChange(HashFile, m.hexdigest(), False)
621 HashChainFile = path.join(HashDir, Pkg.PackageName + '.hashchain.' + m.hexdigest())
622 GlobalData.gPackageHashFile[(Pkg.PackageName, Pkg.Arch)] = HashChainFile
623 try:
624 with open(HashChainFile, 'w') as f:
625 json.dump(FileList, f, indent=2)
626 except:
627 EdkLogger.quiet("[cache warning]: fail to save hashchain file:%s" % HashChainFile)
629 if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
630 # Copy Pkg hash files to cache destination dir
631 FileDir = path.join(GlobalData.gBinCacheDest, self.OutputDir, self.BuildTarget + "_" + self.ToolChain, Pkg.Arch, "Hash_Pkg", Pkg.PackageName)
632 CacheFileDir = FileDir
633 CreateDirectory(CacheFileDir)
634 CopyFileOnChange(HashFile, CacheFileDir)
635 CopyFileOnChange(HashChainFile, CacheFileDir)
637 def _GetMetaFiles(self, Target, Toolchain):
638 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles = set()
639 #
640 # add fdf
641 #
642 if self.FdfFile:
643 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add (self.FdfFile.Path)
644 for f in GlobalData.gFdfParser.GetAllIncludedFile():
645 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add (f.FileName)
646 #
647 # add dsc
648 #
649 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(self.MetaFile.Path)
651 #
652 # add build_rule.txt & tools_def.txt
653 #
654 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, gDefaultBuildRuleFile))
655 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, gDefaultToolsDefFile))
657 # add BuildOption metafile
658 #
659 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'BuildOptions'))
661 # add PcdToken Number file for Dynamic/DynamicEx Pcd
662 #
663 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'PcdTokenNumber'))
665 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
666 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(Pa.ToolDefinitionFile)
668 for Arch in self.ArchList:
669 #
670 # add dec
671 #
672 for Package in PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch).PackageList:
673 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(Package.MetaFile.Path)
675 #
676 # add included dsc
677 #
678 for filePath in self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]._RawData.IncludedFiles:
679 AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(filePath.Path)
681 return AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles
683 def _CheckPcdDefineAndType(self):
690 # This dict store PCDs which are not used by any modules with specified arches
691 UnusedPcd = OrderedDict()
692 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
693 # Key of DSC's Pcds dictionary is PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid
694 for Pcd in Pa.Platform.Pcds:
695 PcdType = Pa.Platform.Pcds[Pcd].Type
697 # If no PCD type, this PCD comes from FDF
698 if not PcdType:
699 continue
701 # Try to remove Hii and Vpd suffix
702 if PcdType.startswith(TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX):
704 elif PcdType.startswith(TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC):
707 for Package in Pa.PackageList:
708 # Key of DEC's Pcds dictionary is PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, PcdType
709 if (Pcd[0], Pcd[1], PcdType) in Package.Pcds:
710 break
711 for Type in PcdTypeSet:
712 if (Pcd[0], Pcd[1], Type) in Package.Pcds:
713 EdkLogger.error(
714 'build',
716 "Type [%s] of PCD [%s.%s] in DSC file doesn't match the type [%s] defined in DEC file." \
717 % (Pa.Platform.Pcds[Pcd].Type, Pcd[1], Pcd[0], Type),
718 ExtraData=None
719 )
720 return
721 else:
722 UnusedPcd.setdefault(Pcd, []).append(Pa.Arch)
724 for Pcd in UnusedPcd:
725 EdkLogger.warn(
726 'build',
727 "The PCD was not specified by any INF module in the platform for the given architecture.\n"
728 "\tPCD: [%s.%s]\n\tPlatform: [%s]\n\tArch: %s"
729 % (Pcd[1], Pcd[0], os.path.basename(str(self.MetaFile)), str(UnusedPcd[Pcd])),
730 ExtraData=None
731 )
733 def __repr__(self):
734 return "%s [%s]" % (self.MetaFile, ", ".join(self.ArchList))
736 ## Return the directory to store FV files
737 @cached_property
738 def FvDir(self):
739 return path.join(self.BuildDir, TAB_FV_DIRECTORY)
741 ## Return the directory to store all intermediate and final files built
742 @cached_property
743 def BuildDir(self):
744 return self.AutoGenObjectList[0].BuildDir
746 ## Return the build output directory platform specifies
747 @cached_property
748 def OutputDir(self):
749 return self.Platform.OutputDirectory
751 ## Return platform name
752 @cached_property
753 def Name(self):
754 return self.Platform.PlatformName
756 ## Return meta-file GUID
757 @cached_property
758 def Guid(self):
759 return self.Platform.Guid
761 ## Return platform version
762 @cached_property
763 def Version(self):
764 return self.Platform.Version
766 ## Return paths of tools
767 @cached_property
768 def ToolDefinition(self):
769 return self.AutoGenObjectList[0].ToolDefinition
771 ## Return directory of platform makefile
772 #
773 # @retval string Makefile directory
774 #
775 @cached_property
776 def MakeFileDir(self):
777 return self.BuildDir
779 ## Return build command string
780 #
781 # @retval string Build command string
782 #
783 @cached_property
784 def BuildCommand(self):
785 # BuildCommand should be all the same. So just get one from platform AutoGen
786 return self.AutoGenObjectList[0].BuildCommand
788 ## Check the PCDs token value conflict in each DEC file.
789 #
790 # Will cause build break and raise error message while two PCDs conflict.
791 #
792 # @return None
793 #
794 def _CheckAllPcdsTokenValueConflict(self):
795 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
796 for Package in Pa.PackageList:
797 PcdList = list(Package.Pcds.values())
798 PcdList.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.TokenValue, 0))
799 Count = 0
800 while (Count < len(PcdList) - 1) :
801 Item = PcdList[Count]
802 ItemNext = PcdList[Count + 1]
803 #
804 # Make sure in the same token space the TokenValue should be unique
805 #
806 if (int(Item.TokenValue, 0) == int(ItemNext.TokenValue, 0)):
807 SameTokenValuePcdList = []
808 SameTokenValuePcdList.append(Item)
809 SameTokenValuePcdList.append(ItemNext)
810 RemainPcdListLength = len(PcdList) - Count - 2
811 for ValueSameCount in range(RemainPcdListLength):
812 if int(PcdList[len(PcdList) - RemainPcdListLength + ValueSameCount].TokenValue, 0) == int(Item.TokenValue, 0):
813 SameTokenValuePcdList.append(PcdList[len(PcdList) - RemainPcdListLength + ValueSameCount])
814 else:
815 break;
816 #
817 # Sort same token value PCD list with TokenGuid and TokenCName
818 #
819 SameTokenValuePcdList.sort(key=lambda x: "%s.%s" % (x.TokenSpaceGuidCName, x.TokenCName))
820 SameTokenValuePcdListCount = 0
821 while (SameTokenValuePcdListCount < len(SameTokenValuePcdList) - 1):
822 Flag = False
823 TemListItem = SameTokenValuePcdList[SameTokenValuePcdListCount]
824 TemListItemNext = SameTokenValuePcdList[SameTokenValuePcdListCount + 1]
826 if (TemListItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName == TemListItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName) and (TemListItem.TokenCName != TemListItemNext.TokenCName):
827 for PcdItem in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
828 if (TemListItem.TokenCName, TemListItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem] or \
829 (TemListItemNext.TokenCName, TemListItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem]:
830 Flag = True
831 if not Flag:
832 EdkLogger.error(
833 'build',
835 "The TokenValue [%s] of PCD [%s.%s] is conflict with: [%s.%s] in %s"\
836 % (TemListItem.TokenValue, TemListItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TemListItem.TokenCName, TemListItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TemListItemNext.TokenCName, Package),
837 ExtraData=None
838 )
839 SameTokenValuePcdListCount += 1
840 Count += SameTokenValuePcdListCount
841 Count += 1
843 PcdList = list(Package.Pcds.values())
844 PcdList.sort(key=lambda x: "%s.%s" % (x.TokenSpaceGuidCName, x.TokenCName))
845 Count = 0
846 while (Count < len(PcdList) - 1) :
847 Item = PcdList[Count]
848 ItemNext = PcdList[Count + 1]
849 #
850 # Check PCDs with same TokenSpaceGuidCName.TokenCName have same token value as well.
851 #
852 if (Item.TokenSpaceGuidCName == ItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName) and (Item.TokenCName == ItemNext.TokenCName) and (int(Item.TokenValue, 0) != int(ItemNext.TokenValue, 0)):
853 EdkLogger.error(
854 'build',
856 "The TokenValue [%s] of PCD [%s.%s] in %s defined in two places should be same as well."\
857 % (Item.TokenValue, Item.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Item.TokenCName, Package),
858 ExtraData=None
859 )
860 Count += 1
861 ## Generate fds command
862 @property
863 def GenFdsCommand(self):
864 return (GenMake.TopLevelMakefile(self)._TEMPLATE_.Replace(GenMake.TopLevelMakefile(self)._TemplateDict)).strip()
866 @property
867 def GenFdsCommandDict(self):
868 FdsCommandDict = {}
869 LogLevel = EdkLogger.GetLevel()
870 if LogLevel == EdkLogger.VERBOSE:
871 FdsCommandDict["verbose"] = True
872 elif LogLevel <= EdkLogger.DEBUG_9:
873 FdsCommandDict["debug"] = LogLevel - 1
874 elif LogLevel == EdkLogger.QUIET:
875 FdsCommandDict["quiet"] = True
877 FdsCommandDict["GenfdsMultiThread"] = GlobalData.gEnableGenfdsMultiThread
878 if GlobalData.gIgnoreSource:
879 FdsCommandDict["IgnoreSources"] = True
881 FdsCommandDict["OptionPcd"] = []
882 for pcd in GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd:
883 if pcd[2]:
884 pcdname = '.'.join(pcd[0:3])
885 else:
886 pcdname = '.'.join(pcd[0:2])
887 if pcd[3].startswith('{'):
888 FdsCommandDict["OptionPcd"].append(pcdname + '=' + 'H' + '"' + pcd[3] + '"')
889 else:
890 FdsCommandDict["OptionPcd"].append(pcdname + '=' + pcd[3])
892 MacroList = []
893 # macros passed to GenFds
894 MacroDict = {}
895 MacroDict.update(GlobalData.gGlobalDefines)
896 MacroDict.update(GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines)
897 for MacroName in MacroDict:
898 if MacroDict[MacroName] != "":
899 MacroList.append('"%s=%s"' % (MacroName, MacroDict[MacroName].replace('\\', '\\\\')))
900 else:
901 MacroList.append('"%s"' % MacroName)
902 FdsCommandDict["macro"] = MacroList
904 FdsCommandDict["fdf_file"] = [self.FdfFile]
905 FdsCommandDict["build_target"] = self.BuildTarget
906 FdsCommandDict["toolchain_tag"] = self.ToolChain
907 FdsCommandDict["active_platform"] = str(self)
909 FdsCommandDict["conf_directory"] = GlobalData.gConfDirectory
910 FdsCommandDict["build_architecture_list"] = ','.join(self.ArchList)
911 FdsCommandDict["platform_build_directory"] = self.BuildDir
913 FdsCommandDict["fd"] = self.FdTargetList
914 FdsCommandDict["fv"] = self.FvTargetList
915 FdsCommandDict["cap"] = self.CapTargetList
916 return FdsCommandDict
918 ## Create makefile for the platform and modules in it
919 #
920 # @param CreateDepsMakeFile Flag indicating if the makefile for
921 # modules will be created as well
922 #
923 def CreateMakeFile(self, CreateDepsMakeFile=False):
924 if not CreateDepsMakeFile:
925 return
926 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
927 Pa.CreateMakeFile(CreateDepsMakeFile)
929 ## Create autogen code for platform and modules
930 #
931 # Since there's no autogen code for platform, this method will do nothing
932 # if CreateModuleCodeFile is set to False.
933 #
934 # @param CreateDepsCodeFile Flag indicating if creating module's
935 # autogen code file or not
936 #
937 def CreateCodeFile(self, CreateDepsCodeFile=False):
938 if not CreateDepsCodeFile:
939 return
940 for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
941 Pa.CreateCodeFile(CreateDepsCodeFile)
943 ## Create AsBuilt INF file the platform
944 #
945 def CreateAsBuiltInf(self):
946 return