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[mirror_edk2.git] / BuildNotes.txt
1 Intel(R) Platform Innovation Framework for EFI
2 EFI Development Kit II (EDK II)
3 Root Package 1.00
4 2006-11-08
6 Intel is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its
7 subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
8 * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
9 Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007, Intel Corporation
11 This document provides updates to documentation, along with a description on
12 how to install and build the EDK II.
14 Package Contents
15 ----------------
16 BuildNotes.txt - The build notes for this package.
17 OldMdePkg - Industry-standard headers and libraries
18 Tools - Build -specific tools that are designed to help the
19 developer create and modify drivers and libraries
20 EdkModulePkg - Reference drivers
21 EdkFatBinPkg - Binary DXE drivers for the Fat 32 file system
22 EdkShellBinPkg - Binary Shell applications and commands
23 EdkNt32Pkg - NT32 Emulation platform reference
24 EdkUnixPkg - Posix/Unix Emulation platform reference (Currently this
25 builds only on ia32 Linux, but is meant to be portable.)
27 Note: MDE and MDK that appear in other documentation refer to the OldMdePkg and
28 Tools packages, respectively. While, these two packages are the minimum
29 requirement for developing EDK II Packages we recommend that you download all
30 of the top-level files listed above.
32 The following package is available as a separate project, under a separate
33 license, on the TianoCore.org website: https://fat-driver2.tianocore.org
35 EdkFatPkg - A package containing source DXE drivers for the Fat 32 file
36 system
38 Documents have the following filenames (to download these documents, see \93Notes
39 on Documentation?later in these Release Notes):
40 EDK II Module Development Environment Library Specification, v0.58
41 (MDE_Library_Spec_0_58.rtf)
42 EDK II Build and Packaging Architecture Specification, v0.53
43 (Build_Packaging_Spec_0_53.rtf)
44 EDK II Platform Configuration Database Infrastructure Description, v0.54
45 (PCD_Infrastructure_0_54.rtf)
46 EDK II Module Surface Area Specification, v0.51
47 (Module_Surface_Area_0_50.rtf)
48 EDK II Module Development Environment Package Specification, v0.51
49 (MDE_Package_Spec_0_51.rtf)
50 EDK II C Coding Standards Specification v0.51
51 (C_Coding_Standards_Specification_ 0_51.rtf)
52 EDK II Subversion Setup Guide
53 (edk2-subversion-setup.rtf)
55 Pre-Requisites
56 --------------
57 The following list of tools must be installed on the development workstation
58 prior to using the EDK II.
60 Compiler Tool Chain
61 Microsoft* Visual Studio .NET 2003* (http://www.microsoft.com)
62 or
63 A special GCC version 4.x or later (http://gcc.gnu.org). See below.
65 Assembler Tool Chain
66 Microsoft Macro Assembler, version 6.15 or later
67 or
68 GNU binutils 2.16.1 or later
69 (Http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/binutils)
71 Java Development Kit ( Java 5.0 or later)
72 Sun* jdk-1.5.0_06 or later (http://java.sun.com)
73 or
74 Bea Systems* jrockit-25.2.0-jdk1.5.0_03 or later (http://www.bea.com)
76 Java Tools
77 Apache-ANT, version 1.6.5 or later (http://ant.apache.org)
78 Ant-contrib, version 1.0b2 or later
79 (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ant-contrib/ant-contrib-1.0b2-bin.zip?download)
80 Saxon8, version 8.1.1
81 (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/saxon/saxonb8-1-1.zip?download)
82 XMLBeans, version 2.1.0 (http://xmlbeans.apache.org)
83 DO NOT download the latest XMLBeans, version 2.2.0. It is not compatible
84 with Saxon8, version 8.1.1.
86 Other Tools
87 TortoiseSVN version 1.3.3. (http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/)
89 Optional Tools
90 --------------
91 Compiler Tool Chains:
92 Intel(R) C++ Compiler for Windows*, ver. 9.0 or later (http://www.intel.com)
93 Intel(R) C Compiler for EFI Byte Code, ver. 1.2 or later
94 (http://www.intel.com/cd/software/products/asmo-na/eng/compilers/efibc/index.htm)
95 Microsoft Driver Development Kit, version 3790.1830 or later
96 (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/ddk/orderddkcd.mspx)
97 Microsoft ACPI Source Language Assembler, Version 1.0.13NT or later
98 Intel ACPI Component Architecture, version 20060113
100 Python
102 There are several tools implemented in Python and wxPython Widgets in the
103 Tools/Python directory. These are optional tools, and are not necessary in
104 order to use or build the edk2 code. In order to use them you must
105 install Python 2.4.x and wxWidgets 2.8.x for your platform. The tools
106 have been tested and work correctly on OS X, Linux and Windows.
108 There is a script called Install_Python_OSX.sh that will download and
109 install the correct versions for OS X. For other platforms, please find
110 the installers for your platform at the following sites:
112 - http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.4.4/ (Python interpreter)
113 - http://www.wxpython.org/download.php#binaries (Python GUI extensions)
115 Your linux distribution may contain packages of python and wxPython, which
116 should work, provided they are are compatible with the above specified
117 versions.
119 -----------------------------------------------
120 Notes on Required Tools (Source Control System)
121 -----------------------------------------------
122 The EDK II is being managed by the Subversion Source Control on Tianocore.org.
123 Subversion provides speed, security, and additional features. The
124 recommended client is TortoiseSVN version 1.3.3.
125 (Available at http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/)
127 The checkout procedures on the Tianocore.org Web site include
128 instructions for the use of Subversion Source Control.
130 The URL of the EDK II repository is:
131 https://edk2.tianocore.org/svn/edk2/trunk/edk2
134 --------------------------------------------------------------------
135 Notes On Required Tools (With examples for Windows, OS X, and Linux*)
136 --------------------------------------------------------------------
137 Software Installation Order:
138 After installing the compiler tools and your Subversion client, install the
139 following required tools in this order:
140 1. Java JDK
141 2. Apache-Ant
142 3. ant-contrib
143 4. xmlbeans
144 5. saxon8
146 Java Development Kit:
148 The Java Environment Variable must be set before attempting to build.
149 For Sun JDK (see note below?:
150 set JAVA_HOME=c:\Java\jdk1.5.0_06 (Windows example)
151 export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home/ (OS X example)
152 export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/ (Linux example)
153 For Bea Systems:
154 set JAVA_HOME=c:\Java\jrockit-R26.0.0-jdk1.5.0_04
156 ?When using the Sun JDK5.0:
157 During installation, you should specify the install directory as C:\Java
158 instead of C:\Program Files\(or some other drive letter.) While installing
159 to this non-standard location is not required, in practice, it seems to work
160 more reliably.
161 For the JDK, the install path is C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_06
162 For the JRE, the install path is C:\Java\jre1.5.0_06
163 Alternatively, you can specify C:\sunjavajdk and C:\sunjavajre.
165 NOTE: You cannot combine the location for the JDK and the JRE, because the
166 JRE install removes most of the binaries and libraries installed by the JDK
167 install.
169 Java Tools:
170 The Apache-ANT requires the ANT_HOME environment variable to be set before
171 attempting to build:
172 set ANT_HOME=c:\<full path to where ant was installed>
173 export ANT_HOME=~/ExternalTools/apache-ant (OS X and Linux example)
175 The ant-contrib.jar file should be installed in the %ANT_HOME%\lib
176 directory.
178 XMLBeans, requires the XMLBEANS_HOME environment variable to be set
179 before attempting to build:
180 set XMLBEANS_HOME=C:\<full path to where xmlbeans was installed>
181 export XMLBEANS_HOME=~/ExternalTools/xmlbeans (OS X and Linux example)
183 Copy the saxon8.jar file to the %XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib directory.
185 The Ant and XMLBean tools must be in the path.
186 MS system example:
187 set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%XMLBEANS_HOME%\bin
188 Linux/OS X bash shell example:
189 export PATH=$PATH:${ANT_HOME}/bin:${XMLBEANS_HOME}/bin
191 --------------------
192 A Word on Apache-ANT
193 --------------------
194 The Apache-ANT program is a build tool that uses XML-based project files.
195 Similar to Makefiles, these project files may contain multiple targets. Most
196 build.xml files in EDK II are auto-generated; any edits performed on the
197 build.xml files will be overwritten by the next build.
199 Pre-defined targets in the build.xml file include:
200 all - This target builds binaries for defined architectures.
201 clean - This target removes object files generated by commands.
202 cleanall - This target removes all generated files and directories.
204 Use the ANT option, -emacs, to remove the [cc] characters when an error occurs
205 to provide a method for the Visual Studio IDE to open a file by double
206 clicking the mouse on the file. Add -emacs to the end of the build command.
207 ----------------------------
208 A Word on the GCC Tool Chain
209 ----------------------------
211 EDK II will not compile with a standard Linux gcc tool chain. While Linux
212 distributions are usually based on ELF, EDK II requires a version of gcc that
213 is configured to produce PE-COFF images. You will find a script in <Root of
214 EDK2 tree>/Tools/gcc/tianoCross-gcc-4.1 that will download, configure, compile,
215 and install a gcc 4.1 cross-compile tool chain for EDK II development. This
216 custom tool chain supports the IA-32 architecture. It can be built and run on
217 Cygwin, Linux, and many other POSIX-compliant host operating environments. To
218 compile the custom gcc tool chain, you need the following tools on your host
219 computer: bash, gcc, gmake, curl (or wget).
221 Only the OldMdePkg, EdkModulePkg and EdkUnixPkg are currently supported by gcc
222 builds. Other builds, such as the EdkNt32Pkg, will not compile with gcc. By
223 default, the edk2 will try to build the NT32.fpd, which is not supported by
224 gcc. So, you need to change the Tools/Conf/target.txt.
226 The cross-compile build script has been tested on Cygwin, OS X and Linux. You
227 should expect to hack on these scripts to make them work on your system. You
228 may need to install additional tools on your system to make the scripts work.
230 You will need
232 A recent version (3.0 or later should be fine) of gcc that is able to produce
233 executables for the machine that you want to run this compiler on (the host
234 machine).
235 wget or curl (which enables the download of the gcc compiler source code)
236 tar
237 bzip
238 gzip
239 bash
240 and possibly others
242 CYGWIN Notes
244 You should setup cygwin to use binmode on all mounts. When you initially
245 install cygwin it gives you the choice of Unix file mode (recommended) or DOS
246 file mode. Unix mode will cause all the cygwin directories to be mounted in
247 binmode, while DOS will mount the dirs in textmode. Here is an example of a
248 cygwin install where the dirs are (properly) mounted in binmode.
249 To view mount information, type:
250 mount
252 C:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type user (binmode)
253 C:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type user (binmode)
254 c:\workspace on /workspace type system (binmode)
255 C:\cygwin on / type user (binmode)
257 If you use textmode, it is likely that the build will fail in a way that is
258 hard to debug. Textmode is required to retain or add the DOS ^M characters
259 in DOS batch files during file editing sessions.
261 You can switch from textmode to binmode for compilation by executing the
262 following:
263 mount -b --change-cygdrive-prefix cygdrive
265 Cygwin is pretty slow, so it is not recommended for large builds.
271 The platform to be built is identified by the Tools/Conf/target.txt file:
273 #
274 # PROPERTY Type Use Description
275 # ---------------- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------
276 # ACTIVE_PLATFORM Filename Recommended Specify the WORKSPACE relative Path and Filename
277 # of the platform FPD file that will be used for the build
278 # This line is required if and only if the current working
279 # directory does not contain one or more FPD files.
283 You can leave it black, as above, or set it to any .fpd file in the workspace.
284 If you leave it blank, then you just cd to the dir that contains the .fpd that
285 you would like to build (OldMdePkg/ or EdkModulePkg/) and then type build.
287 ----------------------------
288 A Word on compiling on Linux
289 ----------------------------
291 In order to compile on Linux, you will need to have the e2fsprogs-devel package
292 installed. Check your distribution for the rpm, deb or other package format.
293 This package contains the uuid library and header that are used by some of the
294 host tools.
296 If you are running on x86_64 Linux, then you should install a 64 bit version of
297 the Java JDK. The version that was used was jdk-1_5_0_07-linux-amd64-rpm.bin.
298 It may be downloaded from sun.com.
300 -----------------------------------------
301 A Word on compiling under Cygwin with gcc
302 -----------------------------------------
304 Cygwin is a POSIX style operating environment for Windows. It is possible to
305 compile the EDK 2 using gcc and cygwin. Compiling under cygwin is slow, because
306 the underlying file accesses are slow in cygwin. For this reason, we do not
307 encourage the use of cygwin. A true unix system will be a superior choice for
308 those wishing to compile with gcc.
310 Make sure that you select the e2fsprogs development package when you install
311 cygwin. It is necessary for the GenFvImage tool.
313 ----------------------------------------
314 A Word on gcc for Processor Architectures
315 ----------------------------------------
317 Currently gcc support is limited to IA-32 builds, generating IA-32 PE32 images.
319 The X64 bit (Intel 64, etc.) support under the gcc compiler does not support the EFIAPI
320 calling convention (as defined in the UEFI 2.0 specification Chapter 2), so it is not
321 possible to build a working EFI image for an X64 environment. Since the x64 gcc does
322 not support the EFIAPI calling convention the x64 tools do not support generating a
323 PE32+ image. The EFIAPI calling convention is very similar to the Microsoft x64
324 calling convention.
326 We have added prelinary support for the MinGW64 Tool chain. This gcc tool
327 chain is ported to follow the Microsft X64 ABI, and therefore is compatible
328 with the EFI specification.
330 On Itanium?Processors the gcc compiler does not support generating a PE32+ image.
332 ----------------------------------------
333 A Word on EdkUnixPkg -- The Unix simulator
334 ----------------------------------------
336 A unix port of the Nt32 simulator has been added to the project. It currently
337 builds and runs on 32 bit Linux, but should be portable to other Unix
338 variants. In order to build it, you should use the ELFGCC tool chain defintion
339 in tools_def.txt, which is set in target.txt. These are two settings to make
340 in Tools/Conf/target.txt:
342 ACTIVE_PLATFORM = EdkUnixPkg/Unix.fpd
345 Once that is setup, type build, and then you will end up with the simulator in
346 Build/Unix/DEBUG_ELFGCC/IA32/SecMain.exe.
348 In order to use the gdb debugger with the simulator, you may need to load the
349 correct symbol file for the various modules that are loaded. For example,
351 add-symbol-file EdkModulePkg/Bus/Pci/PciBus/Dxe/PciBus/DEBUG/./PciBus.dll
352 0x45dc6000
354 You can see the names of the symbol files (they are in ELF format even though
355 the extension is .dll) printed on the screen as the simulator comes up.
357 -----------------------
358 Notes on Documentation
359 -----------------------
360 The documents are being managed by the Subversion Source Control on
361 Tianocore.org. The document repository is "docs" and must be checked out
362 separately from the EDK II source tree. Refer to the checkout procedures on
363 the Tianocore.org Web site for EDK II.
365 The URL of the document repository is:
366 https://edk2.tianocore.org/svn/edk2/trunk/docs
369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
370 Quick Start
371 -----------
372 (assumes Microsoft Tools and OS environment, for GCC Tools or Linux, see
373 "Detailed Starting Instructions" below)
375 Follow the instructions at https://edk2.tianocore.org/servlets/ProjectSource to
376 check out the entire EDK II source tree.
378 In a command window, change to the top-level directory of the EDK II source.
380 To test your tool chain setup and to build the supplied tools, execute:
381 c:\MyWork\edk2\> edksetup ForceRebuild
383 (The edksetup script is referred to as the setup command throughout the
384 rest of this document.)
385 NOTE: You should run the setup command at the start of every session.
386 This configures the environment to include the TianoTools and the
387 Java applications and libraries.
389 You will need to set the WORKSPACE environment variable, or run the edksetup
390 script (without any arguments), any time you want to build.
392 Set the WORKSPACE environment variable, e.g.:
394 c:\> set WORKSPACE=C:\MyWork\edk2
396 You may need to edit the text files Tools/Conf/target.txt and
397 Tools/Conf/tools_def.txt (created by edksetup) using your favorite
398 text editor to ensure that the paths to the tools you want to use
399 to build EDK II binaries are correct. These files contain the default
400 paths (as per the default installation of the tools), so a customized
401 install may require this manual process.
403 Once this is completed, you are ready to test the build, by executing:
404 c:\MyWork\edk2\> build
406 This command builds the active platform specified in text file target.txt. If
407 the active platform is not specified target.txt, you must execute the build
408 command from the sub-directory that contains FPD files. For more information
409 about the active platform policy, see the \93EDK II Build and Packaging
410 Architecture Specification.?
412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
413 Detailed Starting Instructions
414 ------------------------------
416 Follow the instructions at https://edk2.tianocore.org/servlets/ProjectSource to
417 check out the entire EDK II source tree.
419 In a command window, change to the top-level directory of the EDK II source.
421 If the active compiler tool chain is GCC, you must set the
422 environment variable, TOOL_CHAIN to "gcc" before running the
423 edksetup script. Example: export TOOL_CHAIN=gcc
425 To test your tool chain setup and to build the supplied tools, execute:
426 c:\MyWork\edk2\> edksetup ForceRebuild
428 On Linux systems, you must source the edksetup.sh file to load the correct
429 settings into your shell.
431 . edksetup.sh # Note the dot.
433 If you have recently updated your code from subversion, the tools will need to
434 be rebuilt if there were any code changes made to them. You can request that
435 the tools get rebuilt by typing:
437 . edksetup.sh Rebuild # Unix-like systems
438 edksetup.bat Rebuild # Windows
440 The edksetup script is referred to as the setup command throughout the
441 rest of this document.
442 NOTE: You should run the setup command (edksetup)at the start of every
443 session. This configures the environment to include the
444 TianoTools and the Java applications and libraries.
446 Any changes to the tool source code or XML Schema documents require that
447 you execute the following:
448 c:\MyWork\edk2\> edksetup ForceRebuild
450 You must set the WORKSPACE environment variable, or run the edksetup
451 script (without any arguments), any time you want to build.
453 Set the WORKSPACE environment variable, e.g.:
455 c:\> set WORKSPACE=C:\MyWork\edk2
457 You may need to edit the text files Tools/Conf/target.txt and
458 Tools/Conf/tools_def.txt (created by edksetup) using your favorite
459 text editor to ensure that the paths to the tools you want to use
460 to build EDK II binaries are correct. These files contain the default
461 paths (as per the default installation of the tools), so a customized
462 tool installation may require this manual process.
464 Once this is completed, you are ready to test the build, by executing:
465 c:\MyWork\edk2\> build
467 This command builds the active platform specified in text file target.txt. If
468 the active platform is not specified, go to the sub-directory that contains FPD
469 files and execute the build command. For more information about the active
470 platform policy, see the \93EDK II Build and Packaging Architecture
471 Specification.?
473 --------------------------
474 Individual Platform Builds
475 --------------------------
476 After running the setup command, you can build individual platforms.
477 In the command window:
478 Set the active platform in target.txt, and execute this command:
479 c:\<directory>\> build
480 or
481 cd to the platform (FPD file) that you want to build and execute this command:
482 c:\MyWork\edk2\EdkNt32Pkg\> build
484 Note that the active platform specified in target.txt overrides the platform
485 specified by any FPD file in the current directory. For more information
486 about active platform policy, see the \93EDK II Build and Packaging Architecture
487 Specification.?
489 To run the Nt32 emulation platform under Microsoft Windows, go to
490 <full build path>\DEBUG\MSFT\IA32 and execute SecMain.exe
492 To exit the Nt32 emulation platform, type \93reset?at the EFI Shell>
493 command prompt. Alternatively, from the graphical interface, select the Boot
494 Maintenance Manager's \93Reset System?command.
496 NOTE: When creating a new platform, the Platform Name is restricted
497 to a single word containing alphanumeric characters, underscore, dash,
498 and period. The space character and other special characters are
499 not allowed.
501 -----------------------
502 Notes on Symbolic Debug
503 -----------------------
504 To enable EFI Symbolic Debugging, make sure the target output is set to DEBUG
505 in the text file Tools/Conf/target.txt and then modify the FPD <BuildOptions>
506 <Options><Option BuildTargets="DEBUG" ToolCode="CC"> and append the following
507 compiler options to the string:
510 (If the Option line does not contain "/D EFI_DEBUG", you must add that
511 option as well.)
513 ------------------------
514 Individual Module Builds
515 ------------------------
516 After running the setup command, you can build individual modules.
517 In the command window, cd to the module that you want to build, and
518 execute the build command:
519 c:\MyWork\edk2\OldMdePkg\Library\BaseLib\> build
521 You must set the active platform in target.txt for individual module builds.
523 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
525 General Information:
526 ===============================================================
527 Mechanisms
528 ----------
529 A brief overview:
531 A) The Surface Area Package Description (SPD) file contains information about
532 the modules that the package contains, including the location of all MSA files,
533 and public library names and headers that might be provided by a module in the
534 package. Packages are defined by SPD files. (Found in the root of the Package
535 subdirectory (i.e. EdkNt32Pkg).) The SPD file is further explained in \93EDK II
536 Build and Packaging Architecture Specification.?
538 B) Module Surface Area Definition (MSA) files. A description of a module's
539 surface area, with all module specific default flags and features specified.
540 For additional details, see the "EDK II Module Surface Area Specification" and
541 the "EDK II Build and Packaging Architecture Specification."
543 C) Framework Platform Description (FPD) files. A description of a platform's
544 surface are, including a list of modules that are needed by the platform. To
545 support individual module builds, developers are not required to provide
546 information about specific flash devices, nor flash device layout.
547 Specific sections in the FPD file control aspects of the build, such
548 as the Supported Architectures and Build Targets, as well as the tool flags
549 that are used to create the binary files. A valid platform file can specify
550 zero or more modules, so individual modules can be compiled within the context
551 of a platform (FPD) definition.
553 D) Platform Configuration Database (PCD). A platform database that contains a
554 variety of current platform settings or directives that can be accessed by a
555 driver or application. The PCD is defined by the PCD_Protocol (This is
556 further explained in the "EDK II Platform Configuration Database Infrastructure
557 Description."
559 E) Library Class. A library class is a logical grouping of similar functions.
560 When developing components, the module surface area declares the class of
561 libraries that can be used by the component. The MSA and SPD files can specify
562 a recommended instance of the library that a platform integrator (PI) may
563 select, however this is only a recommendation. The PI may choose to select a
564 different library instance to be used during compilation and linking. All
565 library type modules must include header files in their distribution package,
566 as well as their MSA files. Components, on the other hand, need provide only an
567 MSA file and either source or binary files when distributing packages. The
568 Library Classes are further explained in the "EDK II Build and Packaging
569 Architecture Specification."
571 =========================================================================
572 The common operations by developers of new modules are:
573 -----------------------------------------------
574 1) Manually creating a new module in a package:
575 - The module source code must first be created in an appropriate directory
576 (under the package the module is to be a part of.)
577 - An MSA file must be created, spelling out all aspects of the module.
578 - The MSA must be added to the SPD for the package to include the module.
580 -----------------------------------------------------
581 2) Adding and Removing modules to and from a package:
583 - Set up environment as Build
584 - Adding a module to a package:
585 - Generate the MSA file
586 - Add a new <Filename> element under <MsaFiles> into
587 <PackageDir>\<PackageName>.spd, using arelative path to the package
588 - Add a new <ModuleSA> entry under each <FrameworkModules> into the
589 <PackageDir>\<PackageName>.fpd file if necessary.
591 - Removing a module from a package:
592 - Comment out or remove the corresponding <Filename> element under
593 <MsaFiles> from <PackageDir>\<PackageName>.spd
594 - Comment out or remove the corresponding <ModuleSA> entry under each
595 <FrameworkModules> from <PackageDir>\<PackageName>.fpd if necessary.
597 -------------------------------
598 3) Manually creating a package:
599 - Identify the modules that are to be members of the project.
600 - Identify the Variables and Guids required in and of the Package (including
601 consumption and production information).
602 - Create an SPD file defining these modules and calling out their MSA files.
603 - Add a new <Filename> element under <PackageList> into
604 Tools\Conf\FrameworkDatabase.db, using the relative path to the workspace.
606 -----------------------------------------
607 4) Declaring a new Protocol in a package:
608 - This release requires manual editing of the SPD file, adding the protocol
609 to the ProtocolDeclarations section of the file.
610 - Add the Protocol .h file to the Include\Protocol directory.
611 - Add an <Entry> to the <ProtocolDeclarations> element in the
612 <PackageName>.spd file
613 - Each line contains Protocol base name, followed by the global variable
614 name, and the hex value of the Protocol GUID.
616 Example Protocol Entries (NOTE: The Guid entry is a single line in the SPD
617 file):
618 <ProtocolDeclarations>
619 <Entry Name="Bds">
620 <C_Name>gEfiBdsArchProtocolGuid</C_Name>
621 <GuidValue>665E3FF6-46CC-11D4-9A38-0090273FC14D</GuidValue>
622 <HelpText/>
623 </Entry>
624 <Entry Name="Cpu">
625 <C_Name>gEfiCpuArchProtocolGuid</C_Name>
626 <GuidValue>26BACCB1-6F42-11D4-BCE7-0080C73C8881</GuidValue>
627 <HelpText/>
628 </Entry>
629 </ProtocolDeclarations>
631 ------------------------------------
632 5) Declaring a new PPI in a package:
633 - This release requires manual editing of the SPD file
634 - Add the PPI .h file to the Include\Ppi directory.
635 - Add an <Entry> to the package <PpiDeclarations> element in the
636 <PackageName>.spd file
637 - Each line contains the PPI base name, followed by the global variable
638 name and the hex value of the PPI GUID.
640 Example Ppi Entries (NOTE: The Guid entry is a single line in the SPD file):
641 <PpiDeclarations>
642 <Entry Name="BootInRecoveryMode">
643 <C_Name>gEfiPeiBootInRecoveryModePpiGuid</C_Name>
644 <GuidValue>17EE496A-D8E4-4B9A-94D1-CE8272300850</GuidValue>
645 <HelpText/>
646 </Entry>
647 <Entry Name="CpuIo">
648 <C_Name>gEfiPeiCpuIoPpiInServiceTableGuid</C_Name>
649 <GuidValue>E6AF1F7B-FC3F-46DA-A828-A3B457A44282</GuidValue>
650 <HelpText/>
651 </Entry>
652 </PpiDeclarations>
654 -------------------------------------
655 6) Declaring a new GUID in a package:
656 - This release requires manual editing of the SPD file to include the new
657 Guid. This is identical to adding a ProtocolDeclaration or PpiDeclaration
658 element, as described above.
660 ------------------------------------------
661 7) Declaring a new PCD entry in a package:
662 - This release requires manual editing of the SPD file to include the new
663 PCD. New Pcd entries are added to the PcdDefinitions section of the
664 <PackageName>.spd file using the following example for the format
665 (NOTE: The hex <Token> value must be unique):
667 <PcdDeclarations>
668 <PcdEntry ItemType="FIXED_AT_BUILD">
669 <C_Name>PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength</C_Name>
670 <Token>0x00000001</Token>
671 <TokenSpaceGuidCName>gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid</TokenSpaceGuidCName>
672 <DatumType>UINT32</DatumType>
673 <ValidUsage>FIXED_AT_BUILD</ValidUsage>
674 <DefaultValue>1000000</DefaultValue>
675 <HelpText>The maximum lengh for unicode string.</HelpText>
676 </PcdEntry>
677 </PcdDeclarations>
679 ------------------------------
680 8) Declaring a new Library Class:
681 - This release requires manual editing of the SPD file to include the new
682 Library Class. New Library Class entries are added to the
683 LibraryClassDeclarations section of the <PackageName>.spd file using
684 the following example for the format:
686 <LibraryClassDeclarations>
687 <LibraryClass Name="BaseLib">
688 <IncludeHeader>Include/Library/BaseLib.h</IncludeHeader>
689 <HelpText/>
690 </LibraryClass>
691 <LibraryClass Name="BaseMemoryLib">
692 <IncludeHeader>Include/Library/BaseMemoryLib.h</IncludeHeader>
693 <HelpText/>
694 </LibraryClass>
695 </LibraryClassDeclarations>
697 =======================================================
698 EDK II Changes Relative to the original EDK:
699 --------------------------------------------
700 The EDK II represents significant changes in the structure of the EDK.
701 Therefore, it is very difficult to isolate all of the changes of this version of
702 the EDK with the original EDK.
704 Of particular note:
706 1) EDK II contains new hardware feature support for the ICH SMBUS Libraries.
707 These libraries are provided to make Memory Reference Code (MRC) development
708 easier.
709 2) The MDE libraries represent significant changes in source
710 (with only limited changes in functionality.) These new libraries conform
711 to the "EDK II Module Development Environment Library Specification.?
712 3) The Fat Binary and the EDK Shell Binary Packages are functionally identical
713 to the original EDK.
714 4) The EDK tools directory has been expanded to include more tools and more
715 tool functionality.
716 5) The EDK NT32 section has been ported to the new build process, but
717 functionally remains the same as the original EDK.
718 6) The Application "HelloWorld" has been ported to EDK II as well.
720 =======================================================
721 Virus scanned by McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0.0, Virus Definitions 4890, no
722 virus detected.
724 vim:tw=78:ts=2:com=fb\:- :ai