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[mirror_edk2.git] / UnitTestFrameworkPkg / ReadMe.md
1 # Unit Test Framework Package
3 ## About
5 This package adds a unit test framework capable of building tests for multiple contexts including
6 the UEFI shell environment and host-based environments. It allows for unit test development to focus
7 on the tests and leave error logging, result formatting, context persistance, and test running to the framework.
8 The unit test framework works well for low level unit tests as well as system level tests and
9 fits easily in automation frameworks.
11 ### UnitTestLib
13 The main "framework" library. The core of the framework is the Framework object, which can have any number
14 of test cases and test suites registered with it. The Framework object is also what drives test execution.
16 The Framework also provides helper macros and functions for checking test conditions and
17 reporting errors. Status and error info will be logged into the test context. There are a number
18 of Assert macros that make the unit test code friendly to view and easy to understand.
20 Finally, the Framework also supports logging strings during the test execution. This data is logged
21 to the test context and will be available in the test reporting phase. This should be used for
22 logging test details and helpful messages to resolve test failures.
24 ### UnitTestPersistenceLib
26 Persistence lib has the main job of saving and restoring test context to a storage medium so that for tests
27 that require exiting the active process and then resuming state can be maintained. This is critical
28 in supporting a system reboot in the middle of a test run.
30 ### UnitTestResultReportLib
32 Library provides function to run at the end of a framework test run and handles formatting the report.
33 This is a common customization point and allows the unit test framework to fit its output reports into
34 other test infrastructure. In this package a simple library instances has been supplied to output test
35 results to the console as plain text.
37 ## Samples
39 There is a sample unit test provided as both an example of how to write a unit test and leverage
40 many of the features of the framework. This sample can be found in the `Test/UnitTest/Sample/SampleUnitTest`
41 directory.
43 The sample is provided in PEI, SMM, DXE, and UEFI App flavors. It also has a flavor for the HOST_APPLICATION
44 build type, which can be run on a host system without needing a target.
46 ## Usage
48 This section is built a lot like a "Getting Started". We'll go through some of the components that are needed
49 when constructing a unit test and some of the decisions that are made by the test writer. We'll also describe
50 how to check for expected conditions in test cases and a bit of the logging characteristics.
52 Most of these examples will refer to the SampleUnitTestUefiShell app found in this package.
54 ### Requirements - INF
56 In our INF file, we'll need to bring in the `UnitTestLib` library. Conveniently, the interface
57 header for the `UnitTestLib` is located in `MdePkg`, so you shouldn't need to depend on any other
58 packages. As long as your DSC file knows where to find the lib implementation that you want to use,
59 you should be good to go.
61 See this example in 'SampleUnitTestApp.inf'...
63 ```
64 [Packages]
65 MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
67 [LibraryClasses]
68 UefiApplicationEntryPoint
69 BaseLib
70 DebugLib
71 UnitTestLib
72 PrintLib
73 ```
75 ### Requirements - Code
77 Not to state the obvious, but let's make sure we have the following include before getting too far along...
79 ```c
80 #include <Library/UnitTestLib.h>
81 ```
83 Now that we've got that squared away, let's look at our 'Main()'' routine (or DriverEntryPoint() or whatever).
85 ### Configuring the Framework
87 Everything in the UnitTestPkg framework is built around an object called -- conveniently -- the Framework.
88 This Framework object will contain all the information about our test, the test suites and test cases associated
89 with it, the current location within the test pass, and any results that have been recorded so far.
91 To get started with a test, we must first create a Framework instance. The function for this is
92 `InitUnitTestFramework`. It takes in `CHAR8` strings for the long name, short name, and test version.
93 The long name and version strings are just for user presentation and relatively flexible. The short name
94 will be used to name any cache files and/or test results, so should be a name that makes sense in that context.
95 These strings are copied internally to the Framework, so using stack-allocated or literal strings is fine.
97 In the 'SampleUnitTestUefiShell' app, the module name is used as the short name, so the init looks like this.
99 ```c
102 //
103 // Start setting up the test framework for running the tests.
104 //
105 Status = InitUnitTestFramework( &Framework, UNIT_TEST_APP_NAME, gEfiCallerBaseName, UNIT_TEST_APP_VERSION );
106 ```
108 The `&Framework` returned here is the handle to the Framework. If it's successfully returned, we can start adding
109 test suites and test cases.
111 Test suites exist purely to help organize test cases and to differentiate the results in reports. If you're writing
112 a small unit test, you can conceivably put all test cases into a single suite. However, if you end up with 20+ test
113 cases, it may be beneficial to organize them according to purpose. You _must_ have at least one test suite, even if
114 it's just a catch-all. The function to create a test suite is `CreateUnitTestSuite`. It takes in a handle to
115 the Framework object, a `CHAR8` string for the suite title and package name, and optional function pointers for
116 a setup function and a teardown function.
118 The suite title is for user presentation. The package name is for xUnit type reporting and uses a '.'-separated
119 hierarchical format (see 'SampleUnitTestApp' for example). If provided, the setup and teardown functions will be
120 called once at the start of the suite (before _any_ tests have run) and once at the end of the suite (after _all_
121 tests have run), respectively. If either or both of these are unneeded, pass `NULL`. The function prototypes are
124 Looking at 'SampleUnitTestUefiShell' app, you can see that the first test suite is created as below...
126 ```c
127 //
128 // Populate the SimpleMathTests Unit Test Suite.
129 //
130 Status = CreateUnitTestSuite( &SimpleMathTests, Fw, "Simple Math Tests", "Sample.Math", NULL, NULL );
131 ```
133 This test suite has no setup or teardown functions. The `&SimpleMathTests` returned here is a handle to the suite and
134 will be used when adding test cases.
136 Great! Now we've finished some of the cruft, red tape, and busy work. We're ready to add some tests. Adding a test
137 to a test suite is accomplished with the -- you guessed it -- `AddTestCase` function. It takes in the suite handle;
138 a `CHAR8` string for the description and class name; a function pointer for the test case itself; additional, optional
139 function pointers for prerequisite check and cleanup routines; and and optional pointer to a context structure.
141 Okay, that's a lot. Let's take it one piece at a time. The description and class name strings are very similar in
142 usage to the suite title and package name strings in the test suites. The former is for user presentation and the
143 latter is for xUnit parsing. The test case function pointer is what is actually executed as the "test" and the
144 prototype should be `UNIT_TEST_FUNCTION`. The last three parameters require a little bit more explaining.
146 The prerequisite check function has a prototype of `UNIT_TEST_PREREQUISITE` and -- if provided -- will be called
147 immediately before the test case. If this function returns any error, the test case will not be run and will be
148 recorded as `UNIT_TEST_ERROR_PREREQUISITE_NOT_MET`. The cleanup function (prototype `UNIT_TEST_CLEANUP`) will be called
149 immediately after the test case to provide an opportunity to reset any global state that may have been changed in the
150 test case. In the event of a prerequisite failure, the cleanup function will also be skipped. If either of these
151 functions is not needed, pass `NULL`.
153 The context pointer is entirely case-specific. It will be passed to the test case upon execution. One of the purposes
154 of the context pointer is to allow test case reuse with different input data. (Another use is for testing that wraps
155 around a system reboot, but that's beyond the scope of this guide.) The test case must know how to interpret the context
156 pointer, so it could be a simple value, or it could be a complex structure. If unneeded, pass `NULL`.
158 In 'SampleUnitTestUefiShell' app, the first test case is added using the code below...
160 ```c
161 AddTestCase( SimpleMathTests, "Adding 1 to 1 should produce 2", "Addition", OnePlusOneShouldEqualTwo, NULL, NULL, NULL );
162 ```
164 This test case calls the function `OnePlusOneShouldEqualTwo` and has no prerequisite, cleanup, or context.
166 Once all the suites and cases are added, it's time to run the Framework.
168 ```c
169 //
170 // Execute the tests.
171 //
172 Status = RunAllTestSuites( Framework );
173 ```
175 ### A Simple Test Case
177 We'll take a look at the below test case from 'SampleUnitTestApp'...
179 ```c
182 OnePlusOneShouldEqualTwo (
185 )
186 {
187 UINTN A, B, C;
189 A = 1;
190 B = 1;
191 C = A + B;
194 return UNIT_TEST_PASSED;
195 } // OnePlusOneShouldEqualTwo()
196 ```
198 The prototype for this function matches the `UNIT_TEST_FUNCTION` prototype. It takes in a handle to the Framework
199 itself and the context pointer. The context pointer could be cast and interpreted as anything within this test case,
200 which is why it's important to configure contexts carefully. The test case returns a value of `UNIT_TEST_STATUS`, which
201 will be recorded in the Framework and reported at the end of all suites.
203 In this test case, the `UT_ASSERT_EQUAL` assertion is being used to establish that the business logic has functioned
204 correctly. There are several assertion macros, and you are encouraged to use one that matches as closely to your
205 intended test criterium as possible, because the logging is specific to the macro and more specific macros have more
206 detailed logs. When in doubt, there are always `UT_ASSERT_TRUE` and `UT_ASSERT_FALSE`. Assertion macros that fail their
207 test criterium will immediately return from the test case with `UNIT_TEST_ERROR_TEST_FAILED` and log an error string.
208 _Note_ that this early return can have implications for memory leakage.
210 At the end, if all test criteria pass, you should return `UNIT_TEST_PASSED`.
212 ### More Complex Cases
214 To write more advanced tests, first take a look at all the Assertion and Logging macros provided in the framework.
216 Beyond that, if you're writing host-based tests and want to take a dependency on the UnitTestFrameworkPkg, you can
217 leverage the `cmocka.h` interface and write tests with all the features of the Cmocka framework.
219 Documentation for Cmocka can be found here:
220 https://api.cmocka.org/
222 ## Development
224 When using the EDK2 Pytools for CI testing, the host-based unit tests will be built and run on any build that includes the `NOOPT` build target.
226 If you are trying to iterate on a single test, a convenient pattern is to build only that test module. For example, the following command will build only the SafeIntLib host-based test from the MdePkg...
228 ```bash
229 stuart_ci_build -c .pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2017 -p MdePkg -t NOOPT BUILDMODULE=MdePkg/Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/TestBaseSafeIntLib.inf
230 ```
232 ## Known Limitations
234 ### PEI, DXE, SMM
236 While sample tests have been provided for these execution environments, only cursory build validation
237 has been performed. Care has been taken while designing the frameworks to allow for execution during
238 boot phases, but only UEFI Shell and host-based tests have been thoroughly evaluated. Full support for
239 PEI, DXE, and SMM is forthcoming, but should be considered beta/staging for now.
241 ### Host-Based Support vs Other Tests
243 The host-based test framework is powered internally by the Cmocka framework. As such, it has abilities
244 that the target-based tests don't (yet). It would be awesome if this meant that it was a super set of
245 the target-based tests, and it worked just like the target-based tests but with more features. Unfortunately,
246 this is not the case. While care has been taken to keep them as close a possible, there are a few known
247 inconsistencies that we're still ironing out. For example, the logging messages in the target-based tests
248 are cached internally and associated with the running test case. They can be saved later as part of the
249 reporting lib. This isn't currently possible with host-based. Only the assertion failures are logged.
251 We will continue trying to make these as similar as possible.
253 ## Copyright
255 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
256 SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent